McCain Is Solid In Big Moment

John McCain accepted the nomination of the Republican Party and delivered a solid speech though one not nearly as rousing as those given by Barack Obama and Sarah Palin. McCain’s task, as I saw it, was to show Americans that he was not out of touch and that he understood their challenges. Since his selection of Palin to be Vice President has energized the base, I saw McCain’s task as appealing to the Independent voters and those moderate Democrats who might not be committed or sold on Obama.

McCain’s speech was solid but the truth is he is not as eloquent a speaker as Palin or Obama. In fact, though I felt Palin’s speech last night worried some Democrats, the thought I had first was that I felt sorry for McCain because he had to follow her.

Surprisingly, though not as gifted a speaker, McCain hit home with issues that affect families. He discussed the struggles of paying for a home, buying groceries and filling the gas tank. This hit home and showed that despite what Barack Obama says, John McCain does get it. When McCain went into his life story he really gave a heartfelt account.

I did not want John McCain to discuss his experience in Vietnam. The Democrats have been beating on him for expressing that part of his life too much. John McCain has a much more honorable record in that war than John Kerry but I felt he risked being painted with the same brush that Kerry was by leaning too heavily on that experience, as honorable as it was. Besides, every speaker this week recounted the story for John. But McCain did discuss it and he was artful in how he presented it. He started by telling people that his experience as a POW was a blessing and then he told the story of how, prior to his capture, he was a self centered person who believed the world revolved around him. He explained how his capture transformed him into a person who places his country first and the needs of others above one’s own needs. That transformation came after others cared for him and kept him alive. It was presented very well.

Certainly John McCain’s speech was not of the caliber of Obama’s or Palin’s but he did what he had to do. He showed people that he gets it and I think he appealed to voters who are not part of the base. He reached out to Obama supporters and then he skillfully contrasted what he wants to do with what Obama wants to do. I think that many on the fence who are moderate will find John McCain’s positions more appealing and that Barack Obama cannot compete with his life experiences.

All in all, a solid speech. Not spectacular, but solid. It would have been a bit smoother if the people in the hall had not interrupted him at inappropriate times but he was able to get through that. He handled the moonbat who tried to disrupt the speech with a bit of humor and quickly refocused the attention of those listening, back to him. Notice that the only people causing trouble at both conventions were liberals.

The next 2 months will be very interesting. Sarah Palin has energized the party and we now have a real contest on our hands. Today’s poll has them dead even. it will be interesting to see what tomorrow’s brings.

I will be interviewed by Dennis Edwards on WSBA (910 am) out of York* PA tomorrow a little after 6 am Eastern about my thoughts on John McCain’s speech.
*Changed to reflect correct location of the station.

Big Dog

Were tornadoes a message from God?

The Democrats have all gathered in Denver for their convention love fest. Despite a lack of limousines, Dems were able to get to their “green” convention in the style they accuse out of touch Republicans of using.

Barack Obama hopes to make people believe he is no different than anyone else who has gone to school on scholarships and student loans and has had to figure out how to afford child care and activities for the youngsters. He might hope people will believe that but he and his wife spend more on piano lessons and camp than most people make in a year. Their kids go to private school and they own a home that cost them more than a million dollars even if a convicted lobbyist helped them buy it for political favor.

The Democrats also want us to believe that they are the party of faith. They barely acknowledged faith four years ago and their secular ways are touted whenever it is not an election year. They realized though, that the religious right is a big voting block and they would like to tap into it. What better way than to have a number of diverse religious groups and to start things off with a prayer? The Democrats are carefully moving into this area and claiming it is because Obama is giving people a seat at the table. The truth is that George Bush beat them with values voters and the left wants to tap into that group.

When there is no election the Democrats love to dismiss religion and invoke such non existent claims as Separation of Church and State (which is not written in the Constitution) and they love to side with the ACLU when it attacks religious groups. They use to dismiss religious voters until the Conservative Christians became a huge force. Now Democrats want to tap into that base. How they expect to do so when the Democratic platform involves killing unborn children and when their presumptive nominee advocates allowing children born alive to die is beyond me.

Perhaps this is why there were four tornadoes near Denver last night. Maybe God is expressing Himself in the debate.

Perhaps last night’s tornadoes were a prelude to Thursday night.

One can only HOPE…

Yahoo News
Rocky mountain News

Big Dog

Guantanamo Bay, Denver

It appears as if the city of Denver has its own formerly secret prison. The city converted a warehouse into a jail to process and house those who get arrested during the Democratic National Convention. There is no doubt the jail was built for the DNC and not because Denver needed a new jail.

Interestingly, the jail was a secret. No one was supposed to know about it and probably would not have until the arrests started but someone found out and exposed it. Civil rights groups are up in arms and claim that this has the potential to lead to abuse of people’s civil rights. I agree that a secret prison would have that potential but since it is no longer a secret it is no different than any other jail.

But let us explore the whole secret jail issue. The Democrats knew about it and it was built especially for their convention. They know that a huge number of protest groups are going to show up and they want them arrested and off the streets quickly so as to avoid coverage of anything that might hurt their chances of winning.

So let’s get this straight. The same Democratic party that howls about Guantanamo Bay and secret CIA prisons in other countries knew about a secret prison right here in America built for their convenience. Some might call that a bit hypocritical. Others, like me, might ask why it is that the Democrats oppose prisons (secret or not) that house terrorists and other enemies of our country but are in favor of a secret prison to house people who show opposition to the Democrats?

I wonder why the liberals think that Bush is Hitler and Gitmo should be closed but that they should have secret prisons to lock up Americans who disagree with them. Such hypocrisy. What do you expect from a group that screams global warming and vows to have a green convention but complains that there are not enough limousines in Denver to cart them around. I know Denver has buses.

Oh yeah, all that stuff is for the rest of the country to follow. Not the do as I say, not as I do Democrats…


Big Dog

Jimmah Carter is a Closet Obama Supporter

Former Disaster in Chief Jimmah Carter was on Jay Leno recently (Leno must be having a has been week) and he indicated that the delegates from Florida and Michigan must not be seated because those states broke the rules of the DNC.  I actually happen to agree with this position but I agree because it was the rule and the states knew what would happen if they broke it.  Carter does not particularly care about the rules as much as he cares how this will affect Barry Obama (who Carter has hinted at preferring).  Carter does not want to let Hillary get any closer and he does not want the number of delegates needed to win to increase.  He also does not want super delegates added because that would increase Hillary’s chances. Carter also warned about super delegates changing the will of the people:

He warned of a disaster if party insiders try to wrest the nomination from the candidate with the largest number of votes and state victories.

An attempt by so-called Democratic superdelegates to override the popular vote “would be an almost unacceptable thing,” Carter told Jay Leno on “The Tonight Show.”

If a candidate has a clear edge in votes, state-by-state wins and delegates claimed at caucuses and primaries, “I can’t imagine that the superdelegates would go against them,” Carter said. “It would be a catastrophe for the party.” WBAL

This is the flaw in their process. First of all, the super delegates are allowed, by their rules, to select who they want. The party has done this before and selected someone who was not the popular candidate (Adlai Stevenson). Secondly, even if they go with the will of the people the standard should not be the will of the people as a whole or the will of the people of a state but should be defined to the will of the people in a particular Congressional District. This standard would apply to elected super delegates who are in the House. The Senators represent an entire state so they wll need to decide how to vote.

For example, in Maryland there are eight Congressional Districts, five of which have Democrats for their representatives. Obama won the state and if we apply Carter’s standard (and the standard of Obama supporters) then he should get all five super delegates. However, Clinton won one of the five (as well as the three headed by Republicans) so Obama should get four and Clinton one. This is how the will of the people is demonstrated. Their wishes are expressed by their Representatives. If we goup all people together by state or as a country then the wishes of the people are not truly expressed.

The fact that Democrats want to do this does not surprise me because they do not care about the will of the voter unless they lose to a Republican (then there are voting problems and people were disenfranchised). The establishment is worried about one thing and one thing only and that is losing the black vote if they select Clinton over Obama. They are worried that Obama will not win the general election because he cannot carry the white vote in sufficient numbers. But, they are stuck with him unless they want to risk losing the black vote, a demographic they cannot win without.

If the Democrats cared about the will of the people they would let the people of Florida and Michigan have a say in the process. Instead, the Democrats have disenfranchised all those people who will probably remember this when it is time to vote in the general election. I agree with Rush Limbaugh. All the people in those states should register as Republicans because we will let your votes count.

In any event, the Democrats have painted themselves into a corner and they will end up getting bloodied before they can get out of that corner.

It will be so much fun to watch them beating themselves to death.

Big Dog

The Obama Phenomena

Barack Obama won Wisconsin and Hawaii yesterday and extended his delegate lead by 20. The Clinton campaign is in a downward spiral after losing 10 contests in a row. Why is Obama beating the woman who would be Queen (from Drudge)?

Obama Won:
Women (51-49)
All age groups under 65
All education levels
All regions of the state — urban, suburban and rural
Voters without college degrees (50-48)
Democrats (50-49)
Whites (53-46)
White men (59-38)
Voters who decided in the last week (58-42)

Won or tied voters of all income levels
Tied among white women
Tied among union members
Tied among union households

It would appear as if just about every demographic is moving toward Obama and leaving Clinton behind. Her firewall states are Texas and Ohio. She might win Texas though Obama is inching closer. The large Hispanic population gives her the edge but the Texas method of dividing delegates might favor Obama. it is based upon turn out from the last election and Hispanics did not show up in large numbers in 2004.

There are few states left with huge Hispanic populations (the only demographic Clinton seems to be able to hold) and certainly there are no populations large enough to counter the defections from the other groups. Clinton is in trouble because even though the possibility of a brokered convention exists, there are still enough outstanding delegates to give Obama the win outright. Clinton’s only hope is a brokered convention or the theft of committed delegates.

It would appear now that if Clinton ends up the nominee there will be a riot within the DNC. She either has to win it outright or the DNC risks being torn apart by infighting.

They must also be weary of awarding the nomination to Clinton and having Obama decide to run as an independent. He and Clinton would split votes and the Republican would likely win the presidency.

Howard Dean will have a huge ulcer when this is all said and done.