As If They Were Not Already Doing This

There is a group, Crash The Party, that is publicly announcing that it wants to crash TEA Parties and exaggerate the stereotype the MSM has painted for the group. The group wants to infiltrate and make the TEA Party look “more” racist and “more” ignorant.

This group is acting like this is new. Plenty of Democrat/liberal/progressive operatives have been in the TEA Party protests and have acted ignorant to portray the Party as bad. This has been going on for quite some time because the left knows that if a person screams a bad word or shows up with a racist sign, the MSM will say that this is a Party member and paint the entire party as having the same views.

Remember, it was the left that beat up a black TEA Party member and called him the N word. This was basically ignored by the MSM. It was actual violence and actual racism and it was ignored because the left’s goons in SEIU were the ones doing it. When TEA Party members started legally carrying firearms to the events the physical attacks stopped. The attacks by media did not as those with guns were called racists. The MSM cropped out the person carrying a gun to show the world the racist there.

Turns out he was a black guy…

This propaganda from state run media is what we are up against with this regime in office.

So Crash The Party can act like it is doing something new but the left and its sock puppets in the media have been doing this all along.

But now there is proof that people are doing it.

How convenient. From now on, any ignorant stuff at a TEA Party event can be blamed on a Crash The Party member. Just say it was one of those guys.

It has been one of those types all along but now we have it in writing.

I wonder if stimulus money from the regime was used to fund the group or if it came from their lord and master, George Soros…

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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