Elect Dan Bongino As Maryland’s Next US Senator

Maryland is a liberal haven where Democrat politicians own the majority and ram through all kinds of BS that wastes our money. Governor Martin O’Malley is pushing his liberal agenda and ignoring the rest of the issues while he tries to strengthen his creds on the national scene so he can run for the presidency in 2016. O’Malley is exactly like Obama so remember how poorly Obama has done before you consider O’Malley.

Maryland has not had a Republican Senator in over 20 years and the Democrats we have had always put party and power above the people. They sit in their ivory towers until election time and then make a few cameo appearances. They don’t spend much time with the voters because they take their seats for granted. Senator Ben Cardin is running for reelection this year though one might not know that. He has not been out campaigning very much and he has not sent out any mailers (at least I have not gotten any and I usually get tons of them).

Cardin toes the party line and has ensured that the Democrat platform is followed regardless of what the people think. He is a career politician who has his own best interests at heart.

He is being challenged this year by a bright and energetic man named Dan Bongino. Bongino is a former Secret Service Agent who has served this nation honorably. He understands government’s place and he understands that the people are the ones in charge. He is able to cut through the political speak and get down to the issues. This video is a speech he recently gave. Listen to what he says and see if it isn’t more in line with what you believe than what the Democrats want you to believe.

Dan gets it and he will be a fine Senator, a man of the people. If you are in Maryland please vote for Dan so we can send a responsible leader to DC. Let us send Ben Cardin into retirement and set Maryland on a path to responsibility.

Maryland, the Democrats have had control for decades and things are not any better. Put a man who will not put party over people and who will not play politics to work for YOU and let’s get rid of the self serving career statists.

To donate to Dan please visit his site.

Big Dog salute to Independent Journal Review

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


John Roberts Betrayed This Country

The Chief Justice of the United States became an activist judge along with the liberal justices when they ruled the Individual Mandate in Obamacare as Constitutional. They became activist when they redefined the fee as a tax. Barack Obama and all his Democrat minions said this was NOT a tax and that point was made in the arguments before the Court. Roberts nonetheless, ruled it was a tax and will now go down in history as an activist justice who looked out for his legacy rather than the rule of law in this country.

Your liberty & freedom were just sold out. A boundless government is peering around the corner. Dan Bongino, candidate for US Senate MD

It is time for the American people to have a second revolution this November and remove every member of Congress who voted for this and to remove Barack Obama for forcing this upon us. This will be our only chance of resolving this issue.

Mitt Romney needs to win the presidency and he needs to repeal Obamacare as he said he would do or we will need to dump him as well. All members who voted for this need to go. We need to make them pay for forcing us to buy things against our will under the guise of calling it a tax.

[note]Obama lies, freedom dies[/note]

And remember this all you half brained morons who voted for and still support Obama, now that the Court has called this a tax Barack Obama and his Democrats are responsible for a huge tax increase on everyone in this country.

From Monica Crowley…..”Good luck to Team Obama, who must now defend a monstrous tax increase, especially on the middle class.”

I have no respect for the presidency and I have no respect for Congress. I also have no respect for the Supreme Court which has become a puppet of government and has ceased being a watchdog for our Constitution.

It is now up to We the People to ensure this is reversed by electing people who will get rid of it.

From Bill Bissenas Facebook page: “And in other news today, the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to make Obama a one-term President.”

You can bet that none of the people who were crying that the Court and its activist right wing would overturn the law are crying about the activist Court redefining the penalty as a tax.

Conservative business owners need to ask people if they are conservative or liberal and refuse to hire liberals. We need to make each and every person who supports this SUFFERS.

I am tired of being nice about it and I am tired of being defecated upon. No longer, it stops this November.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
