Democrats Reauthorize Patriot Act

The Democrats opposed the Patriot Act when Bush was the president, or at least they pretended to. They went on rants about how horrible it was, what an invasion of privacy it was, blah, blah. They tried to end it and to stop it and to change it because everyone knows Bush was really Hitler and he wanted to listen to granny discuss whole grain cookie recipes to help with constipation.

As a candidate for president, then-Sen. Barack Obama railed against parts of USA Patriot Act that gave the Bush administration sweeping powers to intercept phone and e-mail communications in the name of fighting terrorism with little judicial or congressional oversight, and Obama pledged to institute “robust” checks and balances if elected. PolitiFact

[note]The PolitiFact article we written before the vote this week. In it the promise is rated as “In the Works.”[/note]

The Democrats wanted some provisions in there to add more oversight to the process but those did not make it in. They voted for it and Obama signed it anyway. In other words, the Democrats and Obama extended the very same Patriot Act that they bashed when Bush was president. They passed that which they claimed to have opposed. Obama signed a bill that contains something he was against when he was running for office. He signed a bill that does not do what he promised he would.

The Democratic Underground is not happy.

Neither is Counter Currents.

I guess this is not the change they were looking for or as one of them put it, the more things change…

Those sneaky Democrats added this to the Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act . They did not even have the testicular fortitude to do this as a separate piece of legislation. I think it was by design. Now they can claim they had to vote for it (and Obama can claim he had to sign it) because if they did not Medicare would suffer. Republicans have cover as well. They can claim they had to vote for it because it extended the Patriot Act.

Cowards all.

Additional source:
My Way News

Big Dog


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God Must Not Have Listened To Biden

This past year has been a tough one for Democrats. They had majorities in both chambers of Congress that were big enough not to need one Republican vote and they could not pass signature items. They have become frustrated with the lack of progress on their Socialization plan so they want to do a few things to give them the upper hand. They want to eliminate the filibuster and they want to invoke reconciliation, a budgetary procedure, in order to pass their the health care takeover bill.

When the Republicans were in charge, they too became frustrated with the Democrats for using the same procedures that they [Republicans] now employ. The Republicans were going to use the nuclear or Constitutional option to allow a simple majority to pass judicial nominees.

The left went nuts over this and talked about how the filibuster was important and how the Founders knew what they were doing and how Republicans in the Senate did not do what Senators throughout history have done [say no to a power hungry president]. Joe Biden said it all when he stated:

I pray God when the Democrats take back control we don’t make the kind of naked power grab you are doing.

God must have decided not to weigh in on Biden’s prayer because the Democrats are involved in the very kind of “naked power grab” Biden lamented over.

Go view the video compilation of Democrats [Breitbart TV] who weighed in on the issue back when they were the minority party and see how their attitudes differ from what they want to do today.

The word hypocrite comes to mind but decide for yourself.

Take particular note of then Senator Barack Obama. In fact, Obama, Clinton, Biden, and Dodd all had something to say and each ran for the presidency…

Big Dog


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McCain Was Misled On TARP?

John McCain is in a real dogfight for his Senate seat as Republican J.D. Hayworth is mounting a respectable campaign and is beating up on McCain for his RINO history. McCain feels the heat and he is resorting to the same arguments Democrats used once the war on terror became unpopular. Astute readers will remember that Democrats ran around claiming they were misled on the war (and by the man they claim is dumb).

Yes, now that McCain is being beaten up for his support of a program that many Americans did not agree with he is claiming that he was misled.

McCain has been around the block more times than the ice cream man so he is aware of what goes on in this country and this is true with TARP. He was well aware that a lot of people opposed the TARP and he has an understanding of the financial system. If he was this easily “misled” and did not understand what was going on then why was he running for the presidency?

I voted for John McCain because he has a track record of service to this country, served honorably in Vietnam, endured unimaginable torture at the hands of our enemy, and was a better choice than Obama. But he is no conservative and he has as much responsibility for the situation we are in as others in Congress.

He is now facing a person who has a chance to beat him and McCain is resorting to the old “I was misled” excuse.

He is not taking responsibility for his actions.

He needs to go this year as do a lot of people in both parties. It is time to clean out the closet and get rid of those who have lost touch with the voters and with reality.


Big Dog


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Will They Exempt Radical Muslims?

South Carolina is looking to move closer to the big brother world where thoughts and ideas are punished. A piece of legislation is out there that requires organizations (defined as 2 or more members of a group) that have beliefs which include the overthrow of the US government, to register with the state.

I don’t see where it is any of the state’s business what your group believes. If you believe that it is OK to overthrow the government then that is your right. If you actually try to do that you will have problems and that is when you should be dealt with.

Do we require people who belong to groups that want to commit crime to register that they believe it is OK to knock off banks and steal their money?

And how many of these groups would actually register? If you believe that you need to overthrow the government would you actually register with the government?

There are exemptions for groups (including religious groups) as long as they do not believe in overthrowing the government.

So will the radical Muslim groups be required to register? They believe that it is their duty to replace our system of government with Sharia Law so should they have to register?

Just as importantly, should the Democrat party (lead by Barack Obama) be required to register in South Carolina?

It is their intention to overthrow our government and replace it with their Socialist form of governance.

They are just as dangerous and any group defined in the South Carolina legislation.

The legislation is called the SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES REGISTRATION ACT and there is no group more subversive than the Democrat party.

Big Dog


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Democrats Run From Obama, Maybe This Is Why

When Barack Obama took control of the White House he had everything going for him. He had majorities in the House and Senate that were so large the minority party could not stop any legislation. Infighting among Democrats and the desire to protect vulnerable seats are the only reasons that legislation did not pass. The Democrats, and only the Democrats, are responsible for any failures to achieve Obama’s agenda. Republicans could not stop them. The Democrats blame Republicans and call them the party of “No” but the Republicans were not needed to get anything passed. Democrats blame Republicans for not supporting issues that would hurt America and allow Democrats to claim bipartisanship. The votes on legislation that people do not want fall squarely on the shoulders of the Democrats.

This is an election year and the Democrats are pretending to be fiscally responsible. Obama has called for a freeze on a small part of the budget in order to appear as if he is trying to control costs. While he puts on the phony show he continues to spend like a drunken sailor. The difference is, a sailor spends his own money and stops spending when he runs out.

A number of Democrats are distancing themselves from Barack Obama and his latest budget. The Baltimore Sun reports that vulnerable Democrats are voicing their opposition to items in Barack Obama’s budget proposal in order to play to their constituencies back home and improve their prospects for reelection in November.

As Congress begins picking through President Obama’s vast election year budget, many Democratic incumbents and candidates seem to be finding something they love — to campaign against.

The Democrats mentioned have seen the writing on the wall since Scott Brown was elected to the Senate in Massachusetts. They were prepared to steamroll the health care takeover until that upset win. The vulnerable ones seem to have gotten the message while Obama, who is tone-deaf to the desires of America, seems to have a different opinion. He believes the answer to Brown’s win is not to do nothing. Perhaps so but Americans want the right thing done.

Perhaps these Democrats realize that if a Republican can win in Massachusetts then no seat is safe. The Washington Times is reporting that the prospects of Republicans in Senate races is looking better and that they have a chance to pick up ten seats.

The long-shot bid by Republicans to retake control of the Senate is suddenly in play, as the prospect of high-profile Republican candidates entering the fray has pushed the GOP even or ahead in polling for 10 races.

The potential candidacies of former Republican Govs. George E. Pataki in New York and Tommy G. Thompson in Wisconsin are improving the polling fortunes of the party as it pursues seats long in the hands of Democrats, while the anti-government “tea party” movement has provided momentum to Republican challengers in states such as Florida, Arkansas and Pennsylvania.

“If the election were held today, the Republicans could come close to winning back the Senate, if not actually win it,” said pollster John Zogby.

There are still many months to go before the elections in November and anything can happen. The tack to the middle by some Democrats might be viewed as positive by fools who will cry foul if they are reelected and then move back to the left. But the reality is that things are, as of this early date, looking good for the Republican party.

This has to be particularly chilling to these Democrats especially after the surprise win by Brown.

I don’t know if Republicans will take enough seats to win back the Senate but they will gain at least a few more and move the filibuster-proof number farther from the Democrats.

I would like to see the Republicans win back the Senate but I will settle for a few more seats and I particularly want the one held by Arlen Specter. He switched parties solely for the purpose of winning reelection so it would be great to see him lose as a Democrat.

Big Dog


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