Michael Moore Is Still At It
Mar 6, 2011 Political
Michael Moore flew to Wisconsin to stir up trouble, I mean support the PUBLIC sector union employees. Moore, who thinks we have plenty of money and that the money people have is a natural resource that belongs to everyone, said that this episode has awakened a sleeping giant. Moore put it this way:
Right now the Earth is shaking and the ground is shifting under the feet of those who are in charge…
…America is not broke … Wisconsin is not broke,” Moore said. “The only thing that’s broke is the moral compass of the rulers. Wisconsin State Journal
Given the stature of the rotund movie producer the shaking ground was probably a result of his walking on it.
Moore is among the group of people who see absolutely nothing wrong with public sector union employees bargaining with politicians for the money of the taxpayer while the taxpayer has no say in the matter. To make a bad thing worse, those unions then get paid dues (which ultimately come from the taxpayer) and spend them on Democrats.
All people who pay taxes have their money taken by force and then laundered through unions so it ends up in the pockets of Democrats. It is an incestuous relationship where the taxpayer foots the bill and has no say.
Why should public sector union employees be allowed to bargain for deals that are better than the ones the people who pay them have? Why is it that the federal employees do not have these same bargaining powers and seem to get along just fine? All the things that private sector union employees have fought for regarding safety and a fair pay work environment are already in place in the public sector. How many public sector employees are in a bad way because of terrible working conditions and long hours with no pay? How many work in unsafe environments (not including inherently unsafe jobs like say, being a soldier) and are at risk every day?
The taxpayers foot the bill so there is no way that they get a fair shake in the situation.
Public sector employees do not need unions and they do not need the protection that unions are supposed to provide (I think all of them have outlived their usefulness but certainly the public sector has).
Moore also states there is plenty of money. He and people like him claim we are not broke. We borrow about 40% of the money we spend and we have a deficit that exceeds 14 TRILLION dollars. That ladies and gentlemen, is BROKE.
This is unsustainable and it would only take one of our creditors to demand payment of our debt for us to be in a dire situation.
Our debt situation is the same as Social Security. Government collected money for SS from employees and then took the money and issued a Treasury Note for it. Then government spent the money so there is no money to pay back on the notes. If SS needs money the government has to borrow it to pay our obligations. If government had left the money alone there would be plenty to pay the recipients without borrowing. But since government could not keep its greedy little hands off that money we now have to borrow and we have to force people to pay more into SS or raise the retirement age to keep the scheme solvent. There is likely no way that those who make a fair amount of money and had the sense to save will ever draw that to which they are entitled.
SS and Medicare are a huge part of the budget and we cannot meet those obligations. We continue to borrow money to meet out obligations and the deficit continues to rise.
That is absolutely the definition of BROKE.
Despite what Moore and the uneducated among us claim, we do not have enough money to pay the bills. We take in less than we spend and unless we correct that we will continue to spiral out of control.
As for the money that is in the hands of the people, it belongs to them. It does not matter how wealthy they are or what they are doing with their money because it belongs to THEM.
Just ask Michael Moore. I am sure he can tell you that he is holding on to his money.
As for the moral compass being broke. The only moral compass that is broke is the one that leads people to believe that they are entitled to the fruits of another’s labor.
The compass that points to Moore’s kitchen however, seems to be working just fine…
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: Democrats, evil, michael moore, public sector unions, taxpayers, wisconsin
Gas Prices Heading For New Highs
Mar 5, 2011 Political
Gasoline is heading for $4.00 a gallon and could get to $5.00 in the next year or so. These numbers represent all time highs in the United States and are much higher than they were when Democrats took control of Congress. That was the time when Democrats were blaming George Bush for the prices and demanding investigation after investigation into price gouging by oil companies (none was ever found).
With Democrats in charge the cost of gasoline went up and they went out on a number of public appearances in order to blame George Bush. Of course, they left their cars running so they would remain cool. Can’t have sweaty politicians (slimy is another matter).
Gasoline is a global commodity and world events affect the price. Democrats failed to see it that way when they had Bush to blame and they stubbornly refused to allow us to drill for our own resources.
Now that Obama is in charge and the price of gasoline is heading for the stratosphere, nary a Democrat has blamed him or called for investigations. None of them are standing at photo op appearances blaming the man in the White House.
No, they were full of crap back then and they are full of crap now. They do not care about the cost because it does not affect them.
But remember, Democrats blamed the man in the White House the last time so that means the man there now is also to blame.
Why are the Democrats so silent on this issue?
Also, Rick Santelli sheds light on the recent jobs numbers.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: Democrats, drill baby drill, gasoline, lies, price hikes
AWOL Dems Need To Be Remembered In Next Election
Mar 4, 2011 Political
Elections have consequences as we have all been reminded since Obama was immaculated. The Obama, Pelosi, Reid cartel was fond of throwing its weight around and supporters agreed with what they did because, as they told us, elections have consequences. Obama told GOP leaders that he “won” which was his way of saying that is why things had to be done the way he wanted and why the opposition really did not have a seat at the table.
Well, elections do have consequences and the country has been seeing them unfold under the Obama regime. The November 2010 elections were the result of those consequences and the new set of consequences is that Republicans made huge gains at the federal and state level and now things are going to be done the way they want.
But Democrats, who told us about elections having consequences (you know, sit down and shut up), are not taking kindly to what happened. In a handful of states Democrats are fleeing in order to avoid the consequences of having lost. They do not want certain legislation to pass so they are abandoning the jobs they were elected to do in order to thwart the will of the people. As a Maryland Republican put it (when referring to a MD Democrat who was absent over a bill most Democrats support):
“As Republicans in Maryland, we get beat up on constantly. The trick is to be smarter, work harder and find ways to achieve as many victories as you can. But you can’t just leave because you’re not going to win.” Washington Post
You can’t just leave because you are not going to win. Suppose the federal politicians were able to walk out to keep votes from happening. Can you imagine how Democrats would have acted if it happened during the vote for Obamacare?
Elections have consequences and so do actions. The actions of Democrats led to their historic defeat in 2010. And now the actions of Democrat lawmakers who have gone AWOL should cause them to lose their jobs in the next election (if not sooner).
These people should not be paid and any privileges they have as lawmakers should be revoked.
And when they return they should be apprehended.
Most importantly, they should be fired in the next election.
As an aside, I find it interesting that Democrats called House Republicans in Wisconsin cowards after a vote on a bill. What does that make the Senators who fled to avoid their duties? To Democrats they are heroes.
Go figure.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never sublit.
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14 TRILLION Dollars And Counting
Jan 3, 2011 Political
Sounds like something one would hear from Dr. Evil in the Austin Powers movies with the little finger to the corner of the mouth and the words “14 trillion dollars”. That is the current debt of the United States and it will only continue to rise unless spending is clamped down on.
Democrats raised the ceiling (Republicans are guilty as well) just enough so that the issue would come up early this year. Democrats want to show Republicans as hypocrites since they were so opposed to raising the ceiling when the Democrats were in charge. This could work or it could be a problem.
Republicans have stated they will not entertain raising the ceiling unless either a balanced budget rule or spending cuts (or both) are put in place. This is a great idea. Republicans can keep the country from defaulting and force Democrats to cut spending.
I would like to see Republicans add the repeal of Obamacare to the bill raising the debt ceiling so that Democrats would be forced to Choose between defaulting or repealing health care. This would allow them to fulfill the promise of repeal and brunt some of the sting of raising the spending limit. I would be willing to see a short term ceiling increase to repeal Obamacare and the increase would give them time to figure spending cuts that would bring the debt down.
No matter what happens we absolutely cannot keep raising the debt ceiling.
It can only do that for so long before we are in default no matter what.
CBS News
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Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: 14 trillion dollars, debt ceiling, Democrats, lies
About Those Democrats And Cheating In Elections
Nov 5, 2010 Political
In Connecticut the Governor’s race is really close and there is no official winner. The Secretary of State declared the Democrat the “unofficial” winner even though the Republican is leading by 8000 votes. Well we all know what happens when a Democrat is behind in the vote count.
A bag of ballots is mysteriously discovered:
In what has become one of the stranger twists in an already bizarre Governor’s race, a bag of uncounted ballots was found in Bridgeport Thursday night.
Republican officials were approached by Democratic operatives and told about the surprise ballot bag, according to Bridgeport GOP Chairman Marc Delmonico.
Delmonico said Democrats asked to have several people deputized to count the uncounted ballots, but Republicans objected, claiming that wasn’t proper procedure in the vote-counting process. NBC Connecticut
Isn’t it odd that Democrats found a bag of uncounted ballots while the Republican is leading in the Governor’s race? And they wanted to count them on the spot instead of following procedure, how convenient.
Want to bet the bag contains just enough ballots to push the Democrat over the top?
This is Al Franken all over. Keep working to get the right number and then declare victory and move on. It is typical of the left.
And something similar is happening in North Carolina where the winner of NC2 was far enough ahead that there was no automatic recount. Suddenly the vote lead changes by 500 and her opponent and loser says he will demand a recount. Her opponent is the guy who physically assaulted a college student. Who is working to help him get back in?
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: ballots, cheating, connecticut, Democrats, liars, north carolina