Evil Insurance Will Get $336 Billion From Obamacare

In order to cover most people with insurance, including those with preexisting conditions, the government will try to impose an unconstitutional law forcing everyone to purchase insurance. The only way for those evil insurance companies to make money insuring everyone no matter what, is to force everyone to buy insurance. This will place millions of young, healthy people in the mix paying more so that everyone can be covered.

But to help the poor purchase insurance the government will kick in $336 billion which will go right to the very evil insurance companies that Obama complains about.

To help pay for the new insurance requirements the government would give to people money to buy insurance – $336 billion over the next ten years. That money, ultimately, would have to go to… drum roll… insurance companies. ABC

Complaining that insurance companies are evil and make too much money and then paying them to insure people makes as much sense as spending money when you are broke in order to fix the economy.

The real evil here is the government. It will take away our right to choose (where have we heard that) and force us to buy health care insurance. Funny how the right to choose when it is abortion is sacrosanct but having the right to choose whether to buy insurance or not is not.

For all the money they want to spend to takeover our health care they could just buy policies for those who are uninsured and save billions upon billions.

Only in America can a politician deride a business while giving it money.

And while taking its money as well…

Big Dog


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