Was Debt Ceiling Deal Good Or Bad?

The debt ceiling deal that the Congress passed a few weeks ago allegedly averted disaster and stopped the world from coming to an end. At least this is what they would have us believe given all the hype leading up to the final passage. Obama was presented with a bill that would have cut 4 trillion dollars which would have saved our credit rating but he decided that he did not like that and allowed his Senate Democrats to negotiate a lesser deal which resulted in our credit rating being downgraded. The reaction from the left and from establishment Republicans is that the TEA Party got what it wanted but the deal is not what the TEA Party wanted (the TEA Party wanted cut, cap, and balance) but the liberals and establishent Republicans needed someone to blame.

So blame they did and they tried to pin it all on the TEA Party. It was a bad deal, our credit got downgraded, how terrible this is. It is all the TEA Party’s fault!!

But now the Obama regime is sending Gaffe O-Matic Joe Bite Me Biden to China and Japan to sell this wonderful deal.

Vice President Biden will tout the debt ceiling deal during a trip to China and Japan, two holders of huge amounts of U.S. debt.

Biden will travel to top lender China on Wednesday and to Japan, the second-biggest holder of U.S. bonds, on Aug. 22.

The vice president “will be in a good position to talk about the very strong deficit package that we concluded here recently,” Undersecterary of the Treasury Lael Brainard told reporters Monday in comments previewing the vice president’s visit. The Hill [emphasis mine]

Now was the deficit package strong or was it a tragedy that resulted in our downgrade? To hear the Democrats talk after the downgrade one would think it was the worst deal ever to come from DC (I think it was a terrible deal) and of course they started calling this the TEA Party downgrade. So they send Bite Me Biden to China with his hat in his hand to tell the Chinese how great this deal is. Please China, lend us more money so we can pay you the interest we owe you with it. Please, lend us money so we can pay our bills. Please lend us money so Barack the Magnificent can lead on in this world. He was able to avert disaster and stop a second Great Depression with your money and he needs more to keep up the good work!!!

So what is the deal here? How do Democrats really feel? Was the deal terrible and resulted in a TEA Party downgrade or is it great and China should love it and lend us more money?

The article goes into detail to say that Barack the magnificent wanted more cuts but could not get them so he had to start with this very good deal but that is a lie. Obama was presented with cuts that were in the neighborhood he allegedly wanted and he ignored them.

All that aside, the Democrats can’t have it both ways. Either it was bad and they blame the TEA Party or it was good and China needs to like it. And if it is good then they need to give the TEA Party credit.

For the record, I only think the TEA Party gets credit for good because the Democrats blamed them for the bad. My personal feeling is that the deal was bad, it was because of Democrats and establishent Republicans that it was passed (most TEA Party members in Congress voted against) and it was because of them we had the downgrade.

But if it was a crap sandwich when we got our downgrade then it is one now and China should know that.

No matter how much Obama and Biden try to convince them it is only peas…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Civil Tone From Biden And We Are Still Heading For Ruin

Joe Bite Me Biden and the rest of the limp wristed Democrats would not call Nidal Hasan, the Muslim Terrorist Soldier who shot his fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, a terrorist. We were cautioned not to jump to conclusions. A man screaming Allah Akbar and shooting American soldiers is not considered an act of terror and we were cautioned not to jump but let the elected people of this country oppose the careless spending of the government and they are terrorists. Democrats including Vice President Joe Biden called the TEA Party members of Congress terrorists (Biden denies saying it).

You see, these morons do not want civil discourse and they do not want debate. They want things their way and anyone who disagrees is a terrorist. The folks who had TEA Party support made pledges not to raise taxes and not to increase the debt ceiling unless it was linked to a balanced budget amendment. Those things are not taking place and the TEA Party members of Congress rejected the ideas. This makes them terrorists.

Yes, if you stand on your principles and keep your word then you are a terrorist. The Democrats will demonize Americans and caution us not to jump to conclusions when it concerns our enemies. Is there any doubt where their loyalties lie and that they will put politics before country? If demanding fiscal responsibility and demanding that our country spend less and be more prudent is what makes a terrorist then color me a terrorist but keep in mind that it is the people opposed to the ideas of smaller, more efficient government who are ruining this nation.

The debt limit vote still needs to pass the Senate and I am holding out hope that it will be stopped. The deal will increase taxes in 2012 when the Bush tax cuts expire and the tax increases under Obamacare take effect. The FICA lower taxes will also go back up. These are tax increases and they will hurt us. The CBO would rate extending the Bush tax cuts as costing us 5 trillion in revenue (this is how the goofy math is done in DC) so if the tax cuts expire is that not a 5 trillion dollar tax increase that must be offset by 5 trillion in cuts? And I want the cuts to be immediate and not over ten years. If you can’t spread tax increases and debt increases over ten years then I don’t want the cuts spread over that time.

The liberals said we had to raise the debt limit or we would default, lose our AAA rating and pay higher interest rates. First of all, the only way we could have defaulted is if Obama made a willful decision not to pay the people we borrowed money from. We have the income to do that so there is no way we could have defaulted on the debt. We would have had to cut some spending on programs that the government is not obligated to pay for and can stop at any time so there is no real issue there. We would not have defaulted. In addition, we will likely lose our AAA rating anyway. So we will have trillions more in debt, higher taxes and we will be paying higher interest rates as a result of the debt increase. Way to go Congress. I hope you libs are happy that you gave us the double whammy.

Did I say double whammy? I meant triple whammy. The libs said we could not default (their words, not mine) and that if we did, in addition to losing our credit rating we would also have a double dip recession. One commenter keeps saying it is the double dip I (and other conservatives) kept hoping for. That is not the truth. None of us wanted it to happen but we knew from history and the reckless spending that it likely would. Now it looks as if it is already here (and it took place well before this debt issue festered into what it is now). In other words, the Obama policies caused it and not the debt limit issue.

To top it all off the Republicans broke their pledge to post all legislation online 3 days prior to any vote. The debt limit bill was not posted for an entire day before it was voted upon. The Republican information on that part of the pledge indicates that it pertains to non emergency items but the original Pledge to America they signed contained no such language.

They broke their word and did not post it 3 days in advance. They have not been transparent and have been nothing more than what the Democrats are. Liars.

Well, not the ones who stood their ground and did not vote for this crappy deal.

America is going to suffer greatly and the Republicans gave Obama and the Democrats a way to blame it on the right. The Republicans gave in and will now, at the least, share the responsibility for the coming disaster. That is unless the Democrats find a way to blame it all on the right.

Stick to your principles and vote for what is right and what your constituents want. If you do that then you will be supported. if you don’t then you will be kicked to the curb.

Have the courage of your convictions and keep your word.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Looks Like A Deal But What Is Waiting Around The Corner?

Well, it looks like the boneheads in Congress have struck another “historic” deal. Ever notice how these people create problems and then fight over them only to come to a last minute compromise that screws the US taxpayer and then step out to describe the deal as historic? They do this every time so what is so historic about it?

The United States is heading for a catastrophe and Congress is driving us there in a super sonic jet. We have an unsustainable debt issue that has not been addressed in the details reported about this deal. Sure, there are 2.4 trillion dollars worth of cuts over ten years but we will rack up a hell of a lot more debt than that over the same time period if we do not end the reckless spending. The United States of America has a spending problem, not an income problem (though our income is down right now because of Obama’s nearly 10% unemployment rate). We spend far too much because politicians promise money to people who are not entitled to it. They continue to come up with one program after another to provide “benefits” that people, responsible people, should take care of themselves.

Responsible people should be in charge of their own retirement. Responsible people take care of their own health care insurance or pay the bills when they need medical services. Responsible people take any job offered (and look endlessly for one) no matter what it pays because it is the right thing to do. Responsible people know how to take care of themselves and do not sit around with their hands out.

I am not talking about temporary safety nets for people who fall on hard times. I am talking about the people who live off the government. There are people who are perfectly capable of working yet they squirt out kids and sit around collecting welfare. There is one person who has won the lottery and still collects welfare and he does not feel bad about it one single bit.

And this government is only too happy to promise more and more people these things in order to keep getting reelected. Deal or no deal the US would not have defaulted. The August 2nd date was an arbitrary date selected by Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner who added to our budget problems by not paying his taxes. The tax cheat at the Treasury selected the date out of thin air (which is where he gets the money he prints) and he did it to coincide with the August recess Congress takes so that they would be compelled to get something, anything done.

In the end the American public will get screwed as we add more debt to an unsustainable debt load.

They claim the debt deal is a historic event. It would have been historic if they had actually helped the situation. Causing more problems is what Congress does best so nothing historic there.

You want to do something historic? Try passing a balanced budget amendment and send it to the states to decide the issue. You want to do something historic try passing a term limits law for members of Congress so they can’t continue to give away money we don’t have in order to get reelected.

Now that would be historic.

The United States has a 14 TRILLION dollar debt load and that load will be raised as they borrow more money to pay the bills. We have an unfunded liability of 114 TRILLION dollars.

Those numbers are hard to comprehend so here is a demonstration of our debt in graphic display. This should send chills down your spine and it should certainly put it in perspective.

And please, don’t tell the morons in DC what comes after a TRILLION…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.


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