Obama Breaks Another Promise

Back when Barack Obama was candidate Obama he took George Bush to task for using signing statements. A signing statement is a note to legislation a President attaches that outlines an objection to the Constitutionality of a particular portion of the bill being signed into law. In some cases Presidents use signing statements to indicate their interpretation of the Constitution and how it applies to a particular portion of a bill.

George W. Bush used a lot of signing statements and the left did not like it one bit. A task force of the American Bar Association said that the use of them to change the meaning of duly enacted law undermines the principle of separation of powers.

Candidate Obama said that Bush was wrong to use them and that he, being a Constitutional professor, would not do so. He said it was no way to govern:

“What George Bush has been trying to do as part of his effort to accumulate more power in the presidency is he’s been saying ‘well I can basically change what Congress passed by attaching a letter saying I don’t agree with this part or I don’t agree with that part,” Obama said last year during a campaign stop. “I’m gonna’ choose to interpret it this way or that way.’ That’s not part of his power. But this is part of the whole theory of George Bush that he can make laws as he’s going along. I disagree with that. I taught the constitution for 10 years. I believe in the constitution, and I will obey the Constitution of the United States.
“We’re not going to use signing statements as a way of doing an end-run around Congress.”

You can see the video where candidate Obama says this here.

That all sounds very noble. Though there has been no ruling on the Constitutionality of signing statements Obama makes a good point that the Constitution says a president can sign the bill or veto it (that is in the video). He said that he taught the law and that Bush was using it to make his own rules and enact laws the way he wanted them. Obama concluded by saying he will not use signing statements as a way of getting around Congress. Though signing statements generally raise an objection on a Constitutional matter, Obama said they are an end around.

Obama broke his promise by using a signing statement on a bill he signed.

The House rebuked President Obama for trying to ignore restrictions to international aid payments, voting overwhelmingly for an amendment forcing the administration to abide by its constraints.

House members approved an amendment by a 429-2 vote to have the Obama administration pressure the World Bank to strengthen labor and environmental standards and require a Treasury Department report on World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) activities. The amendment to a 2010 funding bill for the State Department and foreign operations was proposed by Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas), but it received broad bipartisan support.

The conditions on World Bank and IMF funding were part of the $106 billion war supplemental bill that was passed last month. Obama, in a statement made as he signed the bill, said that he would ignore the conditions.

They would “interfere with my constitutional authority to conduct foreign relations by directing the Executive to take certain positions in negotiations or discussions with international organizations and foreign governments, or by requiring consultation with the Congress prior to such negotiations or discussions,” Obama said in the signing statement. The Hill

Obama issued a signing statement and Congress rebuked him for it. Notice carefully what has happened here. On the campaign trail Obama said he would not use signing statements to go around Congress. His signing statement says that what Congress enacted interferes with his authority to conduct business. That might very well be but the whole issue begs this question:

Why didn’t he veto it? As a candidate he pointed out that the only two things a president can do is sign it or veto it. He said George Bush made up laws as he went along and that this was not within the scope of his power. He said it should be signed or vetoed and that he understood the Constitution and would follow it. If a provision of the bill would interfere with his job then he should have vetoed it like he said he would.

Barack Obama talked a slick game when he was a candidate. He has broken promise after promise (though some claim he has never lied and has broken no campaign promises) and now he breaks this one. This is a big one because Bush’s use of signing statements irritated Congress to no end. To the credit of the members of Congress, their vote to rebuke Obama was nearly unanimous. It looks like both parties stuck together on this one. Given that Democrats cover for Obama at every turn, this is quite a big deal.

Then again, Congress never like to see its power taken away.

Well liberals, where is your indignation? Where are the calls for impeachment? Where are the comparisons to royalty and the cries of “foul”? Where is the outrage you had at Bush for this? You should be even more outraged because Obama said he would not do it and then he did.

More and more Obama is doing the same things that George Bush did.

They told me if I voted for McCain I would get Bush’s third term. Looks like they were right.

Big Dog Salute to Stop the ACLU

Big Dog

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The Fourth Of Never

Well, tomorrow is the fourth of July, a date that rightly should be celebrated by all here in this country, for without the Declaration of Independence, and later, the Constitution, we would not be where we are as a country, free to do pretty much what we wish.

This is one of the few nations where you do not have to feel confined or defined by what your father or mother has done in their lives. By this I mean that if your father was, say, a piano tuner, you are not obligated by necessity to follow in his footsteps. If you have a talent for piano tuning, and this is what you wish to do, you can make a living doing that- if you want to skateboard, well, find a way to make that pay- this is a country where you are only limited by the scope of your dreams and the tenacity of your determination to make this happen.

Or so it used to be. Now, it seems as if there are all kinds of roadblocks to progress being erected by the government, and our future has a few clouds on the horizon that we must heed, or we will find ourselves in stormy weather.

This country is under siege- the very foundations of this country are being stolen from us in much the same way that a pickpocket steals our money, by quiet thievery and subtlety. Capitalism isn’t just about the money, although that is what one thinks- it is also about the freedom to try and fail. Or succeed, which is the one thing that has made the United States the richest, most powerful nation on Earth. This is what has enabled us to become a nation where dreams can come true.

Socialism, which seems to be the next step in this progression Hussein is pushing, will of necessity, deprive us of some of our freedoms- oh, not all at once; as I said, this is a sneaky process, and these political pickpockets are relying on you to stay in front of your TV and just tune out anything unpleasant. I have spoken to many people who have told me that they don’t like to discuss politics, or that “History bores” them.

These are the people Hussein wants for his subjects, and believe me, “subjects” is the correct terminology here- with Socialism, Hussein will lead and feed the “masses”- all you have to do is give up those pesky dreams of becoming rich, and getting ahead, and providing security for your families. It’s nothing really, just ask Hitler, Stalin, or any of the other dictators- I am sure they would tell you that they were doing this “for the greater good”.

It is a dictum that government seeks to grow, and thereby limit freedoms, and so our founders put into place a system of checks and balances, whereby no single part of this government could have too much power. This is in imminent danger now, because of several things- one is the super- majority of Democrats; coupled with the Democrat president, laws can be passed and enacted with little to no control of a counter force, such as the other party.

But even this is not enough for the Resident, who has appointed “Czars”, people to oversee various aspects of our government and all of our lives. These “Czars” do not answer to Congress, as members of a President’s Cabinet must do- instead, they answer directly to the President and to no one else.

This alone is unconstitutional, and should have been nipped in the bud by the Congress, a political body that is generally jealous of any attempts to infringe on its turf, but they seem to be hypnotized by this pretender to the throne.

Another Constitutional problem has to do with the Tenth Amendment, that is, State’s Rights. By forcing states to take the stimulus, the Federal government believes that they gain some control over the states themselves, and this is not a good thing. States will ALWAYS know better than the Federal government what their citizens need.

Where are the politicians who know the Constitution and its limitations on power? Where are the people who actually want this country to remain a force for good in this world? We won’t be doing much of anything with the Resident in charge here, instead, our government will get larger, our freedoms a little less free, and our dreams will remain something less than possible realities.

This Fourth of July we should do one thing as we have our fun, and we eat our barbeque, and (hopefully) remember the original reason we celebrate this day.

We should take the time to read to our children the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and become active in how our country works, and what should not be done, as well.

Because there is much here that should not be done.
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Not A Judeo-Christian Nation

Barack Obama said that we were not a Christian nation but did say we would be one of the largest Muslim nations (a patently false claim). His defenders here and other places claim that the Nation’s Founders did not put christian items in our Founding Documents and claim that Christian references were not in them on purpose. The nation was founded on Judeo-Christian teachings and values and that can be seen in a number of documents and writings including the Constitution.

Article VII of the Constitution:

Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth. In Witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names. [emphasis mine]

Is there any doubt that the Lord is Jesus Christ since the dating system referred to him when used that way? It is true that dating was traditional but they did not mention the Lord in other dates and they could have easily left it out if they truly wanted a secular document.

Is it absolute proof that our nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles? No, but taken with the references cited in the video it is obvious that the Founders did not have a completely secular vision and that Judeo-Christian history played a part of it.

Big Dog

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Obama Looks For Quick Confirmation

Now that Obama has selected the anti gun, empathetic, racist Sonia Sotomayor as his nominee to the Supreme Court he is asking the Senate to make quick work of her confirmation. There is no doubt in my mind she will be confirmed because the Republicans do not have the numbers to stop her. She will only be stopped if there is a major issue or she stumbles. This means that Republicans need to be diligent and take a long hard look at her and her record. They need to do this slowly and deliberately. Obama wants it done quickly before more negatives pop up. We need to take our time and dig as deep as we can.

This judge does not belong on the Supreme Court. Justice is supposed to be blind but she has already admitted that she uses her life experiences to guide her. She does not interpret the Constitution and apply the law, she allows her emotion to dictate her decisions. It is also true that she believes that policy is made in the court which means she lacks an understanding of our system of governance or she does not care about it.

I have demonstrated that she does not understand the Constitution by showing that her view of the Second Amendment is incorrect. The right to keep and bear arms is an individual right and that is indisputable. Only people who lack intelligence or wish to rewrite history or enact a personal agenda see it otherwise.

Sotomayor is also a racist. People have been accused of taking her comment out of context but I have read the entire quote. It is racist. The assertion is that she will understand the downtrodden before the court because of her background and because she is a person of color. Does this mean that she could not get decisions right if the dispute involved privileged white men? I mean, if she had been on the court in 2000 would she have to recuse herself from Gore v Bush because she did not live their lives and could not understand their issues?

Or is it more accurate to say that justice is supposed to be blind and that it does not matter what color, nationality, sex, or ethnicity a judge is, the law should be applied equally across the spectrum and that the only experience required to get it right is a thorough understanding of the Constitution? Her comment was racist and those who deny it are the same ones who see racism when a noose is hung at a house on Halloween or when someone says that welfare recipients should get off their lazy butts and get a job. The immediate assumption is that the speaker was talking about minorities. I would ask; who is the racist, the one who made the statement or the one who made the assumption?

Sotomayor seems to think that because she is a Latina with a humble beginning that her experiences will allow her to make better decisions and to get it right more often than some white guy who did not live her life. So did her life experiences lead her to mess up Ricci v. DeStefano? Did she have such a loathing for white people that she decided that they did not deserve the same protection against discrimination as a minority group would? Is there any doubt that if this had been reversed and the blacks were suing that she would have sided with them?

This is the heart of the issue. The law was ignored in Ricci and several very serious Constitutional issue were ignored. Evidently, her life issues did not allow her to get it right and the Supreme Court will likely overturn her decision in the case.

That should not be surprising since 60% of her cases that have gone before the Supreme Court have been overturned. This is but one more indication that she does not understand the law or the Constitution and it puts a big dent in her assertion that she would get it right more often than some white guy. 60% of the time she was wrong and this is just in cases that went to the SCOTUS. How many of her lower court decisions have been overturned?

Sotomayor does not belong on any bench much less the Supreme Court. Republicans need to aggressively push her and dig up all the things that she has done that run counter to the way good law is practiced. She might end up being confirmed but the detailed analysis will demonstrate what Obama is and what he is doing to this country.

We also need to target Democrat Senators from red states who have a fairly conservative base. Make sure the gun issues are well played and ensure the gun owners know. Tell these Senators they will be in danger of losing if they support this person who does not understand our rights.

As for you liberals who are whining that she was attacked from the start, Ted Kennedy attacked Bork within 45 minutes of his selection by Reagan and what Kennedy said was not very nice. Democrats have been nasty and played lots of games with nominees of Republican presidents. Now it is time to ensure this nominee is asked tough questions and that she is asked to explain law and her statements.

Let’s see if she can do it like John Roberts, without notes.

But be careful how you discuss her because the White House is warning to watch what you say about her. Gibbs, the Obama butt boy, said that people who are criticizing her intelligence probably did not graduate number 2 in their classes. I don’t question her intelligence but being smart does not mean she knows the law or is not an activist. There are really smart people who passed law school and they are terrible lawyers.

The National Black Republican Association is not happy with the pick either.

Ann Coulter has a great article up.

Big Dog

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I Don’t Have To Wait On Sotomayor

After years of having Bush judicial nominees hammered by Democrats in the Senate as soon as they were nominated the Republicans decided they would wait to pass judgment on Obama’s first judicial nominee. They pretty much have to because Obama selected a Latino who happens to be a woman so if the Republicans jumped all over her right now they will be painted with every brush in the liberal arsenal. Racist, sexist, blah, blah.

I don’t have to wait because, despite Obama’s claims about her qualifications (which seem to be only her ethnicity and her sex) I have already determined she is not qualified based upon several things.

First she is an activist judge and she is a racist. Obama did say he wanted someone who would empathize with those before the court. Empathy is an emotion and the courts are supposed to base decisions on the law and not emotions. Sotomayor is on record as saying that the court is where policy is made. This is absolutely untrue in our system. I am not saying it does not happen but her acceptance of that premise disqualifies her.

That statement is not the only place she disclosed that life experiences dictate rulings. Sotomayor stated; “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.” New York Times

In one fell swoop she managed to show that her rulings are guided by life experiences (empathy or sympathy depending on the circumstances) and that she is a racist. Her comment about white males is out of line. Imagine if Justice Alito had stated; “I would hope that a wise white man with good family values and experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion that a Latino woman who has not lived that life.” (Sotomayor was also involved in a case where whites filed a discrimination suit. She was not in favor of their rights)

The liberals would go nuts. Ted Kennedy would have stroked out with his “concern” for women. Alito would have been labeled a misogynist pig and Borked out of contention. But I am willing to bet this issue will be left untouched by Republican Senators and if they address it the left will attack. Remember, you can only be a racist or sexist if you are a Democrat. One only needs to see how Kennedy or Clinton were treated compared to Justice Thomas. A murderer and an adulterer were defended and a man who had unfounded allegations thrown at him was slammed.

It is obvious that Sotomayor is fuzzy on how the judicial system works and though she claims to be in favor of staying in line with the Constitution she is either lying or does not understand the document. It is obvious from her statements of making policy and life experiences that she is an activist but the icing on the cake for me is her position on the Second Amendment.

Sotomayor does not believe that the Second Amendment is an individual right and believes it only applies to the federal government so the states can do what they want which would make it different than any other Amendment in the Bill of Rights and runs contrary to the equal protection clause. I know there are many anti gun zealots out there who believe the same thing but the reality is that gun ownership is an individual right and the right existed before the Constitution and before we were a country. The Second does not say the government gives the right, it states that THE RIGHT (meaning it already exists).

How is it that the Bill of Rights is a list of INDIVIDUAL rights but the Second Amendment is not one? How can that be? How is it that the Founders are on record as stating that gun ownership is an individual right but our activist judicial system has ignored that? A list of Founder’s quotes on the Second Amendment is here. Here is a sample:

“Whereas civil-rulers, not having their duty to the people duly before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as military forces, which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow citizens, the people are confirmed by the article in their right to keep and bear their private arms.”
— Tench Coxe, in Remarks on the First Part of the Amendments to the Federal Constitution [emphasis mine]

The quotation states the people which is the phrase that means all of us and private arms. This means the people and the arms do not have to be part of the militia especially when the first part discusses raising military forces to pervert power and injure fellow citizens (not members of the militia). The words of the Founders echo this sentiment. The Bill of Rights contain individual (civil) rights. To say the Second is not an individual right like the rest perverts the Constitution and demonstrates a misunderstanding of it.

I know that the argument has been made that the issue is settled law and gun control advocates point to the Miller decision. This is what was decided:

In the case of U.S. v. Miller, the 1939 Supreme Court ruled there was no Constitutional basis for Miller to own a sawed-off shotgun without registering it under the National Firearms Act (GPO 1193). Miller’s argument was based upon the Second Amendment right to “keep and bear arms” and as such, was not required to register his shotgun (ibid). After reciting the original provisions of the Constitution dealing with the militia, the Court observed that:

“[w]ith obvious purpose to assure the continuation and render possible the effectiveness of such forces the declaration and guarantee of the Second Amendment were made. It must be interpreted with that end in view” (1194).

Continuing, the Court defined the militia as a force consisting of “civilians primarily, soldiers on occasion” and that it was “comprised [of] all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense,” who, “when called for service . . . were expected to appear bearing arms supplied by themselves and of the kind in common use at the time“ (emphasis added) (ibid).

Whereas the Court had ruled that the firearm in question was not exempt from registration, it also highlighted two key points that reinforce the notion the Second Amendment provides for private firearm ownership. First, the Court states that the militia was composed of “civilians primarily,” which is contrary to gun-control activist’s views that the militia of the Constitution equates to the National Guard (i.e. “professional soldiers”) of today. Second, the Court states that those civilians, when called into service, “were expected to appear bearing arms supplied by themselves,” which is only possible if private firearm ownership is permitted. Lythosants

People claim that this is the only definitive adjudication of the Second Amendment (until Heller) but that is not true. If one looks at the Dred Scott decision then one can see the court acknowledged that carrying a weapon was an individual right. The merits of the case and whether they got it right is a subject for another time. The important thing here is this argument against granting Scott’s petition:

“It would give to persons of the negro race, …the right to enter every other State whenever they pleased, …the full liberty of speech in public and in private upon all subjects upon which its own citizens might speak; to hold public meetings upon political affairs, and to keep and carry arms wherever they went.


The Territory being a part of the United States, the Government and the citizen both enter it under the authority of the Constitution, with their respective rights defined and marked out, and the Federal Government can exercise no power over his person or property beyond what that instrument confers, nor lawfully deny any right which it has reserved.

A reference to a few of the provisions of the Constitution will illustrate this proposition.

For example, no one, we presume, will contend that Congress can make any law in a Territory respecting the establishment of religion, or the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right of the people of the Territory peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for the redress of grievances.

Nor can Congress deny to the people the right to keep and bear arms, nor the right to trial by jury, nor compel anyone to be a witness against himself in a criminal proceeding. [emphasis mine] Cornell Law

This is case law and it is an opinion by the Supreme Court. It clearly states that firearm possession is an individual right and this is affirmed by discussing a negro (not a militia member) would be allowed to keep and carry a firearm. Dred Scott is not brought up in the gun debate as anti gun forces work very hard to deny us our basic right. The same people who will fight to the death to protect a “right” that is NOT in the Constitution (abortion) will fight just as hard to deny one that IS in there and is clearly defined.

Sonia Sotomayor is not fit to serve in the Supreme Court. She rules by empathy rather than the rule of law, is a racist and lacks a fundamental understanding of the Constitution.

Maybe she sat in on one of Obama’s lectures. I hear he was a Constitutional law professor.

The Republicans in the Senate need to do their homework and come prepared to batter her on the Second Amendment. She needs to be beaten as hard and as badly as Alito and Roberts were with the issue of abortion. She needs to be hammered on her racist views just as Sam Alito was for his membership in the Concerned Alumni at Princeton (CAP). Kennedy portrayed Alito as a racist for belonging to that group. The Republicans need to hammer on Sotomayor for her racist views as well. If any Democrat objects, take him out back and shoot him (a tongue in cheek remark clarified for the benefit of Meathead).

Drudge has a headline asking if Republicans can vote against a Latino nominee. Why not? They are not voting on Miss Latin America or for an ethnic issue, they are voting to put someone on the highest court in the land. What they are is of no consequence; what they believe and how they administer the law is.

Besides, it is not like the Republicans are going to get much of the Hispanic vote. That demographic is captured by the promise of Democrats to give away other people’s money and to give them amnesty. They will vote for the party that gives away what is not theirs and enslaves people in the name of diversity and the common good.

So hammer Sotomayor because it won’t make one bit of difference with regard to election day.

Besides, it is better to lose an election doing what is right than to win one while selling out the country.

Big Dog

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