Late Round Up Star Date 2021.308

Elections and other stuff.

1. The Dem-Commies could not cheat to a win in Virginia as Republicans swept the three statewide offices on Tuesday night. It would appear as if the cache of fraudulent ballots the Dem-Commies needed to bail them out in the middle of the night are on a cargo ship from China that is still anchored off the coast of California. After the Democrats took a beating in VA and other states in numerous offices across the country, they began the calls of racism. This is not unusual because screaming racism is the only tool in their toolbox. These morons screamed that racism was the reason Youngkin won in VA while ignoring the fact that a Cuban American and a black American female won offices as well. Dem-Commies do not and will not see why they lost, will double down and will most certainly be massacred at the polls next November.

2. The state of New Jersey was able to play games with the election. As a Republican truck driver who spent $153 of his own money took down a 20 year establishment Democrat the governor’s race was fraught with shenanigans. One county reported 100% of the votes were in and had the Republican up 52-47 and magically, the 100% reported precinct changed to 52-48 for the Democrat. There were other swaps taking place in other counties. As is usually the case, the Democrat heavy counties took all night to count and report. We all know this is so they can see how many votes they need to win and then drag them out from under the tables. They cheat no matter what they tell you.

3. There is no doubt the Dem-Commies cheat in elections. The funny thing is, no matter how many times they get caught they will look you right in the eye and say the election was free and fair. Until they lose that is. New Jersey was engaged in shenanigans and this was caught by Project Veritas. A New Jersey election worker offered a non-citizen/non-registered voter a ballot and said he would let the person fill it out right now. Perhaps even more telling is a portion where the claim is made; we let anyone vote in the 2020 presidential election. This is an admission of rampant fraud that puts to rest this phony claim of free and fair elections. Until the people committing the crimes are sent to jail for very long periods of time nothing will get fixed. If there is no penalty for the crime the crime will continue. This is why the rioters in Portland keep destroying things and it is why the people elected to office in DC keep violating the Constitution.

4. Don’t try to stop the fraud though or they will throw a hissy fit. Whenever any law is passed that makes it harder to cheat in elections the left screams about racism and how the laws are designed to keep minorities from voting. Who is the racist here, the person who wants integrity in elections or the one who thinks minorities are not smart enough to comply with the law? It is no harder for a minority to get an ID than it is a non minority. Ron DeSantis in Florida has just announced a full time police unit that will work to catch and prosecute election cheating. As you can imagine, the left is losing its collective mind. If they can’t cheat they can’t win and now that DeSantis is putting law enforcement on the job full time, to arrest people cheating, Democrats are in a snit. They are saying this is, you guessed it, racism. The left does not like law enforcement or enforcement of the law. They like to cheat and get away with it. Good luck with that in Florida. I hope we read about the arrests very soon.

5. Rider University in New Jersey changed the name of the Van Cleve Alumni House to the Alumni House because Benjamin Van Cleve, the one time owner of the property, signer of the Constitution, Revolutionary War veteran and New Jersey statesman supported slavery and owned at least one slave. His name was removed from a building on property he once owned because he had the audacity to do something that was not unusual for the time, own a slave. That does not diminish the horror of the institution of slavery but slavery was practiced all around the world during that time (and is still practiced in some African countries as well as Muslim nations) and was legal in the US. Being legal des not make it right and I would not argue that. But this notion that we can look at the lives of those from that period under the spectrum of today’s norms is ridiculous. The question I have is, should we remove the name of Barack Obama from any building or street named after him and topple his statues? His ancestors owned slaves. Think about this as you continue reading about the moronic stuff being done to erase history.

6. Last but not least, while the Dem-Commie led government is forcing diversity on members of the military and teaching all about inclusive environments our enemies are improving their lethality. China surprised us with a hypersonic missile that we can’t detect or destroy and Russia will arm its navy with hypersonic cruise missiles beginning next year. We have a Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs who are part of the woke mob. They fit in well with supervisors (civilian and military) who capitulate to any complaint, founded or not, and agree to woke diversity training so they look proactive and will get great annual reviews. Our enemies do not care what pronoun you wish used when you are addressed. They only care about killing you and ending our way of life. But don’t worry, we will make sure the DOD puts they/them/theirs was killed in action because of snowflake diversity training and they are woke no more.

UPDATE: Looks like the establishment democrat in New Jersey will not concede as 12,000 ballots were “found” and all ballots must be counted. If they steal this election from the truck driver then all truck drivers should refuse to deliver to New Jersey. Starve them out…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Hoax Foisted Upon Us

XidenThe American public, indeed, every citizen of this nation has been made the victim of a hoax, a misdeed, a sinister act that betrays us, our Founders and our heritage. The last election was an election between a bombastic non politician who had a huge following and had a habit of sending nasty tweets while accomplishing everything he said he would and a mediocre nearly 50 year career politician who has an aversion to the truth. The election was won, in no uncertain terms by Donald J Trump until illegal activities changed the election for Biden. Every analysis shows this but the courts and the propaganda media are gaslighting the public by constantly droning on about free and fair to make you think all was done fairly. They use the mostly peaceful protest of 6 January to broad brush all people who do not think as they do and give the impression that they claims of fraud are wrong.

Even though the election fraud is real and it deprived us of our right it is much more sinister. The left ran a man who is in cognitive decline. A man who has dementia. Nancy Pelosi certified he was qualified and he was placed in a position to win the primary. Now one might argue that the Constitution has no sanity requirement under qualifications for president and therefore Pelosi, who had to have known Biden was demented, did nothing wrong by certifying his eligibility.

BUT, the Constitution contains the 25th Amendment which deals with a president’s inability (mental or otherwise) to do his job and how to replace him. This amendment at least implies that the person in the job needs to be of sound mind. It is interesting to note Pelosi was shoring up the 25th Amendment while Trump was still in office and she indicated it was for future needs. This sets off the alarm bells that she knew then, as anyone with a brain did, that Biden was and is suffering from dementia. I want to make it clear that I am not making fun of his medical condition. He has an illness that many people his age suffer from. The people who are to blame for this hoax are the Democrats who ran him and his wife who allowed this abuse to occur.

The left went through this exercise of running Biden, a man with serious ethical and legal issues, because he has been around and is more moderate than the left wing radicals who were getting no traction in the primary. They paired him with Kamala Harris, a Senator from California who had to drop out of the primary because she polled at a whopping 1%. But she is a woman and better than that, she is a woman of color.

The plan is to use Biden for as long as possible, they hope until two years and a day, and then replace him under the 25th. Harris takes over, can finish his term and run for two of her own. From what I see Biden might not make it that long.

He has not given a State of the Union, he has not given a press conference, he is tightly managed and controlled and often looks to others for cues as to what he is supposed to do next. He often laments that he is confused or not sure what is happening and he asks others what he is supposed to be doing. Harris is taking and making calls to foreign leaders, something Biden should be doing.

These are not the things that a leader does. No one had to like Donald J Trump but there is no doubt that he was in complete control of his faculties and running the government. Right now we have a shadow group of people who prop Biden up like the guy in Weekend at Bernie’s and act as if he is running things.

This hoax that they perpetrated upon us is to get their swamp back to normal. They need to be able to use our money they confiscate in the name of taxes to enrich themselves and their families. These people did not like Trump disrupting the corruption they are all heavily engaged in (with the exception of a select few). They needed to get rid of Trump at all costs and the fraudulent election allowed them to do that and to put a puppet in the White House. What a perfect way to enact all the liberal wet dreams. The cabal behind the curtain had over 50 Executive Orders ready for Puppet Biden on day one so he could sign away anything Trump did. The cabal will gets its way and Biden will be blamed for any blowback or consequences. He will never understand what happened or that it is his fault.

Gas prices are rising, illegals are crossing our borders, the integrity of our elections is under assault with unconstitutional bills, women are under assault as are religions and other institutions as a result of the “Equality” Act and the left is coming in fast and hard with gun laws designed to disarm the American population (be careful lefties or you will get harmed) with gun control laws that obviously violate the Constitution and will make criminals out of patriots because NO ONE will turn in their firearms. This could very well result in another Civil War.

If the people in Congress thought the mostly peaceful protest on 6 January was bad then they are in for a rude awakening. They wet their pants then and no one was armed. They will soil their drawers if they are confronted by armed patriots who have had enough.

All of this because they could not allow Donald Trump to win a second term and interfere with their corruption. They had to do something and running a demented old fool who touches children inappropriately was their best bet to insert a puppet via election fraud so they could do as much damage as possible before the next election.

When this all comes out we need to round up everyone involved, regardless of party, and have a trial. If they are found guilty we need to put them in front of a firing squad. The price should be high and the example clear for future generations.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Too Late To Make A Difference

There was widespread fraud across battleground states during the 2020 election. Joe Xiden was the beneficiary of ballot dumps and machine manipulations and he was helped immensely by the mail in ballot fraud and the lax rules, rules that run contrary to the Constitution.

The rejection rates for mail in ballots were substantially lower than in years past. Now this is not just compared to the last election, it is compared to the history of mail in ballots. This was by design to ensure that Xiden had as many votes as possible and those were still not enough. That is why a number of battleground counting places “closed” at the same time and sent the watchers home. They needed to cheat and cheat they did.

I had remarked that this would not be resolved, the allegations would be ignored, the election would be certified and THEN Republicans would say; Ya know, we need to do something to tighten up elections. There was cheating in the last one and we need to pass some laws to fix that.

As an aside, the same people who say there was no evidence of widespread fraud will now work to change laws because of the widespread fraud they say did not exist.

Snap back to reality. In Georgia, a state with massive election fraud, a newly elected Republican state Senator has introduced legislation that would require a copy of two forms of ID for a mail in ballot.

Since the GA Secretary of State and Governor ignored the law and changed things instead of having the legislature do it (as required by the US Constitution) how exactly will this solve anything? They could just as easily ignore an ID law. They could say well we entered into an agreement that if only one ID is there to go ahead and accept it.

Until states write laws that have teeth to them and include provisions for adjudication (like allowing the legislature to convene without anyone else’s permission) of claims of fraud then there is nothing to look at here.

If the people who cheat can do so with the knowledge that they will not be caught and if they are (they were caught on video in GA) they would be safe from prosecution they will keep doing bad things. If they know that even if caught the cheating will not be addressed or overturned then there is no reason for them to stop.

Try having laws that allow the legislature to act independently for election issues and that provide for very long prison sentences for people who engage in fraud. Prison sentences with no chance of early release.

Look, this thing in GA is a start but we are well past doing any good. The left used Dominion voting machines to manipulate results and engaged in good old ballot stuffing while changing the rules (all justified by Covid doncha know) and were successful. Unless we widescale prosecutions with public disclosure of all the fraud this will just continue until people get upset.

And the people are like the Incredible Hulk. Don’t make them angry, you wouldn’t like them when they are angry.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama: So Transparent Anyone Can Donate

Barack Obama claimed his regime would be the most transparent in history. Why, we would be able to see through it all because he would hide nothing from us.

Then, of course, he set about hiding things. He is not transparent and he does the very things that he scolded George Bush for.

Hell, he even threw in the individual mandate after chiding Hillary Clinton about how it was wrong during the Democrat Primary in 2008.

But I might have to change my mind about Obama’s transparency. Barack Obama is so transparent that anyone can donate to his campaign.

Barack Obama’s donation page is not set up with the usual security that helps to prevent people from illegally donating money to his campaign. He did the same thing in 2008 and it is believed (and documented by some web sites such as Atlas Shrugs) that illegal donations flowed freely into his campaign.

The same thing is happening now.

As reported here, the campaign takes illegal donations and people are demonstrating how easy it is. How much more of a flag does one need than the name Illegal Contributor? How much more of a flag does one need than having an address as the State Penitentiary? If the website used the credit card verification code (like the Republican’s sites do) then this donation would have been flagged as potentially illegal. The code would not have matched the address.

But Obama does not want illegal donations stopped. If they do not flow into his campaign he will not be able to get huge sums of money from illegal donors both here and overseas.

Practically all of us know how the Democrat media would be playing this if a Republican were getting illegal donations and did not have security in place. The cries would be heard around the world.

Obama, who was an alleged Constitutional Law professor, excoriated the Supreme Court during one of his State of the Union Addresses. It involved their decision on campaign contributions and Obama was not happy with it.

Isn’t it amazing that the same Democrats who scream about unlimited donations have no problem with allowing unlimited illegal donations to flow into the Obama campaign?

Let me decipher. What Obama was saying when he railed against that decision was; hey, we don’t like the idea that you allowed everyone to receive as much money as we do. How dare you level the playing field?

The case Obama did not like was Citizens United.

In November the citizens are going to unite to send Mr. Transparency packing.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Another Reason For Voter ID

I know there are folks who think that requiring an ID to vote disenfranchises many people. This is bogus and is only stated to work people up over the issue. People need an ID to do many things in this country and they should have to show an ID to vote. Yes, there are people who do not have an ID. That is a personal choice and if they want to vote they can get one. Many states that require an ID to vote offer them free to those who can’t otherwise afford them. It is not asking too much of someone to have them get an ID. If they do not want one that is their choice which means they made a choice not to be able to vote (no different than choosing not to register to vote in order to avoid jury duty).

Ironically, those very same people would stand in line for an ID were one required to get a government handout.

There has been plenty of fraud over the decades with dead people voting, people voting in person and absentee in two different states, people voting more than once and people voting in the name of someone else. There are people who fill out ballots for the elderly in nursing homes. Many people in nursing homes who are barely functional vote because someone filled out a ballot for them. This includes people who are never awake.

There is fraud and no matter how small it is it tarnishes the entire system.

We need IDs to thwart some of this so we don’t have close elections being decided when just enough ballots to give the Democrat a win suddenly appear. If they were not cast with a valid ID then they don’t count, period.

This is very important because once the election is over the courts will not do anything even if fraud is shown. Yes, if a person wins by 100 votes and is sworn in and then it is shown that 200 illegal ballots were cast for that person he will remain in office.

The judges on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals have ruled that election fraud suspected in the 2008 presidential campaign essentially was canceled by the inauguration of Barack Obama. WND

So according to this court any election fraud was invalidated by the inauguration. This means if 5000 dead people vote for someone (Maryland and Chicago like this method) and that someone wins and takes the oath of office the election fraud is invalidated. Suppose you committed tax fraud and received a huge refund even though you were supposed to pay a lot in taxes and then suppose you spent all the money you got back. Do you think the 9th Circus Court would rule your tax fraud had been invalidated because you had already spent the money?

As an aside, there are many Democrats who would like such a ruling (Geithner, Rangel, Daschle etc)

Since most fraud is not discovered until long after the swearing in has taken place there is nothing to stop people from committing fraud because they know they will get away with it as long as it is not discovered before a person takes the oath of office.

At least with voter IDs some of the methods used to cheat will be taken away.

We needs laws allowing elections to be overturned when fraud is discovered no matter when it is discovered and we need mandatory prison terms for people who commit voter fraud.

I know, the bleeding hearts will say this will disenfranchise people.

Yep, it will disenfranchise those who cheat. Democrats won’t like that because they wrote the book on election fraud.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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