Quirky Katie Violates Law, Holds Up Flight
Jul 30, 2006 Uncategorized
Katie Couric was in her seat aboard a plane that had closed its door and was ready to taxi out. She unfastened her seat belt and ran up the aisle with her cell phone in her hand. She told the flight attendant that she needed to talk to the pilot. Stop the presses:
If this had been you or I, at this point, would have been told to get back into our seats and if we failed to comply, we would have been taken off the plane and subject to arrest for our acts. Instead, Quirky Katie got to speak to the pilot, in fact she was allowed in the cockpit!
The witness told Page Six that attendants on Wednesday’s 6:30 p.m. Delta Shuttle flight out of Washington, D.C., had already closed the door and passengers were buckled in, when the soon-to-be CBS News anchor raced up the aisle with a cellphone to her ear and told an attendant she had to speak to the pilot right away. Couric was then allowed into the cockpit and convinced the pilot to delay the flight and reopen the door for her producer, Nicola Hewitt.
Quirky was allowed to break the FAA rules a number of times. First of all, when the doors to an aircraft have been closed all passengers MUST turn off their cell phones. Second, when the fasten seat belt sign is on, you are not allowed to get up. And most importantly, the sign on the cockpit door that reads “Authorized Personnel Only” does not include Couric. If any unknown person rush a flight attendant and demanded to talk to the pilot I doubt that the individual would get into the cockpit. It is more likely that person would end up in handcuffs getting questioned by people who try to take airline security seriously.
Instead, Couric got her way. SeeBS did put a spin on the incident. Because Quirky broke the law some other person who was running late was able to board as well. I have flown a lot in the past few years and the airlines are not accommodating to the average traveler when it comes to running late. If you are held up at security they try to get you through but they will not hold a flight up for you. If you are on the plane and you are using your cell phone after the doors are closed you are told to turn it off. If you get up and ask to speak to the pilot you will be in jail and if you ask that they wait for a late friend you will not get the response Couric did.
I imagine if Quirky were on a flight and someone else tried to hold it up for a friend she would be the first one to complain. But, being the liberal elitist that she is, the same rules do not apply to her as they do to you and me.
New York Post
BTW, Delta Airlines says that no rules were broken to accommodate Quirky so if you ever find yourself in a similar situation, try pulling a Katie on them and see if they accommodate you as well as they did her.
Delta spokesman Anthony Black said Couric got no special treatment. “The airlines get unusual situations that happen every day, and the crew is trained to make decisions on a case-by-case basis,” he said.
Case-by-case means if you are a famous person then you get your way. Perhaps Mo’Nique should consider flying Delta.
Tags: Commentary
The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Jul 29, 2006 Uncategorized
The AP is reporting that a man walked into the Jewish Federation’s offices in Seattle Washington and shot six people killing one of them. The assailant’s name is Naveed Afzal Haq. In case you can not tell from his name and since the MSM hardly ever points it out when Muslims commit crimes or plot terror, let me make it clear that this jackass is a MUSLIM. You know the type? Member of the Religion of Peace, tolerant group that believes in live and let live, blah, blah, blah.
Let us clear a few things up. After 9/11 when Islamic terrorists attacked us there were acts of violence directed against Muslims here in America. Those attacks were wrong and people were punished. We also know about them because the MSM was out in force telling us about all the racist Americans who were harassing those members of the religion of peace. Since that time Muslim after Muslim has been arrested either committing violence or trying to commit violence but the MSM is reluctant to characterize their backgrounds. When a bunch of Mohammads were arrested in Canada, all with obviously Muslim names, the MSM would not call them an Islamic terror cell. This latest attack in Seattle had a man saying he was a Muslim who did not like what Israel was doing. When asked if he was a Muslim the veiled answer was that you could characterize him that way.
CAIR is an Islamic supporter of terror that has one goal and that is Islamic infestation in the world. They want to make the entire world convert to Islam. They have the same tactic as the ACLU. The only difference between the two organizations is the goal of the ACLU is Communism and the goal of CAIR is conversion to Islam. CAIR will never say a bad thing about a Muslim that commits a crime. They have been the first to call for denouncements of PERCEIVED acts of hostility against the Muslim community. Whether it is an allegation against a service member or some complaint about person shooting a Koran, CAIR is there to ask that these be investigated. When Muslims commit atrocities and other crimes they are silent. They said not a word when our two soldiers were murdered in Iraq and I am willing to bet they will say little, if anything at all, about this shooting.
Despite the anti Israeli sentiment throughout the world, Jews are not out killing and plotting terror in the world. They are engaged in battle against people who attacked their homeland but you do not read about a terror cell of Jews plotting to blow up buildings. You do not read about Jews walking into Muslim centers and killing Muslims and we do not read or hear about Jews strapping bombs on their bodies and killing innocent people. Believe me, if it were happening the MSM would have it as front page story. The MSM and the UN would never excuse this behavior from the Jews. They only do that for the Muslims, the followers of that so-called religion of peace.
The world needs to realize that the war on terror is a war in Islam. They are not peaceful. You can not get one of them, including people like the Iraqi PM to denounce terror unless they are “victims” of the terror. Muslims will never agree that Jews have a right to live and should be left alone. The religion of peace is nothing more than a front for the worlds largest terror organization and the quicker we realize that the quicker we can get on with eradicating this vermin.
BTW, If this guy who shot the Jews in Seattle is found guilty he should get the death penalty and be hanged in the middle of the town so every member of the ROP can see what happens to them when they commit crimes. If the liberal weenies in Seattle are unwilling to kill him then he needs to be sentenced to life at Gitmo.
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler | And Rightly So | Michelle Malkin | Right on the Right Stop the ACLU | Webloggin
Tags: Commentary, Terrorism
How Much Land Will Israel Have To Give Up?
Jul 29, 2006 Uncategorized
Since it was established in 1948 Israel has been a country with a huge red target on it. It has had very few friends around the world and absolutely no friends in the Middle East. It is surrounded by countries that would love nothing more than to see it disappear. Over all these years many of those countries have been involved in the build-up of their military strength and at times have attacked Israel. Israel wins these mini-wars and in the process obtains more land. This infuriates the Arab world because they have lost face in their part of the world. So, what they do is start little battles or launch rockets or kidnap soldiers and then negotiate. These negotiations, always done under the guise of peace, involve Israel giving back some of the land that it conquered in war.
The Israelis have given up the Golan Heights and the Gaza Strip in order to allow the Arabs who believe they have a legal claim to the areas to move back in. All of these deals were based on a lasting peace in the region. Unfortunately, the UN has never backed Israel in any of these deals and therefore has been unwilling to enforce any resolutions that are passed. It seems that every time there is a skirmish, Israel is told they must leave some other land the Arabs claim is occupied. Since none of the Arab world believe that Israel deserves the land it is on, it would appear that they continue to attack in order to get the UN to keep cutting off another piece of land to appease the Arabs and squeeze the Israelis. Any group the UN sends in to keep the peace fails miserably because they are usually watching and helping the Arabs build up arms.
Case in point, recently the Iranian President, Amannamed-jihad, said that he wanted Israel wiped off the map and that if the West believed that Israel was entitled to property it should be given property in some other region of the world like Europe. The Israelis have given up land and the UN observers sat idly by while Hezbollah built up arms and dug in for war. The entire plan, which quickly unraveled, was for Hezbollah to kidnap soldiers and then, after a minor Israeli response, negotiate for the release of prisoners and, if you want lasting peace, the land that is in dispute. Hamas is in a similar position. They will probably negotiate for land that is also in dispute. You see, every time Israel is attacked the Arabs lay claim to more land and say “If we could only get this land back we would be peaceful.” Then they break their word and attack again and the cycle starts over.
How much is Israel going to have to give up to live in peace? This time I think they have had enough and they intend to wipe out Hezbollah or render them useless before they stop fighting. Who can blame them. The acts of aggression are initiated on the Arab side of the border. They do not live in peace and they want Israel gone. With their accomplices in the anti Semitic UN, they have quite a bit of clout to use. I think however, we are going to find that Israel is not going to play by the UN’s rules this time. They have already indicated they will not relinquish to a UN peacekeeping force. They have indicated that it must be a force capable of fighting and keeping the peace.
I predicted that there would be trouble with the Palestinians when Israel gave up Gaza. This came to pass but I think the Palestinians saw Israel’s harsh response to Hezbollah and do not want their country to look like Lebanon so they are now trying to negotiate. I said at that time that if the Arabs get unruly or break their word then Israel should wipe them out and be done with it. If Hamas and Hezbollah are not reduced to dust they will grow back like a cancer, even stronger and even more deadly. Anything short of a complete rout will be viewed in the Arab world as a victory against Israel and will incite more attacks against that nation.
Like a Gamma knife on a tumor, Israel must remove this malignancy completely even if it means excising some of the good tissue around it in order to obtain lasting peace. We have played this game for way too long and it is time for Israel to be left alone by the Jew hating UN. In addition, Israel should not give up one more inch of property.
Tags: Commentary
Katrina Rears Its Ugly Head Again
Jul 27, 2006 Uncategorized
I was listening to the radio earlier today and the talk show was discussing Michael Steele and his recent remarks. I might address that issue at a later date. During the show, a liberal host (who was paired with a conservative) said that he thought that Steele was having a hard time figuring if he wanted to be a Republican or a Democrat. He then said something about the terrible response to Katrina. A caller also said that the Katrina response was terrible, like Steele said, and that the issue would be raised during the campaign. What Steele said was the government response to Katrina was not good. I think he meant all government but you would not know that by the way the left portrays it. I am going to try and make this easy.
Suppose you live in a community that has a hospital, a 9/11 center and an emergency ambulance. Now, during an emergency the call comes into the 9/11 center and they dispatch the ambulance. The hospital monitors the dispatch and prepares to receive victims. The hospital does not pack its stuff and head right out to the emergency area. Most major hospitals, however, have a go team that can deploy to the scene if more advanced medical care is needed but they do not go unless called. In the event that a triage and treatment is needed it is possible for that to happen especially in the event of chemical and biological exposure where decon is needed. Everyone has a role. If the dispatch center does not sent out the right level of care or if they wait to dispatch, things go bad. If the EMS crew is not trained or does not provide adequate care or if they are unfamiliar with the route to the scene then things can go bad. If the hospital is unprepared to receive and treat the patient and provide instructions to the field, things can go bad.
Now, FEMA is the hospital, Governor Blanco is the 9/11 Center, and Ray Nagin is the Emergency Medical Services. The 9/11 center (Blanco) failed to properly dispatch the appropriate items needed for emergency and did not maintain control of the situation. The EMS (Nagin) had no idea what the proper route was and did not understand the scope of the emergency. This was, in part, because the 9/11 center was falling apart. The hospital (FEMA) had go teams ready but they take time to deploy so they wanted a lot of advance notice. That notice did not come until the 9/11 center and the EMS had collapsed. The hospital is not a first responder. It is a follow on asset that provides from a fixed location (or a location that they move to and set up a fixed shop).
Now, the liberals can bring up Katrina and they can claim it was based on racism. I do not agree and I am going to let everyone in on a secret: NOT EVERYTHING THAT INVOLVES BAD THINGS HAPPENING TO BLACK PEOPLE (OR OTHER MINORITIES) IS RACISM. I know that is a hard thing to be told. It is like finding out that Santa Claus does not exist but I thought you were all old enough to know this. It is not racism when a black woman hits a white cop, it is not racism when an unruly black star on an airplane is removed, and it is not racism when the federal government can not be a first responder to a natural (or any other ) disaster. It is also not racism when a higher percentage of white people die in that incident.
So I would hope that the moonbats would refrain from using this episode to attack the right. It might backfire when they have all the BS pointed out to them. Imagine counter commercials showing Blanco crying and Nagin acting a fool. It would show that the place did not have real leaders and that those non-leaders were DEMOCRATS.
I really hope this clears things up and we can move on. I bet not, given that moonbats will say and do anything to get elected, we know they will be slinging the Katrina mud.
Tags: Commentary
Newspapers Do Not Live Up To What They Expect
Jul 25, 2006 Uncategorized
I know that syndicated columnists do not work for particular newspapers but that does not mean they do not have the right to say what they want in their columns. Unfortunately, newspapers that cry about freedom of the press and the right to free speech often limit that for those with whom they disagree. Case in point, Ann Coulter:
The latest installments in the magazine’s jihad against Coulter includes a story that Georgia’s Augusta Chronicle has become the second newspaper to drop Coulter’s nationally syndicated column. The magazine said Coulter’s “stridency” has crossed the line. NewsMax email
Now I can understand that some people are upset with what Coulter wrote and said but does that mean she did not have the right to say it? Newspapers do not drop their reporters who write inflammatory items. There was a reporter that wrote a vile piece about not supporting the troops, and reporters regularly write terrible things about President Bush. If every reporter that wrote something bad about President Bush were fired, there would not be enough of them left to put out a newsletter. Yet, they continue to write and they are defended by the papers because they have a First Amendment right.
Ann Coulter has that same right. Papers have a right to drop columns but they should have a reason better than what was written upset them or their readers. If Coulter told lies or wrote deliberately deceitful stuff then they would have a case but because she called a few yentas names, she has her column dropped. Interestingly, the same groups of people in the media that defend the New York Times’ right to disclose national secrets deny Coulter the right to speak her mind. The columns are, after all, OPINION pieces.
The most recent paper to drop her column claims to be a conservative newspaper. Perhaps the conservative readers of that paper should consider buying another publication. In other words, drop them for dropping the column. I will admit that I read Coulter on the web so it will not affect me (that and I do not live in Georgia) but that does not mean that people can not express their opinion with their wallets. Stop buying the paper.
It seems to me that with the large numbers of papers losing money and readers that they would be doing anything to keep writers who draw readers. Controversial or not, Coulter draws a crowd.
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