Obama Admits To Violating The Constitution

A brief lesson for people like Lynda Mari**, a Facebook commenter (who I saw commenting back and forth with some other person about Michael Brown at a Ravens player’s page) who displays ignorance and is representative of the liberal morons in this nation. Lesson: There are three branches of government and each has certain responsibilities. The Constitution spells out what each branch is allowed to do (what powers We the People have given them) and if they are not given a responsibility then they just can’t do what they want.

The three branches are supposed to provide a checks and balances system to our form of government.

B. Hussein Obama has been saying for several years that he could not change immigration laws through Executive Order. He told people at least two dozen times that he did not have the Constitutional authority to do so.

After the last election Obama changed direction and decided that he did indeed have the power to change laws. He claimed that he was not really changing anything and that he was only using his discretion in order to prioritize. What he means is he is ignoring some laws to help out people who are here illegally.

A funny thing happened while he was out drumming up support for his illegal action. He actually told the truth. Obama told people that he changed a law. He was campaigning in Chicago and had this to say to a person who was giving him a hard time:

“Now, you’re absolutely right that there have been significant numbers of deportations. That’s true. But what you are not paying attention to is the fact that I just took an action to change the law.” [emphasis added] The Daily Caller

While Republicans were protesting (not like the riots in Ferguson) Obama was claiming that he did not change the law. But when he went off script he specifically stated that he violated the Constitution. He claimed that it was a FACT that the person was not paying attention to.

I have already spelled out what I would like to see done. To recap the Republicans should draw up articles of Impeachment and include all illegal acts from the time Obama was coronated. Then proceed and ensure the Senate has a thorough trial. Won’t get a conviction but it will air all the dirty laundry and show how lawless he is (while taking down a few Democrats who were involved).

They should also fund all parts of the government except the parts that will carry out his illegal acts. Then refuse to confirm any of his nominees.

Obama is a lawless politician who sees himself as Emperor. He is a tyrant and he should be removed from office as quickly as possible.

People like Lynda Mari will say that this is racist because that is the only trick people like her have.

Though given it is Bathhouse Barry Obama I guess she might scream homophobe.

In any event, people like her are why we have black folks on the liberal plantation as slaves to government and why there are NO liberal run cities that are succeeding.

The gimmiedats are too busy with their hands out instead of working.

Maybe if Michael Brown was punching a time clock instead of a cop he would still be alive today…

**I don’t know why but when I happened upon her comments they struck me the wrong way. It was obvious she is a person who has little knowledge…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


All Hail Emperor Obama

There is no doubt that B. Hussein Obama considers himself an emperor, a ruler who can make it up as he goes along and who has unchecked power. This is evident because of his past statements. In the past when groups pushing for amnesty to lawbreaking aliens would ask Obama to just sign an Executive Order to allow amnesty he responded that he did not have the authority to do that. He explained that he is the president and that it was his job to enforce the laws passed by Congress whether he liked them or not. He specifically stated on a number of occasions that he was not an emperor he was a president and had to follow the law.

Tomorrow night after Congress has recessed for Thanksgiving Obama will make a statement (cowardly of him to wait, eh) to the nation explaining that he will sign Executive Orders to achieve what he and the illegal alien supporters have wanted all along. He will give amnesty to millions of workers and change their status so they can work here legally. He will do exactly what he said he could not defend legally and what he considered to be the act of an emperor.

B. Hussein Obama now thinks he is an emperor, it is as simple as that.

He can try to rationalize his actions by claiming the Congress has failed to act so he will do what he wants even though he admitted many times in the past that it would be illegal. The inaction of Congress is NOT justification for the president to do what he wants. When he does he thinks himself to be the emperor.

Obama claims to be a Constitutional professor (he is not nor was he) so I would ask him to show me in the Constitution where it says if Congress fails to act the president can do what he wants.

If I were Speaker of the House I would contact every member and tell them to cancel their travel plans because I am not recessing the House. I would tell them they are all staying as long as it takes to draw up articles of impeachment. Then I would work them around the clock to find every possible way to legally take down Obama.

Democrats would balk but I would keep their sorry butts in that chamber until Obama was stopped and if that meant no Thanksgiving at home, then so be it.

When the new Congress is seated I would introduce the 12 or 13 separate spending authorization bills for Obama. I would not send him all of it at once. He would have to do his job and pass them like they are supposed to be passed. The bills with funding for immigration would be severely lacking as would the money to run the White House. No Air Force One no limo upkeep or fuel, no nothing. I would keep that big eared moron shackled to the White House until things were worked out.

But that is me. Boehner has no testicular fortitude and will probably have a smoke and a drink with Obama while laughing at how they screwed over the people paying their salaries.

Then Boehner would have a good cry and go home.

It is time for the Republicans to grow a pair and beat the political snot out of Obama and any of his henchmen who dare to get in the way.

When dealing with a Chicago politician it is best to get real dirty real fast.

Or you will end up screwed.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


No To O’Malley for President…

Martin O’Malley, the Governor of Maryland, is thinking about running for the presidency in 2016. He has lived nearly his entire adult life in a political office and he does not want to get a real job so he is looking to move on up to another taxpayer funded position.

He wants to do for the nation what he has done for the People’s Republik of Maryland. The nation does not need that.

O’Malley has fudged crime statistics by changing how they are reported, he has infringed on our Second Amendment rights by imposing gun control laws that violate the right of the people to keep and bear arms (though he has armed guards around him all the time) and he has raised a number of taxes. In fact, O’Malley has never met a tax he didn’t hike.

The guy is worthless. When he talks he is lying and he should NEVER be considered for the presidency.

O’Malley likes to talk the same smack all the progressive morons talk. You know, about working together and pushing things for the poor. O’Malley does not work with the Republican minority in Maryland. He gets his Democrat sock puppets to push things he wants through and he uses his political appointments to help push his agenda.

He flip flops on any issue depending on political value.

He is an evil man who only does harm to the people. He is a typical progressive who thinks he must be involved in regulating every aspect of the people’s lives and that we are too stupid to live without his intervention.

He is a big supporter of open borders and giving illegals the hard earned tax dollars paid in by working AMERICANS. He is so hooked on helping illegals that he calls them New Americans. He supports their law breaking. The story that he opposed the illegals coming to Maryland is untrue. He did not want them going to a conservative part of the state because he was worried about their safety (Conservatives would not have treated them badly but would have worked to send them back).

Martin O’Malley is not a leader, he is not a problem solver and he is not a patriot. He is a statist who thinks big government funded through lots of taxes is the appropriate way to run a state and by extension a country. He does not follow the Constitution of the state or the nation. He is a progressive puke who thinks he knows better how you should live your life.

He is bad for America. Disregard him, ignore him and for all that is sacred…


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Maybe They Want Him Hanging Around

Barack Obama is trying to get millions of new Democrat voters into the country through his open border policy. The manufactured crisis on the southern border is of his doing and is designed for two things. It is designed to get more people (read Democrat voters) in while stoking hatred toward Republicans who oppose illegals waltzing in and it is part of the Alinsky plan to overwhelm the system to bring about socialism.

Obama is not getting anywhere with the Congress divided so he has decided to take matters into his own hands. Obama will work to grant amnesty to these illegals sometime near the end of summer.

This might sit well with the pro illegal supporters and certain members of the Hispanic community but it will not sit well with Hispanics who came here legally and it will not sit well with Democrats facing tough reelections.

Yes the end of the summer timeframe puts the Executive action right before the midterm elections so that many frustrated voters can take out their anger on Democrats.

Even if these Democrats say they are not in favor of Obama’s actions they will be tied to him because he is a Democrat. Most people will also be able to see that most of these Democrats are being less than honest when they claim not to support the actions of the guy they have sided with so many times over the past six years.

It almost seems like Obama wants Republicans to take control of the Senate. If they do and keep control of the House (a near certainty) then there will be no obstruction to impeachment.

Oh no, he said the “I” word. Yes I did. Judge Andrew Napolitano recently stated that the lawsuit filed by Republicans in the House over Obama’s abuse of power will go nowhere and is a waste of time. The only real ways to stop Obama are to impeach him or take money away from him.

Neither of those options can happen as long as Harry Reid is in charge of the Senate. If Republicans take control then both options are on the table.

The Republicans would be wise to defund as much as they can and deny Obama as much as possible to control him. That, however, does not mean he should not be impeached. They should certainly do that as well.

Obama has violated the Constitution a number of times and an Executive action on immigration would be the icing on the cake. There are plenty of reasons to impeach so the articles might be as wordy as Obamacare.

Obama seems ignorant of what is going on. He seems to think he has some mandate to do something just because he was elected. He fails to see that he is one part of a three part government where each has separate but equal powers. He is also ignorant of or ignores the fact that he is acting outside his lane.

I think most of this is purposeful because he is not stupid and his handlers have managed him well. They have him moving forward with the plan to collapse the country and his job is to soften people up (the idiots among us are already soft) and he does so by repeating things that are untrue so many times people start to believe them.

He can say that folks don’t want him just standing around as many times as he wants but that does not make it so. However, it plants the seeds for when he acts. He can then say well I told you no one wanted me standing around and Congress will not help me so I went it alone. Pat me on the back, bow down and kiss my ring and then get out of my face serf.

Did he say they don’t want him standing around or hanging around?

Business Insider
National Review

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Founders Leveled Playing Field, Obama Does Not Like

Barack Obama champions himself as an advocate for the poor and he truly believes that it is government’s job to take from those who have and give to those who don’t. He thinks government should make sure that everyone is equal. This is quite different from the idea that we all have equal opportunity (which we can either use or squander) in that Obama thinks that things must be made equal. He believes in equal outcome not equal opportunity. If you have a great health care plan then you need to pay more so that someone who cannot afford one gets his fair share. You make a lot of money then you must pay more in taxes to pay your fair share to help those who do not make as much.

The Founders had an equality item and they enacted it and Obama does not like it.

The Great Compromise settled an issue that nearly derailed the completion of the Constitution. The Founders decided that each state would have a number of Representatives based on population. This proportionality would give states with greater numbers of people more votes in the People’s House. That House is closest to the People and they are elected every two years so that they are (in theory) held accountable.

The compromise was that the upper chamber, the Senate, would have equal representation in each state. Originally Senators were selected by the state legislatures and represented the states to the federal government. This changed with the 17th Amendment which made Senators elected by the popular vote in each state. The Senators were to represent he states but the people and not the legislatures of the states selected them.

But, there are still two from each state. Barack Obama does not like this level playing field. He says that this allows all states to have an equal say regardless of population so things are gridlocked in Congress. He says that it is not fair that states with large populations have the same representation in the Senate as states with small populations.

“Obviously, the nature of the Senate means that California has the same number of Senate seats as Wyoming. That puts us at a disadvantage,” Mr. Obama said. Washington Times

For a Constitutional scholar he seems to miss the idea that this was the point of the Great Compromise. The equality in the upper chamber was to allow each state to have equal representation (originally selected by the states and not the people) while the lower chamber, the House, had proportional representation.

Simply put, the House represents the interests of the PEOPLE and the Senate represents the interests of the STATES and it remains that way regardless of how the Senators are selected.

Notice he claims it puts US at a disadvantage, meaning the Democrats. Senators are not in place to give an advantage to Democrats they are there to ensure that the federal government cannot run roughshod over smaller states because each state, all being equal in the Union, had equal representation in the Senate.

It is funny how Obama dismisses this because it does not help Democrats. He has already stated the Constitution hampers government (which it was intended to do) and he does not like that. Now he claims that even though Republican ideas are rejected, it is hard to get things done because of the Constitution.

“So there are some structural reasons why, despite the fact that Republican ideas are largely rejected by the public, it’s still hard for us to break through,”

That was the whole idea of the Constitution, to limit government. The federal government already involves itself in issues that do not concern it and that have no basis in the Constitution. This is, partly, because Senators are no longer selected by the states. If the Senators were beholden to the states then they would do what the states want rather than strike deals to infringe on the rights of the states and then get the low information voters to put them back in office claiming they bring home the bacon. Vote for me because I got you stuff.

Obama claims he was a Constitutional law professor (though it is more claim than fact) and that he knows the Constitution. Perhaps he has read it but he certainly does not understand it. He has no clue why we have it and what it is designed to do. He ignores it and he has violated it.

Will no one hold him accountable?

You are hampered Barry, because people, despite your claims to the contrary, reject your ideas. The large states with hoards of liberals have given us things you championed that have NEVER been popular with the people. Obamacare has never polled higher (in actual scientific polls) than the opposition to it.

I also notice that Barry has no issue with three or four heavily populated places with lots of House representation deciding things for the rest of the nation. He is not concerned that New York and California along with several other heavily populated liberal states (usually just a few cities in those states) are able to give all their electoral votes to a presidential candidate even though most counties in those states are not Democrat.

Look at a map of the US broken down by counties and the entire country is red with swatches of blue. If you want it to be fair then we should look at that rather than population clusters.

As an aside, my idea for the electoral vote would be that they are given based on how the District voted. If a state has 10 electoral votes and 4 voted for the Democrat and 4 for the Republican then that is how the EVs should be awarded (the other 2 are the EVs for the Senators and they would go to the candidate who won the popular vote in the state). That would negate population clusters from affecting an entire state as even California and New York would award more to Republicans than Democrats.

The entire issue is that the Constitution was set up a certain way and Obama does not like it. He took an oath to uphold it but he is not. He violates it all the time and he should be impeached.

Thank goodness our Founders agreed to the Great Compromise or we would be a third world nation with a banana republic. Though we are getting there because of people like Obama.

Next time Obama talks about a level playing field remind him the Great Compromise gave us one and he does not like it…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
