Imus Admit, Sharpton A Hypocrite
Jul 18, 2013 Commentary
Don Imus caught holy hell and lost his job because he uttered the phrase “nappy headed hoes” when talking about a basketball team of black women. Al Sharpton led the agitation brigade calling for Imus to be fired and pretty soon Imus was out of a job. It mattered not that Imus apologized directly to the women and that he admitted he should not have said it. None of it mattered because the race hustler Al needed another scalp to hang on his race baiting trophy rack.
This might be OK if Al was consistent in his views. Black kids murder black kids and Al does not care. White on black, well Al is rabble rousing the race brigade. Black person says the N word and Al is quiet (Jesse Jackson called blacks the N word saying Obama talked down to them) but let a white person say anything like it and all hell breaks loose.
The latest in the list of Al Sharpton hypocrisy is the way he dismissed the star witness in the Zimmerman prosecution, Rachel Jeantel who used the N word and then explained the difference between the word that ends with an “a” and the one that ends with “er”.
All this was OK with Al who claimed that this is just the way some of y’all talk.
Imagine if Imus had made the claim that this is just the way some folks talk? Imus stressed he was trying to make a joke and it turned out to be in very poor taste. Jeantel is running around discussing the N word and the appropriateness of its use and Sharpton is agreeing with her.
There has been no mention from Sharpton about Trayvon Martin’s use of the phrase “creepy ass cracka” which is a racist phrase. No, that must be OK in line with the way some of y’all talk.
It is amazing that Sharpton and the rest of the race hustlers along with the low information crowd are all focused on George Zimmerman and his statement to the dispatcher that these punks always get away with it. Zimmerman’s characterizations over the phone (none of which were even remotely racist) have been the subject of the race hustling crowd as proof that Zimmerman had hatred in his heart and profiled.
If I were to comment on Zimmerman’s words I would have to agree with Al;
That’s just the way some of y’all talk…
Ann Coulter has some sound advice regarding not being taken for a criminal
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: Al Sharpton, don imus, hypocrite, n word, rachel jeantel, trayvon martin
Another Nappy Headed Comment For Sharpton
Dec 7, 2010 Political
Don Imus made the mistake of trying to be funny about a female college basketball team and he used the term “Nappy Headed Hos.” As soon as he did the race baiting poverty pimps came out of the closet and none other than the cheif race antagonist Al Sharpton was leading the charge. Sharpton called for Imus to be fired and Obama got in on the act as well. Imus went on Al Sharpton’s radio program and had to grovel. After apologizing a million different ways, Imus was fired. He still went to the college to apologize to the ladies in person.
I am waiting for Sharpton to slither out from under his rock and start raising hell about the latest Nappy Head comment. This comment was made by Mignon Clyburn, daughter of Congressman James Clyburn. Obama FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn said that free internet was a civil right for every nappy headed child (around the 2:50 mark).
I will not be holding my breath waiting for Sharpton to demand this woman’s firing because she happens to be black.
That will make all the difference in the world even though Sharpton went after Imus and the entire time preached how this kind of talk was racist and needed to stop. He will ignore Clyburn because she is black. If by some remote chance he says anything you can bet it will not rise to the level of demanding that she be fired.
As an aside, free internet is not a civil right for anyone, nappy headed or otherwise. It is no more a civil right than owning a cell phone, owning a car, owning a house or “free” health care. These are not rights of any kind whatsoever. They are commodities that are purchased by those who desire them and who can afford them. In the absence of the ability to afford them people do without or they work out some method of paying for them (particularly true with health care). However, with health care people often skip out on the bill and leave everyone else to pay for it. Remember, everyone has access to health care. The issue boils down to who pays for it…
But the issue at hand is the use of the words “nappy headed.”
If Sharpton and the rest of the race baiters are truly serious about race relations and stopping the use of such terms then they will be calling for Clyburn to be fired. If they ignore this then they are as worthless as I believe them to be and they should never be taken seriously again (I know, I can’t believe people take them seriously but they do). In other words, the next time they are outraged at something, tar and feather them.
I would not normally call for the firing of Clyburn. I did not think what Imus said and the way he said it warranted his dismissal and I would give Clyburn the benefit of the doubt even though it is quite obvious from what she says that she knew it was wrong. It was not spontaneous like the outburst from Imus. It was planned.
But I would still give her the benefit of the doubt for choosing her words poorly.
I would have. However, Sharpton and the rest of the race baiters set the standard for how this kind of behavior should be treated. It demands nothing less than dismissal because that is what they decided the punishment should be.
So I call on Sharpton to get out in the street and call for Clyburn to be fired and I call on Barack Obama to dismiss her for her insensitivity and use of racially charged language.
While I am at it, I call on the Congressional Black Caucus to get involved and call for Clyburn’s resignation.
It is time to put up or shut up folks. If you do not have the integrity to call for her to be fired then you have no right to complain about any future infraction.
The ball is in your court. What is your next move?
I bet Don Imus is taking gas over this.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: civil rights, don imus, internet, mignon clyburn, nappy head, race baiters, sharpton
Has Obama Been Around Biden Too Long?
Mar 20, 2009 Political, Stop the ACLU
The sainted one has made a gaffe. The messiah, the evil won, has said something offensive that insults the entire population of people with special needs. On the Tonight Show Obama and Jay Leno discussed Obama’s bowling skills:
Toward the end of his approximately 40-minute taping on the “The Tonight Show With Jay Leno,” Obama talked about how he’d gotten better at bowling and had been practicing in the White House bowling alley.
“I bowled a 129,” he told Leno.
“That’s very good, Mr. President,” Leno said sarcastically.
But then came the foot-in-mouth moment: “It’s like the Special Olympics or something,” the president said. ABC News [emphasis mine]

This is a gaffe one would expect from Joe Biden. He is the gaffe master and says stupid things so frequently that his gaffes are often ignored or excused as “just Joe being Joe.”
Barack Obama knew he stepped in the donkey doo because he started damage control as soon as he boarded Air Force One. There is some outrage but not as much as when Don Imus called a girls basketball team nappy headed ho’s. Why is it that he lost his job because of ginned up outrage and Obama receives relatively little scorn?
Democrats have a history of offending different groups and are generally given a pass. All they have to do is apologize and all is forgiven. Let a Republican make an off the wall remark and the next thing you know there are boycotts and protests.
The picture in this post is what Democrats put out when George Bush was running against John Kerry. The story is here.
The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
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Tags: bowling, don imus, insult, Obama, special olympics