Will Democrats Call For Investigations On Oil?

When George Bush was president the price of oil spiked at nearly $150 a barrel. During that time, Democrats drove their SUVs to gas stations and let them idle with the AC running while denouncing Bush and his coziness with Big Oil. Then they hopped back in their big vehicles, drove a few blocks to their offices and started investigations into gouging by oil companies.

Market forces caused the spike in prices and it had nothing to do with Big Oil gouging (which was never proven by the Democrats) but this did not stop the Democrats from calling oil executives to DC to explain why the product they sell rose in price.

The price of oil is now near $90 and it is predicted that it will go above $100 once again. The price of a gallon of gas has been rising over the weeks and will be higher this summer.

Will the Democrats call for investigations into Big Oil? Will they claim that Obama is in bed with Big Oil? Will they drive their SUVs a few blocks and let them idle while they scream about high oil prices before returning to their offices and starting investigations into price gouging?

Don’t bet on it. Obama is in office and the Democrats run the show (which they did when oil hit the highs back then) so it is unlikely that these price increases will be attributed to anything other than market forces and the greed of the oil companies.

Bush is not in office to bash and blame so they will skip the criticism.

The oil price increases could end up hurting the alleged recovery. I wonder how long it will be before oil executives will be hauled before Congress and blamed for interfering with the grand plan of the sainted one.

Then again, they could just blame Bush and Cheney. That seems to be the pattern of this regime.

Big Dog


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We Will Remember In November

Congress got the chance to vote last night and the Democrats went against the will of the people to pass a bill that most do not want. The need for reform exists but people do not want this bill as the reform because it is intrusive and contains at least one unconstitutional provision.

Democrats ignored their constituents and voted with the party to takeover and control our lives. The bill is bad which is why the Democrats are in damage control mode. The bill is bad which is why they had to bribe their own members. The bill is bad which is why most Americans oppose it.

But they voted for it anyway. OK, Democrats in Congress got their chance to vote last night and we will get our chance in November. We will make them pay, and pay dearly, for ignoring our will and imposing theirs. They know they are in trouble and only hope that they have enough time to change people’s minds. They will also push for the rest of their agenda (amnesty, cap and trade, etc.) to keep us occupied and to make us forget what they did.

They will not be successful. When election day gets here they will pay with their jobs. We will not forget what they did. We will not forget the process and the way they ignored our Republican form of government to play dictator. We will not forget.

Those in safe districts likely have little to worry about but they will be in the minority when the election rolls around. Nancy Pelosi will be relegated to the minority. If they are smart they will give her a job cleaning latrines. That is where she belongs.

Meanwhile, people will hold Barack Obama accountable. He said on at least twenty occasions that he will reduce premiums by about $2500. He had better come through on that or he will be bounced on his progressive ass in 2012. He is likely a one term occupant anyway but Bill Clinton was able to wrangle a second term. Obama, with a Republican majority, might be able to do the same. We have had enough of this communist and we need to get rid of him after one term before he does even more damage.

It might be worthwhile for conservatives to sell all stock in companies who supported this mess.

We lost a battle yesterday but we have not lost the war. We need to get into our full battle rattle and take back our country.

We can start in November by making every one of them pay for what they did.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Reconciliation Hits A Snag

The process by which Congress wants to ram the health care takeover through has hit a bit of a snag. The House and Senate have not convened a conference committee to reconcile their respective bills and they do not intend to because that would require the Senate to go through its established voting procedures.

The scheme that has been devised is to use reconciliation, a process reserved for budget matters only, to pass a bill. Under the scheme, the House would have to vote for the Senate bill and then the Senate would use reconciliation to tweak the bill to please the members of the House. The problem is that once the bill is voted on by the House then there is a single, identical bill. It could be sent to Barack Obama and signed into law. This is one reason that many members of the House are not willing to vote for the Senate bill.

The House does not trust the Senate (and by extension, it does not trust Obama).

There were other schemes introduced to help ease the mistrust. The original plan to pass the bill and then tweak it is not popular because there is no guarantee the Senate would hold it until the tweaks are completed. That is now a non issue because the Senate parliamentarian has determined that reconciliation can only be used for an existing law. In other words, the Senate bill would have to be voted on by the House, signed into law by Obama and then reconciled with a simple majority of the Senate.

The House will not go for this because it does not want to take the chance that the Senate bill will become law without the changes the House wants.

So the Democrats are continuing to use convoluted logic to concoct new schemes. The House is considering enacting a rule saying that once they vote on the changes to the Senate bill the Senate bill will be deemed to have passed. In other words, they will vote for a rule change and if that rule change passes they will vote for the fixes to the bill and if that passes the Senate bill will be deemed to have passed. This would allow them to vote for what they want before they have a law to vote on.

It is likely that this is unconstitutional. And do they think Americans are so stupid that we cannot see what they are doing?

Just like Democrats though, change the rules during the game to get the outcome they want.

I have a feeling that this is going to take quite some time to work out because the Democrats are making up the rules as they go along and are doing everything, legal or not, to pass this albatross. This will likely not be voted on prior to the Easter break and if it makes it that far without getting a vote then it might not make it this year. Republicans have already indicated they will follow the reconciliation rules to the letter to keep any item that is not a budget item from passing. This means many of the fixes that the House wants will not make it through. The House Democrats, who are already uneasy, must be even more so after this latest news. They want to get this done soon because they have things to do.

Democrats have to get home to campaign for reelection. They have a lot of lies to tell and a lot of explaining to do.

New York Post
Washington Examiner

Big Dog


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Preexisting Conditions

The health care takeover is on life support and all the socialist medicine in the world might not be able to save it. This has not stopped Barack Obama from campaigning around the country and it has not stopped those who think they have a right to government paid health care from holding rallies.

At a recent rally those with the microphone led crowds in chants about free health care for all.

Many young people do not understand that they will be required to buy their own health insurance. They complain that health insurance is too expensive but they will be forced to buy health insurance and there is no way the cost will go down.

The mandate to buy health insurance is needed to cover people with preexisting conditions. Insurance companies routinely refuse to cover people with preexisting conditions. I think there should be reform to require them to cover the preexisting conditions but also allows them to charge more for the insurance. Why should people, many of them young and healthy, be required to pay huge amounts of money in order to cover the elderly and those with preexisting conditions?

The left likes to tell us that since government can force you to have car insurance it is legal for it to force you to have health insurance. This is untrue because you have a choice NOT to drive. Since they use that analogy, let’s go with it a bit further. Car insurance companies require bad drivers to pay more money for car insurance. If this is allowed then why not require those with preexisting conditions to pay more for health care coverage?

The funny thing is that the same liberals who applaud employers who refuse to cover their workers who smoke (to keep costs down) demand that government require insurance companies to cover preexisting conditions which are not covered to, wait for it…

Keep costs down.

The health care takeover bill is losing Democrats and the trust issues and parliamentary manipulation might just well bury this thing in the graveyard of bad legislation.

Right where it belongs.

Big Dog


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Democrats Target CIA

The Democrats do not like the CIA especially since that organization showed that Nancy Pelosi lied about her knowledge of water boarding. Maybe if we water board her we can get the truth…

Democrats tried to slip language in a bill that would hamper the efforts of the CIA and make people subject to 15 year jail terms for harsh interrogation. The language was ambiguous and would hamper our intelligence gathering efforts. To their credit, some Democrats came out against the provision which was eventually removed. But this is not likely the end of the effort:

Hoekstra said the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Intelligence chairman Rep. Silvestre Reyes, who “have such a distaste for the rank and file in the CIA,” will “use whatever tools at their disposal to find other ways to make this law.”

Hoekstra said he thinks Pelosi and Reyes, on the same day President Obama held his highly publicized health-care summit, “were hoping nobody would notice,” they were pushing the legislation through, trying to “sneak it through.”

Even several Democratic members, Hoekstra said, told him Thursday night when they realized the interrogation amendment made it into the intelligence bill that they had “no idea why the speaker and Reyes would put this in.” The DC

Maybe now is the time for the operatives in the CIA (the real ones, not the Plame types) the work on sabotaging the reelection efforts of people like Pelosi and Reyes. Perhaps the CIA could come up with convincing evidence of wrong doing or compromising situations that would help voters decide when they vote. Maybe some leaked memos around election time would be helpful especially ones that specifically show Pelosi as a liar.

It seems to me that if Pelosi and her ilk want to destroy the careers of people in the CIA then the agents in that agency have an obligation to return the favor and they certainly have the ability to make life miserable from the shadows.

It would be great to see them engage the enemy within from within.

Big Dog


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