Social Engineering And A Waste Of Taxpayer Money

This video from 2009 involves members of Congress and the regime discussing the economic recovery plan (the stimulus) and how it should be spent. The video has comments inserted which are appropriate and worthy of discussion.

Notice how these folks are discussing how to spend our money and that the concern is that skilled white construction workers will get the jobs building bridges. The discussion is how to ensure people who might not have any skills get some of the recovery money. A video comment asks why don’t we hire the best people to build the bridge regardless of what color they are?

And excellent point except the stimulus money was not designed to stimulate the economy, it was designed to pay off political friends and to engage in social welfare. These people don’t care if bridges actually get built (have any been built) and they don’t care that bridges which might get built are built by people who are less skilled or unskilled so long as the money goes to minorities and other “disadvantaged” people.

Charlie Rangel starts discussing the flow of money and how the federal government is impeded by the pesky state legislatures. He says they need to come up with some method to bypass all that and force the states to take the money. This is how states get federal money with all kinds of strings attached. Robert Reich then says that it needs to be presented to governors and they can either sign or not but to hold them accountable.

In the end, Rangle assures everyone they will not have to worry about the middle class objecting because they will be too worried about putting food on the table and clothing their children.

In other words, don’t be concerned about the middle class. They will be too busy working to make ends meet to notice the social engineering taking place at the federal level with their hard earned money.

I guess Rangel was wrong. Looks like a lot of the middle class did pay attention and showed that in the 2010 election.

This is the goal of Democrats and particularly this regime. They want to redistribute wealth and they want to spend money on social programs under the guise of stimulating the economy.

Our families will have to drive over the bridges built by the least skilled workers.

Well, that sort of makes sense. This country (and by extension our families) is being led by the least skilled among us…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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I Knew Obama Would Not Let Me Down

It took about 2 months but Obama finally did what I knew he wanted to do all along. He finally started a discussion about more gun control in this country. I had figured he would start that dialog right after the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords but he waited. He did not want to let a crisis go to waste but he did not want to appear as if he was anxious to capitalize on the tragedy, which he certainly was.

Obama tells a whopper right off the bat when he claims that there was not a lot of finger pointing after the incident. This is revisionist history. In fewer than 2 hours after the shooting the left was blaming everyone it could think of. Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, talk radio, the Tea Party, you name it. The only person the left did not blame was the criminal who pulled the trigger. From all accounts, he was a left wing nut job…

I also think his numbers on children killed are way off but the truth is not his strong point.

Barack Obama wants common sense rules and thinks we should be doing a little more. He thinks it is awful that a nut like the Giffords shooter was able to get a gun. We need to do more, he says, to keep people who should not have guns from getting them. Everyone would agree with common sense rules, right?

We have 20,000 different gun laws on the books. We have states that violate the Second Amendment and this guy wants to make it tougher.

You see, the gun laws we have now were not the problem with regard to the Giffords shooting. The lack of law enforcement doing its job was the problem. The DEMOCRAT sheriff and his department had reports about the shooter and had dealings with him on a number of occasions. But since his mother worked for the local government he was left alone. Even though he frightened people at college and was not allowed back until he was evaluated, the DEMOCRAT sheriff did not do his job.

If the shooter had been picked up and held for a psychological evaluation then he could have been reported as a mental health concern and would not have been allowed to buy a gun. Let us not brush aside the fact that he bought his weapon legally because he was never picked up by the police.

All the laws in the world will not prevent this from happening if the DEMOCRAT sheriff refuses to enforce them.


Ever notice how easy it is for a person (like Obama) who has thousands of armed people around him at all times to discuss how we need to have common sense rules to own or carry weapons?

I do not agree with his plan. Make all 50 states SHALL issue states and allow all law abiding citizens who want to carry guns to do so.

Keep criminals in jail, send the illegals back home and prevent those with mental illness from buying weapons. But do not impose stupidity on the rest of us because some mental case was ignored by the DEMOCRAT sheriff.

It was a tagedy Barack but the gun did not cause it. The moron who pulled the trigger did and he was enabled by the moron DEMOCRAT sheriff who was derelict in his duties.

Brutally Honest
Yahoo News

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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It Would Certainly Be Easier On Us

According to The Weekly Standard; “Mr. Obama has told people that it would be so much easier to be the president of China. As one official put it, ‘No one is scrutinizing Hu Jintao’s words in Tahrir Square.’”

Well certainly it would be easier for Obama. He wants to be a dictator and he would love to be able to say it and have it happen. He would love to be able to quash an uprising like say, those pesky Tea Party folks. He would love to be a part of the ruling elite that steps on the throats of those who are not on board with his agenda. As Bill Kristol put it in the article:

Mr. Obama is right.

If you’re president of China, people around the world who are fighting for freedom don’t really expect you to help. If you’re president of China, you don’t have to put up with annoying off-year congressional elections, and then negotiate your budget with a bunch of gun-and-religion-clinging congressmen and senators. If you’re president of China, you can fund your national public radio to your heart’s content. And if you’re president of China, when you host a conference on bullying in schools, people take you seriously.

I imagine that being the president of any country is a pretty hard job though the way some countries are run it is easier. I imagine for Obama it would be easier to be the president of a Communist country because he has sympathies toward that ideology.

One thing I am absolutely certain of is that it would be easier on the US if Mr. Obama was the president of China.

And if we keep going the way we are he might just get his wish…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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What Does Obama Know That We Don’t?

The United States is in debt to the Chinese. Their president came to DC for a meeting with Barack Obama and he threw a state dinner for him. Obama had to do it because this guy is our landlord. He came to check on his holdings and the serfs attended to his needs.

Looks like Obama is raising his children to live under Chinese Communist rule (and the way we are going, they will probably rule us someday) as he had one of his daughters out there waving a Chinese Flag to honor Hu Jintao. Obama’s daughter Sasha is also learning the Chinese language (we have to have a ruling class even under Chinese rule) and she wanted to practice it by speaking to our landlord.

Sasha attended Hu’s welcoming ceremony on the White House lawn on Wednesday morning with friends and could be seen waving a Chinese flag excitedly as her father and Hu walked around the grounds.

The two presidents paused to visit when they reached the nine-year-old and her friends behind the rope line.

“Not every (child) has the opportunity to try out their first phrases of Chinese with the president of China, but she had that chance,” Rhodes said.

He said the anecdote illustrated Americans’ desire to get to know China better with more people studying the country and doing business there. al-Reuters via Yahoo

The last paragraph is misleading. What this really says is that Obama and his Democrats are selling us down the river to the Chinese with their out of control spending and that he is raising his daughter to be a ruler for the Chinese here in America.

I still believe that Spanish would be the best second language to learn because the way our government is handling the immigration crisis that is the only language that will be spoken here.

But I guess it is important to have a ruling elite who can communicate with our landlords…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Obamacare Gets Ringing Communist Endorsement

Fidel Castro of Cuba has hailed the Obama takeover of health care as a great thing. Castro, the Communist who led Cuba for decades, is happy that the US has finally done what it took Cuba only 50 years to do.

Unfortunately, we will have the same outcome. Cuba’s economy is in the dumper as people cannot get food, and other basic needs items. Health care, despite Michael Moore’s claims, is not that good there. Castro had doctors from other countries flown in when he needed expert care. In this country, the elites will get the best as well while the serfs are relegated to substandard, rationed care.

Interestingly, Obama and his Democrats have declared that the health care takeover will decrease the deficit. They touted CBO numbers (even though the CBO can only score what it is given) as proof positive they were heading in the right direction.

That very same CBO has predicted that Obama’s 2011 budget will cost 1.2 TRILLION dollars more than Obama had predicted and will have our debt at 90% of GDP by the year 2020. If Obamacare saves us money how can our debt go up?

President Obama’s fiscal 2011 budget will generate nearly $10 trillion in cumulative budget deficits over the next 10 years, $1.2 trillion more than the administration projected, and raise the federal debt to 90 percent of the nation’s economic output by 2020, the Congressional Budget Office reported Thursday. Washington Times

As anyone knows, it does not matter how much you claim to save if you spend more than you actually save.

And if Obama was 1.2 TRILLION dollars off on his budget what confidence are we to have that he is not off on how much health care will cost?

Ed Schultz told his listeners “he believes the next “socialist” takeover by the government should be on all the radio airwaves.” [emphasis mine]

Next, as in after health care…

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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