Military Pays In Many Ways
Feb 28, 2012 Military, Political
As Barack Obama apologized for the burning of the Koran, books used by prisoners to pass messages, Maryland Soldier Major Robert Marchanti was murdered in Afghanistan by an animal. Bob was murdered because a book was burned. He paid the ultimate price and his Commander in Chief is apologizing (as did the General in charge over there). Is the Afghani President apologizing over Bob’s murder? Hell no, he is calling for those who burned the books to be prosecuted.
Did anyone apologize when the US Army burned Bibles it confiscated from a soldier? No and Christians did not riot and kill people.
Perhaps we should start rioting to get what we want.
Bob Marchanti and I served together and he was my friend. It is tragic that he died and it hurts deeply to know he will never be with his family or friends again. It hurts more to know that he was murdered by someone he was helping and because someone burned a book.
Our military sacrifices everything for this country and that sacrifice sometimes includes their lives. We willingly go through the gates of hell to keep our country safe and free.
What thanks do the men and women of the military get from the people who run this country? They get slapped in the face as the politicians try to balance the budget on the backs of those who serve. While social welfare programs remain untouched the defense budget is hacked to pieces and the programs promised to veterans are going to cost them much more. The federal government is looking to increase the premiums veterans pay for health care.
Some claim that the goal is to force veterans into Obamacare. I don’t know (though it would not surprise me) and I don’t care.
Veterans have sacrificed a lot up front for benefits in the future and it is just flat out wrong for the government to break the promises it made to its warriors.
It is not my intention to use the death of my friend for political purposes. I would not dishonor him or his family by doing so.
However, his death reminds us of what sacrifice is and that we have commitments to those who serve.
Commitments that we should honor.
Rest in peace my friend. You served honorably and will be sorely missed.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: benefits, budget, Democrats, lies, Military, robert marchanti, tricare
Don’t Muck It Up
Feb 4, 2012 Political
Those were the words Obama used when he was discussing the latest jobs numbers. Obama was telling members of Congress not to muck up the wonderful job Obama is doing with the economy. The problem with all this is that Republicans are not mucking things up and the jobs numbers are once again an illusion.
The 0.2% drop from 8.5% to 8.3% is not the result of more people getting work it is the result of a continually shrinking labor pool. The Obamabots and the BLS have figured the best way to get the numbers down is to stop counting. In that light we have seen the numbers drop slightly over the past few months and those numbers have dropped because there are fewer people in the labor pool.
In order to make Obama look really good this month 1.2 MILLION more people have been knocked off the labor rolls. That is right, 1.2 MILLION people have been knocked off the rolls in one month.
Look for this trend to continue as the regime works to make it appear as if things are getting better when they are not. Keep in mind that just because these 1.2 MILLION people (who are only a small part of the total number) are no longer counted as part of the labor pool does not mean they are not people who need money and need a job. They are just people who are not counted so the numbers will look better.
The real unemployment rate is well above 10% but, as with anything involving numbers, the data can be manipulated to portray whatever is desired. Obama strung the country along for three years and now that he wants to be reelected numbers will be manipulated to make it look as if things are working.
We have 5 TRILLION dollars in new debt since this man took office. In just three years he surpassed the debt George Bush left us after eight and his policies have been complete failures. This does not even take into account the disaster we will see once Obamacare takes effect. Hell, why do you think they set it up to take place after the 2012 election?
We cannot afford four more years of Obama particularly when he will not have to worry about being reelected. He has led us down the path of ruin and if he gets four more years he will destroy us.
If we can’t get rid of him we need to ensure that the Congress is completely in the hands of the Republican party so we can do to him what Jesse Jackson wanted to do.
Yes, Barack Obama told Republicans not to muck this up. His party has failed to pass a budget in over 1000 days and Harry Reid said the Senate will not pass one this year. Another election year act of cowardice. Republicans need to tell Obama and Reid that NOTHING will be considered until a budget is passed and signed, period.
One other thing. While Obama was finger wagging about mucking things up he said:
They just need to get it done. It shouldn’t be that complicated. Now is not the time for self-inflicted wounds to our economy. Now is the time for action. Breitbart
The 2% cut Obama wants continued is the cut in Social Security that workers pay. The Social Security Ponzi scheme is in serious financial trouble and will be insolvent in a decade as politicians continue to use the money collected to expand government and drive us into bankruptcy. Cutting from the fund that is already in financial trouble is the very definition of a self inflicted wound. This will have to be addressed in the future but by then we will probably be at the point of no return with Obama demanding a 100% tax on rich people who will be defined as anyone who makes money.
We have a person with no leadership experience and a Socialist philosophy running the country into the ground.
His handlers must be proud and there is no doubt his mother and father would be proud. After all, they came from a long line of Socialists and Communists.
We need to vote this man out of office (along with the rest of the idiots in his party) or we need to have our own occupy movement, one that they definitely will not like.
Our Founders would be shooting by now…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: budget, Democrats, lies, muck it up, Obama, phony numbers, social security
National Park Service Will Finally Enforce Law
Jan 28, 2012 Political
The FLEA Baggers (those affectionately called the Occupy Protesters by Democrats and their media wing) are causing ruin everywhere they go. In all the parks they occupy they bring in filth, rats, and disease (not including the STDs they are spreading). This is what happens when progressive types are left to set things up. They have some kind of organizational structure but there are very few rules in the do what you want environment so sanitation and hygiene become issues.
The FLEA Baggers have been given extraordinary access to public spaces. They have been given plenty of space and the laws have not been strictly enforced. If any other group of people had broken the laws and occupied spaces illegally they would have been removed but the laws were ignored by those charged with enforcing them.
Baltimore is a prime example. FLEA Baggers occupied an area in that city for quite some time stealing electricity and causing problems. The city finally sent the police to break up the crowd.
In DC, the FLEA Baggers have been occupying two parks in violation of the law. They are allowed to stay there but there are laws against erecting temporary structures and camping at McPherson Square and Freedom Plaza. The National Park Service will finally enforce those laws and tell the FLEA Bag crowd they must remove their tents and they are not allowed to camp there.
Ironically, they are protesting along K Street which is lobbyist road. The FLEA Bag crowd has attracted rats to their encampments but there is no indication if the rats are the vermin that lobby in DC or the four legged rodents that carry disease. My guess is the rats are the furry kind.
This will not go over well. The FLEA Bag folks have been given a pass on the laws and now they believe they have a right to break the law. The police should have been there enforcing the laws right from the start and there would be no confusion. By allowing the FLEA Baggers to stay for so long the police have given them reason to believe that the laws do not apply to them and that they are entitled to be there.
How long are people allowed to violate the law before police respond? How many times can people drive drunk or rob a bank (with police knowledge) before they are arrested? It seems that if you are a FLEA Bagger you can go for quite sometime while the police ignore you.
This will likely get ugly and the police will be perceived as the bad guys by the progressives and their media allies. The police will be cheered by those of us who think it is about time they enforced the law.
Unfortunately, if this is not peaceful the police will share the blame because they brought this on themselves by allowing the group to get away with breaking the law.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: Democrats, flea bagger, laws, lies, occupy, park police, progressives
MLK Would Be Ashamed And Other Tidbits
Jan 17, 2012 Commentary, Political
This week we celebrated the life of Martin Luther King Jr, a man who fought for civil rights and equality, a man who said people should be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. King would be very disappointed in the way things turned out.
In the decades since King fought for equality the federal government has made the black population slaves to its programs. The Democrat party in particular has enslaved the blacks by assuming they are unable to make it in life without some kind of government assistance. Social welfare programs have broken the black family apart so much so that nearly three quarters of black families lack a father figure. Blacks vote Democrat at about a 90% rate because they are now addicted to the government teat and the programs offered by Democrats to keep them in their places only allowing them to come out long enough to vote Democrat every few years. Then they are ignored until the next election being placated along the way with scraps from the Democrat’s table.
Allen West, a black conservative Republican, does not like how things are going and he has warned Democrats (particularly Obama) not to use the overplayed race card. West said that Dr. King would be devastated by how Obama deals with race issues. Certainly king would not like the attitudes of the Obamas, Eric Holder and the Democrat members of the Congressional Black Caucus and the way they act. King would be particularly devastated by the way the black population has allowed itself to be, once again, enslaved.
Perhaps King is looking down and expressing his displeasure. The eternal (as in, never ending) flame at his tomb was referred to during a news cast and as the camera panned to it, the flame went out. That pretty much sums up how Democrats have tarnished the King legacy.
In other news, Greece will soon default. The people in Greece pressed for more and more government services while they paid fewer and fewer taxes. Their Socialist scheme hit a bump when they ran out of other people’s money. They even ran out of the money they borrowed from even more people. The United States is running the same risk as Democrats insist on more and more welfare to enslave more of the population. They will not be happy until they have us all locked on the same plantation they have been keeping the majority of the blacks in this country.
They scream about the rich paying more in taxes while 50% of wage earners pay no federal taxes. The upper 50% is expected to pay even more to support the bottom half. If the rich are not paying their fair share then the bottom 50% are really in debt to the country. They are not paying any share.
Unfortunately, people keep begging for more “free” money from government to satisfy their addiction to OPP (Other People’s Property) and they will not stop until we are defaulting like Greece (if that is even able to stop them).
Social Welfare programs account for the largest part of our budget (much more so than the defense budget) and those programs continue to grow and cost even more. We are in debt to the tune of 15 TRILLION dollars and we have no hope of ever getting that under control. The debt was about 10 TRILLION when Obama took office and he has added 5 TRILLION in just three years. This money is being borrowed in order to pay our bills. This is no way to run a country as Greece well knows. It is an example we should learn from but do not.
Obama insists on failed Keynesian economics. That principle has never worked and never will but Obama keeps with it while spending us into oblivion.
How long will it be before the eternal flame of freedom in this country dies in the night like the flame on MLK’s tomb?
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: allen west, debt, Democrats, eternal flame, lies, mlk, racism
Congress Won’t Hurt Economy So Obama Will
Jan 4, 2012 Political
Barack Obama took an unprecedented step today by making the appointment of Richard Cordray to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Why is this unprecedented? Because the Senate is still in session. The Senate is the body that advises and consents to Presidential appointments and presidents are only allowed to make an appointment when the Senate is in recess and unable to take up the process.
The Senate is in pro forma session. They meet every three days so they are still in session. It is obvious that this is being done to prevent recess appointments and it is not something new. Harry Reid did the exact same thing to prevent George Bush from making recess appointments.
Of course, Reid supports what Obama did because he now views the process as obstructive. Got that? When Democrats do it then it is good but when Republicans do it then it is obstructive.
The morons at the Daily Kos are happy with Obama and support the move. Imagine how they (and Harry Reid) would have reacted had Bush appointed someone during the pro forma sessions held by Democrats. We don’t need to imagine. We know they would have lost their minds and called Bush King George and a dictator. But when messiah Obama does it then it is fine and dandy.
It was reported just yesterday that Obama would not make any appointments during this recess (that is not a recess) but he evidently was persuaded by his handlers to do this.
Obama has engaged in a power grab in order to hurt the country. Obama himself said he did this because Congress refuses to do the things that will hurt the nation:
“I refuse to take ‘No’ for an answer. I’ve said before that I will continue to look for every opportunity to work with Congress to move this country forward. But when Congress refuses to act in a way that hurts our economy and puts people at risk, I have an obligation as president to do what I can without them.” [emphasis mine] USA Today
Obama makes two admissions here. The first is that Cordray will hurt the economy and people and the second is that if Congress refuses to hurt the economy and the people then it is up to Obama to do so.
Obama has been doing things that circumvent Congress since he took office. He continually claims that he wants to work with Congress but if the Congress does not do what he wants then he will look for other ways. This is not how the country works. Our government is supposed to be one of checks and balances and the Constitution spells out how things are done.
Obama has rejected the checks and balances and the Constitution in order to push his agenda. This is the mark of a dictator and Obama has left no doubt that he fits that bill.
He sees himself and his position as being above the rules and the process.
He sees himself above following the Constitution.
And he will end up getting lots of pushback from Congress. This matter will end up in court, it will end up being an issue in the campaign and it will end up biting him in his rear.
The Republicans in Congress need to refuse to do anything for this man from now on. Do not debate legislation, do not take up what he wants, and do not do any of it at all. Tell him that he gets NOTHING.
King Barack Hussein needs a swift kick in his donkey.
And to the liberals, if you think this is OK then you all need to remember that a Democrat will not always occupy the White House. If this stands then a precedent has been set and a Republican president can appoint anyone during any pro forma session and you all will need to STFU about it.
Looks like this appointment runs in opposition to the view of Obama’s own Justice Department…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: abuse of power, Democrats, Harry Reid, lies, Obama, pro forma session, recess appointment