Prominent Democrat States What We Already Knew

During the last campaign the left made a stink about Sarah Palin’s experience and the fact that she would be a heartbeat away from the presidency. The left made these claims despite the fact that she had more executive experience than Barack Obama and Joe Biden. The left ignored Obama’s lack of executive experience in spite of the fact that he would actually be the heartbeat.

Now a prominent Democrat, and a black one at that, is stating what thinking people knew all along:

Doug Wilder, who in 1990s Virginia was America’s first elected black governor and was an early backer of Obama. “One problem is they do not have sufficient experience at governing at the executive branch level. The deeper problem is that they are not listening to the people.” Times UK

Wilder is making the statement about Obama’s Chicago Mafia but it is important to note that Obama has no more experience than they do.

When Wilder discussed not having experience governing at the executive level, whether he meant to or not, he was discussing Obama as well.

Most Army privates serving in Iraq or Afghanistan have more leadership experience than Obama and his Mafia…

Big Dog


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Wanted: Senator, No Experience Necessary

It will be interesting to see the number of left wing lunatics who will rationalize Caroline Kennedy’s qualification to take the Senate seat being vacated by Hillary Clinton. Caroline Kennedy has no political experience other than she comes from a family full of people who have sponged off the government and have never worked real jobs in their lives. If they claim she learned by being there then it will contradict the argument that Hillary had gained no experience just by being the wife of the president. That is what the Obama campaign put out and what his supporters ran with (I happen to agree with that assessment).

There are a lot of folks who are really on board with the idea of Caroline Kennedy going to the Senate. They do not care that she has absolutely NO experience whatsoever. The very people who are in love with the idea of her serving are dismissing her lack of experience as insignificant and saying that it would be refreshing to have a regular person who is not a DC insider serving. These are the same morons who blasted Sarah Palin because they viewed her as unqualified. Palin’s regular, outside the beltway, persona was off putting to the elitist twerps who dug through trash to see what they could get on her. This was mostly because of fear but it shows the double standard that the left employs. They are good at it because the media are always willing accomplices when it comes to liberal hypocrisy.

One moron at Huffington said there was no comparison because Palin was running to be the next in line for the presidency and Kennedy would be one of a hundred. The reader is supposed to believe that Kennedy’s lack of experience is OK but Palin’s is not because of the seriousness of the job. This totally ignores the fact that Palin has political experience and it ignores the fact that she has more than Barack Obama or Joe Biden when it comes to executive service.

The morons who make this argument ignore the absolute fact that they supported Barack Obama with his lack of experience for the position of president. They voted for a man who has less experience than Palin while stating that she was not qualified to be next in line for the job. This is the stupidity that comes from the liberal mind. They lack the ability to use logic and to reason things out. As long as they win and can push their socialist agenda, they are happy.

As for Kennedy, I really don’t care who New York puts in that seat but I am opposed to political dynasties. The Kennedys have been in American politics for decades and it seems that more and more of them get elected and earn their livings off the backs of the taxpayers. We need to end this cycle of family members succeeding family members and put the Congress back in the hands of the people.

Does America really need another Kennedy in government? I will argue that she is unqualified but only because of the way the left went after Palin. The fact is that many are not very qualified when they are first elected. But if the left can deride the experience of Palin while ignoring the lack thereof with regard to Obama and Caroline Kennedy then it is only fitting we point this out and hold them to their own standard.

Will the hypocrisy of the left never end?

Camille Paglia

What Obama Said About Hillary; Forget It Now

During the never ending Democratic primary Barack Obama and his toadies took every opportunity to disparage Hillary Clinton. They knocked her claim to foreign policy experience and they dismissed her time as First Lady in her claim to decades of experience. To be certain, I dismissed her claims as well but I still maintain that position. I will say that she has a hell of a lot more experience than Obama but nowhere near what she claimed.

The Obama folks though, want you to forget about what they said. They want you to ignore their claims that Hillary had no experience and they want you to ignore their near daily attacks on her with regard to her experience (though they also claimed she would be more of the same because she was a DC insider. How can you be and have no experience?). They want you to forget this now because The One has selected her to be Secretary of State.

They will now tell you how much experience she has and how great she will be for his administration. Obama and his people frequently mocked Hillary’s claim of foreign policy experience and now they want to put her in a position that requires more foreign policy experience than the president. The AP is reporting on this very issue which is amazing given that prior to the election no news organization (if you consider the AP such a thing) would consider such questions of the Messiah.

It wasn’t too long ago that Barack Obama and his advisers were tripping over one another to tear down Hillary Rodham Clinton’s foreign policy credentials. She was dismissed as a commander in chief wanna-be who did little more than sip tea and make small talk with foreign leaders during her days as first lady.

“What exactly is this foreign policy experience?” Obama said mockingly of the New York senator. “Was she negotiating treaties? Was she handling crises? The answer is no.”

That was in March, when Clinton was Obama’s sole remaining rival for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Now, Clinton is on track to become Obama’s secretary of state.

And, unsurprisingly, the sniping at her foreign policy credentials is a thing of the past. My Way News

This should surprise no one but it will hit the left hard because their thought processes are not based in reality or logic. They base everything on emotion which is why they supported The One. They felt good about voting for a black man, they felt good about change though change was never defined and they felt good about hope even though that is not proper mission planning. The reality is, the left will ignore the past statements just as their Dear Leader wants them to do.

The left might ignore the change of position on Hillary’s qualifications because many of them liked her and would have voted for her had Obama not been the predetermined candidate courtesy of the MSM and the DNC. But the change is only one in what will be a long string of changes. Obama started the primary way left to appeal to the base, he moved center left during the general to appeal to moderates and Independents and now that he has won he will ignore most of what he promised.

He will bring change but only in the fact that he will change what he promised to do when he had to pander for votes. Now that he has them he will do what he needs to do to stay in office and to get reelected.

Some say that Obama’s first term will be Bush’s third. That will drive the left bonkers because Obama and the left claimed that would be the case if McCain were elected. Whether it is or not, he will not be delivering the change he promised.

I once heard someone say that Obama’s promises come with expiration dates. It would appear that his assessment of Hillary came with one as well.

Big Dog

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The Bourne Insanity

Jason Bourne is a fictional character in novels written by Robert Ludlum. During a mission Bourne, a CIA agent, is shot in the head and suffers amnesia. Matt Damon portrayed Bourne in the movie version of the novels and did a remarkable job with the character.

Unfortunately, it would seem that Matt Damon has trouble with his brain in real life. He was interviewed and gave his impression of Sarah Palin. Damon stated that the selection of Palin worried him. He stated that he wanted to know if she wanted to ban books and why. That Democratic rumor has been disproved but there are still those who are unable to see the truth. Damon also wanted to know if Palin thought dinosaurs roamed the Earth 4000 years ago. I guess he thinks her name is PALINtologist.

The interesting thing is that Damon questions Palin’s experience by saying she was the Mayor of a very, very, small town and has only been a Governor for a year and a half. This gives him pause because she is, according to Damon, likely to become president. Damon bases this on actuary tables.

In the interview, which was more an Obama endorsement, Damon never once expressed the same reservations about Barack Obama who has never been the mayor of a town of any size. Obama’s sole claim to experience is his service as a community organizer (running his campaign not withstanding /snark), which I think means he was not the leader of the entire population, very small or otherwise. Obama has only been a Senator for 4 years and he has been campaigning for 2 of them which means he began his run with a whopping 2 years of legislative, not executive experience. Obama has spent more time running for office than he has serving in the Senate where he has worked for fewer than 200 days. Palin’s year and a half as Governor is a year and a half of executive experience and that does not count her executive time as mayor. Regardless of the amount of time, it is more than Obama has.

In a surreal comedy where life imitates art, it appears that Damon took a shot of liberal Obama Kool-aid to the head and has lost the ability to engage in rational thought.

Damon said that Palin reminded him of a really bad Disney movie. If they made a movie about Damon’s support of Obama it would have to be called The Bourne Insanity.


Big Dog

The Community Obama Organized

Saracuda Palin, the next Vice President of the United States, excoriated Barack Obama for his so called experience as a community organizer. I know that Obama did not like this because he sent me an email WHINING that Palin mocked his time as a community organizer and then he asked me for money. In a TV interview Obama said that Palin’s claimed experience was fair game and that he has been going through this for 19 months and she for 4 days. That is a nice was to dismiss the woman but she has been going through this since she ran for office and it is a bit more than 4 days.

Well, if experience is fair game why is Obama whining about Palin questioning his experience as a community organizer? Let’s face it, Obama’s camp was the one that attacked Palin as lacking experience. This from a candidate whose biggest claim to fame is that he was a community organizer. Why is it fair to attack Palin but then unfair for Palin to point out Barry’s lack of experience? I know Barry is upset that she hit him on his community organizer experience but that is all he has to attack. Let us take a look at the community he organized.

Chicago has one of the toughest gun laws in the country. The unconstitutional laws there (which Obama supports) are supposed to keep people safe. But they do not. This Summer Chicago had 123 murders by firearms. This was double the rate of US military killed in Iraq during the same period of time and we are fighting a war there. Obama was a community organizer there and he wants us to believe that his sainted touch made the place better. The truth is that he and his buddy Rezko raped the people and the place he “organized” is more run down now than it was before he organized it.

This is the experience that Obama claims. He continually blows the organizer trumpet as if he is Gabriel himself. If he put that experience out there as a qualification then it, using his words, is fair game. He failed miserably as an organizer and he has less experience than Sarah Palin. She has served as an executive as a mayor and a governor and she is in charge of the Alaska National Guard. Obama can claim none of this experience.

All one needs to do is look at the community Barry organized to see how little experience he has and how disastrous the outcome was to know he is not the one to lead this country.

Remember, if she was insignificant they would not attack her so viciously. She is a game changer and they know it.

Big Dog