The Pig Is The New Democrat Symbol

Forget the jackass, err donkey, the new symbol for Democrats is the pig. Well, it is the symbol for three Democrats who live like pigs. Senators Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin and George Miller, who share a place, invited Dana Bash of CNN into their DC home (or should I say sty) and what she saw was not pleasant.

There are broken blinds, empty beer cans, rat traps and a partially made bed that Schumer says is the most he has made it up and only for her visit. These guys live like pigs.

There is an old tea kettle and food stains on an old stove and the fridge had a bagel hard enough to drive a nail.

I know there are people all over who live like this but when members of Congress live like this there is a problem. And when they invite a reporter in and actually seem proud of the way they live there is a real problem. I know I would never invite someone into my home if it looked like this.

The sad part is these guys have a combined annual income of nearly a half a million dollars. Couldn’t they hire a maid service and split the cost? How about buying some blinds and curtains (instead of bed sheets) and perhaps a few garbage cans and cleaning supplies? Maybe hire someone to make some repairs and paint the place…

No, that would require them to spend their own money and they do not like to do that. They only spend OUR money.

I understand from the article that the way these three pigs live inspired an series “Alpha House.” They should have called it the Three Little Pigs…

I know I am surprised at how these alleged leaders live but I guess I really shouldn’t be.

They treat their home just like they treat our country.

And that is why they should be sent packing…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


This Little Piggy Went To DC

The One Nation Socialist Rally was held in DC on Saturday 2 October 2010. It was a rally that was attended by union after union and the other supporters of the Democrats and the Socialist Party. They had a small turnout of people (crowd comparison photos), most of whom were paid or required to be there. And they left a mess. Look at this video of the mess left by the Socialists:

The participants at the Restoring Honor Rally hosted by Glenn Beck left NO mess in DC. In fact, the place was cleaner when the 8/28 crowd left than when they arrived. All trash was collected and stacked around the garbage cans.

The pigs on the Socialist left threw their trash all over the place because they are disgusting pigs. They are use to having someone take care of them so they just throw their trash all over. They have no respect for this country and it is evident by the way they treat it.

These goons want to take over America. Can you imagine what it would be like with these pigs in control?

Animated picture of the rallies to show difference in attendance.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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