China Forecloses On DC

China is holding trillions of dollars of US debt and the prospect of getting paid is extremely bleak so China has decided to foreclose on Washington DC.

On September 20th the Communist Flag of China will be raised at the White House as that nation takes possession of the presidential residence. The joy felt throughout China is best expressed in the following statement:

“It was always my dream to raise a Chinese flag in the center of Washington, D.C.,” Chen Ronghua, chief of the U.S.-Fujian Association, told the newspaper. “This year, my motherland’s 60th birthday, is the perfect time for it.” World Net Daily

In addition to the White House, China will take possession of the presidential retreat at Camp David, the Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, the Capitol and the Treasury Building.

China was unsure about taking the Capitol but figured since it already owned most members of Congress it might as well take the building. Representatives of China also decided that the White House was not worth as much as they had anticipated because the current resident smokes there and lowered the value of the building.

The foreclosure does not erase the entire debt and China will likely foreclose on other properties once it sends a delegation here to assess property values.

Van Jones commented that he is unhappy that he will not be a part of the administration that finally embraces Communism as he had done but was proud to be a part of history even if it was for a very brief time.

Big Dog

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24/7 Taxes

Nowadays, every liberal is busy thinking of the most creative and intrusive ways to raise taxes- whether it’s on the “95%” that the Resident fervently lied about, claiming, (with fingers crossed, I am sure) there would be no tax increase for the middle class, to the rich- who, while admittedly being able to “afford” the hit, shouldn’t bear an inordinate burden, no matter if the libbies don’t like the rich. Or perhaps they are just guilty for being rich- who knows how they think?

I even think, like some after- school extra credit project gone awry, the Resident tasked his minions to come up with the most devious and Constitutional rights- breaking laws possible. I wonder what the prize is, because we might just have a wiener – I mean winner here.

An Oregon congressman says he wants to test having a government GPS unit in every car so a tax could be imposed on the miles driven.

The proposal, H.R. 3311, which calls for a test project costing $150 million-plus, was introduced by Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore.

“Oregon has successfully tested a Vehicle Miles Traveled fee, and it is time to expand and test the VMT program across the country,” he said in a statement on his website. “A VMT system can better assess fees based on use of our roads and bridges, as well as during times of peak congestion, than a fee based on use of our roads and bridges, as well as during times of peak congestion, than a fee based on fuel consumption .

His plan calls for the Department of the Treasury to study the idea with test GPS-equipped car projects in every state.

Blumenauer said the Oregon test “charged drivers for the number of miles they traveled rather the fuel they consumed. The test was convenient for drivers, protected personal privacy, and proved to be easily administrable.”

In a WND column, however, Henry Lamb raised several concerns unaddressed by the congressman.

For example, what other applications would there be for a GPS unit attached to each car in the nation?

That’s a great question- what else could they do with this power they want to give themselves, besides taxes, which would be onerous enough. Could they “snoop” on your whereabouts if they so desired? I think they might. Is this a potential power we want to give to anyone? I don’t think so. Also, does anyone think this would replace the gasoline tax, or just be in addition to it?

What about “shutting down the vehicle when its allotted emissions cap had been reached?”

“Why not?” Lamb wrote, “The current cap-and-trade bill would limit industrial emissions and force each business to pay an extra tax for the privilege of emitting additional carbon dioxide. Why not arbitrarily assign a weekly or monthly cap on auto emissions and shut down the vehicle when that limit is reached? The new Global Positioning Satellite device would have that capability.

“Every American ought to be outraged that such a system is even contemplated,” he continued. “This system is the tool that makes slaves of every person who depends upon a vehicle. Every person should consider just how his life would be changed if he were required to get approval from the federal government to start his car.”

Lamb said shutting down a vehicle would be among the less intrusive possibilities.

Oh yeah, there’s more to come on the intrusive front- the Resident wants to know where you are at all times, so he can reach into your pocket and grab mo’ money.  With him, it’s all about the Benjamins. But wait- there’s more!

“The proposed GPS road tax system could easily be programmed to listen to and record conversations inside any vehicle. It could stop a vehicle, lock the occupants inside and notify the ‘jack boots’ that the occupants were en route to a tea party,” Lamb wrote. “We would hope that the federal government would never sink to the level of paranoia that gripped Nazi Germany. But then, we also hoped that the federal government would never sink to the level of labeling legal, peaceful assemblies, such as the recent tea parties, as gatherings of potential terrorists.”

These socialists we have in the government now are coming at us from all directions, and wanting control of our lives, because they are sure that they know how to rule us- they are the elites, after all- just ask Bill Maher, who believes that America is a “stupid” country. How enlightening of him to grace us with his wisdom. Here’s a guy who couldn’t survive outside of his studio for more than five minutes, and he looks down on America?

I hope that he is being taxed to the max, because I am telling the hospital that he is paying for my next surgery.

I’m sure he won’t mind- he is such a tolerant sort.
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Conscientious Objectors Not Allowed In Health Care

The Obama administration is great at manipulating the media. Of course, that is not an overly difficult task because most of the media are drinking from his Kool Aid dispenser. It is well known that the way to slip stuff in with little media attention is to slip it in on a Friday evening. Fortunately we have the Internet where people look for things and post about them. The latest turd was dropped last night:

Taking another step into the abortion debate, the Obama administration today will move to rescind a controversial rule that allows healthcare workers to deny abortion counseling or other family planning services if doing so would violate their moral beliefs, according to administration officials.

The rollback of the so-called conscience rule comes just two months after the Bush administration announced it late last year in one of its final policy initiatives. The Anchoress

The administration of The Evil One is doing this under the guise that the Bush initiative is misleading and confusing. They, of course, need to rewrite the thing or get rid of it all together.

This rule allows those health care professionals who are opposed to abortions to refuse to give counseling for them or to provide them. There is nothing wrong with people in the health care arena refusing things that they are opposed to. It is up to the health care professional to inform the patient of this and to indicate that the patient will have to look elsewhere for those services. It might go like this:

Patient: I really don’t want to have a baby and I have given it a lot of thought and I want an abortion. Can you schedule me for that?

Doctor: I’m sorry, I don’t believe in abortions so you will have to find another provider who does them.

What is difficult about that?

Those who oppose this method are worried that the conscience of some people will keep them from doing their jobs. The oft cited example is a pharmacy worker who will not dispense contraceptives, especially the “morning after” pill.

First of all, there are plenty of workers at pharmacies that will dispense the medication. Secondly, there are plenty of pharmacies for people to go to. There will be NO complete denial of services but people might have to go to a different place to do business. Scientologists do not believe in the use of psychotropic medication but I imagine that does not stop them from becoming pharmacists or from working in one. The government has not stepped in to ensure the people who need medication for their mental health are protected.

This is a slippery slope which might end up having the government dictate to health care providers that they have to provide abortion services even if they are opposed to them.

What will happen if health care providers are not allowed to practice within the confines of their beliefs? There will be fewer doctors in fields where abortions are performed. How will this extend? There are a lot of hospitals that are run by religious organizations. Will they be forced to provide abortions (or any other) services to which they are opposed?

King Hussein of America is already known to be in favor of unlimited abortion. He opposed legislation that allowed children born alive after a botched abortion to receive care. Despite what people say, and no matter why, he opposed it. His entire platform on this subject is pro abortion though he skillfully lies about it. There is a “Pro Life Obama” website that was funded by George Soros designed to specifically obfuscate The Evil One’s position on the subject. Gateway Pundit points this out.

This is one piece of a bigger puzzle. First they will tell doctors that they must provide services that they are opposed to. Then they will tax us to death to provide “cheap” health care for everyone to put private insurance providers out of business. After that everyone will be on the government’s health care rolls.

It won’t be long before some bean counter is deciding what treatments are allowed based on age, lifestyle and cost.

The United States of America will become the United Socialist States of America and we will have a “wonderful” system like they do in England.

Socialists do not take over all at once. They slowly chip away at things until one day the population wakes up and realizes it no longer has control of its own destiny.

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.” Norman Thomas

Obama and his liberal comrades are working on making this happen.

Big Dog

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Russian Aggression is Dick Cheney’s Fault

It looks like Russia is picking up some of the old tactics of the former Soviet Union in that it is blaming the attacks on Georgia on Dick Cheney. That’s right; the Russians are saying that the attack is all orchestrated under orders from Dick Cheney in order to help John McCain win the election.

The Russians have decided that they will blame their act of unprovoked aggression on the Vice President of the United States. They seem to be dusting off the old propaganda playbook in order to look less culpable for their foray into another nation. The unfortunate thing about all this is that many of the morons on the left will believe this as the gospel truth and will be posting that the evil Dick Cheney was behind this. There are actually morons in this country that will buy into this and will swear that it is true.

I guess it should not be so hard to believe that the left will believe that Dick Cheney was behind this. After all, they already blame Bush and Cheney for all the things that go wrong in the world.

Come to think of it, maybe it is not Russian propaganda. Perhaps it is just more left wing moonbat propaganda.

The ugly truth is that it is nearly impossible to tell the moonbats from the Communists.

Times UK

Big Dog