Democrats Flip-Flop On Raising The Debt Limit

When Republicans were in charge they spent like, well Democrats. They ran up huge deficits and asked for an increase in the debt limit (raising the debt ceiling) and that move was opposed by Democrats. Barack Obama was opposed to it when he said it burdened our children with our debt. He was absolutely correct when he said it.

“Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren,” Obama said in a 2006 floor speech that preceded a Senate vote to extend the debt limit. “America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership.”

Obama later joined his Democratic colleagues in voting en bloc against raising the debt increase. The Hill

That was then and this is now. Like Obama’s stance on the war in Afghanistan, the “war of necessity” that must be won, which changed and on which he is now floundering, the issue of the debt ceiling is just as fluid.

Yes Republicans spent like there was no tomorrow and yet the Obama Administration has managed to outspend them. Obama’s deficit for this year will be 1.4 TRILLION dollars, nearly twice the deficit of Bush’s last year in office. Now there is an argument to be made that there is an overlap in administrations (though Congress was controlled by Democrats) but the bulk of the spending has come from Obama and his Democrats and the future spending is just as bad.

The Democrats are trying to use parlor tricks to hide the request to raise the debt limit. They are trying to add it to a Defense Authorization Bill. They are trying to hide their vote to raise the debt ceiling by claiming that they had to vote for the bill because it is a necessary one. Given that, why is the debt ceiling increase in it to begin with? Congress does this all the time. They add items that are unpopular to bills that must be passed so they can have cover when people get upset. “Why, I had to vote for it in order to save the three toed pygmy sloth from extinction. It was a choice of not voting to save the little fella or swallowing hard and voting for it while adding the other nasty things.”

Knowing they will face unyielding GOP attacks for voting to increase the eye-popping debt, Democrats are considering attaching a debt increase provision to a must-pass bill, possibly the Defense Department spending bill, according to Democratic and Republican sources. Politco

Their motives are presented as pure but the reality is that they know what they want. If it is so undesirable to vote for extraneous items in bills then they would not ADD them to the bills. They want to vote for the items but they want it to appear as if they had no choice.

These kind of tricks are used all the time. They have attempted to remove the increase in the health care bill with regard to payments to doctors who take Medicare by making it a separate item that adds directly to the deficit. This way they can claim the health care bill was deficit neutral (it is not and it never will be).

Senator Barack Obama correctly stated that raising the debt limit saddles our children with debt. He then voted against the increase (one can debate if that was party alliance or conviction but he voted against it). Now it is time for him to show he truly believed what he said when he was a Senator by vetoing any bill that increases the debt limit.

If he does not, it will show once again that all of his statements and positions have an expiration date.

Big Dog Salute to Gator Sports

Big Dog

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The Democrat’s Straw Man

The Democrats want health care under their control and they are willing to lie and deceive to get that accomplished. Despite the huge numbers of constituents who expressed opposition they are pressing on with their plan to hijack health care and gain further control over our lives. One method they employ is to use a straw man argument. They present two options, one of which is not true, and then attack the “straw man” they have established. Here is an example in a quote from Obama:

We have never been this close. We’ve never had such broad agreement on what needs to be done. And because we’re so close to real reform, suddenly the special interests are doing what they always do, which is just try to scare the heck out of people.

But I’ve got — I’ve got a question for all these folks who say, you know, we’re going to pull the plug on Grandma and this is all about illegal immigrants — you’ve heard all the lies. I’ve got a question for all those folks: What are you going to do? What’s your answer? What’s your solution? And you know what? They don’t have one. Their answer is to do nothing. Their answer is to do nothing. And we know what that future looks like: insurance companies raking in the profits while discriminating against people because of preexisting conditions; denying or dropping coverage when you get sick. Barack Obama News Blog

In this instance we are led to believe that the two options are the reform Obama wants and doing nothing. He further illustrates this “do nothing” idea by claiming that those opposed have not offered any other options. It is reform the way he wants it or nothing.

Then he and his sock puppets go on to attack the do nothing approach as if it is a legitimate target. The truth is that there are many other options out there and they have been proposed. A handful of other options were proposed when Obama was a Senator and he VOTED AGAINST ALL OF THEM.

My Congressman, Frank Kratovil, took the same approach in a letter he wrote to me not long ago (in response to my call to his office). He said that we need reform and that we could not stick with the status quo. Here again, the options are the reform or nothing and this is just patently false. Once again, a number of bills were proposed in the past and Obama, as well as many other Democrats, voted against them. In voting against them it was they who wanted to do nothing.

I heard Harry Reid say that health care was sick and we needed to have reform and that doing nothing was not an option. Here is a different spin on the same straw man argument. Most folks universally agree that there needs to be changes to health care affordability in this country and many people have ideas. The problem is that the Democrats, the ones who wanted to work together, are not willing to listen to other ideas.

House Republican Leader John Boehner said that Republican leaders have not been invited to the White House to discuss health care since April. He indicated that the Republicans sent a letter to Obama in May stating that they would like to work with his administration to find common ground. The Republicans received what is described as a tersely worded letter indicating that they [Obama and the Democrats] had health care reform under control. [The Hill]

So when Obama says that his question of “what are you going to do?” is not answered because the Republicans do not have ideas and only want to keep things the way they are he is LYING. Barack Obama was presented many options when he was a Senator and he voted against them. He voted against giving things that would have been less costly a chance to succeed before he went all in with his complete take over of health care.

Obama does not want to hear differing opinions and he does not want to hear other ideas and he certainly does not want to let Republicans have a seat at the table because he has his own agenda that involves more control over our lives.

He is lying when he says that those opposed want to keep things as they are. He is lying when he says that there have been no other ideas offered. He is lying when he says that it is either his way or doing nothing.

He and his toadies are setting up straw men and beating them back down in order to deceive the public. Obama ignored reform when he was a Senator as did his Democratic colleagues.

Hold their feet to the fire and do not fall for the straw man argument. Recognize it and call them out on it because they are trying to deceive you in order to gain more control over your life.

Wake up America.

Big Dog

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How Long Before It Comes To America?

The debate about the health care overhaul bill continues as more Americans voice their opposition to the plan that will allow the government to take over about 17% of our GDP. The government is interested in taking control of health care because then it will control our lives. The bill is not about health and it is not about care. Government has a couple of things in mind besides health and care.

The government wants to control your access to health care. Politicians are lying to you when they say that you can keep your plan if you like it. You can keep it until you need to change (whether you change jobs or your employer drops coverage in favor of government care) and then you will be stuck with the government plan where some bean counter gets to decide if you are treated. This is about controlling people like the government does with Social Security. The elderly are trapped in that system and are at the mercy of politicians who have spent all the money paid into it. It is going broke and there is no trust fund. Today’s workers are paying for today’s retirees. There will be no money left in the very near future.

The government will soon run out of all that Social Security money to confiscate and back with worthless paper so it needs a new source of income. You have heard them say how much money insurance companies make. The government wants to put them out of business and take that money in so it will have more to spend while rationing care.

Remember, the goal is for them to get single payer health care. Obama has said that this is his goal and that it might take 15 or 20 years but that is what he wants. Many other Democrats are on record as saying that they want single payer and that the way to get it is by passing a health care bill that they can use to get us there. This is why they are scaling back. They can say that the government option is off the table but they have said they can get things incrementally. They will get some sort of bill passed and then keep adding to it until they get what they want, complete control. Control of health care is a major way for government to gain more control over YOU.

Do we really want government types making decisions about our health? What about end of life? Do we really want government types forcing end of life decisions on us? That is what will result if we are forced to receive end of life counseling upon reaching 65 (an age where we are not old enough to draw Social Security). If they can steer us toward death then they can save health care dollars and Social Security payments.

Right now, each of us has the right to decide our end of life desires. We can decide to have food or water withheld and which medications, if any, we are to receive as well as the procedures that we do or do not want performed. Once government is involved a bureaucrat will be guiding people in that process and those who are vulnerable will be moved to taking decisions they might not actually want. Doctors will be rated by how well they are doing in this area so they will have incentive to move folks toward death.

Once health care is under government control there will be nothing stopping government from actually taking those decisions for us. They can simply pass a bill that changes health care and allows someone else to decide your end of life issues. Think that can’t happen? Look at what is happening in the United Kingdom:

In a letter to The Daily Telegraph, a group of experts who care for the terminally ill claim that some patients are being wrongly judged as close to death.

Under NHS guidance introduced across England to help doctors and medical staff deal with dying patients, they can then have fluid and drugs withdrawn and many are put on continuous sedation until they pass away. Telegraph UK

There is a pathway in the UK health system that allows clinicians to decide if a person is near end of life and then withhold food, water and medication and keep the person sedated until he dies. People can become dehydrated and get confused and be taken to the hospital where, using the pathway, it can be decided that the person is near end of life and care withheld. Sedating drugs can mask recovery so people who would otherwise recover die because the sedation keeps them from showing signs of improvement.

It is not a leap to say that we could go from mandatory counseling (the word shall means it is mandatory) where people are guided to death to a system where the decisions are made for them. It will not matter if the decisions are in the best interest of the patient and it will not matter what the patient or his family want because the government will mandate the decision.

The UK has had government run health care for a long time but this pathway has only been around since 2004. This means that government changed the health care delivery to include a pathway that takes end of life decisions away from the patient and the patient’s family.

Once government gets its claws into the flesh of health care it will continue to dig deeper and deeper until it runs everything and makes all the decisions. Remember, Obama has appointed people to positions that will decide for you. They are people who have long histories of advocating allowing people to die rather than extending lives. They have histories of advancing Euthanasia. They are on the record stating that the elderly will have to deal with their fate. They are on the record as wanting to advance principles where life is given unequal value based upon age and condition. The elderly, handicapped and mentally ill are not worth as much to them as the young and healthy.

Is this what we want in this country? Do we want government controlling health care and our lives? Do we want the government to have the power to decide if we live or die? Do we want a complete overhaul of the system so that we can include the very small percentage of people who have no insurance?

If this were about health care and reform then Obama would have voted for reform all those times he had the chance in the Senate. He did not want reform and neither do the rest fo the Democrats. They want control. If it were about fixing what is broken then they would not be scrapping what works and replacing it. They want control.

It is time to wake up America. Do not let them pass any kind of health care overhaul. They will work to add to it and take control of your life.

Stand up and be counted.

Your life depends on it.

Big Dog

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Protests Are Bothering Democrats

The Democrats knew they would catch hell during this break and so far there have been quite a few encounters with constituents that have gotten loud. None of them have gotten out of control and there was no violence like there is when liberal goons are involved. These meetings included Democrats and Republicans who were present to express their dissatisfaction with the health care overhaul.

The Democrats in office, the DNC, and the media wing of their party have been portraying the protesters as right wing extremists who are hell bent on destroying Obama. No matter what the make up of the audience is, it will be labeled as a bunch of conservatives and members of the vast right wing conspiracy. Even though people at the meetings describe themselves as Democrats, they are still identified as conservatives and helps to brand them as supremacists.

Senator Boxer said that the groups are well dressed people as if ordinary citizens cannot dress nicely. Nancy Pelosi said that the protesters are carrying swastikas and other offensive items (I challenge her to find such a thing). This is a lie and is designed to make it look like the Republicans or the conservatives are the problem.

The groups are not the right wing, they are Americans from all backgrounds and ideologies who do not believe in what is happening. The Democrats want you to believe they are united and it is the right holding things up. Keep this in mind, they have enough votes to pass it without one Republican vote. The problem is many Democrats do not want to vote for it because they are worried about reelection. The Dems are blaming this on the right to take the focus off their own members who oppose it.

As for the unruly mobs that the Democrats want you to think are involved, look at any video and you see people who are angry and talking out of turn and over each other but there is no violence. The people are only expressing themselves and are really letting their representatives have it when they hear a lie, or as the White House calls it, something fishy.

Harry Reid is not happy at all and says these protesters are trying to sabotage the Democratic process:

The Senate’s most powerful Democrat on Thursday scolded health care protesters dogging his party’s lawmakers at local meetings, arguing that some critics on the political right have run out of ideas—and ditched their civic manners. Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada accused the protesters of trying to “sabotage” the democratic process. Breitbart

Isn’t it amazing how when Democrats are out protesting, damaging property and attacking people they are being patriotic because they are dissenting but when people (identified as Republicans by Dems) are peacefully protesting the government’s actions they are “sabotaging” the Democratic process?

It is further amazing that Harry Reid would call people expressing their Constitutional rights as saboteurs. Not only are these folks exercising their right to free speech, they are also exercising their right to peaceably assemble. Harry Reid thinks this is getting in the way of progress. You read that right, a US Senator thinks that people who exercise their Constitutional rights are saboteurs. Is it any wonder we hold these people in contempt?

Stop the ACLU has a video of some of these right wing radicals. It features a bunch of senior citizens at an AARP meeting. The AARP representative is trying to explain why government health care is so great and why the seniors should like it. When people start to express their dissatisfaction the person holding the meeting ends it and leaves. The seniors all said they were going to cancel their membership in AARP and I hope they do. The AARP is only out to make money. They do not care about seniors, they care about advancing liberal positions.

I urge all seniors who belong to the AARP to cancel your memberships and ask for a refund. Then consider joining organizations like the 60 Plus Association or the American Seniors Association. Both of them believe in limited government and ending oppressive taxes. They have your interests in mind.

Keep the heat on the members of Congress. Do not let them get away with the lies about the plan. They will say anything to get this passed so they can control your lives. Don’t let them get away with telling you how great they can do things. They can’t run a post office, they can’t run Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security, all of which are out of money or will be soon.

If you like going to the Department of Motor vehicles then you will love government health care. But keep in mind, if you think health care is expensive now, wait until it is free…

As for you seniors, keep giving them hell and then vote them out of office before they pass a health care bill that will kill you off.

Big Dog

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Another Bad Week For Obama

Barack Obama must wake up in cold sweats after discovering that his gift for gab can get him in as much trouble as Biden’s mouth often does. This past week Obama lost support of some folks because he weighed in on the issue of the arrest of his friend, Henry Gates. When asked a question about Gates’ arrest, Obama said the police “acted stupidly.”

A black officer who was with SGT Crowley, the officer who made the arrest, said that Crowley did his job and did nothing wrong. A black female cop who spoke, Ms. Kelly King, stated that she had supported Obama and voted for him but she will not vote for him again.

Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.

This comes as Obama’s approval numbers take a downward spiral and his health care bill lingers in political lingo. Obama has enough Democrats to pass the bill on a straight party line vote but many are balking at voting for the monstrosity. This has forced Democrats to claim they need Republicans to pass the bill. In other words, they want Republican votes so they can blame them when the thing turns out as bad as expected. Republicans should not bite. If it is so good then the Democrats should have no trouble passing it without Republican support.

Adding to Obama’s problems is disclosure of an interview he did as a Senator. In the interview he bashed Bush for ramming legislation through without giving people time to read the bill. This should ring of hypocrisy given how Obama and his Democrats are doing that very thing with all the social engineering plans they are forcing through Congress at breakneck speed. Legislation that is NOT read by anyone in Congress. Even Obama admits he does not know what is in the health care bill.

The hits keep on coming for Obama and the Democrats. Senators Dodd and Conrad, who claimed they knew nothing about their sweetheart home loan deals, were exposed as liars when a witness testified that both of them were told and were well aware of the sweetheart deals they were getting.

Republicans have added to the misery by saying they will not vote for Judge Sotomayor, Obama’s pick for the Supreme Court.

Looks like Obama needs that expensive vacation he is planning.

Funny how the Dems were up in arms when Bush went on vacation.

A ranch is Crawford is for the non elites…

Big Dog

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