What A Difference A Year Makes
Dec 11, 2009 Political
It has been a year since Barack Obama won the national election by a pretty good margin by running on his I am not Bush and Hope and Change platform. People were thrilled with him. Blacks were able to ignore his shortcomings and vote for him because he is a Democrat and he is black and the youth were able to vote for him because he promised to give them everything.
The shininess has worn off Obama and now that the newness has worn off people are able to see that he is nothing more than a typical politician. He promised transparency but has not been transparent about very much. Health care is debated behind closed doors and not on CSPAN as he promised. His personal records are locked up tighter than a gnat’s behind and he has followed many of the things that George W. Bush did, much to the displeasure of his base.
Obama is a man child who is trying to do a job for which he is unqualified and lacks experience to do. He is doing that job the Chicago way and turning DC into a bigger thug infested rat’s nest than it was before he arrived.
Any wonder why some folks are beginning to express displeasure and wishing that Bush were still president? A new poll shows that 44% of respondents wish Bush were still president.
Perhaps the greatest measure of Obama’s declining support is that just 50% of voters now say they prefer having him as President to George W. Bush, with 44% saying they’d rather have his predecessor. Given the horrendous approval ratings Bush showed during his final term that’s somewhat of a surprise and an indication that voters are increasingly placing the blame on Obama for the country’s difficulties instead of giving him space because of the tough situation he inherited. The closeness in the Obama/Bush numbers also has implications for the 2010 elections. Using the Bush card may not be particularly effective for Democrats anymore, which is good news generally for Republicans and especially ones like Rob Portman who are running for office and have close ties to the former President.
Given that the Democrats were in charge of the nation when it went to hell (don’t fall for the “Republicans were in charge when things went bad” meme) and that they were responsible for ignoring the warning signs it is no wonder that people long for the days when the adults were in charge.
This number will get larger once inflation arrives and the economy fails to make any real improvement. The elections of 2010 are 11 months away but it is not looking good for the party that has been in power for the last three years.
Stubborn Facts has posters of who we really miss.
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Tags: Bush, Democrats, economy, inflation, miss me yet, Obama
Obama To Republicans; Stop Trying To Frighten Americans
Dec 9, 2009 Political
Members of both parties met with Barack Obama at the White House and he told the Republicans; “Stop trying to frighten the American people.”
President Barack Obama told House Republican leaders to “stop trying to frighten the American people” even as he and Democrats said they see a possibility for bipartisan cooperation on job creation legislation. The Hill
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said that Republicans are telling constituents the truth and that is far from trying to frighten them. Boehner made it clear that he and fellow Republicans are telling people what is happening and what will happen under the plans being pushed by Democrats.
Of course Obama does not like this because the truth stands in the way of his agenda to radically change America into a Socialist nation.
No, it is not Republicans who are trying to frighten people, it is in fact, the Democrats.
We must pass the stimulus NOW or we might not be able to recover. We must pass cap and trade NOW or the oceans will rise and drown us all. We must pass health care NOW or evil doctors and insurance companies will take advantage of people and we have to stop the thousands of people from dying in the streets. We must, we must, we must, it comes from Obama and his sock puppets and the intent is to frighten people into going along with what he wants. Everything is urgent because he does not want to let a crisis go to waste.
The latest fear mongering comes from the White House with regard to cap and trade. This week, the EPA stated that it will regulate CO2 and other greenhouse gases. This is widely seen as a bad thing because the EPA will make things costly with moronic rules regulating the gas every mammal exhales. Obama has warned that Congress had better get on cap and trade and pass it or the EPA will act. This is a threat and it is fear mongering.
The Obama administration is warning Congress that if it doesn’t move to regulate greenhouse gases, the Environmental Protection Agency will take a “command-and-control” role over the process in way that could hurt business. Fox News
I am certain that this whole episode was well orchestrated by the White House to prod Congress, particularly the Democrats, into doing something on the cap and trade issue. There was no incentive to actively pursue the issue because it is unpopular, will cost more, will lead to higher unemployment, and will have little effect and the upcoming year is an election year. Democrats do not want to mess with this because they have to run for reelection and this issue is one that could sink them. Couple it with the extremely unpopular health care bills and you have a recipe for disaster for Democrats next November.
Obama wants it and this EPA ruse is a way to get Congress to act. Of course, Congress is the law making body. It could make a law saying the EPA cannot regulate greenhouse gases. It could defund the agency or pass a law disbanding it. Obama would be powerless to stop any of it. If Congressional Democrats feel that they are being pressured they might just do one of these things and that would be fine with me.
Get rid of the EPA. It is an unconstitutional agency that has way too much power. If Congress is not going to get rid of it then it can take some of the power away. Either would be an appropriate response.
But the entire issue is all about frightening the American people and putting pressure (under threat of EPA action) on Congress.
So perhaps Obama should look in the mirror because the reflection is the person to whom the admonishment should go.
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Tags: Democrats, fear, frighten, Obama, Republicans, scare tactics
Elderly Get Practice For Obamacare Death Panels
Dec 2, 2009 Political
The idea of death panels made the liberals laugh at Sarah Palin. She suggested that the Obamacare plan would create an environment where care would be rationed and the elderly would not get the care they needed. She likened those who would make those decisions to death panels and the left ridiculed her for it.
They ridiculed even though there is no doubt that there will be rationing of care. Forcing people to have health insurance and then adding millions more people to the mix will mean that care must be rationed for two very simple reasons.
The first is that there will not be enough health care providers.
The second is that the plan will cost so much money (two or three times what they say) so care will be rationed based on cost and the number of years a person has on this Earth. Young people work (when Obama has not caused unemployment to rise) and they pay taxes. The elderly consume about two-thirds of the health care dollars spent in this country so they will be allowed to die off for the sake of efficiency and cost savings. Obama did tell them they might be better off just taking a pill.
The elderly are already finding out what rationing will be like and they are finding out because of the Swine Flu vaccine. The elderly cannot get it. They are being denied the vaccine because of shortages. There are plenty of elderly that have underlying diseases who should be vaccinated but the vaccines are being rationed to children, young people with underlying medical conditions, pregnant women and health care workers. The elderly, left out in the cold:
But as grateful as he is, the 74-year-old Anter admits one thing will be bugging him during the holidays.
“The truth is,” the retired paper sales executive said last week, “when I think about not being able to get a swine flu shot, I get real pissed off.”
Two months after H1N1 flu vaccine was first distributed to public health districts around the country, people 65 and older with serious medical conditions still can’t get vaccinated.
Anter’s doctors at Stanford University Hospital, where he received his transplant, tell him he has a compromised immune system and “the H1N1 flu could do me in.”
He takes at least nine prescription medications daily to stay alive.
“But when I try to get a shot, I’m told I’m too old ” he said as he sat in the study of his Peccole Ranch home.
“I feel that they see me and other older people as garbage and are just waiting for the trucks to come pick us up,” Anter said.
“I served my country. I enlisted during the Korean War. You don’t treat people this way just because they’re older.” Review Journal
I am well aware of the statistics of who is more likely to get the Swine Flu and the young appear to be more susceptible than the elderly but this assumes the elderly who are in relatively good health. Those with serious medical conditions, especially conditions that compromise their immune systems, should be immunized.
They should be in the group of people who get the vaccine first but since they are old they are not getting it.
What other possible reason could there be for denying the vaccination to old people with compromised immune systems?
The sad reality is that they are not as productive and do not have as many years left as the younger folks so they are not getting the vaccine. Sure, those in good health have no reason to worry but the elderly with medical conditions that put them more at risk should be vaccinated.
This is a foreshadowing of the death panel. Care is being rationed because the government could not fulfill its promise to have a vaccination for every citizen who wants one. Since the vaccine must be rationed the elderly with health problems are the ones who are denied.
The senior citizens in this country are getting a preview of Obamacare. You folks better get busy and let the people who represent you in Congress know to kill this bill.
What will happen when they decide that the elderly should not have costly blood pressure medication, clot busting drugs for myocardial infarction, antineoplastic drugs for cancer treatment, or joint replacement surgery all because of age?
Well, at least Obama will give you a pill instead.
It will probably be a cyanide capsule.
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Tags: death panels, Democrats, lies, Obama, obamacare, rationing, sarah palin
Good Luck With That, ACORN
Nov 13, 2009 Political
Seems like the community criminal organizing group known as ACORN has filed suit against the US Government for voting to cut off its funds after employees of the group were video taped encouraging people to commit criminal acts. The last video demonstrated that the powers that be in ACORN lied about the encounter in one of its offices.
The Community Organizer in Chief distanced himself from the people he used to work with and members of Congress voted to cut off TAXPAYER money that was being sent to the ACORN crime family.
ACORN is suing basing the claim that it is unconstitutional for Congress to cut its funding.
That qualifies the legislation as bills of attainder, according to the Center for Constitutional Rights, which filed the suit on behalf of ACORN. A bill of attainder punishes a person or group without the benefit of a trial, and is illegal under Article 1 of the Constitution.
Bills of attainder have traditionally been understood to have more serious legal consequences — including the seizure of private property and even capital punishment — than Congress’ decision to withhold funds that are at its discretion to disseminate. Though members of Congress have accused ACORN of corruption, it is not clear how the exercise of its own prerogative is outside the bounds of legislative power. Fox News
Maybe I have this wrong but I have never seen in the Constitution where TAXPAYER money is allowed to go to a group like this in the first place. Be that as it may, what makes the people of ACORN think that TAXPAYERS are supposed to fork over money to them when they are continually involved in crime?
This group is a partisan organization that works to get Democrats elected. Why should any Republican have to pay tax dollars to support something like this? Why would any self respecting Democrat (I know, if they were self respecting they would be Republicans but stick with me on this) want TAXPAYER money spent on this kind of stuff?
Suppose there was a group that said it was a community organizing group and it took tons of TAXPAYER money to do “good” things. Then suppose it registered people but threw out all the cards where people registered as Democrats. Suppose the group pushed the agendas of Republicans and suppose members were caught giving advice to people on how to engage in prostitution using illegal alien minors or how to evade taxes?
Don’t ya think people like those at ACORN would be up in arms about it?
I guess since ACORN happens to be a liberal organization that uses TAXPAYER money to advance liberal causes it figures it is OK to bilk the TAXPAYER.
Congress is well within its right to cut off the funding at any time and for any reason.
If ACORN does not like that then perhaps they should all go out and get real jobs.
I understand that the new government run health care system will need people experienced in committing fraud…
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Tags: acorn, Congress, Democrats, health care, law suit, Republicans
The Outrageous Profits Of Insurance Companies
Oct 25, 2009 Political
The Democrats have demonized the insurance industry as evil corporations that have skyrocketing profits at the expense of the people. These are some of the claims made by the left:
“I’m very pleased that (Democratic leaders) will be talking, too, about the immoral profits being made by the insurance industry and how those profits have increased in the Bush years.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who also welcomed the attention being drawn to insurers'”obscene profits.”
“Keeping the status quo may be what the insurance industry wants their premiums have more than doubled in the last decade and their profits have skyrocketed.” Maryland Rep. Chris Van Hollen, member of the Democratic leadership.
“Health insurance companies are willing to let the bodies pile up as long as their profits are safe.” A MoveOn.org ad. My Way News
The unfortunate thing for the Democrats is that the profits of the insurance industry are not that high. According to the article, entities such as Farm and construction machinery, Tupperware, the railroads, Hershey sweets, Yum food brands and Yahoo all have higher profits than the insurance industry which sits at around 2%.
The insurance companies cannot be gouging people in order to make record profits if their profits are anything but record and are eclipsed by many other entities. The left has to claim that the insurance companies are raking people over the coals and making record profits in order to push its agenda of taking over our health care system. If profits are not the reason for high medical costs then there must be something else and whatever it is, it will not be cured with government running the health insurance.
The left did this with the oil companies. They parroted the record profits made by the oil companies but discussed it in raw dollars. In reality, the profit margin was about 10%, reasonable for a business. During that period of time Microsoft had profits greater than 20% but we did not hear much about the cost of MS software and how the company was exploiting people. Instead, we heard the Democrats harp about the billions in profits made by oil companies as those very Democrats discussed how they would “take” the money and redistribute it to the people. Very Hugo Chavez of them.
Insurance companies are in business to provide a service and to make money. They make money but not too terribly much considering they rank 35th on the Fortune 500 list of top industries.
There are 34 industries ahead of the insurance industry so perhaps the government should be going after them and their “obscene” profits. Obviously, the profits of those industries must be obscene if they are better than the insurance industry that the government has already pronounced as obscene.
The Democrats are using the Alinsky playbook in order to marginalize the “enemy” and turn everyone against insurance companies.
Seems to me the insurance industry is not so bad after all.
Now, I wonder what the profit margin of the tort lawyers was during that time.
Anyone want to bet they did better than the insurance industry?
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Tags: Democrats, insurance industry, Obama, obscene profits