Constitution Day
Sep 17, 2011 Political
It is Constitution Day. Look at what is taking place in this country and think about whether or not our Founders envisioned what is happening and if this is what they intended.
The Patriot Post weighs in on the issue.
This is an open thread to discuss what you think about the Constitution, the people who wrote it and what they intended.
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Tags: constitution, founders
The Left Is Worried About The Constitution?
Sep 4, 2011 Political
The left is all worked up because Governor Rick Perry of Texas has entered the presidential race and is an instant front runner. The liberals have awakened because they are worried about Perry being so unconstitutional because he believes in his religion and he held a a public prayer which was attended by tens of thousands of people. This, according to the left, is against the Constitution.
Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that a politician can’t hold public prayer. Nowhere does it say that prayers can’t be said in government buildings. Nowhere does our Constitution say that religion can’t be part of our government.
What our Constitution says is that Congress can’t make a law that establishes a specific religion as the state religion, or religion of the government. The Constitution also says that Congress can’t prohibit the free exercise of religion (any religion) in this country.
Morons on the left don’t understand this so Perry is perceived as a person who does not follow the Constitution.
The irony is that the very left that makes such a claim is concerned about Perry’s position on firearms. Perry believes that law abiding citizens should be allowed to own and carry firearms if they so desire and that government should not infringe upon their ability to do so. This is too much for the left and they are worried about a Perry presidency leading to more guns in this country.
The irony is that Perry’s position on gun ownership is absolutely Constitutional (as is his stance on religion) but the left will cry about Perry not following the Constitution on one hand (even if they are wrong about it) and then oppose him for a position that is absolutely Constitutional.
The left is full of morons that view our Constitution as a document of convenience that is right when it agrees with what they want and wrong when it does not. The mob that is the liberal world is easily led astray by great speeches and false information. They are whipped into a frenzy by their mob leaders and are lied to so often that they can’t understand the truth. They have trouble with reality because they have been taught liberal BS all their lives.
This is how we get liberals who are worked up over a politician who actually follows the Constitution (at least in the two examples cited) and who can’t grasp what is Constitutional and what is not.
The mob is dangerous and the only way to defeat it is with force.
While we have a long way to go and anything can happen, Perry might just be the one to apply that force.
BTW, in the linked article Al Sharpton says:
Perry, Sharpton said, “is looking to go to the O.K. Corral and start shooting. … Rather than the left get caught sleeping, we better load up, because he is bringing it.”
This seems like violent rhetoric. Did Sharpton not hear Obama call for civility? This seems much worse than cross hairs on a map and yet Sharpton is spewing such violence. Al is the first one to point his blood stained fingers at people when violence occurs and he is more than willing to blame the right for that violence (even though it is caused by the left and sometimes by Sharpton himself) so how dare he use such violent terms?
Is Sharpton suggesting that the left should not retreat but should reload instead? My, my, my… I wonder how something like that would be perceived by the left if someone like Sarah Palin said it. Oh, wait…
How long will it take for the liberal morons who went after Palin and other conservatives after the Tuscon shooting to come to Sharpton’s defense?
We already know they will call me a racist for bringing it up.
That is, after all, the mob mentality.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: constitution, first amendment, guns, Obama, religion, rick perry, Second Amendment, sharpton
Give Us Your Tired, Weary, Illegals…
Aug 19, 2011 Political
The Obama regime is granting amnesty by fiat and allowing illegals the regime deems pose no threat to national security to stay in the US. It is bad enough that the government refuses to secure our borders and prevent people from walking in but now it is allowing those it catches to continue on as if they broke no laws.
I know the argument. These poor folks are children of people who came here illegally. They had no choice in the matter and they grew up here so why send them away? Because they are here illegally. Not to mention that those who are not adults are kept here and their parents then stay so we do not split up the families.
The Congress has been fiddling with legislation to address illegal immigration and it has been stalled in Congress for quite some time. Let’s face it, Democrats don’t want to lose their voting base.
So instead of allowing the process, as slow as it is, to work things out, the Obama regime has just decided to bypass Congress and do what it wants via fiat.
This should come as no surprise. Obama and his regime do not like the Constitution and these people do not like the constraints placed on them. They have an agenda to push and they will not let the law of the land get in the way.
This, of course, is a move to placate illegal immigrants and their support groups before the next election. Obama made a ton of promises to his illegal supporters and he has been unable to fulfill them so he is bypassing Congress in order to appease those who have no say in things. He is shoring up his base so he can get the Hispanic vote.
This moron is playing politics with our sovereignty and our national security in order to get votes.
How is it that this guy claims to love America and then pushes on to fundamentally transform her? If you love her why does she need fundamental transformation?
The only conclusion is that he hates America as it is and will not be happy until his Socialist dreams are realized.
Maybe they need to organize a flash mob on DC and get rid of all the dead wood…
Washington Times
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Tags: constitution, fiat, illegal aliens, obama regimes, unpatriotic
Obama Puts Toes In The Water
Jul 25, 2011 Opinion, Political
Barack Obama was speaking to the racist group the National Council of La Raza about immigration reform. The group basically wants open borders and unlimited free entry into this country as well as amnesty for those here illegally. Obama is more than willing to oblige but told them he needs a dance partner. What that means is he wants Republicans to get on board so he will have political cover.
Obama told the group that the idea of doing things on his own is very tempting, and not just with immigration reform. He then went on to say that this is not how our Democracy works. But was that statement his attempt to test the waters?
Obama has already loosened immigration law enforcement by Executive Order so what does he want to do on his own?
Perhaps he is releasing a trial balloon with regard to the debt limit talks. The idea has been floated by Obama’s henchmen that he should invoke the 14th Amendment and bypass Congress in order to take on more debt. Even Slick Willy Clinton thinks Obama should do that and Bernie Sanders thinks so as well and says they can worry about the courts later.
Here are supposed leaders in this country discussing ways to subvert the Constitution and do what they want knowing that the damage will be done long before the courts ever decide the issue. You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube and they know it. They can get slapped by the courts and yell “my bad” but they will have gotten away with it.
Or will they? Obama might be testing the waters to see if there would be much opposition to going it alone. As stated, he has already loosened immigration laws, not to the satisfaction of La Raza, but he has done an end run around Congress. The sad thing is that Congress seems willing to sit by and let him.
However, there is one thing the courts can’t weigh in on and that is impeachment. If Obama tries to invoke the 14th Amendment then Congress should draw up articles of impeachment.
The 14th Amendment does not give any president the authority to borrow money. The Constitution is clear that this is the responsibility of Congress.
He might have been speaking out of frustration but with this guy one has to be careful because he is one who thinks the Constitution is too limiting. He does not like it and he is willing to ignore it (see Obamacare).
So go ahead Mr. Obama, test those waters and see how things pan out. Perhaps all your supporters will be behind you. Hell, you already have Clinton in your corner and the liberals all love him.
But keep in mind that if you do anything on your own Congress might just show its teeth with impeachment proceedings.
And that is something the courts can’t help you with.
Of course the Senate would probably save him but the courts and the Senate won’t be able to stop the folks with their pitchforks and torches…
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: constitution, la raza, lies, obama 14th amendment, racists
14th Amendment End Run Would Ensure GOP Landslide Victory
Jul 7, 2011 Political
The debt ceiling is looming in the near future as members of both parties haggle over how to solve the issue of raising the credit limit on the US. Republicans want cuts and many are insisting on a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. Democrats say they want cuts but also want to increase taxes. There is a stalemate as Tea Party Republicans buck the entrenched Republicans who would likely make another flop of a deal in order to get this done.
There is increased talk of Barack Obama doing an end run around Congress by invoking the 14th Amendment. Some legal scholars and Democrats say that Section 4 of the Amendment allows Obama to continue to incur debt because it reads (the applicable portion):
The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.
The key here is debt authorized by law. The law is in place and that law imposes a debt ceiling. No president has the authority to incur more debt or to ignore the debt ceiling because that ceiling is authorized by law. Also, the new debt incurred by an end run would not be debt authorized by law because the Constitution gives the authority to incur and pay debt to Congress. Article I, Section 8 gives Congress the power; “…to pay the Debts…”
In addition, the second paragraph of that section states that Congress has the power:
To borrow money on the credit of the United States.
The Executive has no authority to raise the debt limit and therefore authorize the borrowing of money. Only Congress can do that. If Obama attempts to use the 14th Amendment to bypass Congress he will have violated the Constitution and will be subject to impeachment. The only thing that is authorized under the 14th is to pay the debt we already have. The validity of that debt, already authorized under Section 8, shall not be questioned.
Not to mention, the Amendment gives the authority over the matter to Congress. Section 5 reads; “Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.”
Maybe it is just me but I don’t see where it says the president can do anything here.
We have the ability to pay our debt even if we hit the debt ceiling. We can service our debt from the money that is confiscated from us each month by the government. What will be required is for us to cut programs that are not authorized by the Constitution and are not part of the debt process. Our debt is held by private entities and other governments and we will be required to pay that.
We will not be required to pay for the plethora of programs that are not public debt.
There are legal scholars on both sides of this issue and it could get dicey. The reality is that an end run would incur more debt and that is not something any president is allowed to do.
Larry Rosenthal, a professor at Chapman University School of Law, said he doubts the argument that Obama could declare the debt limit unconstitutional. The debt ceiling, according to Rosenthal, limits the president’s ability to issue more debt. It doesn’t say that the existing debt is invalid. So if the president runs out of borrowing authority, he must find other ways — including suspending government programs — to pay the debt.
“What the government can’t do under the 14th Amendment is repudiate a debt that’s been authorized by law. It can’t say, ‘I’m not going to pay,’ ” Rosenthal said. Washington Post
If Obama does an end run he will effectively put an end to his reelection. He will be impeached and even if that is not successful, he will incur the wrath of the American public, the people who pay the bills.
Obama will find that he overstepped his bounds and that he will end up paying a heavy price.
And he will ensure that the GOP presidential candidate wins in a landslide and the GOP will pick up a lot of House and Senate seats.
As an aside, if this happens and nothing is done about it then Congress can never cry about any future leader taking its authority. No matter what, Congress will have to sit on its hands and be quiet.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: 14th amendment, constitution, end run, impeachment, lies, Obama