Che Che Change At Wal Mart
Jun 23, 2015 Opinion, Political
Wal Mart has decided to remove all items associated with the Confederate Battle Flag from its retail and online stores. The move comes after manufactured indignation at an inanimate item that is part of American history because some whack job racist murdered nine people in South Carolina.
The Flag did not murder anyone and there is no indication that the flag inspired the idiot to murder people but it makes liberals feel good to bring up the Confederate Battle Flag every time we head into a presidential election. This gives the liberals who are ignorant of history the opportunity to make allegations of racism against any politician (read Republican) who does not jump up and down and demand the flag be removed.
It appears to be working as many Republicans are now showing their ignorance as well. Or perhaps they are caving to the chattering class in order not to be labeled racist. News Flash folks, they will call you that no matter what.
This is snowballing as Democrat Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake of Baltimore is demanding the state of Maryland stop issuing Sons of the Confederacy license plates (which feature the battle flag) and recall those that have been issued. The Baltimore County Executive is trying to get Robert E Lee Park renamed.
Blake is using the uproar to make demands for the removal of a symbol of history but was silent (in fact I have heard no liberal discuss this) as ISIS flags were waving among the rioters she sponsored just weeks ago.
It is all about not letting a crisis go to waste and to that end Wal Mart is jumping on board to show it is not a racist company. Yes, it will no longer sell any item that features the Confederate Battle Flag.
[note]Wal Mart is based in Arkansas and Bill Clinton is from Arkansas. Clinton used the Confederate Battle Flag imagery when he ran for president. I do not recall liberals protesting the flag then and I don’t recall Wal Mart having an opinion on the matter.[/note]
Wal Mart continues to sell items with the face of Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara on them. Che’s face is featured on many shirts worn by liberals and his poster adorned a wall at an Obama campaign office. Blacks overwhelmingly voted for both Clinton (who used that Confederate Flag) and Obama who never demanded the Che poster be taken down.
Why does it matter? Che Guevara was a racist from Argentina who murdered a lot of people, many of whom were black. He was a huge communist who wanted communism to take over the world. Here is some interesting information about Che, the guy you see on many shirts worn by the very liberals who demand the Flag be removed:
Guevara was a notorious anti-Black racist from Argentina who murdered hungry children and became an icon for leftists around the world for his role in the 1959 communist takeover of Cuba. This was a man who was a defender of the North Korean regime and who deeply mourned the death of Joseph Stalin. Guevara hoped the Soviets would launch nuclear attacks on American cities, for some reason confident that the communists would win a nuclear war that would have killed millions.
Che Guevara banned music, burned books, hated blacks, was an anti-semite [sic], murdered those who disagreed with him, personally oversaw execution squads, and was in charge of a system that imprisoned gays solely for the crime of being gay. X Tribune
If Wal Mart was so socially conscious wouldn’t they remove all Che items from the store?
The Southern states seceded from the union because of economic reasons. A large part of the economy was slave driven but the slave aspect is not why they left the union though they set up a government that codified slavery. The federal government was willing to continue slavery if they rejoined the union but a tripling of the tariffs crippled them economically. The flag was a battle flag carried by units that had soldiers, most of whom did not own slaves, who were tired of the federal government’s overreach. They fought with pride for their side in the war.
It is easy to sit here today and criticize and with the sorry educational system it is even easier to brainwash people into revisionist history but the reality is most people viewed blacks and inferior at that point in time. Abraham Lincoln was among those who thought blacks were inferior. There were some who believed that there should be no slaves but they still believed the white race was superior.
We are a nation with a past that has some great things in it but we also have some bad things. Slavery is among the worst part of our history and this Democrat institution should have died out long before it did. Our history after slavery was not much better with Democrats and their racist Jim Crow laws that kept blacks as second class citizens. Gun control was designed to keep blacks unarmed so they could not resist the tyranny.
That flag is just that, a flag. It is a symbol of our history and it should remain a part of our history.
But if people want to ban flags then they might want to look at the US Flag. It flew over this nation when we committed genocide against the Native Americans, while slavery was an institution, during the forced incarceration of Japanese Americans and during the post slavery period of racist laws and practices. Given this and the reasons for the Confederate Flag uproar, what makes it any more worthy?
Perhaps it is because despite the sometimes horrific history associated with the nation over which it has flown it still stands as a symbol of hope and freedom. It represents what can happen when people come together to build something and despite the flaws of its nation it demonstrates that people can move past horrific periods and events and become something better.
The Confederate Flag also represents a history that many today find intolerable. It should remain as a symbol that even in our darkest times we were able to overcome.
The Flag in South Carolina flies over a Confederate Monument, where one would expect it to be.
There is nothing wrong with displaying our history. Every aspect of our history should remain as a tribute to a nation of people who did not always get it right but improved and continue to improve.
Leave the Flag alone. It is heritage, not hate.
As an aside, there are many groups in this country with flags and banners. Certainly we could all find one reason or another to get rid of their symbols but do we want that in a nation that prides itself on freedom of expression?
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: che, confederate battle flag, Democrats, history, racists, wal mart
Shorter Dems: Save Us From Ourselves
Mar 24, 2015 Political
The Democrats forced Obamacare on all of us. They wanted to take over the health care in this nation in an effort to further control people so they pushed through a massive bill that no one read. Pelosi told everyone they had to pass it to see what was in it (it should work the other way around for those who are as brain dead as she).
So this huge bill was pushed through and Obama signed it into law. Then the problems started. It was challenged in court and in an amazing act of judicial malfeasance, John Roberts cast the deciding vote to uphold the law after he rewrote it (figuratively) from the bench.
After that more and more of the bad things popped up and began to affect people who supported it. Obama’s lies were exposed and people were getting screwed. Things were so bad Democrats lost control of the House and then the Senate.
There is currently a challenge to the law that could unravel it. Democrats tried to coerce states into setting up exchanges by offering subsidies only to those in states with exchanges. They discussed this carrot and stick tactic over and over when pushing the law. A number of states did not set up the exchanges so the feds did (which they can under the law). The feds then allowed the subsidies which it is not allowed to do under the law. The words are clear in the law (maybe they should have read it first) because this is what they intended. Now they claim it was never intended to be that way.
If the law is upheld as written, in other words if John Roberts (or any others for that matter) does not again legislate from the bench, then it could unravel the entire thing.
This is all going on as other parts of the law are beginning to take place. There were items that phased in and now that they are getting close to starting it is getting clear they are not good. One such thing involves putting companies with 51-100 employees in the more costly small group market. This will cause all kinds of trouble for these companies. It is set to take effect in 2016.
A number of Senate Democrats have spoken up and are begging Obama to delay this. They are not worried that it will harm business though they claim this is their concern. They claim they want the market to gradually adapt before this takes place (it has been in effect for 5 years now). In other words, they want to delay the screwing the companies will get so they can get accustomed to the violation.
Here is the real deal; the Democrats are worried that this will cause turmoil and they will face backlash from the voters. They are concerned that the problems will be used to batter their party during the next presidential election. Since only Democrats voted for it only Democrats are responsible for it. They know they could lose the White House and more seats in Congress.
This is ALL they are concerned with. This is the only reason Obama delayed the things he did, so they would be after his last election.
We need to get rid of the entire law. Democrats will not do that.
But we should not let them continue to delay to save their sorry butts. They loved it so much when they forced it on us it is time to make them suffer through the problems they caused.
It will be painful for everyone but pain is often the best teacher and there are a lot of liberals who need a lesson.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
GOP Is Not Shutting Down DHS
Feb 14, 2015 Political
Barack Obama and the Democrats are.
The last budget deal funded everything except the DHS through the end of the fiscal year (ends 30 September 2015). DHS was funded through the end of February because of one thing and that is Barack Obama’s unlawful Executive Order on illegal immigrants. Obama is moving forward with his plan to allow millions of illegals to receive some sort of legal status and of course, all the benefits that American taxpayers can provide.
The Republicans funded DHS short term so they could work the issue out. Democrats do not want to work things out and are now crying about the things they used to do and are doing the things they used to cry about.
Democrats say the DHS should not be held hostage because of immigration and that the issue should be a separate issue in a separate bill. Really? They loved to put bad things in must pass bills to force Republicans to vote for them when they were in charge.
They are also filibustering in the Senate. They hated it when Republicans did so and decried the party of NO. Now they are the party of NO and are doing the very thing they said was wrong to do.
I have no problems with either party using whatever parliamentary procedures they can legally use. This is how politics work. But it is hypocritical for either party to do one thing and cry later when the same thing is done by “the other guy.”
As far as I am concerned they can shut down the DHS until Obama and his illegal actions are stopped. We did not have a DHS prior to 2001 and we survived up until then. Shut them down for as long as it takes to force Obama to stop violating his oath and OUR Constitution.
Nancy Pelosi is telling people what is right and wrong with all of this as if she actually has a clue. She lacks a brain and should be in jail for her illegal actions and for violating her oath.
Pelosi is upset at short term continuing resolutions and says they are not the way to do things. Her party used CRs for years because they never passed a budget. They always let things get to the brink of disaster and then forced votes in the middle of the night or during the holidays in order to coerce people to pass bills no matter how bad they were. She is also as responsible as anyone for the number of CRs that have been used in years past.
Shut up Nancy. No one wants to hear what comes out of your mouth because it has no brain to connect to and if it did it would be a mush filled liberal brain that is devoid of logic or intelligence.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: constitution, Democrats, dhs, executive action, illegal immigrants, lawless, lies, Obama, Pelosi
Intended Consequences Of Immigration Executive Order
Feb 14, 2015 Immigration, Political
There is a thing called unintended consequences where something is done and the consequences of the action are not thought through (and they can be good or bad). When they happen people never saw them coming. For example, Congress passes a bill that only affects employers with more than 50 workers. Small businesses reduce their workforce so they are not affected by the law (Obamacare is a prime example). Time and again this happens but they keep passing bills that harm people. The consequences were unintended but they happened.
The illegal actions Barack Obama has taken regarding immigration is a different monster. In this case the consequences were anticipated and intended. Obama wants to bring people who are here illegally into the spotlight and give them a legal status. He is operating way outside his authority but no one seems to want to stop him (and I mean to really put the brakes on his plans). Many talk a good game but do little to actually stop what is happening.
Illegals will be able to file income taxes and claim credits from years past. They will get taxpayer dollars even though they NEVER paid into the system. They are being rewarded with OUR money for breaking the law.
Illegals who fall under the Obama Executive Order will also be able to register to vote and vote in elections. It is illegal for them to do so but that will not stop them. The states do not have the manpower to weed out applications to see who is registered legally and who is not. This is all by design because Democrats want more voters.
Some Democrat lawmakers comically assert that they doubt anyone who falls under this umbrella would risk deportation by voting in an election. Really? So the same people who broke the law to get here and who risk deportation each day they are here would NEVER break the law and risk deportation by voting particularly when there is little risk of getting caught. Right. These people are either idiots or they think we are.
Barack Obama and his minions do not want restrictions. They do not want to go after illegals and they do not want to deport anyone because the overwhelming majority of these people support Democrats. This is all a backdoor amnesty designed to increase the number of Democrat voters.
In addition, these people will drain our resources even more than they already are by receiving tax refunds (if you can call it a refund when you paid nothing in), welfare and Obamacare.
This needs to stop and we need to put every member of Congress who supports this as well as Obama on trial for violating their oath to this nation. They are taking us down from within and they need to be stopped.
We tried the soapbox and the ballot box so we are running out of options.
[UPDATE] This article claims the illegals paid into the system for years but were unable to get benefits. Perhaps BUT, they were not supposed to be here and if they paid in were doing so under false pretenses. And really, does anyone believe they were not receiving benefits because they were not allowed to?…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: backdoor amnesty, Democrats, elections, illegal immigrants, lies, voting
Democrats Want To Increase Fuel Taxes
Jan 8, 2015 Commentary, Political
Democrats have always wanted to increase fuel taxes (and any other taxes for that matter). All they know how to do is raise taxes and spend, spend, spend. Many Republicans are no better in that they might not want to raise taxes but they keep spending.
In any event, recent conditions in the oil market have led to a drastic drop in gas prices. This means that people are not spending a month’s pay to fill their vehicles but it also means Democrats see an opportunity.
You see, they want to raise the tax on fuel. I guess they figure now that people have become accustomed to paying high prices a rise in taxes would only bring them back to their original level of pain while raking in tons of money for the feds.
In other words, you can’t spend the money you save on gas because government needs more money. Now that you have a little more; cough it up.
What happens when fuel prices go back up? The tax damn sure will not go away and we will be paying even more.
The government gets two and a half or three times more for a gallon of gas than the companies who bring it to market (on average the oil company makes about 8 cents a gallon in profit). They already rob you and then they use the money for unconstitutional or unnecessary spending instead of for the roads and bridges.
Tell them to keep their hands out of our pockets and leave us alone.
UPDATE: Republicans seem to want to get in on the action as well. They will betray us before it is over.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: Democrats, gas tax, hard working americans, lies, tax and spend