How Democrats Plan To Win – Cheat

The Democrats are pulling out all the stops to win next Tuesday but things are still looking rough and they are likely in for a long night. But that is not to say they are throwing in the towel. They have an ace in the hole, or up their sleeves, as it were.

They plan to cheat. There is no other way to put it, they plan to cheat.

We already have evidence in the Florida Governor’s race. Alex Sink broke the rules to which she agreed in her debate and read a note from her make-up person. Candidates signed an agreement not to get notes during the debate but during a commercial Sink’s make-up artist brought her an electronic device with a message from an aide.

Sink read the message instead of shooing the person away and telling her it was against the rules. Sink only addressed the issue after she was outed by her opponent, Rick Scott.

Then we have early voting, where in several states the machines have been doing things to benefit Democrats.

In Nevada the polling machines already have Harry Reid’s name selected when the voter puts a voting card into the machine. This is one way to steal the election, program the machines to select the candidate the Democrats want.

Nevada is not the only place. In Craven County, North Carolina, the machines select the entire Democrat ticket when voters slect the button to vote the entire Republican ticket. Voters who select the button to vote the Republican party are seeing the screen come back with all Democrats selected. This happened several times after a voter cleared the screen and tried again.

Cheating and stealing elections is their specialty. In the Democrat party the dead and the illegals are allowed to vote right alongside the felons.

After Ted Kennedy, Robert Byrd, and John Murtha died, they were removed from the rolls of Congress and placed on the voter rolls in Chicago.

That is how they roll so watch out for cheating and check your ballot several times before submitting it.

And be sure to report all suspected voter fraud.

I also recommend using a cell phone video to record the problem so you have proof (Check to make sure it is legal to record there).

UPDATE: No wonder Nevada is able to cheat. The voting machine technicians are SEIU. They are in the bag for Reid and the Democrats. If it is shown they cheated there will be hell to pay. We can either do it the right way or we can do it the hard way…

UPDATE 2: Dems try to deceive voters in PA

UPDATE 3: Democrat union official discusses being involved in voter fraud. What a surprise.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Why Would Birther Issue Matter?

The Dem Whip, James Clyburn, is worried that if the Republicans regain control they will issue birther subpoenas which will grind the government to a halt.

House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) warned Republicans will investigate President Obama’s birthplace if they take over Congress.

Clyburn, the third-ranking Democrat in the House, said Republicans will grind the government to a halt by issuing subpoenas against the Obama administration over a number of issues if they take power. He predicted that “gridlock” in Congress would “define” Obama’s first term if Republicans win the House, but expressed confidence his party would prevail. The Hill

Before I get to the main point, it would not be a bad thing for government to grind to a halt. The less they can do the better it is for us. The only safer time is when they are not in session.

As for the issue that concerns Clyburn, why does it matter and why would it grind things to a halt? I don’t think that these so called birther subpoenas will be issued but let us assume they will be. Why would it have such a devastating effect on Congress and the government?

If a subpoena were issued then the appropriate documentation could be produced and the matter laid to rest. If it so happens that Obama has his papers in order then it would become a moot point and make some folks in Congress look rather foolish. Since Democrats keep telling us all is in order, how could this be a negative for them? They could campaign for two years on the folly of the birther subpoenas.

Is there some other reason that Clyburn is worried? Grinding government to a halt is not a concern because it can be solved in a few moments so why would Clyburn worry? Why use this tact to scare people into voting against Republicans? This concern makes it look like Clyburn is saying; “Don’t vote for them because if they take control they will find out the truth about Obama.”

I just don’t understand the reasoning. It sounds more like a concern about what will be discovered should these alleged subpoenas be issued rather than any concern about halting government.

What does James Clyburn know that we don’t?

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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You Uninformed People Are The Problem

John Kerry says the Democrats have problems because the voting public is uninformed. This is the elitist Kerry who told college students if they did not study hard and do well they would end up in Iraq (which ignores the large number of military personnel with college degrees). Seems that all the troubles in the world, from Kerry’s viewpoint, are because of the not so smart among us. You are obviously not too bright if you are uninformed and angry at Democrats.

I imagine that Kerry did not consider that many more people than ever are actually informed about what is going on and THAT is why they are angry. People know that the Democrats have not been listening to them. People know that Democrats ignored the will of the public, those they represent, and did what they wanted.

In fact, the anger is there because of uninformed politicians like John Kerry.

He would never believe it because he thinks that people just live in slogans and soundbites and have no depth of knowledge.

“We have an electorate that doesn’t always pay that much attention to what’s going on so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth or what’s happening,” Kerry told reporters after touring the Boston Medical Center yesterday. Boston Herald

Oh Johnny boy, people are paying quite a bit of attention and that is why you and your Democrats will get their rear ends handed to them in November. And let me say Johnny, that if people are this angry and they have not been paying attention then you had better hope they never start or things will get really ugly.

We see what is going on, we see how you have ignored us, we see the false claims of racism and the other personal attacks on us and we see that you are not doing what we want you to.

We will also see your rears walking out the door next January.

But I will agree with you John on a little of what you say but I have to reword it. The only reason Democrats have control and Barack Obama won is because people did not pay attention. People were too wrapped up in this messianic BS and hype to see what was going on. The post election questions show that. In fact, the only thing most people paid any attention to was his color. They had to vote for the black man to either show racial solidarity or to alleviate some perceived white guilt.

And yes John, people who are influenced by a simple slogan are morons who need to have their voting rights taken away.


I think you get the point.

Nothing wrong with a slogan John as long as you are intelligent enough to learn the issues. When your voters are living off the government and can’t articulate any position you hold then you are dealing with the uninformed with which you have a problem.

We call then Democrat voters who, by the way, are as uninformed as the Democrat politicians who pander to them.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Insanity Thy Name Is Stimulus

One definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing while expecting a different result. If this definition is accurate then Barack Obama is insane. He and his Democrats have spent nearly a trillion dollars on a so called stimulus package that was touted as the thing we needed to save the economy and create jobs. We are more than 18 months into it and the unemployment rate is rising while the economy continues to teeter on complete collapse.

Obama spent money we did not have with lots of promises that it would work. He and his sock puppets continue to tell us that we are going in the right direction and that things are working despite all evidence to the contrary. The so called Summer of Recovery and been a Summer of Stagnation and the fall looks to be even worse.

So what does Obama want to do? Why spend MORE money on stimulating the economy. Obama wants 50 BILLION more dollars to stimulate the economy even though the 787 BILLION dollars dedicated to this effort has failed.

Vowing to find new ways to stimulate the sputtering economy, President Barack Obama will call for long-term investments in the nation’s roads, railways and runways that would cost at least $50 billion.

The infrastructure investments are one part of a package of targeted proposals the White House is expected to announce in hopes of jump-starting the economy ahead of the November election. Obama will outline the infrastructure proposal Monday at a Labor Day event in Milwaukee.

The original Stimulus was supposed to provide for these things. The “shovel ready” projects were supposed to be in the infrastructure and provide all the Obama union supporters with jobs right out of the starting gate. Instead, the money has gone to pay off other special interests and has provided no stimulus just as many of us had predicted.

We do not need more stimulus. Throwing more money we do not have at a problem that the original money did not fix is insane.

Obama is trying to use money we do not have and that will have to be repaid by taxpayers to win the midterm election. He wants to throw this money at the problem in hopes that things will get better in time to turn the election around. This simply will not happen and it shows how naive and inexperienced he really is. He does not understand the economy and he has no idea of the actual mood of the electorate.

If this were a wonderful idea it might pass because Obama’s Democrats still control Congress. However, many of his Democrats are fighting for their political lives because they marched lock step with Obama on his agenda. These Democrats chose party over principle and over constituents who did not want the Stimulus (or Health Care and Financial Reform) and now those very Democrats are avoiding these items like the plague because they do not want to be associated with the Obama agenda. They know it will mean the end of their time in Congress.

With that in mind, it is not likely they will vote to spend more money in a fashion that is opposed by the electorate.

Of course if they are reelected they will do it. They might also try in a lame duck session of Congress but we should be able to stop that.

In any event, Obama is insane if he thinks more of the same will produce different results.

A prediction; It will not take long before a progressive comments touting how wonderful the Stimulus has been and that it has been successful. Anyone making that claim is as brain damaged as Joe Biden.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Bloggers In Philly Need Business License

Philadelphia has sent letters to bloggers telling them they need a $300 business license to continue blogging. This is not for all bloggers, just those who showed some sort of income from their blogs. Most folks who reported income (from ads and such) reported only a fraction of the $300 amount the city wants from them.

Between her blog and infrequent contributions to, over the last few years she says she’s made about $50. To [Marilyn] Bess, her website is a hobby. To the city of Philadelphia, it’s a potential moneymaker, and the city wants its cut.

In May, the city sent Bess a letter demanding that she pay $300, the price of a business privilege license. Washington Examiner

Looks like the city decided to get in on the action by looking at people who earned a few dollars from blogging and honestly reported it on their taxes. The city looked at the income and thought, “gee, we can scam these people out of money by forcing them to get a $300 license.” What a great way for the city to get more money without having to provide a service or actually do anything to get the money. Then again, that describes government to a tee.

All Philly is doing is ensuring it will get less money. Smart people will pull the ads from their websites and stop making money from their blogs. Then, they don’t need the license and the city will not get any revenue from taxes on reported ad income.

Look for this to come to other cities (particularly those run by Democrats) because government (particularly Democrats) loves to screw people out of their money.

For those who make a moderate amount of money blogging there might be a better way to screw Philly over in this. If these people pay for a license they will be considered a business. Then they can write off all kinds of business expenses like hosting fees and their home office space. There are calculations involved but since Philly said blogging was a business any time spent blogging would be used to calculate the percentage of time a study is used as part of the business. The bloggers could also deduct the depreciation of the equipment used for blogging.

If this is planned very carefully bloggers with a business license could write off lots and lots of money, certainly more than the $300 license fee. Then Philly would get less money than it anticipated and the reduction would be legal and made possible by the greed of the city.

It does not get any better than when you can screw the same government that tried to screw you.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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