If Bush Had Said It…

George Bush had a way with words that made liberals cringe. Every nuance or mistake was highlighted on TV and other media outlets as proof that Bush was an idiot, a moron, or mentally challenged. The same media uses the mistakes of Sarah Palin to show she is an idiot and not worthy of consideration for anything regardless of her actual intelligence. The media though, love to ignore Obama’s mistakes. He has made many verbal gaffes but the MSM ignores when Obama makes a mistake. He is, after all, the smartest man in the world, so they have to protect him.

At a campaign rally, I mean jobs bill rally this week Obama discussed how great America used to be. We did, according to Obama the Great, build the Intercontinental Railroad

Now, we used to have the best infrastructure in the world here in America. We’re the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad, the Interstate Highway System. (Applause.) We built the Hoover Dam. We built the Grand Central Station. (Applause.) LA Times

I am sure Obama meant the Transcontinental Railroad since we don’t have a rail system that extends from the US to places like Europe or Africa. Since he was talking about America’s infrastructure one must assume he was talking about the Transcontinental Railroad.

Anyone can make a mistake though one would assume that his speech writers would crack a book or do a Google search to ensure they had it correct.

If George Bush had made this mistake the liberal media pundits would be talking about what a moron he is and how stupid we are as a people for electing such a buffoon.

But when Obama makes this kind of error it is ignored. Can’t let the masses know how dumb the leader really is.

Obama is the least intelligent man in any room he enters…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Obama Wants Courage, Pelosi Gives Cowardice

Barack Obama is out on the campaign trail community organizing support for his health care takeover because he does not have the votes to get it passed. He will be interviewed on FOX News tonight because FOX has the largest audience, the biggest number of people opposed, and because Obama’s health care takeover is on the ropes.

While Obama was trotting out sob stories and telling half truths about the medical situations of those he exploited, he called for courage. He wants the Democrats to have the courage to vote for his plan even though it will severely hamper the ability of many of them to get reelected. Courage is what the man wants.

But cowardice is what he gets. The Democrats do not have the courage of their convictions and do not want their names attached to the vote. Nancy Pelosi is considering using a procedure that will cover Democrats and allow them to claim they did not vote for the bill.

The tactic — known as a “self-executing rule” or a “deem and pass” — has been commonly used, although never to pass legislation as momentous as the $875 billion health-care bill. It is one of three options that Pelosi said she is considering for a late-week House vote, but she added that she prefers it because it would politically protect lawmakers who are reluctant to publicly support the measure. [emphasis mine] Washington Post

She likes the procedure (which is likely unconstitutional) because it provides protection for Democrats reluctant to vote for the Senate Bill. This is nothing but cowardice.

While Obama is out calling for courage his Democrats are hiding behind Pelosi’s skirt because they are a bunch of thumb-sucking pansies who do not have enough of a spine to stand up for what they believe in.

If the bill is so wonderful and does so many great things then why do they need cover? If this is the panacea that will solve our health care problems then why are they not proudly standing up and voting for it?

They are not voting for it because they know it is a crap sandwich that Obama wants them all to take a bite from.

Arms are being twisted, deals are being cut, and members of Congress are being embarrassed into doing what Obama wants them to do but what the majority of Americans do not.

Despite the rationalization by some, these Democrats are in trouble. At least 35 of them are in districts that were easily won by Republican presidential candidates and it is unlikely that those districts will put them back in office if they vote for this.

A year ago I figured that Republicans would gain seats in the midterm election because that is the historical trend. I never thought they could take back the House but now I am convinced that Republicans will win enough seats to gain the majority.

Of course things can change in eight months but if the elections were held today the Republicans would have control of the House.

Health care is the straw that broke the camel’s back. Pass or fail, a lot of Democrats will get flushed because of it and their blind loyalty to a community organizer who is hell bent on destroying this country.

Wall Street Journal

Big Dog


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Is New Yorker Cover a Ploy to Help Obama?

The New Yorker published an unflattering cover of Barack Obama and his (now) proud wife and it displayed every negative thing that has been said about him during the race for the White House. The New Yorker insists that this cover is a response to all the false things stated about Obama [by the Republicans]. Obama received most of his criticism during the Democratic Primary where DEMOCRATS spread rumors about him or where the words of his clueless wife were used against them. It was operatives from Hillary Clinton’s camp that spread the Muslim rumors and pictures of the Messiah in Muslim garb. It was Michelle’s radical words and lack of pride that came under fire. It was members of the Democratic Party who played the race card and it was Obama’s camp that attributed racism to every criticism. Still, the attacks from the left did not prevent Obama from saying that the right would be on the attack:

“They’re going to try to make you afraid of me. He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?” Yahoo News

Since Obama made that claim about a month ago there have been no attacks like what he described, at least not from the right. McCain denounces any utterance that might look like an attack on Obambi and the 527s that Obama warned about have been from the left (mostly Soros) attacking John McCain. Where are all these attack ads? Where is this plan where we are going to make people afraid of him?

The fact is, it is not there. In steps the New Yorker with the cover that has drawn scorn from the contenders in both parties. Did this magazine make this cover to give Obama the attack he predicted? Did they do this so that he could say I told you so? Certainly the magazine is supportive of Obambi so why else would they do this?

I think they wanted it to appear as if the Prophet Obambi (PBUH) was right. Most people outside of a small group of elitists do not read the New Yorker and quite a few don’t know what kind of magazine it is so the general public will be left with the impression that this is a right wing attack on the Messiah. The magazine also gives the impression that the cover depicts what most people on the right think about Obama.

I believe that the cover was intended to help Obambi and he knows this. His indignation is probably feigned and he is relishing the idea that the cover will give his predictions of attacking Republicans some legs.

FWIW, I do not oppose Obama because he is black or for what his religion is. I believe him when he says he is Christian. Whether he is a good one is another question. I feel sorry for his wife because she has not felt pride in the many accomplishments of this country and I don’t care if he wears a Flag pin ( I just wish he had the testicular fortitude to stick with his original position and not pander). I oppose him because I know he is a socialist and that he will tax us to no end. I know he is inexperienced and that he is dangerous for this country. I also feel that he is not a true patriot and that he believes in a one world concept rather than having a national identity.

I also believe that the New Yorker and many other publications will do whatever they can to help him win. That cover had a purpose and hurting Obambi was not it.

Big Dog