Bush’s Fault Democrats Lost
Jan 8, 2011 Political
With the lunatics in liberal land two things are certain. Every weather related item in the world is because of global warming and all the bad things that happen in politics are George Bush’s fault.
George Bush has been out of office for almost two years and has had very little public exposure except when he was out selling his book. The Democrats continue to use this man as a punching bag for every issue that is bad. The bad economy, his fault. The unemployment rate, his fault. Jesus nailed to the cross, his fault.
I just figure that somehow, in liberal land, that too had to be Bush’s fault.
Nanny Pelosi said that the reason Democrats lost in the last election is because of, wait for it, George Bush. According to Nanny, it was the policies of Bush and the compliant Republicans who caused all of this. The other implication is that the only reason Democrats lost is because of the economy.
The Democrats lost because of a number of things and the economy is one of them. It is important to note that Democrats were in charge of Congress, both chambers mind you, when things took a turn for the worse. The Democrat policies of allowing people to buy homes they could not possibly afford were continued and all warnings about the failure were met with Democrat resistance.
Fannie and Freddie were in bad shape and the Bush Administration pointed this out over a dozen times but calls to rein in these two were ignored by many Democrats who claimed they were strong and that nothing was wrong. The Democrats were completely responsible for all of this mess which caused the meltdown (despite what Democrats and their “economists” say when rewriting history).
The reality is, the last election was not George Bush’s fault. Even if we were to accept the blame as true it would not explain why the Democrats ignored the economy and jobs for nearly a year in order to ram the health care takeover bill through. The Democrats focused on those things they needed to ram through while they had the opportunity to destroy the country.
Obama and others acknowledged that they would likely suffer some losses in the midterm elections as a result of the agenda but that the losses would be acceptable in order to get the agenda items passed. It is always those in safe seats asking others to take risk.
The American people do not like the health care bill and they do not like the way in which it was passed. They do not like the out of control spending and they do not like the stimulus. Democrats went full steam ahead on those items and paid the price.
No matter where you sit on the political spectrum, this was not Bush’s fault.
And it was not Bush’s fault that Democrats had to address an economic downturn.
That happened on their watch and it happened as a result of their policies and their unwillingness to rein in their programs.
But this will not stop idiots like Nanny Pelosi from blaming Bush. Which should show just how out of touch she is.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Another Obama Contradiction
Jul 1, 2010 Political
Back when Obama was running around giving hope and change speeches he said many things and now that he is in office he has discovered it is easy to say something but very hard to actually do it. If the solutions were as easy as he made them sound then anyone could have done them. Obama discovered this with regard to Gitmo. He signed a document the day after he took office saying it would close in one year. It is still open nearly 18 months later and it is all but forgotten. The same MSM (and other liberal groups) that bashed Bush about it nearly everyday and who hailed Obama as the next messiah when he signed his little document are pretty silent about this huge failure.
When Barack Obama was a wet behind the ears Senator (as opposed to a wet behind the ears Resident) he lambasted McCain saying we did not need a commission to study the economy. Barack, we were assured, knew the problem and would fix it:
“Folks, we don’t need a commission to spend a few years and a lot of taxpayer money to tell us what’s going on in our economy,” he continued. “We don’t need a commission to tell us gas prices are high or that you can’t pay your bills. We don’t need a commission to tell us you’re losing your jobs. We don’t need a commission to study this crisis, we need a President who will solve it – and that’s the kind of President I intend to be.” CBS
We do not need a commission, we need a president who will solve the problem. So now that Barack OweBama has stifled the economy, quadrupled the debt, and failed to produce jobs what does he do? He appoints a commission to solve the problem:
President Obama’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform is meeting today as part of its efforts to craft recommendations by December on how best to address America’s red-ink problem.
Mr. Obama established the commission in February, saying debt and deficits can “hobble our economy” and “saddle every child in America with an intolerable burden.” [Same article]
What happened to “we don’t need a commission?” What happened to we need a president to solve the problem?
I bet John McCain is laughing about this.
The article tries to provide cover for Obama by indicating that he tried to get the Senate to pass legislation establishing a panel that would force up or down votes on deficit reduction measures [cited article]. Poor Barry tried but was forced to appoint a commission because he could not get legislation.
Let me translate:
Barack Obama tried to get legislation passed that would have bypassed Congressional procedures and allowed up or down votes thereby passing the checks and balances (legislation he could have bent to allow up or down votes on anything) and when he could not get this liberty killing legislation he was forced to appoint a commission.
Does it matter? We did not need the legislation and we do not need a commission.
According to Owebama, we need a president who can solve the problem.
First we need a real president (God already gave us a Messiah, we need a president).
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: commission, distortions, economy, lies, Obama
Obama Still Blames Bush
May 24, 2010 Political
The country elected an inexperienced Socialist to the White House and it is evident each and every day that this was a mistake. Obama is unable to accept responsibility for anything and points fingers outward all the time. Ironically, he was the one who criticized the companies involved in the oil spill for pointing fingers.
Obama’s favorite target is George Bush. When something goes wrong Obama is quick to point out that Bush did it and it is all his fault. Obama ignores his own fault and rewrites history every chance he gets. His latest take is that the Republicans were responsible for the economic problems despite the best effort of Democrats to keep the ship right. This smacks in the face of reality since it was Republicans who warned about problems with the financial sector and Democrats who said that things were fundamentally sound and that there were no problems.
Barney Frank is now rewriting history by saying he never called for home ownership for all and just wanted people to be able to rent homes. This is a blatant lie. He called for mortgages to be given to low income families. Mortgages, for the challenged, are what people take out when they buy a home, not rent one.
Obama is working on his plan for the upcoming election and that plan is to blame it all on Bush. Obama will try to pin the problems the country has faced over the last nearly two years on Bush even though he [Obama] had fool proof majorities in the House and Senate and failed to get much done. His party is responsible for the high unemployment and though he will try to spin that, the reality is unemployment is much higher than under Bush and is higher than Obama said it would be when the Democrats passed the now failed stimulus package.
Obama tried to pin things on Bush in Virginia and New Jersey and he lost both governors. He tried this tack with Massachusetts and lost a Senate seat held by Democrats for nearly five decades.
Obama got away with blaming Bush for problems right after he took office but at some point people have to look at things and decide that they are now Obama’s issues. That point has been crossed and people are no longer buying the blame Bush mentality. Well, except for the rabid base that thinks Bush is responsible for all the bad in the world.
The sane among us know differently. When the election rolls around the Democrats will have had control of Congress for nearly four years and the White House for nearly two. The Democrats were in charge when things went south and they took complete control and drove things deeper into the abyss. Their years of pandering to people and redistributive policies have caused problems for the economy and our society as a whole.
But Obama will ignore all of this and blame it all on Bush.
What do you expect from a man who claims that his regime thwarted several terrorist attacks when the reality is the attackers were too inept to detonate their devices. The only thing that saved people was blind luck. That is what happens when the most transparent regime fails to provide intelligence information in accordance with the law.
And luck is not proper mission planning.
Not to worry, he can blame that on Bush as well…
Never surrender, never submit.
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Obama Lectures On Fiscal Responsibility Then Spends Too Much
Feb 4, 2010 Political
Barack Obama ticked off the people of Las Vegas for a second time when he said that people could not just go to Vegas and blow a bunch of money. Of course, the money is yours (though he might see it differently) and what you do with it is your business. But, if you are blowing your money in Vegas or anywhere else you should not be looking for a government handout. Obama’s latest economic advice is:
“When times are tough, you tighten your belts.”
“You don’t go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage….”
“You don’t blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you’re trying to save for college.” Charlie Foxtrot
I do not disagree with any of that but if you decide not to tighten your belt, to buy a boat or to blow your money in Vegas it is your business. Just don’t ask the taxpayer to pay for your lack of fiscal prudence.
The hilarity of all this is that Obama, while admonishing people and extolling the virtues of fiscal responsibility, submitted a budget that increases spending by 36% and runs a huge deficit.
Obama doubled the deficit in his first year (Dick Morris explains how it is not all Bush’s fault) and will increase the deficit by even more with his out of control spending.
In other words Mr. Obama, you can’t spend money you don’t have if you really want to decrease the deficit.
It is amazing that Obama had the nerve to dispense economic advice while doing the opposite of what he preached.
My wife and I have a balanced household budget. We spend less than we make and put the rest into savings and retirement. This was not always the case as I can remember the days when I made $600 a month as a private in the Army while trying to support my family. There were plenty of months where we had three days of food and five days until payday.
We did without and were prudent with our money and now we are in positions where we earn enough to pay our bills and save. We did this by doing without. We lived (and continue to live) within our means.
Barack Obama should try running his budget the way we run ours and the government would be better off. Do without the things that are not necessary. Cut programs (particularly redundant ones) and spend less.
But then again it is always easier to spend when it is someone else’s money.
As long as we taxpayers allow those in government to extort money from us they will continue to spend like there is no tomorrow.
And if they keep it up there will be no tomorrow.
Did We Just Get Lectured on Fiscal Responsibility By the Guy With the $1.6 Trillion Budget Deficit? [Hot Air]
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What A Difference A Year Makes
Dec 11, 2009 Political

It has been a year since Barack Obama won the national election by a pretty good margin by running on his I am not Bush and Hope and Change platform. People were thrilled with him. Blacks were able to ignore his shortcomings and vote for him because he is a Democrat and he is black and the youth were able to vote for him because he promised to give them everything.
The shininess has worn off Obama and now that the newness has worn off people are able to see that he is nothing more than a typical politician. He promised transparency but has not been transparent about very much. Health care is debated behind closed doors and not on CSPAN as he promised. His personal records are locked up tighter than a gnat’s behind and he has followed many of the things that George W. Bush did, much to the displeasure of his base.
Obama is a man child who is trying to do a job for which he is unqualified and lacks experience to do. He is doing that job the Chicago way and turning DC into a bigger thug infested rat’s nest than it was before he arrived.
Any wonder why some folks are beginning to express displeasure and wishing that Bush were still president? A new poll shows that 44% of respondents wish Bush were still president.
Perhaps the greatest measure of Obama’s declining support is that just 50% of voters now say they prefer having him as President to George W. Bush, with 44% saying they’d rather have his predecessor. Given the horrendous approval ratings Bush showed during his final term that’s somewhat of a surprise and an indication that voters are increasingly placing the blame on Obama for the country’s difficulties instead of giving him space because of the tough situation he inherited. The closeness in the Obama/Bush numbers also has implications for the 2010 elections. Using the Bush card may not be particularly effective for Democrats anymore, which is good news generally for Republicans and especially ones like Rob Portman who are running for office and have close ties to the former President.
Given that the Democrats were in charge of the nation when it went to hell (don’t fall for the “Republicans were in charge when things went bad” meme) and that they were responsible for ignoring the warning signs it is no wonder that people long for the days when the adults were in charge.
This number will get larger once inflation arrives and the economy fails to make any real improvement. The elections of 2010 are 11 months away but it is not looking good for the party that has been in power for the last three years.
Stubborn Facts has posters of who we really miss.
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Tags: Bush, Democrats, economy, inflation, miss me yet, Obama