Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

Today, Barack Obama declared the H1N1 flu outbreak a national emergency.

The White House on Saturday said Obama signed a proclamation that would allow medical officials to bypass certain federal requirements. Officials described the move as similar to a declaration ahead of a hurricane making landfall. Yahoo News

When a hurricane is about to make landfall we know what can happen and we can mobilize resources like FEMA, the Red Cross and other organizations that can help. What, specifically, can we mobilize with a flu outbreak. How does declaring this a national emergency equate to a hurricane?

The declaration allows medical OFFICIALS to bypass certain federal regulations. Notice it does not say doctors or health care providers, but officials. What officials? What federal regulations will they be allowed to bypass? Will they now be allowed to get lists of people who refused the vaccine? Will they be allowed to circumvent HIPAA and other privacy regulations in order to get information? Will they be able to FORCE people to get the vaccine?

What, specifically, will this declaration allow these unspecified officials to do?

Rahm Emanuel said that they should not allow a crisis to go to waste. Obviously, a crisis needs to exist before they can run roughshod over the country so is this declaration the manufactured crisis that allows government to enact rules and ignore our rights in order for the Obama Reich to do what it wants?

Yes, there have been deaths from the Swine flu and the numbers given include those who died in the Spring. What is the death rate, the infection rate and the recovery time of those who are getting it now and how does it compare with the normal seasonal flu which kills about 36,000 people per year?

If ObaMao has a good reason for declaring this emergency then he needs to elaborate and tell us exactly why it is an emergency and what federal regulations may be bypassed.

He also needs to tell us exactly who these officials are and what they will be doing.

Be very weary of these kinds of declared emergencies. This is not like a hurricane. The only thing FEMA could possibly do if activated at this point in time is to send health care professionals with vaccine to administer it. FEMA could possibly provide other services in the event of widespread death (set up morgues) but they could do little to curb the outbreak or make it less severe.

Seems to me that we have plenty of health care professionals who can give the vaccine. The issue right now is the shortage and problems with distribution which rest on the shoulders of the government.

What is behind this and what does he plan to do?

If these medical officials start making decisions that affect us then it is further proof that government, and not you and your doctor, will make decisions that affect you with regard to your health.

A thorough explanation is in order.

Big Dog

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In Health Care Government Gives Rationing

The federal government wants to run health care. It is the desire of the Obamatons to take control of this large part of our economy so that it can take control of the people. This is what happens with Social Security and Medicare. Every time there is an election old people are scared to death over threats about cuts in services if the right candidate does not win. They also hear the doom and gloom as excuses for tax increases come into play. The government realizes that a large portion of the elderly vote so the politicians try to placate them.

This year there will be no cost of living increase because the cost of living has not gone up. The Congress is looking to give each SS recipient a $250 check because there will be no COLA. The law says that benefits cannot be reduced so the SS never goes down regardless of how well the economy is doing. The law also says that there is no COLA increase if the COL does not go up so why don’t we stick with the law? The Congress wants to placate the elderly by buying them off.

The real concern should be what will happen to them if the government controls health care. Rationing WILL take place. If the government needs to control costs or if there is a disaster then people not deemed worthy, per Ezekiel Emanuel, will be denied care.

The state of Florida is a prime example. The Florida Department of Health, a state government agency, has issued guidelines to hospitals regarding who is to receive care and who is not should the H1N1 flu cause a shortage of hospital beds.

Florida health officials are drawing up guidelines that recommend barring patients with incurable cancer, end-stage multiple sclerosis and other conditions from being admitted to hospitals if the state is overwhelmed by flu cases. Sun Sentinel

A state government agency has drawn up guidelines on who should be refused care should the flu overwhelm the system. The state agency has given guidance for rationing care.

Take this to the next level and you have the federal government. The federal government will also have guidelines that determine who gets what treatment based on age and general health. A 90 year old person stands little chance of getting a hip replacement or heart surgery if the procedure costs too much based on life expectancy. The big difference is that an emergency need not exist for the feds to ration care. The budget will be a major consideration as a cost is placed on human life. If they only expect you to live a few years more then you will not get what you need.

We see it in place in Florida based on a flu outbreak but the fact that they are deciding now who lives and who dies is a foreshadowing of things to come should government take control of the health care in this country.

No longer will a doctor and patient decide. It will be some bean counter in DC who decides based on life expectancy charts and the budget.

We, as a nation, need to decide that it is time for all members of Congress to be denied what they need to exist. That, of course, would be elected office.

Vote them all out in 2010.

And say no to government run health care.

Big Dog

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