Eric Holder And Civil Rights

Valerie Jarrett, the Communist running the White House (and you thought Obama was doing that?), has stated that Eric Holder will keep his job. She said that he is resilient and has the confidence of Barack Obama so these scandals will not force him out.

Jarrett said:

“Eric never loses sight of what he’s there for,” said Jarrett. “He’s there to be the chief lawyer for the United States of America and to make sure that all of our rights are protected, and to defend our country, to make sure that he is an advocate for those whose civil rights have been infringed upon–anyone whose rights have been infringed upon. And there are people all around the country who are counting on him to be the attorney general. And so yes he is resistant, and he is tough, and he is strong, and he is perfectly capable of defending himself, and he is an outstanding attorney general, who enjoys the full confidence of the president of the United States.” Weekly Standard

There is no doubt that Holder knows what he is there for. He is there to exact revenge on Obama’s enemies. He is there to ignore the crimes of minorities and to suppress conservatives. Let us not forget that Jarrett was the one who said that once they won the election (the 2012 election) there would be payback and they would be taking revenge on people.

Holder is part of the team doing that. He is trampling on the First Amendment (and several others for that matter) and he is going after conservatives, period.

If he was truly an advocate for civil rights then he would be balls to the walls to get to the bottom of the IRS scandal. The civil rights of many conservative groups (as well as other groups opposed to Obama) were violated by the IRS. Can anyone show me where Holder has gone after anyone involved? Is Holder seeking indictments of those who broke the law?

Jarrett is right in one respect. There are people around the country who count on him. The Obama Regime is counting on him to continue exacting revenge and those who have been wronged by government are counting on him to uphold the law and punish those who broke it.

Guess which group is getting his attention?

Eric Holder is a racist, partisan hack who cares not about the people who have been harmed if they are people who either do not look like him or hold the same political philosophy as he and his cronies in the Regime. We saw it with the New Black Panther Case and we are seeing it now.

Holder is one of the people involved in the criminal activity. How can he be looking out for our civil rights when he is busy violating them?

I think Jarrett is correct that Holder will not go anywhere. He can’t because there are still a bunch of rights he has not trampled on.

Holder leads the Department of Just-Us and that is why Obama supports him….

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


How Far Does The IRS Scandal Reach?

The IRS is guilty of targeting conservative groups. Of this there is no doubt and when this is said and done a number of people should land in jail. The IRS deliberately targeted groups to help Barack Obama get reelected and it released tax information to people who could use it to attack Romney and his supporters.

These are the facts in the scandal and they are not in dispute.

We know that Harry Reid made claims that Romney paid no taxes. We do not know if this is true or not but where did Reid get his information? We know that Austan Goolsbee, Obama’s economic adviser, accused the Koch brothers of not paying corporate taxes. Where did he get his information?

Goolsbee and the White House had claimed they got the information from publicly available sources (Forbes and the Koch website) but those sources did not have that information. Now that the IRS scandal has broken Goolsbee has piped up to claim that it was a mistake and the info came from an article.

Why did he chime in now when the issue was not mentioned since the original false claim? Perhaps it is because Goolsbee is worried about getting snared in the IRS scandal. Is it because this will be traced back to Obama?

It is likely that Barack Obama had knowledge of what was going on. Whether he directed the IRS to break the law is not yet known but he probably knew where the information was coming from. Hell, his campaign was using the information so it requires the willful suspension of disbelief to think he did not know. This tactic is classic Obama.

This is why all the wagons are circling. The people involved are trying to protect Obama from being caught up in all of this.

Congress can investigate all of this and it can appoint a special prosecutor to look into it but if it wants to end this fast it needs to find the low level people involved and threaten them with serious jail time. These people might be Obama sycophants but I doubt any of them want to go to jail for him.

Goolsbee is covering his rear so he should be on the hot seat as should the people at the IRS all the way up to Lerner. Threaten these people with the full might of the government and the judicial system and they will begin to sing.

There are plenty of scandals that show America elected a criminal to run the country. His shady deal with terrorists (he was either running guns through Benghazi or he planned to have our Ambassador kidnapped so he could negotiate a deal to swap the Blind Sheik and look like a hero before the election. The plan went south when two Seals refused to stand down) led to Americans being murdered and he should be impeached for that. In any event this 3 am phone call will derail Hillary in 2016.

The IRS scandal hits a broader audience because it targeted everyday citizens for political purposes. A government agency was used to intimidate Americans and help Obama win an election. Despite the moron liberals who are happy it took place the overwhelming number of people in this country find the whole thing distasteful. Most people here do not like the IRS and give it no sympathy.

The public trust has been violated and there are a lot of people involved in the violation. We need action on this. We need Obama impeached, we need the IRS abolished and the tax code simplified, and we need everyone who was involved in this to be sent to jail.

Then we need to deal with Benghazi and the DOJ violation of the First Amendment right of the press.

No matter what, we must have answers and we must have justice.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Deny Lerner 5th Amendment Protection

Lois Lerner is the IRS official who was in charge of the Tax Exempt Division when it was illegally targeting conservative groups (among others). Her division fast tracked liberal organizations but caused all kinds of problems for conservative groups. The results of an IRS IG investigation were known last year prior to the presidential election but the results were suppressed in order to help Obama win reelection.

Make no mistake; this was all suppressed in order to help Obama. Think about it. If everything going on right now had been known and took place prior to the last election do you think Obama would have won? The media covered him on Benghazi and the IRS covered him on the brewing scandal where the IRS was used to intimidate groups opposed to him.

Lois Lerner is before a Congressional Committee today to answer questions about the scandal. Yesterday we learned that she planned to invoke her right against self incrimination under the 5th Amendment to the US Constitution. It appears that she revoked her right by making a statement but that has not stopped her from refusing to answer questions.

I believe that Lerner should be denied her 5th Amendment right not to incriminate herself. Why is that?

Well, I would normally say that she has the right and all rights should be upheld but in DC not all rights apply and among liberals not all rights are viewed as equal or relevant. For instance, regular citizens are not allowed to carry a firearm in DC. Hell, it is damn near impossible to own one there. We have a Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms but that right is routinely dismissed by liberals in DC.

Liberals do not support the Second Amendment and they are working very hard to take our firearms away. Elijah Cummings, the head Democrat on the committee, is an anti gun nut. He does not believe we have a right to keep and bear arms and he supports anti gun legislation. Since he refuses to uphold his oath then we should deny Lerner her right. Let’s assert she has no right and get the liberals on record indicating that rights are precious and need to be upheld. Lerner violated the rights of a lot of people with her illegal activities now it is time to deny any right she invokes and eventually deny her freedom.

Now that won’t generally work because one needs a brain to apply logic and common sense. The AP and some of the other media are coming around after the regime violated the First Amendment but we have a long way to go before we get them to recognize that the Second is as important as all the others.

In fact, it is more important. Without the Second there will be no protection for the others.

As of this writing Lerner got up and left the building.

She should have been arrested. Think about this folks. Would someone from the IRS allow YOU to take the 5th and then get up and leave during an audit? Do you think the groups her division targeted could have gotten away with this when the IRS asked them the intrusive and illegal questions?

I find it ironic that the people who ignore and violate the US Constitution each and every day have suddenly decided that the Constitution is important.

Notice how they use it to cover their rear ends when they have trouble.

I have two words that will get her to talk.

Water boarding.

And keep in mind, this wench will be running the IRS division of Obamacare.

Who gave the orders?
Surprise, parties divided over scandal
No star witness?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama’s Catch And Release Is Deadly

It is no secret that Obama panders to the illegal community. He has enacted his version of the DREAM Act via Executive Order, he has ignored their presence in the country and he has sued a sovereign state to keep that state from enacting and enforcing immigration laws that are EXACTLY LIKE THE FEDERAL LAWS.

Obama does not look at illegals as being here in violation of the law. He looks at them as Democrat voters. They are no problem to him and his party because they are viewed as people who deserve a chance and, well, if they happen to vote Democrat that is all the better.


Obama has no issue with illegals being here because he can feel a kinship with them in that none of them have their papers.

Obama tells us not to worry and that these folks are no problem. According to a report from the House Judiciary Committee:

Those who could have been deported but were released later went on to commit the 19 murders, 3 attempted murders and 142 sex crimes, the Judiciary Committee said

Those crimes could have been prevented (like the murder of our Border Patrol Agent and hundreds of Mexicans by Fast and Furious could have been prevented) but Obama chose to ignore the law. Democrats are perfectly happy with the catch and release program and keeping illegals here. In fact, they are upset at programs that would deport those here illegally:

Many Democrats say it [Secure Communities program] casts its net too wide, which means illegal immigrants who have committed relatively minor offenses could be deported.

If they are here illegally then they committed a crime that is not relatively minor and they should be deported.

While Americans are subject to violent crimes committed by people Obama allows to stay here illegally he is protected from the violence by a large number of armed guards.

Typical liberal.

Washington Times
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Let’s Abolish All ID Requirements

The criminal gun runner Eric Holder is waging war against states that have enacted voter ID laws. These laws require people to show an ID before they can vote. How dare these states force people to prove they are who they claim to be?

According to Democrat Congressman John Lewis voter ID laws [are]:

…”a deliberate and systematic attempt to prevent millions of elderly voters, young voters, students, minority and low-income voters from exercising their constitutional right to engage in the democratic process. New York Post

Since we require people to show an ID to get on a plane, rent a car, cash a check, buy certain OTC medications, buy controlled prescription drugs, enter a government building, buy alcohol or tobacco, get a driver’s license, receive medical care, open a bank account, buy a firearm, rent a hotel room, and receive government welfare it is logical to extend Lewis’ argument to these items and assert that requiring IDs for these things prevents millions of the young, the elderly, college students (don’t colleges issue a student ID), and minority and low income folks from participating in any of the events I listed. That is but a small list of things that an ID is required for so the list of things that excludes these groups is much bigger.

And our government is aware of the disparity. Since government thinks it is necessary to show an ID for these things but also believes that making people show an ID is a way to prevent some folks from doing things then we can conclude that the government does not want everyone to be able to participate in all facets of society.

Eric Holder, John Lewis and everyone else who thinks that voter ID requirements are designed to disenfranchise people are idiots. There is no other way to put it, they are idiots.

Voter ID does not disenfranchise anyone. Almost everyone has an ID. The college students have college IDs, many have a driver’s license and others have some sort of ID that allowed them to sign up for welfare. You can bet that anyone who receives a government check has some form of ID and does not believe it to be an imposition because they know, no ID, no welfare.

Perhaps the next time I enter a government building and they ask for an ID I should tell them they are discriminating against me. Maybe the next time someone (I look to old for it to be me) buys alcohol and an ID is requested that person should file a lawsuit for discrimination. The state requires those who sell alcohol to ID anyone who buys the product if they look too young.

Why should a person have to prove they are old enough to buy alcohol but not have to prove their identity before they vote?

Because the lack of voter ID helps Democrats and as long as something benefits them they care little about the rule of law.

With Eric Holder this is particularly true. The New Black Panther case and Fast and Furious are prime examples of where they ignored or broke the law in order to advance a liberal cause or protect a liberal demographic.

I support voter ID requirements and if a person is too lazy to get an ID then that person should not be allowed to vote. Can’t afford one? Give up a week’s worth of smokes or forgo the alcohol for a while and save that money for an ID.

Having an ID to vote is as much a national security issue as is requiring an ID to board a plane.

Anyone who opposes ID laws does not care about national security and is opposing freedom and the rule of law.

And they are idiots.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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