Was Biden’s Remark Designed To Stir More Fear?

The Obama administration runs on fear which might sound strange considering Democrats made this charge about President Bush for anything he did after 9/11. Time and again Democrats said Bush used fear to get what he wanted done. Interestingly, the first 100 days of the Obama administration have been marked by one incitement of fear after another.

Rahm Emanuel said that they could not let a good crisis go to waste and the Obamabots are certainly taking advantage of every opportunity during this economic crisis to get what they want. Obama himself gave us all the dire warnings and incited a great deal of fear when he was working to get his outrageous stimulus package approved.

Now a new “crisis” has emerged and it is the H1N1 Swine Flu scare. I will not rehash the way this has been overblown but suffice it to say that they have sounded the dire warnings from the start. As it starts to get more clear that the flu is not as bad as first thought and that the spread is not as bad the fear factor is starting to lose effect. Without the fear “emergency” spending worth billions of dollars will be hard to get passed and drug companies might not be allowed near the trough.

In steps Joe Biden to help with the situation. Biden has never been known to say much that is based in reality though I honestly believe he thinks what he says makes sense. The truth is that his ego is so big and he has such an elevated opinion of himself that he believes what he spews. However, it is possible that his latest words or wisdom were calculated (or given to him). On television, Joe stated:

Biden told NBC’s “Today” show on Thursday that he had urged family members to avoid airplanes and subways for fear of contracting the H1N1 flu virus.

“I wouldn’t go anywhere in confined places now,” Biden said. My Way News

After saying he would not go in confined spaces Joe took the train home.

Since this is Joe Biden it is hard to figure if he was just talking on the Today Show or if he said it to rile people up.

One would think Biden would not be so dense as to say something like this and then get on a train but this is Joe Biden and he generally says things that make no sense or that he figures people want to hear so it is really hard to tell.

Pretty soon there will be another “crisis” so this one will soon be forgotten.

At least we can still count on Biden to be the gaffe machine. Let’s face it, a blithering moron like Biden makes Obama look good and keeps America praying that nothing happens to the sainted won lest we be cursed with Biden at the helm.

Big Dog

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Obama One Step Closer To Disaster

The Senate passed its version of the future generation bankruptcy plan putting Obama one step closer to bringing us the disaster he keeps predicting. Three Republicans voted for the bill giving the Democrats what they wanted. Once they hash out the details with the House all the deleted items the three idiot Republicans wanted out will be added back in. Then, the Democrats will get their bill passed with a simple majority. I don’t know what the three were promised but they either need to be voted out of office or die and I don’t really care which. They are a burden to us and they need to go.

Obama was on TV last night using the fear he chided Bush about in order to influence people and have them support his plan. Obama told a number of lies and failed to answer some questions when he beat around the bush until he used a lot of words to say nothing. His entire night was about doom and gloom and the popular tactic of saying that all economists agreed or that Republicans were responsible for the problem he is in.

These were absolute lies. It is true that the debt increased under George Bush and the Republicans but it is not the tax cut polices, the ones Obama described as failed, that caused the problems. It is the out of control spending by Congress. The financial meltdown is a direct result of government forcing banks to make bad loans. It was the Community Reinvestment Act and the subsequent pressure from groups like ACORN that allowed people to get loans they could not possibly pay back.

The Democrats pushed that, Barney Frank said that it was in great shape, and the whole system went to hell in a hand basket when people could not pay. That is what caused the problems and no matter how much the liar in chief says otherwise, it will not change the facts. Obama said that Republicans were engaging in revisionist history. No, revisionist history is when you say that if we do not act now we might get is such bad shape we might never recover by day and then claim you did not say it by night.

Barack Obama is interested in making sure he uses this “crisis” to his advantage. The unemployment benefits are extended until the end of this year. This will cause more people to go on it and increase jobless numbers. When it runs out and numbers stop dropping he can claim that things are improving just in time for the next election. It is all about power and he, as Rahm Emanuel stated, will not let a crisis go to waste. He will use it to bring Socialism to this country.

He stated not two weeks ago that the recovery would require investment from the private sector as well as government and last night he said that only government could fix this. His bill has stealth items that will allow government to decide if your health care treatment is too expensive or not beneficial. Then the government will deny you what is needed. The government will make decisions that you and your doctor should make. There are plenty of items in there that will drive us closer to Socialism and a complete takeover by the government. God help any bureaucrat who denies any member of my family treatment that is needed.

The bill is junk and it is full of pork, another thing Obama lied about. He and Schumer need to discuss things before they speak publicly. This plan will cause the same problems that FDR caused and we will see problems like we saw when Jimmy Carter screwed up the country. This is not the worst economic problem since the Great Depression but if he says it long enough he hopes you will believe it.

Obama has had a rocky start and in a few short weeks he has broken his campaign promises, staffed his administration with Clinton retreads (some change), has made exceptions to his own ethics rules and has found a number of Democratic tax cheats to offer jobs. To top it off, he has begun lying about everything in order to get what he wants and drive us into a depression.

But if he lies about things enough, people will believe him.

Like they believe that Clinton had a surplus

I hate liberals and I really hate Obama.

Buy guns and ammo.

Big Dog

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Listen To Powell, Not Limbaugh?

Colin Powell betrayed the party that enhanced his career and took good care of him over his career in order to vote for Barack Obama. Powell said that it was because of Sarah Palin but the real reason is that he voted color over party. At least that is what I felt when he endorsed Obama. I have always believed that Powell was not conservative and that he might be better off as a Democrat and it looks like that might be the case. It would appear that Powell endorsed Obama because of his color and his political beliefs.

Powell recently told people that the Republican party needed to change and that we needed to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh. Powell asserts that Limbaugh spews fear and hatred. This is a bunch of hogwash but Powell asserts it as so because Limbaugh has not been kind to Democrats. Truth be told, he has not been kind to Republicans who are not conservative. Powell can believe that Limbaugh and people like him hurt John McCain but Limbaugh was not on McCain’s side. When he had only a choice of two McCain beat out Obama (as is the case with many Republicans) but Limbaugh has always been tough on McCain for his lack of conservatism.

I guess we are now suppose to listen to the wisdom of Powell because he will save the party? He has liberal views and he was never truly conservative. Couple that with him turning his back on members of our armed forces left behind in Vietnam (something McCain also did along with John Kerry) and one is left to wonder why we need to listen to what he says.

Colin Powell was a mediocre officer who had a successful career (military and civilian) because he was taken care of by people in the Republican party. Powell is smart and competent but it was Republicans, not Democrats, who elevated him to high office. Powell turned his back on his party in order to vote for a man of color. I stated before that voting for (or against) a person based on color is as valid a reason as any but at least have the guts to say that is what you are doing.

Powell probably did not have to worry about that because he was able to throw insults at a capable politician in Sarah Palin in order to cover his real motives.

That and he really leans liberal so she gave him cover there as well.

Rush Limbaugh is not going anywhere. He makes more money in a year doing what he does than Powell will make in a lifetime and Limbaugh has quite a following which is much larger than any following Powell might have.

Though after he endorsed Obama he became a darling of the moonbats who only a few years ago called for him to be charged with crimes for the Iraq phase of the war on terror.

I guess he is no longer an Uncle Tom to the black community who blindly follow Democrats to the plantation.

Powell wants the Republican party to retool and move left. What we need to do is move more right and stay with our conservative principles.

A good start is by getting rid of Powell and ensuring he has no platform in our party.


Big Dog

Fred Thompson With Some Straight Talk

Fred Thompson speaks about the upcoming election:

The full length video, where Fred spells out what and who we face, is here.

Big Dog

The Sexist Attacks On Palin Continue

The Democrats are ratcheting up their attacks on Sarah Palin demonstrating just how formidable an opponent she really is. If they were not concerned with her or if they really believed America will not vote for McCain simply because of her, then why do they attack her so relentlessly? The Obama campaign was full of sexists when Hillary was running against him and the Democrats, the so called party of the people, women’s rights and all that, have continued that tact with Palin. It is amazing to see the number of women in the Democratic party who think Palin should stay home and raise her kids or that she has no business being in politics. This is from Politico [Jonathan Martin’s Blog]:

South Carolina Democratic chairwoman Carol Fowler sharply attacked Sarah Palin today, saying John McCain had chosen a running mate “whose primary qualification seems to be that she hasn’t had an abortion.”

Is this really the message that women in the Democratic party want to send? Do they expect men to take them seriously when they abandon their so called beliefs in order to destroy a female opponent from the opposite party? Imagine if some Conservative in a business looked at a liberal woman applying for a job and said, “Have you ever had an abortion? If not then you will be qualified for this job.” To me this is no different than telling a woman she is unqualified if she is pregnant or has kids and must take off to attend to them. The women’s movement was supposed to be about equal rights and the idea that women were qualified to do the same jobs as men. It seems that is nothing more than talk because the women who say they are all for it actually do not have the strength to put their money where their mouth is.

I wonder what Carol Fowler would say if the South Carolina Republican Chairman said that the Democrats had chosen a presidential candidate whose primary qualification seems to be that he was not born white…

I also wonder if she realizes that she is saying you have to murder a child to be qualified to be on the ticket.

They are very afraid.

UPDATE: I just read that she is married to Don Fowler, the one who was laughing about hurricane Gustav hitting New Orleans…

Big Dog