How Black Republicans Feel About What Reid Said

From Frances Rice, NBRA:

Wielding a sharp racial sword, Democrats ruthlessly destroy the careers of Republicans on racial matters, accepting no apologies. Yet, using a glaring double standard, those same Democrats quickly give a pass to any Democrat, such as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid who again displayed egregious racism.

Hardly a ripple of protest was made in 2004 when Reid shamelessly slurred Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as an incompetent Negro who could not write good English. “Slap at Thomas stinks of racism,” was the headline of the New York Daily News’ December 7, 2004 editorial.

Now, Reid has described then-Senator Barack Obama as “light skinned” and “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” With this racial slur, Reid denigrates not only Obama, but also the entire population of black Americans as being uneducated Negroes who cannot speak standard English, the same type of disgusting remark he made over five years ago about Justice Thomas, a graduate of Yale Law School. A tribute to Justice Thomas [link in original] that includes details about his stellar career is posted on the NBRA website. Read the rest

It strikes me that Al Sharpton said Reid’s comments disturbed him but that it was not the same as what Lott said. Lott was praising a 100 year old man and he made the comment that if Thurmond had been elected in 1948 we would not have these problems. It is only speculation as to what Lott meant but he apologized all over for offending people. Though Diane Feinstein says no Democrats jumped up and down about it she was actually one of those who did as did Barack Obama. How is it that Reid’s apology allows him a pass and Lott’s did not?

I remember Barack Obama saying that he could not be accountable for his association with a man who did despicable things when he (Barack) was only 8 years old. When Strom Thurmond ran for the presidency in 1948 Lott was 7 years old.

How can we hold him accountable for what he said about a guy who ran for president under segregation when Lott was only 7 unless we can now believe that Obama is guilty by association with Ayers?

What Lott said was wrong depending on what he meant. He never explained that. What Reid said was wrong unless he can tell us not what he meant, that has been explained, but whether he also holds those beliefs. If this had been Reid’s only foray into the world of racism then it might be excused but, as the NBRA piece points out, Reid made a racist remark about Justice Thomas.

The other thing that people miss in this is the implication of what Reid said and that is that Obama is attractive because he is not your typical black guy (before you lefties call that racist remember you gave Obama a pass on the typical white person remark).

The explanation is that Reid was saying that Obama was attractive to Americans because he is light skinned and does not speak negro. Does this not mean he believes that the racists in America will not vote for a dark skinned person who speaks negro, whatever that is.

Americans will vote for a person who can lead regardless of color (and as has been shown with Obama and Carter, they will vote for someone who can’t lead regardless of color). And since the left bashed Bush daily about his manner of speech we have to assume that speech is not a big issue with regard to getting elected.

I wish Reid were held to the same standards as a Republican but that is never going to happen as long as liberals continue to excuse racism from the left. So, since he will not be forced to step down, it will be just as much fun watching this brain damaged moron bumble his way through life and it will be even more fun watching him be removed by the voters.

Barack Obama said it would be up to Republicans to drive Lott out. They did but as Obama showed by accepting Reid’s apology, he does not hold Democrats to the same standard.

Maybe when it is all said and done Obama can have a beer summit with Reid and invite Robert Byrd to explain racism and the history of the Democrat organization known as the KKK.

Might be a bit much to ask since Reid and Byrd might expect Obama to serve the beer. After all, a few years ago he would have been getting Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy coffee

Big Dog


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Obama’s Bill Slaps Black Americans Back To The Mat

The bill that Barack Obama signed into law today will cost future generations money they can ill afford. It is a crime that our grandchildren will be saddled with this kind of debt because of the mismanagement of our government. Lest any liberal give that phony cry about George Bush piling up debt while we remained silent, true conservatives have been against the spending that occurred in the last 8 years. I have been against the out of control spending on social programs and I think the money for the war on terror could have been better managed. However, there were way too many non military spending bills that should never have passed.

Those include the bank bailout and the earlier stimulus checks.

Obama railed against deficit spending and demonized Bush for it. Now, with the stroke of a pen, he has spent the largest amount of money ever spent in one bill in our nation’s history. The unfortunate thing is that it will not work and now that he has what he wants for Democratic special projects, he is scaling back expectations. Hell, some of them admit they don’t know if it will work and they voted for it with their fingers crossed.

Couple that last tid bit with the fact that NOT ONE of them read the thing and you have a classic demonstration of failed leadership. Never mind the fact that Obama and the Democrats broke a number of promises with the way this was handled. That is no surprise to those of us who did not drink the Kool Aid. The reality is, they failed to lead. They voted for a bill that they did not read. The action was irresponsible and clearly demonstrates that these people are not leaders.

The nation could not help but pause when Obama was inaugurated. It was a historic moment for this country to see a black man elected to the highest office. It was hailed as a new era for race relations. It was seen as a sign that blacks have the chance to succeed and it was seen as a step up. Unfortunately, Obama signed a bill that will trap many blacks in generational poverty.

Obama’s cruelest slap was on the face of black Americans. Buried in the bowels of that big government spending bill is a poison pill that kills welfare reform. Welfare money will no longer be used for job training, child care or transportation. Instead, the money will now, once again, be just a government handout that keeps black children trapped in generational poverty. Uncle Sam has replaced the father in the homes of poor blacks because you cannot get a welfare check if there is a man in the house. Democrats have been running black communities for the past 40 years. The socialist polices of the Democrats have created a culture of dependency on government handouts and turned black communities into economic and social wastelands. Socialism is a moral and economic cancer that destroys families, communities and nations.

Many of the liberals who visit here will take issue with this quote and will, as is their habit, throw the word racist around. While I happen to agree with the statement I did not write it. The statement is part of a larger item released by the National Black Republican Association (of which I happen to be a member). The quote was in an email sent by Frances Rice, the Chairman of the NBRA who happens to be black which, I think, qualifies her to speak a bit on the subject. But keep that in mind while you formulate your invective comments.

Welfare reform was one of the really good things that came out of bipartisan work between Republicans in Congress and Democrat Bill Clinton. It helped stop an upward trend in single parent (usually mother) black families and it put people back to work. This is not to indicate that blacks are the only people on welfare but the black community suffers from a disproportionately high number of single parent homes. This is one of the biggest reasons for failures in the black community. Regardless of what the feminists say, a child needs a mother and a father in order to have the best chance for success.

Chairman Rice is absolutely correct in her assessment. It should not surprise anyone that the Democrats are once again suppressing blacks. Their party’s history is replete with racism and discrimination against blacks.

However, one would have thought that having a black president would have changed things. For all the talk of change, things seem to be the same.

Big Dog

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Howard Dean Injects Race Once Again

Barack Obama and his party would have people believe that the Republican party is full of racists and that the Democrats are as pure as the driven snow and as diverse as the United Nations. The reality is that the Democrats have injected race into the quest for the presidency. The Democratic primaries involved only Democrats and race was an issue the entire way. Hillary could not make a statement without the Obama camp shouting racism and every time we turned around people were either not voting for Obama or being accused of not voting for him because he is black.

When Obama became the presumptive nominee the race card was played and it has been ongoing ever since. At first Obama told us that Republicans would try to scare people because he is black and then we had him discussing the fact that he does not look like the other guys on dollar bills. The word has already been put out that anyone who does not vote for the sainted one is a racist.

It is pretty obvious that playing the race card is going to be the tactic used by the Democrats and Howard Dean is following suit. Some time ago Dean remarked how the Republican party was the party of white people while the Democrats were diverse. He has done that again during an interview when he stated:

“If you look at folks of color, even women, they’re more successful in the Democratic party than they are in the white, uh, excuse me, in the [laughs] Republican party.” Breitbart

I have gone over this before. The majority of blacks in this country are registered as Democrats and 90% of the black voters vote for Democrats. Anyone capable of doing the math can see that there are very few blacks available to run for office as Republicans and those who admit to being Republicans are chastised as Uncle Toms and sell outs. The National Black Republican Association is full of intelligent Conservative Republicans who happen to be black. They are attacked in the media and by the left all the time. Their sole crime is that they are black and Republican. The Democrats don’t like to let the blacks off their plantation (to use their words) and those who choose not to follow the left are attacked for their beliefs.

There are some promising black candidates who are running for office as Republicans and they will certainly do a fine job. Watch and see who attacks them and who injects race into the issue. Here is a hint, it won’t be Republicans. Frances Rice of the NBRA has recounted a nice history to show who will be the attackers. Ms. Rice is brilliant. She is a veteran and we owe her a debt of gratitude for her service to our country.

As for other minorities and women, I think Dean has it wrong. Of course the majority of Mexicans will be looking to the Democrats because the Democrats want to open the borders and allow all the illegals to invade our country. However, there are many who are here legally who do not buy into the open borders philosophy of the left. Women have made great strides in this country and some of them have done well as Republicans. How about our Secretary of State Condi Rice. She happens to be a woman and black. Of course, she was attacked as an Aunt Jemima.

If Dean wants to discuss women perhaps he can discuss how Hillary Clinton was treated by her party. Perhaps he can explain how she was relegated to second class citizen in favor of a new comer who happens to be black. I am no Hillary fan but I can see she and her supporters were treated poorly. She was left out in the cold in favor of Obama, a man who was selected not elected (funny how this is different when it is one of their own).

I believe that minorities would do much better if they embraced the Republican party and espoused conservative values like they did prior to the middle of the last century. They would be welcomed with open arms and given every opportunity to succeed without the chains of government wrapped around their necks. My friends at the NBRA have done quite well and they are not shunned by Republicans because we don’t care about the color of their skin, only the content of their character.

That was the dream of a famous black man, Martin Luther King Jr.

By the way, he was a Republican

Big Dog