Democrats Campaign For Third Party Candidate in New Jersey

The Democrats in New Jersey are campaigning for Independent candidate Chris Daggett. The robocalls are from the New Jersey Democratic State Committee and are telling voters to vote for Daggett. This, of course, is a means to an end and the end is a win for Corzine. Corzine is despised by a large number of the people in New Jersey but since it is a heavily Democratic state, they are having trouble with their vote. They do not want to vote for Corzine but Christie has an “R” next to his name and they have been trained that they are never to punch that button.

The Democrats are trying to get those who decide not to support Corzine to vote Daggett so that they can split the votes and Corzine will win. Once can discuss the ethical implications and the dirty tricks appearance of this but that is for another time. I am zeroed in on two different messages that are generated from this tactic.

The first is, the Democrats know Corzine is a slug, a poor candidate, and not well liked but they want him to win nonetheless so they can keep their stranglehold on the state. So they had to come up with a plan to help him win and since he is not good enough to win on his merits or his record they had to trick voters. By asking people who will not vote for Corzine to vote for Daggett they are effectively getting people who take that path to vote for Corzine.

Folks will think they voted against the man but a vote for Daggett is effectively a vote for Corzine or the Democrats would not be doing this. This can only help Corzine or it would not be the tactic. Democrats want to win, not lose.

People in New Jersey, what does it say about Corzine that his own party would ask you to vote for some other candidate instead of trying to convince you he deserves your vote? How miserable is he that they would ask you to vote for someone else?

On top of that, and the second item, is how stupid do they think the voters are? They are calling you and telling you that if you are upset with Corzine then please vote for this other person. Do they think you are dumb enough to believe that they are not doing this to get Corzine elected? Do they really think you are that stupid and shouldn’t you be angered by their portrayal of you?

It would actually be kind of funny if this plan backfired and Daggett won. It would serve them right for this kind of deception.

As you folks in New Jersey head to the polls keep this in mind. This sleezy tactic is coming from the party of the guy who is already your governor, the guy who has had an administration full of this kind of sleeze. If you vote for him or for Daggett then you are saying that you condone this kind of thing and are happy no matter what they do to you.

You have been hammered with high taxes and high unemployment not to mention the corruption.

The question is, do you want more of the same?

You know you will get it. Look at what they are doing to win…

When Corzine was sworn in he asked you to hold him accountable. Today is the day you get to do that.

Big Government

Big Dog

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