Behar Displays Progressive Civility

Josephina Victoria Occhiuto, better known as Joy Behar, a nearly 70 year old harpy who has had several failed TV talk shows (and is engaging in a soon to be failed talk show on Al Gore’s network), is an unhappy progressive who wishes ill on those with whom she disagrees. She was interviewed by Mediaite recently and she had some very disturbing things to say.

Behar was asked what she would ask Mitt Romney (I assume the question was hypothetical should she be able to interview him on her soon to fail show) and she basically said she would ask about his flip flopping. She also indicated that she would ask if he intended to endorse the Paul Ryan budget which Behar said would be bad.

Keep in mind, Ryan and Republicans are the only people working on budgets as the Democrat controlled Senate has failed to deliver a budget for about 1100 days.

In any event, the progressive Behar got around to saying Romney was making fun of Barack Obama for wanting to hire more firemen, policemen and teachers. The remark refers to Romney asking if Obama got the message from Wisconsin that people wanted less government. That led Behar to claim the statement was idiotic.

Let’s clear a few things up. Except for federal police officers and firefighters (and teachers who teach for the federal government) all these occupations are hired at the local level. These public servants are hired at the state level or lower (county, city, etc) so the federal government is not involved in that process. The only thing that the feds have done is infuse federal taxpayer dollars into states so they could pay for the out of control benefits to these union employees and the retirees of those unions.

[note]Most firefighters in this country are volunteers[/note]

The whole issue is designed to play on emotions. States and localities do not cut essential services like police and fire first. If they cut at all they make the cuts in all kinds of other places first because these entities represent large blocks of union (read Democrat) voters. This is the main reason Democrats want to send them money.

Personally, I think if a jurisdiction can’t run its budget correctly then it needs new leadership and it needs to find ways to live within its means regardless of what has to be CUT.

Behar was not done though. She demonstrated the great civility of the left by proclaiming that she would like to see Romney’s house burn down. Then she disparaged his religion by asking who he would call, the Mormon fire patrol.

Just imagine if a conservative had asked about a Jewish politician if he was going to call the Jew fire patrol. Imagine if that same conservative had asked about a Muslim politician if he was going to call the Muslim fire patrol…

I think we all know where that would go.

Then again it is not conservatives who are playing class warfare and dividing Americans by wealth, sex and religion.

That comes from the bigots on the left.

Behar is a tired old lady who runs her mouth without the assistance of brain cells that have long since been depleted by a lack of oxygen because of where she keeps her head. She does not engage in intelligent conversation and she rarely makes sense because she defends things that are indefensible, chiefly progressivism. It is a shame because she is well educated. The shame is that she wasted the education on lunacy.

She will fail once again as a talk show host but I doubt that will keep her from running her mouth.

One thing I think she could be successful at is using her picture to cure that erection that lasts for four hours associated with some erectile dysfunction drugs.

Talking Heads, just for Joy

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


What Happened To The Stimulus Money?

And why are teacher’s, firefighter’s and police officer’s salaries a federal concern?

The stimulus bill signed into law last February was a 787 billion dollar boondoggle. The total package, with interest on borrowed money, will put the thing over 1 TRILLION dollars. The unfortunate thing is that we got very little for our money and the things it was spent on are NOT things that will stimulate the economy and a lot of them are things states are responsible for.

Obama is pleading with Democrats to pass another 50 BILLION dollars of “emergency” funds to prevent teachers, firefighters and police officers from being laid off.

President Obama urged reluctant lawmakers Saturday to quickly approve nearly $50 billion in emergency aid to state and local governments, saying the money is needed to avoid “massive layoffs of teachers, police and firefighters” and to support the still-fragile economic recovery. Washington Post

The first thing we should realize is that the federal government is not responsible for teachers, firefighters or police officers unless they work for the federal government. The states AND ONLY THE STATES are responsible for the people in these professions who work in the individual states. It is not the responsibility of taxpayers from Maryland to pay for the teachers, firefighters or police officers in Michigan or any other state. Each state is responsible and using federal tax dollars to pay for these things taxes Americans twice for the same thing.

People are taxed by their states to pay for these services and then their federal tax dollars are used to pay for the same services, often because of mismanagement at the state level.

It is up to the states to decide if they can afford to pay for the same level of services or if they will have to be scaled back. The states need to decide whether or not to raise taxes to pay for these things. It is not the responsibility of the federal government and our tax dollars should not be paying it.

This is Obama pushing our tax dollars to the people in the unions. Obama has the support of the teachers and many of the law enforcement and firefighting unions (whether the individual members support him or not) and he wants to ensure he has their votes so he will pay for them with OUR money.

Obama already signed one stimulus into law and that stimulus provided for teachers and for law enforcement.

  • $4 billion for state and local law enforcement agencies
  • $44.5 billion in aid to local school districts to prevent layoffs and cutbacks, with flexibility to use the funds for school modernization and repair (State Equalization Fund)


Read the Wiki article and see how much money the stimulus funneled to things that will not, in any way shape or form, stimulate the economy. The total education package was over 90 BILLION dollars.

Obama spent 48.5 BILLION dollars for teachers and law enforcement and now he wants 50 BILLION dollars more. If the stimulus worked as sold then these entities would not need additional money, if we were to accept that the federal government should be paying for them at all.

The stimulus is not stimulating and it is a failure. Obama wants more money to throw at his supporters in the unions at the expense of the taxpayers and our national sovereignty. How much more debt will we accrue before we are totally owned by another country?

It is not the job of the federal government to pay for the salaries of people working for the individual states. The states are solely responsible for these salaries and if they cannot afford them then they need to make the same tough decisions that plenty of private companies have made and lay off employees.

Obama is trying to use OUR money to pay off the unions and to pander for their votes. We should not be paying for these things and it is criminal that we paid for them with the first stimulus.

Let us not keep making the same mistakes by continuing to throw good money after bad on an economic folly.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Boston Firefighter Stabbed; No Gringo Here

A Boston firefighter , who went out for takeout food, was attacked by a group of Hispanic males and stabbed twice in his chest. The firefighter, whose name was not released, went to a take out restaurant when a group of Hispanics started harassing him. He tried to avoid confrontation by telling them he only wanted a sandwich. There response was “we don’t want any gringo here.”

The firefighter, trying to avoid confrontation, got in his car and left but the men followed him. He went tot he local fire station (the one he works at) and they jumped him when he got out of his car. He was stabbed twice in the chest and was saved when he rang the bell to the station causing the men to flee. Fortunately, his fellow workers were not on a call and were able to render aid.

The kicker is, the police are not classifying this as a hate crime. The firefighter is white and the attackers Hispanic but somehow this does not fit the definition of a hate crime. Those who read this blog know how I feel about the stupidity of having a “hate” crime but if we have them the laws should apply equally.

Imagine if the victim had been Hispanic or black and had been attacked and stabbed by a group of white men. CASA, the NAACP and the race baiters would be out in full force and the police would not think twice about classifying it as a hate crime. However, since the victim is white they refuse to use that classification.

I would not be surprised to find out that the Hispanic thugs are here ILLEGALLY. Of course, if they are they would be the kind of people sanctuary laws protect so they will report crimes. Hell, if they ever get caught the governor will probably give them driver’s licenses.

I am not holding my breath waiting for them to report their own crimes.

I wonder what the response time for the fire department will be the next time a structure in the Hispanic part of town catches fire?

Fire Rescue

Big Dog

Others with similar items:
Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, The Random Yak, Adam’s Blog, Right Truth, The Pet Haven Blog, Cao’s Blog, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, Chuck Adkins, Adeline and Hazel, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Celebrity Smack, CommonSenseAmerica, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.