With A Spokesperson Like This…

Robert Gibbs is the mouthpiece of the Obama regime. He is supposed to be savvy when it comes to talking with the media and is supposed to be able to spin the information to benefit the regime and garner support from the base. Gibbs is supposed to do these things but he continually steps in the bad stuff and is not particularly good at getting the message out.

Not long ago he said that the Democrats would probably lose the House. This is common thought among the pundits but the WH Spokesperson is not supposed to say that. He is supposed to tell America that with continued support from Democrats, Independents, and supporters the regime should hold onto control of the House though the fight will be tough and they will lose some seats.

Of course it is hard to say things like that when one is busy ticking off the base. Robert Gibbs said that those on the left who say Obama is continuing the policies of Bush need to be drug tested. Set aside that that group is most likely to come back positive and think about what Gibbs did. He insulted the hard core supporters of the regime and of Democrats in general. He basically called them crazy and accused them of being under the influence of mind altering substances (which anyone who voted for Obama had to be anyway). Gibbs was not gentle with his remarks and in my opinion lacked the finesse one would expect from a spokesperson. Hell, Baghdad Bob did a better job than Gibbs. We knew he was lying but he made sure he toed the party line.

The problem with Gibbs is the same that we see with many in the regime, he is thin skinned. The people in this regime have their feelings hurt each time someone breaks wind, they hold grudges (Rangel and Waters supported Hillary…) and they whine and attack over the smallest things. George Bush was a hell of a lot more man than any of this bunch.

Gibbs allowed his thin skin to crawl with what has been said by the regime’s faithful and he insulted them. If you are losing your base or they are upset and telling you so then it is probably best to listen to them.

Gibbs did not do the regime any favors. While Democrats, under instructions from the White House, are ducking the health care takeover law, the financial reform law and other things people are not happy about and instead talking about the economy (which they have destroyed) just to try and get elected Gibbs is out there hurting their chances.

It is unlikely that he party faithful will change parties or vote Republican (some people cannot be saved) but they could very well stay home on election day. The Democrats have lost Independents and swing voters so they can ill afford to lose their base.

If the base stays home on election day, particularly in red areas, the result is the same as if they voted for the other side.

With a spokesperson like Gibbs, does Obama need any enemies?

Guardian UK

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Clinton Hypocrisy Part of the Fun

When Bill Clinton was running for the presidency he made a now famous statement when he responded to questions about his drug use. He said that he smoked marijuana but that he did not inhale. This is a stupid answer and anyone with brains knew he was lying. Not that Bill has issues completing tasks (that is why the blue dress was stained) but this is just absolutely unreal and it insults the intelligence of the people to whom he directed it. He was elected to office as the Democrats were willing to overlook his drug use and believe his “did not inhale” line as well as his draft dodging. In any event, one would assume that the Clintons would be the last people to bring up the subject of drug use. That would be a wrong assumption.

Billy Shaheen, the co-chairman of Hillary Clinton’s campaign in New Hampshire, brought up the subject of B. Hussein Obama’s past drug use. Yes, Obama admitted (a long time ago) that he used marijuana and cocaine when he was a teen. I don’t condone drug use but I respect the fact that this guy was honest about it and that he told the truth. He did not say he didn’t inhale or that he used cocaine but did not snort it, he just said that he used it in the past. All candidates have issues from their past that show they are human beings. The ability to atone for those indiscretions and to grow from them is what makes a better person. A lot of people have used drugs in the past and they are functioning members of our society.

As an aside, the very same people who excused Clinton for his use and those who see it as no issue with Obama were critical of George Bush and stories of past cocaine use and his DUI. I guess it is expected that Democrats will be drug users because it fits their liberal views. Besides, one would have to get high to actually believe in liberalism.

Shaheen said that Obama’s background is unknown and that the Republicans would have a field day with him. He cited Obama’s admission of drug use as an example and said that the Republicans would attack him on it. His basic statement was that the admission leaves him open to other probing statements like did he sell it or when was the last time he used it. He said that voters should select a candidate who is tested, like Hillary.

I have discussed before about Hillary. She is not tested and has a very short political career, one which has been unremarkable. She has not authored any major legislation and she has played down the middle in order to prepare herself for the run for the Oval Office. Shaheen seems to think that honesty is not really the best policy and that would explain why he supports Clinton.

Neither of the Clintons has ever been honest about anything. Bill raped a number of women and he denied several of his affairs only to have them exposed by the media and while he testified under oath. Hillary lies about everything and it is said that it was she who told bill to say he did not inhale. Hillary and Bill are incapable of telling the truth. Bill has been rewriting the history of his presidency since he left office and how he felt or what he supported depends on the mood today, not what he actually did.

I think this idea of bringing up Obama’s drug use is going to backfire in a big way. How can anyone hear this and not think of Bill and his did not inhale? How can anyone think this will be an issue now for Obama when it was not for Clinton? At least Obama was up front about it which is more than anyone can say about Bill.

I do not agree with Obama’s politics and he would not be my choice for president but I can respect the fact that he told the truth about his past. Americans are pretty forgiving of past indiscretions and can look past these kinds of things, especially if the candidates are honest about them. That is where the problem lies for Hillary, she does not know how to be honest.

I do however, find it interesting that people can run for the presidency with a history of drug use but that some jobs in the federal government (and some law enforcement agencies) will not allow anyone with such a past to be hired. I think we need to look at the people now and use their past as a point of reference.

I only wish the people on the left who excuse this kind of behavior for Democrats would be consistent and excuse past indiscretions of Republicans.

That would be asking too much.

Big Dog’s prediction; This will come back to bite Hillary in her rear.

Remember, Hillary was going to focus on the issues and Bill Richardson defended her in a debate asking for the attacks to stop. Hillary then decided to go dirty (at least to publicly go dirty, she has been dirty all along). She said the fun was going to begin. I wonder how fun it is to see her numbers plummeting and to have a loser issue like this as a main line of attack. What next, Obama said the word drug in kindergarten?

Washington Post

Big Dog

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