Those Environmentally Friendly Liberals
Apr 8, 2011 Political
There is a Facebook Event posting indicating that if the government shuts down and there is no trash service that people should dump their trash on Speaker Boehner’s lawn. Now that is just classy but so typical of liberals.
This is no grassroots item from people who are fed up with government. It is being organized by people who have connections to the DNC:
Goodman is listed in the Democratic National Committee network. Treadway is the political and logistics director for the liberal group Netroots Nation. CNN
This is not some way of saying that they are disgusted with the whole process. It is a concentrated effort to place blame for the shutdown (if it occurs) on the Republicans. If it were a protest over the whole issue then these folks would also be throwing their trash on Harry Reid’s and Nancy Pelosi’s lawn. They might even consider throwing it on the White House lawn.
If they actually wanted to hold those who are to blame responsible then the issue would be with the Democrats. They had majorities in both chambers of Congress and FAILED to pass a budget. They decided to ignore the issue because of the election and then did not take it up after they got their heads handed to them in November. I am sure they decided to put the onus on Republicans but make no mistake, the Democrats failed to fulfill their Constitutional duty and pass a budget.
The event indicates that even if there is no shutdown they will continue with plans to dump their trash. Further proof that this is not about being upset over the process and more about partisan posturing.
Can you imagine the names that people like Chrissie Matthews would be calling Tea Party members if they organized something like this against Democrats?
Also, how environmentally friendly are these liberals? We already know they care little about Mother Nature from seeing how they leave the places where they protest.
I wonder if the police will be around to arrest these people for illegal dumping…
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: budget, Democrats, john boehner, shutdown, trash
Dismantling Obamacare
Apr 6, 2011 Political
Republicans were sent to Congress in record numbers last November and one big thing on the agenda was to repeal Obamacare which remains on the books even though it has been declared unconstitutional. It is a tall order because the Senate is still controlled by Democrats and Obama wields the might veto pen. However, all is not lost. Republicans are working on defunding the Democrat’s signature law and the FY 2012 budget does not provide one cent for the law. In addition, the 800 billion dollars in tax increases and other funding measures will be repealed with passage of the budget.
This is still a tall order because Democrats control the Senate and the White House but it is not insurmountable. The Democrats are already fighting a battle over a budget for this year and that fight is self inflicted. The same folks who are out screaming about how it is irresponsible not to have a budget or that Republicans are delaying one from being passed are the same ones who punted the ball on passing a budget when they were in charge. Democrats (and the country) only have one group to blame for the lack of a budget and the potential shut down of the government and that is the Democrats. They were in charge and decided not to pass a budget with an election on the horizon.
This left it up to Republicans to clean up the mess (once again) before they could get down to business.
Despite having to deal with the neglect of the Democrats the Republicans have pushed forward with a blueprint for the 2012 fiscal year. It is not pretty and will cause some pain but it is what we need to get our fiscal house in order. There will be trillions of dollars cut over the next decade and programs will be restructured to ensure solvency. Along with that Obamacare will not be funded.
A symbolic gesture was made today when part of Obamacare was repealed. The part that deals with filing 1099s passed both chambers of Congress and now Obama will be tested. There is a provision in the bill that he does not like so he will have to decide whether to veto the entire thing or swallow hard and bite the bullet.
It is not much in the over all scheme of things but it is an appetizer to the main meal of the FY 2012 budget.
Republicans are holding the feet of the Democrats to the fire and need to keep working on getting our fiscal house in order. They need to keep working to get rid of Obamacare.
And if Democrats continue to resist then they need to be replaced in the next election.
We need to get back to our heritage of paying our bills. We need to stop deficit spending and we need to do it now.
As an aside, ever notice how members of political parties are against deficit spending until they are in charge? Let us hope that the Republicans have learned their lesson and return us to fiscal sanity.
If not, they know that they too can be replaced.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: Democrats, lies, obamacare, repeal, Republicans
Democrat’s Strategy; LIE!
Mar 30, 2011 Political
The Democrats are in full court press mode as the budget battle heads toward the next round of attempting to get a budget in order. Chuck Schumer, the whiny liberal Senator, was caught on a conference call instructing fellow Democrats to use the word extreme while describing the Republican’s cuts and to tell the press that was supposed to join the call that Republicans were refusing to negotiate. The problem is that the reporters were already on the line and heard Schumer instructing his colleagues to lie about what is going on.
Evidently, the Democrats had a liberal focus group and when they said Republican’s budget cuts are extreme the wimpy liberals wet their pink panties so Democrats are now using that term. Harry Reid used it as well during the day because that is the new plan.
The Democrat who takes the cake is the moron from Maryland, Steny Hoyer. Hoyer, who calls the Tea Party Caucus the perfectionist caucus, said that Democrats will not be to blame if the government shuts down (which it never really does) and he made the amazing claim that this would not be a problem if Democrats were in charge:
“It’s self-evident we don’t control Washington, or we wouldn’t be having this problem,” Hoyer said, arguing that Democrats would not be to blame if the government shuts down. FOX News
This is amazing because the reason we have the problem is that Democrats WERE in charge. Yes Mr. Hoyer, the problem we are now facing over not having a budget is because you and your fellow Democrats failed to exercise your Constitutional duties and pass a budget last year. You were too cowardly to pass a budget prior to the election and this is why we have a problem.
If you had done your job then we would have a budget in place and would not be wasting time trying to get one passed nearly a half year after it was due.
In other words Steny, you are full of crap. We certainly would have this problem if you were in charge because that is why we have the problem.
It is amazing to me that this moron would make such an obviously stupid (and false) statement but then again Democrats are full of people who make stupid and false statements.
You did not do you job Mr. Hoyer and that is one of the reasons you and your party took a first class beating in the last election.
As for calling the Tea Party Caucus the perfectionist caucus, perhaps if we had more people trying to achieve perfection and fewer trying to rape the taxpaying public we would not be in such bad shape.
I would rather be part of the perfectionist party than be part of the dumb ass party and that sir, is where you reside.
Time is running out and if the government shuts down it will be the sole responsibility of the Democrats for failing to pass a budget when they were suposed to.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender,never submit.
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Tags: budget, chuck schumer, Democrats, lies, morons, steny hoyer
Obama’s Secret Stash
Mar 8, 2011 Political
After Barack Obama was elected there was some event where people were lined up to receive taxpayer money because of their dire economic situations. A woman who was interviewed said she was there for the money. When asked where the money was coming from she said Obama. Then when asked where he was getting it she said she did not know, maybe from his stash.
Typical welfare queen who thinks there is some stash of money that is available for those who “need” it.
Perhaps though, she was on to something. Obamacare seems to have Obama’s secret stash contained in it. The Heritage Foundation reports that Obamacare contains appropriations of $105 BILLION to implement the law. These appropriations were inserted to bypass the appropriations procedure and were designed to prevent a future Congress from defunding the program.
This was a blatant move to circumvent the Constitutional method for appropriating funds and nothing more. Democrats probably had a feeling that Obamacare would end their reign as the majority and did this to allow the unconstitutional law to proceed.
Nancy Pelosi said we had to pass the bill to see what was in it and that looks to be the case as we have now discovered an underhanded method to fund an unpopular and unconstitutional law.
Republicans can defund this but it will take extra work and diligence to get it right. The article at Heritage points out:
Conservatives can still save the nation from Obamacare’s bureaucratic kudzu, but they must act proactively. They must go beyond simply not providing funds for the implementation of Obamacare. CRS explains: “Precedents require that the language be phrased in the negative, for example, that ‘none of the funds provided in this paragraph (typically an account) shall be used for’ a specified activity.”
The Democrats leave messes and others have to clean them up. They are underhanded and sneaky and should never be trusted.
They made it difficult but not impossible to clean up the mess of Obamacare but the question is, why did they do it?
If it is so wonderful and everyone will love it then why did the Democrats in Congress do this?
They did it because they knew people opposed it and they wanted to ram it down our throats. In order to control the population they must control health care and they are well on their way. They are a third of the way to having everyone dependent on a government handout and if they can nail down health care they will have us all by the gonads.
We need to put an end to this now and we need to keep Democrats from ever having power.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: constitution, Democrats, funding, heritage foundation, illegal, lies, obamacare
We Need Budget Cuts NOW
Mar 7, 2011 Political
The federal government is out of its mind. It is spending like a drunken sailor except a drunken sailor stops spending when he runs out of money. The government just keeps borrowing and racking up more in the way of a deficit. In the month of February the federal government spent $223 BILLION dollars more than it had come in for the month. That’s right, the federal government had a bigger deficit for February than it had for the ENTIRE year of 2007.
The second biggest deficit for a month was last February and that too was on Obama’s watch.
We are working without a budget because the Democrats failed to pass one and their previous spending is entangled in everything. They have added funding to Obamacare (is that a derogatory term, well screw them), they spent nearly a trillion dollars in stimulus for which we have little to show and they continue to allow the bills to pile up.
Not to worry though. That intellectual powerhouse Michael Moore says we have plenty of money and that America is not broke.
For those of us on this planet and living in reality (as opposed to being the size of a planet and suffering from dementia like Moore) the truth is we don’t have any money. We owe more than we take in and we have a mountain of debt that equals our entire year’s GDP.
Obama has spent faster and more than nearly all the presidents in history combined and now, as his beloved pastor might say, the chickens have come home to roost.
We need to take an axe to the federal budget. We need to eliminate all duplicate programs and redundancy and we need to cut the budgets of all federal agencies. We can cut the waste first and work on the agency budgets next.
This MUST be done. Moore and the Democrats might think we have money but we do not.
The adults are in charge now and the credit card needs to be cut up. We need cuts and we need them now.
If Democrats don’t get on board then we need to cut them as well.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: budget, cuts, Democrats, eficit, lies, michael moore, Obama