Notes And Quotes

RINO in New York quits race

Republican (In Name Only) Dede Scozzafava in New York’s 23rd Congressional District decided to drop out of the race after Conservative Party member Doug Hoffman took a lead in the polls and Scozzafava ran low on money and could not continue her campaign. Hoffman should win the contest but anything can happen (his opponent is backed by ACORN) and this will be a blow to Obama who selected the former Republican Congressman to be Secretary of the Army in hopes of getting a Democrat in the seat.

Scozzafava was an appealing choice to Democrats as well because she held all of their positions. She was pro-choice, endorsed by ACORN, supported Cap and Trade, supported the stimulus and has taken a number of positions that align her with the liberals. If a Republican had to win this then she was the one Obama could live with. Unfortunately for Obama, a conservative entered the race. Hoffman is also a concern for a Republican establishment that has not learned that acting like liberals does not lead to success at the polls.

Hoffman received endorsements from establishment yes men like Newt Gingrich and Michael Steele along with the RNC but Hoffman received endorsements from true conservatives like Sarah Palin, Tim Pawlenty and Fred Thompson, people who were not willing to support someone just because an R was next to her name. If Hoffman wins there will be a message for Obama in it but also one for the Republican establishment.

Valerie Jarrett, an Obama adviser, said this:

“It’s rather telling when the Republican Party forces out a moderate Republican and it says, I think, a great deal about where the Republican Party is right now,” she said. Fox

What is rather telling is that Jarrett thinks someone with Scozzafava’s positions is moderate. This just goes to show how out of touch she is because she believes that the radical positions of the administration are moderate.

How much of a Republican is Scozzafava?

She endorsed the Democrat in the race, a move that Jarrett welcomed.

Ever wonder why it is that people like Jarrett will make statements like she did about Republicans rejecting a “moderate” candidate when her party is eviscerating its own moderates because they will not support the health care takeover?

What a difference an administration makes

Attorney General Eric Holder says a lawsuit in San Francisco over warrantless wiretapping threatens to expose ongoing intelligence work and must be thrown out.

In making the argument, the Obama administration agreed with the Bush administration’s position on the case but insists it came to the decision differently. A civil liberties group criticized the move Friday as a retreat from promises President Barack Obama made as a candidate. AP

After all the campaigning Obama did and all the carping he did about Bush and wiretaps his AG wants the lawsuits dismissed because of national security. I applaud the decision but wonder why an apology to Bush was not rendered at the same time.

The claim here is that Obama’s folks came to the same conclusion by different means. While I doubt this, who cares? If Bush said it was bad for national security and Obama says the same thing, who cares about how they arrived at that conclusion? The important thing is both of them state their goals as protecting national security.

Some people are unhappy with ObaMao because they claim he is breaking his campaign promise.

Here is a newsflash for them. He has broken a whole bunch of them. All of his promises come with an expiration date so get use to it.

I agree with Hillary Clinton 100%

I do not often agree with Hillary Clinton. She is another Socialist but just not as far out there as her boss. But when she gets something correct I have to give her credit. During her visit to Pakistan she noted that [in Pakistan] “…the percentage of taxes on GDP is among the lowest in the world”.

She then made a statement that I agree with:

We (the United States) tax everything that moves and doesn’t move, and that’s not what we see in Pakistan,” she said. Daily Times

Hillary is correct that we tax everything and if the morons in government get their way with cap and tax they will tax us for breathing (since we produce CO2). This is about as far as I go with Clinton because while she was astute enough to observe our tax situation she is also one of the people responsible for those taxes. She is a tax and spend liberal who thinks nothing of increasing taxes or adding a new tax in order to get more money flowing into government.

Yes Hillary, we tax everything and you are one of the reasons.

I guess I should feel good for her. They say that recognizing the problem is the first step to recovery.

Big Dog

Gibbs Gets One Right (Almost)

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs made a statement today that is almost completely correct though he probably thought it was more of a veiled threat. The statement came after someone asked about Senator Joe Lieberman, who vowed to filibuster the Reid plan (or any plan) if it contains a government option. This is how the exchange was reported:

Asked about Lieberman’s threat to filibuster a final vote on the Reid plan, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said: “I haven’t seen the report from Sen. Lieberman or why he’s saying what he’s saying. I think Democrats and Republicans alike will be held accountable by their constituents who want to see health care reform enacted this year.” [emphasis mine] Politico

It is difficult to gauge what support for the public option is because various polls report drastically different results. An ABC/WaPo poll shows 57-40 in favor of (up 5 points from August) but Rasmussen says support is soft:

Polling on the health care topic by many firms has created some confusion. In particular, polls on the “public option” show a wide variety of results. A recent poll in The Washington Post found that 57% support a government-run health insurance company to compete with private insurers, but our polling shows that support is very soft. In fact, people are strongly opposed to a public option if they think it could lead employers to drop the existing coverage they provide employees. The fact that results are so subject to change based upon minor differences in question wording suggests that voters do not have firm opinions on the public option.

The issue is all over the place and that probably reflects confusion on the part of the public because the issue changes almost hourly. The polling to date suggests that those under 30 (the me generation) are in favor of the reform and the public option while those over 65 are not.

Back to Gibbs’ statement, he is right about paying at the polls but in all elections, and particularly midterm elections, the most reliable voting block is the elderly. Senior citizens show up in very large numbers on election day. The young do not generally show up and it is highly unlikely that they will turn out like they did during the last presidential election when they were excited about voting for ObaMao.

Those who are pushing this health care takeover will pay for it at the polls. Harry Reid is down to 41% in his home state and the last time I looked he lost to the generic Republican. Reid is digging his grave deeper but a lot of things can happen in the next 12 months. The economy will be a big drag if it stays bad but any improvement would help Democrats. There is some easing of the downturn but I think that is temporary. The recovery will be a W and we are on that first uptick. When inflation hits next year and we head back down the Democrats will have hell to pay.

So will any other politician deemed to have had a hand in this. This would include any that voted for the stimulus and those who decide to vote for the health care takeover.

The public is upset and politicians will have a hard time this go round. They usually rely on the short memories of the electorate who only remember the last thing that was done for them but this time it appears as if a lot of people have very good memories. The Tea Parties are still going strong and a lot of people are angry at government. ObaMao’s base is upset with him because he did not go all Commie fast enough and has not done enough damage to the country in their eyes.

The moderates, Independents, and Republicans are upset with out of control spending, a stimulus that has not worked, the abandonment of our troops in Afghanistan and the pettiness of the Rookie in Chief. Barring a major event that turns this country around in a good direction, next November will be a bloodbath at the polls.

Robert Gibbs might have thought he was issuing a veiled threat to Lieberman and others who oppose this health care takeover but he really accurately predicted the fate of many in government who have abandoned the Constitution and have spent like there is no tomorrow.

If Gibbs still has his job the day after the election, it would be funny to play his words back for him and tell him how he was almost correct. The thing he will get wrong?

The politicians will be held accountable by their constituents who do NOT want this health care takeover to go through.

Big Dog

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Why Is Paterson’s Color An Issue?

New York Governor David Paterson is a poor leader. It is not hard to see (no pun intended) that he is lost in his position much like Obama is lost in his. Paterson, the accidental governor, is doing stupid things to try to close a budget deficit and he is causing a lot of problems. He is making Democrats nervous because they are worried that he might lose the next election to some evil Republican.

The high rollers in the Democratic party have told Paterson that he has until November to get his poll numbers up or they might decide to run someone else for his position. This is the business of the Democrats and of New Yorkers so I really don’t care about it but while reading the story I came across this:

“Nobody really wants to go to a sitting Democratic governor who’s African-American and say, ‘Hey. You’re a disgrace. Get out.'” NY Daily News

Why is it that his color makes any difference? They had to say that no one wants to go to an African American and tell him he is a problem. Why is this? Is it because they do not want to be labeled racist? The left screams racism all the time. I just can get my hands around the issue of his color. Why is it any part of the equation? They would not worry about color if they had to tell a white guy he was doing a terrible job.

They could have easily said no one wants to go to a sitting governor and say “Hey, You’re a disgrace. Get out” and left the race component out of it. Does the left have to constantly put race into an issue? I know the left is full of racists but a statement like this translates to; “we can’t get rid of the black guy. He has been oppressed and if we don’t help him out he will never get anywhere. Besides, people will say we were racially motivated.”

David Paterson is incompetent. His color has nothing to do with that. He is incompetent because he cannot lead. He and Obama have that in common, neither can lead. I don’t care what color they are because incompetence is not confined to one’s skin color. It is simple, he is incompetent because he cannot lead. He espouses liberal philosophies, the philosophies that have caused many cities and states to run up huge deficits. He is in the same boat and his inability to lead makes it impossible for him to solve the problem.

Democrats in New York have to worry about color but that color is red. That is the color of the ink the state is drowning in.

Big Dog

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Arlen Specter Is In Trouble

The RINO known as Arlen Specter is in trouble and he knows it. He narrowly won his last election bid and now he is in worse shape than he was then. Republicans are very upset with him for voting for the stimulus package. This is not the first time Specter has bucked the party and voted with the Democrats. Not that there is anything wrong with voting with the Democrats unless of course what you are voting for is in opposition to the principles of the party.

After Specter cast his vote for the stimulus the calls for getting rid of him began. Many, such as yours truly, wrote to the RNC and told them no more money until all funding for the three turncoats stops and the RNC works to replace them. I know quite a few who wrote similar letters.

Specter is now on defense and working to see how he can save his seat. He recently went to the state Republicans and tried to persuade them to change the primary rules so Independents can vote in primary elections. This was not well received:

In recent days, Specter has quietly lobbied Republicans who control the state Senate to support a proposal that would allow independents to vote in the Republican or Democratic primary. He has called individual senators and spoke before the entire caucus – on that and other subjects – earlier this week.

One senator who attended the caucus said it was tough sell.

“It was apparent that he wanted the support” of the caucus, said Sen. John H. Eichelberger, R-Blair, who supports Toomey. “I could tell from the looks in the room and the comments that were made that there wasn’t much support for it.”

Specter said Friday that the idea has merit.

“It would obviously help me, but beyond my own situation it would help the party,” he said in a telephone interview Friday. Centre Daily

Specter acts as if this is for the good of the party when everyone knows only the first half of his statement was of any concern to him. That was the part where he said “It would obviously help me.” That is all he cares about because he knows he is in trouble.

Further proof is in his recent change on Card Check. Specter had been in favor of it in the past and he indicated that he was going to vote for it this time but he has had a change of heart. He has now stated that he will not vote in favor of card check. Perhaps it is because he is in trouble and Republicans oppose card check. Specter wants to be able to pretend that he actually espouses conservative views. If he is successful in winning reelection he will be right back on the left of the aisle voting for things that Republicans oppose.

This is what he did in 2004. He was in a bad way until he received support from George Bush and Rick Santorum. Republicans all over were calling for Specter to be replaced but after those two endorsements he narrowly won. After he won he was right back with the left.

Now is the time to pick him off and replace him. I know there is a risk of a Democrat winning the general election but will that make much difference? If the Senator is going to vote with the Democrats he might as well be a Democrat. If I lived In PA and Specter were running against a Democrat I would vote for the Dem just to get rid of him.

By 2010 the Democrats will have screwed things up so badly that they will lose seats in both chambers. Might not be a lot but it will be enough in the Senate to change the balance of power and make it tough for Obama and the Democrats to run roughshod over the place. The way things look Harry Reid will probably be gone so it will be a wash if Specter’s seat is picked up by a Democrat.

In any event, Specter has to go. He knows he is in trouble and he is doing everything he can, including rigging the primary, in order to win.

He got his chance and he blew it. People wanted him gone in 2004 and he received help and won. He did not learn his lesson and now he wants to be rewarded again for screwing over his party.

This is the time to get rid of him. People of Pennsylvania, don’t let us down. Get rid of him in 2010.

We need to get rid of the other RINOs as well.

Hannity Forum

Big Dog

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NBRA Declares End To White Guilt

The National Black Republican Association has issued a Declaration ending white guilt for the things done to blacks in the past:

White Guilt Emancipation Declaration

We, black American citizens of the United States of America and of the National Black Republican Association, do hereby declare that our fellow white American citizens are now, henceforth and forever more free of White Guilt.

This freedom from White Guilt was duly earned by the election of Barack Hussein Obama, a black man, to be our president by a majority of white Americans based solely on the color of his skin.

Freedom is not free, and we trust that the price paid for this freedom from White Guilt is worth the sacrifice, since Obama is a socialist who does not share the values of average Americans and will use the office of the presidency to turn America into a failed socialist nation.

Granted this November 4, 2008 – the day Barack Hussein Obama was elected as the first black president and the first socialist president of the United States of America.

This makes it official and we white folks don’t have to worry about any guilt associated with what happened more than a century ago. I have never had white guilt because I have never owned anyone and I have never stood in the way of anyone, regardless of color but it is nice to have the proclamation so that we can finally get rid of the race hustlers like Sharpton and Jackson. We will have race hustler Obama for at least 4 years but his election ended the bondage whites were held in.

From now on, no one will be able to use race as an excuse. Get over it and move on.

I add this Declaration to the Proclamation of Amnesty and Pardon given by Walter E Williams and I am all set to live the rest of my life unencumbered by accusations of racism and other such nonsense.

The November 4th election freed the white man, finally. Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, I’m free at last.

Big Dog