Great News, ACORN Folds!

The corrupt community organizing group ACORN is closing down. Some of the stronger local affiliates will remain but the national chapter is closing.

The ACORN Association Board met on Sunday March 21 and approved a set of steps to responsibly manage the process of bringing its operations to a close over the coming months. These include:

* Closing ACORN’s remaining state affiliates and field offices by April 1st; and
* Developing a plan to resolve all outstanding debts, obligations and other issues.

ACORN’s members have a great deal to be proud of–from promoting to homeownership to helping rebuild New Orleans, from raising wages to winning safer streets, from training community leaders to promoting voter participation—ACORN members have worked hard to create stronger to communities, a more inclusive democracy, and a more just nation. Politico

Members of this group were video recorded advising people to commit crimes (despite any claims to the contrary). The videos do not lie. There is no way to edit in people giving advice on how to break the law.

Now all we have to do is keep this corrupt organization from reorganizing under some other name.

Then again, they say this will happen on April Fool’s Day. I guess we will have to wait and see.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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We Will Remember In November

Congress got the chance to vote last night and the Democrats went against the will of the people to pass a bill that most do not want. The need for reform exists but people do not want this bill as the reform because it is intrusive and contains at least one unconstitutional provision.

Democrats ignored their constituents and voted with the party to takeover and control our lives. The bill is bad which is why the Democrats are in damage control mode. The bill is bad which is why they had to bribe their own members. The bill is bad which is why most Americans oppose it.

But they voted for it anyway. OK, Democrats in Congress got their chance to vote last night and we will get our chance in November. We will make them pay, and pay dearly, for ignoring our will and imposing theirs. They know they are in trouble and only hope that they have enough time to change people’s minds. They will also push for the rest of their agenda (amnesty, cap and trade, etc.) to keep us occupied and to make us forget what they did.

They will not be successful. When election day gets here they will pay with their jobs. We will not forget what they did. We will not forget the process and the way they ignored our Republican form of government to play dictator. We will not forget.

Those in safe districts likely have little to worry about but they will be in the minority when the election rolls around. Nancy Pelosi will be relegated to the minority. If they are smart they will give her a job cleaning latrines. That is where she belongs.

Meanwhile, people will hold Barack Obama accountable. He said on at least twenty occasions that he will reduce premiums by about $2500. He had better come through on that or he will be bounced on his progressive ass in 2012. He is likely a one term occupant anyway but Bill Clinton was able to wrangle a second term. Obama, with a Republican majority, might be able to do the same. We have had enough of this communist and we need to get rid of him after one term before he does even more damage.

It might be worthwhile for conservatives to sell all stock in companies who supported this mess.

We lost a battle yesterday but we have not lost the war. We need to get into our full battle rattle and take back our country.

We can start in November by making every one of them pay for what they did.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Will ACORN File For Bankruptcy?

ACORN, the community rabble rousing group that works to elect Democrats and to support Obama’s agenda, is on the verge of bankruptcy. This is great news! The corrupt organization has been caught committing one crime after another and using taxpayer dollars to do it.

After public attention focused on their criminal deeds Obama and Democrats distanced themselves from the group. Perhaps it is because the group’s illegal activities helped elect some of them (Franken).

But now the group is in financial trouble and preparing to file for bankruptcy protection.

Good, I want to see this group go out of business and not be allowed to reconstitute under some other name.

As for all of their workers who will be out of work, screw them. They can go on Obama unemployment. At least that government welfare would be cheaper than the government welfare we have been giving the organization for all these years.

And to think, we have a couple of courageous young people to thank for this because they did the job the lame stream media refuses to do.

The New York Times

Big Dog


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Nancy Pelosi, Drain Your Swamp

Nancy Pelosi told us how wonderful Democrats were and that when they took control they would drain the swamp and let sunshine disinfect DC. She and her cohorts rode into power on a wave of anti Bush sentiment and their claims of the Republican “Culture of Corruption.”

To be sure, there have been and are corrupt Republicans but to listen to Pelosi one would think corruption is limited to that party. Pelosi and the Democrats have their own corruption to worry about and Pelosi seems none to eager to drain her own corrupt swamp.

The ethical woes facing Democrats are piling up, with barely a day passing in recent weeks without headlines from Washington to New York and beyond filled with word of scandal or allegations of wrongdoing. NY Times

Governor Paterson of New York is mentioned in the article but he does not fall under Pelosi’s purview.

The list of corruption and wrong doing on the left gets increasingly longer each day.

And the Washington Examiner points out the dirty money in DC with its Dirty Money Archives. Look at that long list of Democrats…

But don’t ignore the Republicans on the list. Like I pointed out earlier, the problem is on both sides.

Vote them all out and we can start over…

Big Dog


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Democrats Are In Panic Mode In Massachusetts

US Army veteran and candidate for the US Senate in Massachusetts Scott Brown is causing quite a stir among those in the liberal establishment who believe that the Senate seat in question is “Ted Kennedy’s” seat and that Martha Coakley is the rightful owner of that seat but has yet to go through the formality of an election. Rasmussen found Brown 9 points behind Coakley last week but my liberal commenters discounted this because they say Rasmussen is a shill for Republicans and if -9 is all he could scare up then she is doing OK.

This week finds us using a left wing polling organization, Public Policy Polling, which shows Brown with a 1 point lead which makes this race a toss-up. Brown could certainly lose this election very easily because the Democrats have a lot of tools at their disposal. SEIU is out in full force and supporting Coakley and is in the mix helping her. Add in ACORN and its criminal activities and we see the shenanigans the left is known for. This is especially true when one considers that Massachusetts is a very blue state and, for some reason, the Kennedys think they own that Senate Seat.

Let me be clear, this seat is not Ted Kennedy’s seat, it belongs to the people. It was the seat held by Kennedy but he did not own it despite what Democrats will have you believe. No one can blame them because Ted Kennedy acted as if he owned the seat. He acted as if he and his Democrats owned both of them. He worked to have the law changed so if John Kerry won the presidency in 2004, Mitt Romney could not appoint a Republican to the seat. There had to be a special election. When Kennedy was near the end of his life he asked the legislature to change the law back so that the now Democrat Governor could appoint a Democrat to fill the seat when Kennedy died. They did that and we are now faced with the typical shenanigans Democrats are known for.

The latest poll shows that Republicans and Independents heavily favor Brown. Coakley has name recognition and has a lot of liberal support but many folks are unhappy with the health care reform being rammed through Congress. Most folks who supported Kennedy’s dream of universal health care do not believe what is going through Congress is anything close to what he wanted. Democrats are less enthusiastic about this election and the youth will likely not be out in force like it was in 2008.

Republicans and Independents are fired up and the seniors are always a reliable voting block. This is going to mean trouble for Ms. Coakley but she still has 9 days to get the SEIU and ACORN bandits out to work some magic.

The Weekly Standard says the poll is likely to spur the Democrat machine to get busy in Massachusetts and that is spot on.

Democrats have already begun contingency plans in case Brown wins. The state of Massachusetts must wait 10 days after a federal election for absentee and military ballots. The state will wait to certify even if there is no mathematical possibility for Brown to lose because of these ballots. The state plans to delay signing the election certification as long as it can so that the interim appointment can vote on the health care bill in the Senate. The Democrats have a plan to delay the duly elected Senator from Massachusetts if that person happens to be a Republican. If Coakley wins she will likely be certified very quickly and sworn in as soon as humanly possible.

These Democrats are the same ones who whined about Al Franken even though he was involved in a legal recount. These Democrats are the ones who want people in DC and sworn in immediately when they are Democrats. These people are showing the American public exactly how underhanded and unethical they are. They are willing to thwart the will of the people in Massachusetts in order to get what they want. As Gateway Pundit reports, Democrats are stripping amendments that Republicans had put in the bills and that were approved. They are unethical and will do what they want regardless of what it means.

If Brown wins it will be a clear sign that NO ONE is safe. If a Republican wins in Massachusetts it will be another shot heard round the world and will signal that Democrats are in real trouble. But it will also tell them to ram as much as they can now because it will be their last chance.

We need Scott Brown to win. The lawyers can work on what happens after in order to get him in the Senate. All of it will be moot if Brown loses so you folks in Massachusetts need to elect Scott Brown in order to stop the run away government.

Remember folks, the same government that is running TSA and Homeland Security wants to run your health care.

Riehl World View
Big Government shows exactly how they will obtain power and push in universal health care. Be very careful of what you let these people do. THIS IS A MUST READ.
Wall Street Journal – Where America Ranks Number One In Health Care
HillBuzz talks about the Democrats refusal to seat Brown should he win. The word is people will set up an office for Brown on the Capitol steps if they have to. Screw that. If they will not seat him I say we enter the Capitol by force of arms and PUT him in his office. If they want to play hardball let’s show them what hardball is.

Big Dog


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