Global Warming Continues To Unravel

Another admission that data used by the IPCC is flawed. As with most of the erroneous data discovered, the claim is made that the information is background and does not change the conclusions. They relied on all the data to arrive at the conclusion but the data is not important for that conclusion…

A background note by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said a 2007 report wrongly stated that 55 percent of the country was below sea level since the figure included areas above sea level, prone to flooding along rivers.


Skeptics say errors have exposed sloppiness and over-reliance on “grey literature” outside leading scientific journals. The panel’s reports are a main guide for governments seeking to work out costly policies to combat global warming. al-Reuters

How much more will be discovered as people dig deeper and deeper into this scandal?

Where has Al “the science is settled” Gore been lately?

Perhaps he is snowed in somewhere…

UPDATE: Ron Smith of WBAL wrote this:

Check these out this weekend whenever you get a break from digging out from under our record snowfall; speaking of which, aren’t we amused by the resolute attempts of the climate doomsayers to link these huge recent winter weather events to global warming? Just recently, the annoying Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was pointing to mild winters in Washington, D.C. as evidence of potentially calamitous warming due to man-made greenhouse gas emissions. In 2002, the venerable Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia haltingly informed his fellow lawmakers that a winter with a mere three inches of snowfall was indeed a harbinger of AGW. How’s it looking now, fellas? Oh, that’s right. I forgot. To the climate change crowd, this harsh winter is simply more proof that global warming is taking place – even though it’s not – because this is their story and they’re sticking to it. Time Magazine believes it. The New York Times, though not as definitively, does report there is a scientific consensus that the warming could well be the reason for the record storms because the warmth causes more moisture to be collected into the atmosphere and eventually dumped on our heads. Check out Marc Morano’s invaluable for a compendium of news stories and opinion pieces slanted toward refutation of climate change doom saying.

Very well stated Mr. Smith…

Big Dog


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