Nancy Pelosi, Is This The Face They Want
Aug 27, 2006 Political
Nancy Pelosi is the House Minority Leader and if the Democrats win back the House this November she is certain to become the Speaker of the House. Is this the person that the Democrats have put out as the face of their party and is this the person America wants in the lead? In a recent interview Pelosi gives some interesting insight into the obstructionist ways of the Democratic party, and obstruction largely orchestrated by Pelosi.
Pelosi has demanded that the Democrats toe the line she has drawn and she holds grudges against those who do not do her bidding. She remarked, “Anybody who’s ever dealt with me knows not to mess with me.” I don’t know how she could be such an imposing figure but evidently there are few Democrats willing to get out of her kool-aid line. For a long time now she has told her party to oppose everything that George Bush does and that they had a better plan yet when asked when that plan would be made public her answer was, “Never. Is never good enough for you?”
She took a strong stand against Social Security reform and if you read the article she gives the impression that she knows SS is in trouble but intimates that if the Democrats tell the seniors there is no problem and that the government’s measly retirement plan is better, they will win the battle against reform and deal Bush a blow. Why should Pelosi worry? She is rich and will never have to worry about deciding between food and medication. Her desire to deal Bush defeat has overridden the reason she was sent to Congress and that is to represent the people.
This is a telling article and demonstrates how far the left will go to defeat Bush and the Republicans. They are manipulating events, like the William Jefferson corruption, to make the public believe that corruption is a Republican only problem. They are ignoring the trouble we face with Social Security and placing the financial solvency of that program at risk to advance a political agenda, and they are constantly portraying the war on terror in Iraq as “Bush’s War.” You read that correctly, the Democratic platform appears to be to distance themselves from a war they voted to undertake. In the local political ads I have heard here in Maryland every Democrat calls the war “Bush’s War.”
The article goes on to discuss that Pelosi sticks to the agreed upon talking points in order to keep hammering away at the opposition. This is part of politics but people need to ask themselves if the message is not true or is based upon deception, what exactly does that say about the party taking part in it? The Democrats are weak on national security and are only concerned about attaining power so they can push forward an agenda of socializing this country. Pelosi is one of the far left Democrats and there are a few from her own party that think she is too far left but they are squashed by her power at every turn.
Pelosi is a 66 year old grandmother who lives in liberal San Francisco. She comes from a liberal political family that started in Maryland. I do not know why people are afraid of her but if I were a Democrat I would not cower to this half pint mental midget. Of course, that is a nightmare scenario because I will never be a part of her party. Pelosi needs to have a foot placed swiftly in her hind quarters to bring her back to reality. She was elected by the people of her district to represent them. She is not the supreme ruler of the country and she needs to get back to Earth. She needs to be reminded that she works for the people, not the other way around.
One day in the future, the workers of America are going to be asked to pay more and more in taxes to fund Social Security and other give away items. Trillions of dollars have already been lost because of the delay in privatization. When the time comes that people are tired of being taxed to death and tired of being forced to lived under government suppression and tyranny, this country will have another armed revolution. It might not be in my lifetime but sometime in the future this government will be overthrown because of its excesses. When that day comes, much like the Roman Empire, America will cease to be and a new civilization will emerge.
We can avoid this by enforcing term limits and replacing EVERY member of Congress on a regular basis. We can also avoid it by forcing our elected leaders to work FOR us, not the other way around. We also would do well to getting back to the Constitution and stop playing games with the organizations and members of Congress who are hell bent on destroying this country.
As for Pelosi, I guess I have crossed your path. All I can say is BRING IT ON granny. This Dog will take a bite out of your ass that you will not soon forget.
Tags: Commentary, Political
One Year Anniversary Of Katrina
Aug 24, 2006 Uncategorized
The one year anniversary of hurricane Katrina has passed with little fanfare. If ever an event defined the failure of liberalism this would be it. Even though Mississippi was hit harder they were not in the news and people were not hanging around waiting for the storm.
If you want to know what liberalism does to people just look back at the pictures of the people after the event. There were people standing on bridges, standing in water and just standing around in general. They made no attempt to go anywhere. They stood there looking around as if they expected the government to show up and carry them away because they did expect the government to come pick them up and carry them away! They lacked the initiative to do something for themselves. This is because the government has done so much for them they do not know how to do for themselves.
It is an unfortunate (or inconvenient) truth but it is the truth nonetheless. The welfare state has produced a segment of society where people are unable to do for themselves and they expect the government to do everything for them. When this happens you end up with the aftermath of Katrina.
Wide Awakes Radio | Release the Hounds
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Liberals Do Not Understand Terrorism
Aug 20, 2006 Uncategorized
The liberals are all geared up for the upcoming elections. To be sure they will discuss Plame, Katrina, and Iraq. These are losing propositions for them but they look at them as defining moments. Plame is a non issue because no one was indicted for “outing” her, Katrina was a failure of state and local government both of which are controlled by Democrats, and the war on Terror in Iraq is a necessary evil, even with the setbacks.
I have read liberal blogs and some of the liberals have been kind enough to leave comments here at my site. I see a continual theme about terrorism and the war in Iraq. They constantly say there are more terrorists than when we started and that the war has only incited the Muslims allowing them to sign up more radicals for the cause. This might be true with regard to the younger members but there are really no more terrorists than there always were, we can just see them now because they are coming out in the open. If anything incites Islamofascists to become terrorists it is the perception that the enemy is weak. Look at how Hezbollah has used that perception to claim victory throughout the Muslim world. There will be more violence as a result of that perception of weakness.
There has been terrorism and acts of terror against this country for a long time. A lot of it on the watch of Democratic Presidents and yet we never hear the claims that they knew about or assisted in the attacks. We have never heard anyone claim that Bill Clinton had anything to do with the first attack on the WTC. The problem with liberals is they fail to recognize the threat as it exists and they fail to understand the appropriate course of action. To them, terrorism is an offense that requires criminal investigation and acts by law enforcement. Their idea of meeting the enemy is to appease the enemy or to cut and run. The fact that we did not stay in Somalia and exact revenge on the people who killed our soldiers is what emboldened Osama bin Laden. We cut and ran and he said it made us cowards.
The various acts of terror over the years have been handled quite differently. Carter crawled up in a fetal position while Americans were held captive in Iran. The failed rescue attempt showed an unprepared military demoralized by the reactions of the left to our efforts in Vietnam. Reagan bombed Libya for its terrorist acts and we never heard another word from Qadaffy. The enemy likes it when Democrats are in office because they get away with more. It is no coincidence that Iran released our hostages when Reagan took the oath of office. Iran knew there was a new sheriff in town.
Clinton ignored acts of terror or treated them like ordinary crimes. His responses to the Khobar Tower bombings, the first WTC, and the USS Cole garnered little more than a Cruise missile launched into some barren area of the desert. When 18 Soldiers were killed in Somalia Clinton pulled all our troops out (pulling out is what he does best) and that allowed the enemy to become emboldened. They saw us as a paper tiger that would cut and run when we had a few people killed. Clinton gave us 9/11.
The war in Iraq has had setbacks but has been largely successful. People can comment on the Mission Accomplished banner, one I understand was there to indicate the Carrier Group had accomplished its mission, and say we have not accomplished the mission but when Bush said major combat operations were over, he was correct. We are not still running balls to the walls with armor all over killing large pockets of enemy soldiers. We are now dealing with terrorists from other countries, terrorists that have always been there, who are crawling out from under their rocks to fight America. Iraq is a great big piece of fly paper and we are trapping the flies in it every day so that we do not need to fight them here.
What will it take before the American left understands that we are in a cultural clash with an ideology that wants to convert or kill us? We have had no attacks on this country since 9/11. There have been plenty of plots broken up here and around the world but these are plots that the enemy is using to move to the next level in response to our ability to weed them out and kill them. We are killing them off so they are upping the ante. The question is, do we have the intestinal fortitude to step up as well? Or, as the liberals would have it, will we cut and run and embolden them on a level that far surpasses the boost they received when Israel acquiesced and allowed the appease fire?
We are in a fight that will take years. Of course it is more difficult for us than the enemy. They have no second thoughts about killing innocent civilians or using babes as bombs to kill as many people as possible. We go out of our way to minimize collateral damage. The war would be a lot easier if we killed every living being in an area in order to get the small number of terrorists among them. That is not an option for us and yet the left still accuses us of the murders and blames us for what is going on.
We do not expect everyone to be on board with the war. There are people like Carter and Clinton who do not understand it and frankly have no stomach for it. That is all well and good (except one would expect a President to have the stomach to do hard things) but we ask that they at least stay the hell out of the way and let those of us with the desire to protect our country and its interests do the job right so that our children will have a safer world in which to live. President Bush took the fight to the enemy and we need to keep pressure on that enemy in order to reduce it to an impotent entity. It sure would be a lot easier fighting them if we did not have to fight the moonbats as well.
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Why Leave The Desert For A Beach?
Aug 4, 2006 Uncategorized
From Breitbart:
Hotels at an Italian seaside resort are eager to act on the town’s decision to authorize the creation of all-female beach sections for Muslim women, with at least one hotel owner saying Friday that plans are already under way to open the first of such secluded areas next month.
The city council of Riccione, a popular resort on Italy’s Adriatic coast about 90 miles east of Florence, has said it is prepared to authorize requests to set up partitions on parts of the shoreline to satisfy requests from the town’s growing numbers of Arab and Muslim tourists.
“They can have anything they want, but they can’t go to the beach, at least not without all those heavy clothes,” Attilio Cenni, owner of the upscale Grand Hotel des Bains, said of his female Muslim guests.
Cenni said he plans to open the first secluded section starting in September on a stretch of shoreline of about 1,000 square meters (10,000 square feet) and to expand further next season across the more isolated beaches on Riccione’s outskirts.
Why would these women want to go to a beach full of sand after they left a country that was nothing but sand? I guess this secluded area is supposed to allow them to take off all the heavy clothing so they can enjoy the beach and the water. I would hope that they can take off their clothing. What sense would it make to go to a beach with all your clothes on?
This is another example of places bending over backwards to accommodate Muslims. Now if that is what they want to do to encourage their patronage it is fine. That is what business is all about. What will they think of next, a Muslim Fun Day at a theme park?
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Do They Really Want Lasting Peace?
Aug 4, 2006 Uncategorized
A group of leaders from countries with Muslim majorities met to consider the war between Israel and Hezbollah. As expected, they demanded an immediate cease fire and an investigation into the atrocities committed by Israel. They, of course, ignored the real atrocities committed by the terror group Hezbollah with its deliberate targeting of civilian populations. The Muslims remind me of the Democrats in that something is only wrong when the other guy is doing it, not when you are. Except of course, Israel is not deliberately targeting civilians but rather Hezbollah is using them as human shields, a common practice among the cowards in the region. At the meeting this statement was made:
Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz said hostilities must be halted “before the spiraling violence engulfs the entire region and kills the hope for a durable and just peace in the Middle East.”
There have been countless meetings to decide on a durable and just peace. Usually, someone from the Muslim world does something to derail the process. Whether it is a suicide bomber killing Jews, Arafat rejecting peace, or terrorist organizations kidnapping and killing soldiers, something always happens. The fact is, a lot of these guys do not want peace until Israel no longer exists. I think however, that any hope of a durable and lasting peace was dashed when this statement was made by Iranian President, Aman for jihad:
“Although the main solution is for the elimination of the Zionist regime, at this stage an immediate ceasefire must be implemented,” Ahmadinejad said, according to Iranian television.
To this nut the only way to solve the problem is to eliminate Israel. Any word on condemnation of that statement coming from this meeting? Of course not! All these whack jobs would love nothing more than to eliminate Israel. The only reason they want a cease fire is that Israel is waxing their asses in this fight. The cease fire would be nothing more than a chance for Hezbollah to rearm and resupply. Since they think that the solution is to eliminate Israel and hardly anyone criticizes that position (any MSM in America condemn it) then people should see nothing wrong in the Israeli plan to solve the problem and that is to eliminate Hezbollah.
The Hezbollah leader indicated he was willing to stop shooting rockets if Israel stopped bombing. This means that Israel is having a great effect on his people and their weapons. He is worried that there will be nothing left and if Israel does it right, Allah willing, there will not be. Israel needs to keep pounding Hezbollah until they are rendered impotent and unable to wage war. Then they need to pound them some more so they can not rebuild. This should serve as a lesson. If the Muslim countries want peace and do not want to be hurt, leave Israel alone.
Yahoo News
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