Democrats Reauthorize Patriot Act
Feb 28, 2010 Political
The Democrats opposed the Patriot Act when Bush was the president, or at least they pretended to. They went on rants about how horrible it was, what an invasion of privacy it was, blah, blah. They tried to end it and to stop it and to change it because everyone knows Bush was really Hitler and he wanted to listen to granny discuss whole grain cookie recipes to help with constipation.
As a candidate for president, then-Sen. Barack Obama railed against parts of USA Patriot Act that gave the Bush administration sweeping powers to intercept phone and e-mail communications in the name of fighting terrorism with little judicial or congressional oversight, and Obama pledged to institute “robust” checks and balances if elected. PolitiFact
[note]The PolitiFact article we written before the vote this week. In it the promise is rated as “In the Works.”[/note]
The Democrats wanted some provisions in there to add more oversight to the process but those did not make it in. They voted for it and Obama signed it anyway. In other words, the Democrats and Obama extended the very same Patriot Act that they bashed when Bush was president. They passed that which they claimed to have opposed. Obama signed a bill that contains something he was against when he was running for office. He signed a bill that does not do what he promised he would.
The Democratic Underground is not happy.
Neither is Counter Currents.
I guess this is not the change they were looking for or as one of them put it, the more things change…
Those sneaky Democrats added this to the Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act . They did not even have the testicular fortitude to do this as a separate piece of legislation. I think it was by design. Now they can claim they had to vote for it (and Obama can claim he had to sign it) because if they did not Medicare would suffer. Republicans have cover as well. They can claim they had to vote for it because it extended the Patriot Act.
Cowards all.
Additional source:
My Way News
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Tags: cowards, Democrats, liars, Obama, patriot act, Republicans
Wishing won’t make it so
Oct 14, 2009 Political
Over the past year, I have debated and conversed, and sometimes outright argued with many people about the state of our Union, and what I perceive the troubles to be. Everyone has a viewpoint, and some can make quite good arguments for their positions, some, not so much.
But I have run into a certain group of people who really would rather stick their heads in the sand, than acknowledge that there might actually be trouble in River City. They are the little kid who claps his hands over his ears and screams at the top of his voice, simply because he doesn’t like the message. That tactic, while effective perhaps in drowning the message out, does nothing in preventing the action from being taken- whereupon the person expresses surprise, saying a variant of “I didn’t think they would really do that,” when all the signs were there.
These people are who I call “Denialists”- people who just want more than anything to travel back in time before the contentiousness of today’s politics overwhelmed them. I can, believe it or not, sympathize- I would like to go back to an easier time, a less combative time, but alas, that is not to be.
Even if our political scene at home was settled, we now have the Russians, the Chinese, and the Indians, all seeking a bigger piece of the pie- and the threat might not come from one source, but multiples, for you have the baby nuke states, some of whom are crazy MoFos (I think sanity is a condition they must forgo, in order to belong).
Then you have the banana people- the Chavez/ Morales/ Castro/ Ortega leftists that seem to crop up every thirty years or so, just to make sure that their nation stays impoverished and backwards. It is probably a genetic thing.
Still, we (our Nation) are busy buddying up to these Marxist meatsacks, when in the past, we wouldn’t have given them the time of day, or if we had to notice them, we’d take them out of power- spank them good for their audacity, and throw them on the street or in prison.
No longer- our nation is undergoing a crisis of both mind and morality. All the hippies whose mantra in the 60s and 70s was, “If it feels good, do it,” now have chancres and herpes to show for their lifestyles, and the permissive attitudes they laid out for their children has resulted in Columbine Brats- children who should have been shot as a present to the rest of society. Those children were only cute to their parents, and in the end, not so much anymore. They endangered the rest of society with their permissiveness.
And these same people made up “rights”- “I have the right to do this”, or that, never giving thought that their rights ran smack dab up against laws, which were put in place for a reason. No, they just had to figure that it was “The Man” holding them back, rather than their sporadic and puerile education in the public school system.
And now the parents I talk to seem tired, beaten down, and more than willing to ignore what is going on in the halls of government today. They really don’t want to know, and some have gotten belligerent when I brought the subject up, one even threatening to shoot me- a threat he quickly rescinded, as he knows I take things like that seriously, but the fact that he would even say this indicates how fervently they want to believe this isn’t happening, and don’t even want to hear about it from friends.
This is only a good dream for the Liberals- a given 20% of the population- the rest of us range from scared, to oblivious, to pissed off. Many, as I have said, are sticking their head in the sand, and hoping it all goes away. It just goes to show, you really do not know the character of the person who you think is your friend, until the crisis comes.
Sometimes, sadly, they turn out to be Denialists.
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Bald Faced Liars
Aug 25, 2009 Political
Yep, that’s the Resident and his little posse of second- rate hucksters that trail behind him, begging for scraps- all liars. How can they even talk with each other? Would you trust anyone who has lied as much as this administration? God knows I do not.
The Resident has lied about 1)- the “stimulus”, 2)- THE “TARP”, 3)-Cap & Tax, 4)-the deficit, 5)- healthcare, and 6)- now, the CIA “investigation”, in which he claimed to want to look ahead.
His lackey, Eric Holder, the attorney general, apparently has gone off of the plantation in his investigation of the CIA. This will have a chilling effect on our ability to gather intelligence, but it seems as if Holder doesn’t know what intelligence is, because he surely isn’t displaying any.
The Justice Department released a long-secret report Monday chronicling abuses inside the Central Intelligence Agency’s overseas prisons, showing how interrogators choked a prisoner repeatedly and threatened to kill another detainee’s children.
In response to the findings, Attorney General Eric H Holder Jr. chose John H. Durham, a veteran prosecutor from Connecticut who has been investigating the C.I.A.’s destruction of interrogation videotapes, to determine whether a full criminal investigation of the conduct of agency employees or contractors was warranted. The review will be the most politically explosive inquiry since Mr. Holder took over the Justice Department in February.
Why would ANY real American go this route? Why destroy the intel capacity of the CIA at a time that we need to have ALL the facilities at peak performance? All because a couple of Al-Qaida scumbags got wet? Personally, I do not care how wet they got- indeed, I don’t care if they had their skin flayed off in long, slow strips- just so we got the intel.
The CIA knows how to get intel without flaying the skin off of these pigs, but now, even a little water is too much for the pantywaists at the Justice department. It is either that, or they are flat out traitors intentionally sabotaging our intelligence capacity- I know which choice I think these people are.
The attorney general said his decision to order an inquiry was based in part on the recommendation of the Justice Department’s ethics office, which called for a new review of several interrogation cases.
In what appeared to be a response to the Justice Department’s release, the C.I.A. later on Monday released previously secret agency reports from 2004 and 2005 that detailed intelligence scoops produced by the interrogation program.
One of the reports calls the program “a crucial pillar of U.S. counterterrorism efforts” and describes how interrogations helped unravel a network headed by an Indonesian terrorist known as Hambali. The other report details information elicited from Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, chief planner of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, saying it “dramatically expanded our universe of knowledge on Al Qaeda’s plots.”
Those reports, which former Vice President Dick Cheney had sought to have released earlier this year, do not refer to any specific interrogation methods and do not assess their effectiveness.
It is not the job of the CIA to be gentle- it is the job of the CIA to obtain information, and there are times where more coercive techniques need to be used. These are also, I might remind people, enemies that cut off our soldier’s heads after our soldiers have been captured. If we make them a little moist in our quest for info, that should not concern any American who cares for our citizens and soldiers.
If you have no problem with our soldiers heads being cut off, perhaps you need to be waterboarded too, because no self- respecting American allows that without some reprisal.
As we can now see, Eric Holder is no self- respecting American, but a traitor bent on destroying the CIA and its intelligence capacity. He is not alone in this, however, since the Resident could tell Holder to cease, as he says he wanted to. The fact that he does not only reveals him to be Pontius Pilate in a suit, washing his hands while Holder crucifies the CIA.
In another session of questioning, the report said, one C.I.A. interrogator told investigators that Mr. Mohammed was told that if there was another attack on American soil, the C.I.A. would “kill your children.” Mr. Mohammed’s young sons were in the custody of Pakistani and American authorities at the time.
Among a litany of C.I.A. tactics, the report describes the “hard takedown,” when a detainee was grabbed and thrown to the floor before being moved to a sleep-deprivation cell. It details baths given to Mr. Nashiri, saying he was sometimes scrubbed with “the kind of brush one uses in a bath to remove stubborn dirt” to induce pain. In July 2002, the report says, a C.I.A. interrogator grabbed a detainee’s neck to restrict the prisoner’s carotid artery until he began to faint. Another officer then “shook the detainee to wake him,” and the “pressure point” technique was repeated twice more.
Interrogators also staged a mock execution in 2002 to intimidate a detainee. C.I.A. officers began screaming outside the room where he was being interrogated. When leaving the room, he “passed a guard who was dressed as a hooded detainee, lying motionless on the ground, and made to appear as if he had been shot to death.”
In 2003, C.I.A. officers began using another technique — called “water dousing” — that involved laying a detainee on a plastic sheet and pouring water over him for 10 to 15 minutes.
According to the report, an interrogator believed this was an effective technique, and sent a cable back to C.I.A. headquarters requesting guidelines.
A return cable explained that a detainee “must be placed on a towel or sheet, may not be placed naked on the bare cement floor, and the air temperature must exceed 65 degrees if the detainee will not be dried immediately.”
Now, in all of these techniques, not one of them involved separation of one’s head from one’s body– it is not the job of the CIA to be gentle, and I do not want to place undue restrictions on them. Would I like to endure this treatment? Oh hell no- but then, I am not the one who is trying to wage terrorism against soldiers of the United States, or wanting to commit terror attacks in the US against innocent men, women, and children. These people do, and they should not be treated gently- they should be ground down until we have gotten every bit of information we can, and they are nothing but empty, blubbering husks of flesh that we can safely discard.
Then we can take them back to their country of origin and dump them into the kind and gentle hands of others who might like to speak with them also.
Now that is justice.
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Tags: cowards, eric holder, intelligence, terror, traitors, waterboarding
New Miss California Has Same Opinion As Old
Jun 13, 2009 Political
Carrie Prejean was unceremoniously dumped as Miss California because she gave an answer to a question that was not satisfactory to the gay guy who asked it. She answered Perez Hilton’s question about marriage by saying she believed that marriage was between a man and a woman. That answer is, no doubt, the reason she lost the Miss USA title. I know Donald Trump said differently but he is lying. The people involved are such unprofessional cowards that they did not even tell her she was fired. She found out when someone from the media called to get a comment from her.
The interesting thing is that Prejean gave the same answer that Barack Obama did when he faced a similar question. Joe Biden holds the same view as do many other liberals. The interesting thing is that the young lady who replaced Prejean, runner-up Tami Farrell, holds the same view:
[Prejean] went out and said that a marriage is between a man and a woman. Do you share that view?”
Farrell responded in the affirmative with a simple, “Uh huh.”
“You do, OK,” said Cavuto.
Farrell quickly added: “I don’t think that I have the right or anybody has a right to tell somebody who they can or can’t love. And I think that this is a civil rights issue. And I think that the right thing to do is let the voters decide.” WND
So Big Dog, how do you say Prejean was fired for her answer when her replacement holds the same view?
The official story is that Prejean was fired by Trump because she did not live up to her contract. Prejean claims this is not true and that she followed the contract to the letter of the law. She also claims that the people who handled her (with regard to her obligations) were trying to get her to make appearances and do things that were objectionable to her. She claims that she was asked if she would do a semi-nude layout for Playboy and she said she did not want to do that and that they were trying to set her up to be fired.
She claims to have been asked to attend same sex partner rallies and other gay events. She stated that she did not think it was wise to do that because right now tensions are still pretty high. She did not say she would not do it at all. I agree with her, do it later when people are not in as much of a snit. She would go and get booed and they would make a scene in order to embarrass her and she knew that. It would appear as if the handlers were trying to get her fired.
People do not have to like the answer she gave but it was not a harsh answer and it was not a condemning answer. She answered it politely and she spoke her own truth. Whether one opposes gay marriage or not there was no reason for her to be treated this way. There was especially no reason for that limp wristed twit Hilton to treat her that way. Prejean could have slapped him from one side of California to the other but she did not.
Even in dismissal Prejean was pleasant and polite and she thanked the people involved and she even thanked Trump. She had a target on her back because she said the same thing Obama did but she is not a liberal.
I look for a lawsuit to come out of this and if all goes well she can put Trump in another bankruptcy.
As for Perez Hilton, if he does not like the answers then maybe he should slip into one of his dresses and enter the contest so he can answer the questions himself.
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Tags: carrie prejean, cowards, donald trump, liars, miss california, tami farrell
To Vote or not To Vote
May 27, 2009 Political, Stop the ACLU
It appeared that by Tuesday night the Texas version of a Voter I.D. bill would be dead on arrival as Democrats used one of their time- dishonored methods of blocking ANY legislation in order to force the I.D. bill to die an ugly legislative death.
Personally I fail to see that verification of who you claim to be is such a deal breaker when it comes to voting, especially as you can now get one of several types of I.D.s free, so it isn’t money that is the problem here.
Republicans say that having an I.D. tends to lessen any voting fraud, and I tend to agree, what with all the questions surrounding ACORN, you might think the Democrat Party might(since they hold themselves to be pure and chaste when it comes to the voting booth) just feel that this is an issue where they might be wrong, but apparently everything is ideological, and therefore it’s not possible to admit error.
While Republicans say that this ensures a truer accounting of the vote, Democrats contend that this somehow disenfranchises the poor and elderly.
Since 2002, Republicans have championed photo IDs as a means to prevent fraudulent voting. Under the laws, a voter must show government-issued identification — such as a driver’s license or a passport — to prove to poll workers that he or she is indeed the person registered to vote.
Democrats, however, have strongly opposed the requirement, saying it tends to discourage people who usually vote Democratic. Tens of thousands of poor, elderly, disabled, homeless or foreign-born citizens do not have valid photo ID cards, Democrats say.
An AARP survey, for example, found that 3% of elderly registered voters in Indiana did not have a current driver’s license. Even if these people had cast ballots in the past and remained eligible voters, Democrats argue, they might be dissuaded from voting next year because of the photo ID requirement. LA Times
Now, many states already have free I.D.s available- all one has to do is ask for it, and there would, I am sure, be an ACORN bus in front of their house in no time. Of course, ACORN might want a quid pro quo- might just want you to vote the way they see it, rather than the way you might want. That’s always the case in a deal with the devil- you are going to get burned.
This is why I see the voter I.D. law as necessary:
The GOP was most effective in pointing to problems when it came to registering new voters. Some liberal organizations sponsored drives to register prospective voters, and they paid collectors to gather signature cards. Later investigations found these groups repeatedly signed up people who were not eligible to vote. Some were not citizens, were not residents of the area or were felons who had lost their right to vote. LA Times
At least the Dems in the Texas legislature didn’t run like scared rabbits this time, as is their wont. This they have done twice, abdicating their desks in favor of self- imposed exile, while the clock ran out on the legislative session. Much like a child who believes that if he holds his hands in front of his eyes no one will see him, so these brave legislators” got rabbit in their blood, and ran-”
Okay, that last line I got from “Cool Hand Luke”, but the sentence still applies to these cowards who love nothing better than to hold the entire legislative process hostage while their inner child has a temper tantrum. Voter identification is necessary in a world where not much can be done if you do not have at least two forms of I.D.- a driver’s license and a credit card- it is time, indeed past time that we know who is who when it comes to a vote. I do not want any voters rising from the grave, a la Duval County, which ended up giving LBJ the Senate seat by 29 votes. There is just too much at stake these days to allow the perception of voter fraud to taint an already contentious divide.
It is too easy these days, with the help of a computer, to be anyone you wish to be. For the purposes of elections at least, let’s actually, provably be who we really are.
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Tags: cowards, liberals, verification, voter fraud