Obamacare Gets Ringing Communist Endorsement
Mar 26, 2010 Political
Fidel Castro of Cuba has hailed the Obama takeover of health care as a great thing. Castro, the Communist who led Cuba for decades, is happy that the US has finally done what it took Cuba only 50 years to do.
Unfortunately, we will have the same outcome. Cuba’s economy is in the dumper as people cannot get food, and other basic needs items. Health care, despite Michael Moore’s claims, is not that good there. Castro had doctors from other countries flown in when he needed expert care. In this country, the elites will get the best as well while the serfs are relegated to substandard, rationed care.
Interestingly, Obama and his Democrats have declared that the health care takeover will decrease the deficit. They touted CBO numbers (even though the CBO can only score what it is given) as proof positive they were heading in the right direction.
That very same CBO has predicted that Obama’s 2011 budget will cost 1.2 TRILLION dollars more than Obama had predicted and will have our debt at 90% of GDP by the year 2020. If Obamacare saves us money how can our debt go up?
President Obama’s fiscal 2011 budget will generate nearly $10 trillion in cumulative budget deficits over the next 10 years, $1.2 trillion more than the administration projected, and raise the federal debt to 90 percent of the nation’s economic output by 2020, the Congressional Budget Office reported Thursday. Washington Times
As anyone knows, it does not matter how much you claim to save if you spend more than you actually save.
And if Obama was 1.2 TRILLION dollars off on his budget what confidence are we to have that he is not off on how much health care will cost?
Ed Schultz told his listeners “he believes the next “socialist” takeover by the government should be on all the radio airwaves.” [emphasis mine]
Next, as in after health care…
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Tags: cbo, communism, debt, fidel castro, health care, lies, Obama