Obama Stole The Election
Nov 8, 2012 Political
There is no doubt in my mind that Democrats used dirty tricks and broke the law to win. I will say it up front so the liberals can guffaw and then click over to Kos and pleasure themselves. The evidence is clear that Barack Obama and his Democrats did things that were illegal in order to win.
Republican turn out was 3 million lower than in 2008 and Obama hit his numbers? There is no way this is accurate and given the number of complaints of voting machines changing votes from Romney to Obama the loss of Republican voters and Obama holding his own gets clearer. The votes were changed so his numbers went up and Romney’s went down.
How else can one explain internal polling that showed Romney winning battleground states by a comfortable margin? And yes, those internals showed Romney taking the major battleground states while Obama’s internals showed he needed to go to states that he should have held easily. The linked article discusses how the voting machines had been programmed so that a vote for Romney had to be exactly in the square but one for Obama was anywhere close (and just outside the Romney box). If millions of people did not check before submitting they were screwed.
Couple that with reports of people in Ohio being bused in to vote illegally (non English speaking being given pre filled cards or being shown what to select) and the intimidation in Philadelphia as well as the GOP election judges being thrown out (and one in Chicago wearing an Obama hat) and you can see the problems.
Barack Obama is illegitimate. He won because of fraud and this was his plan because he knew he would not win otherwise.
Only the naive would think that the network of Commies behind Obama (Soros and company) would not or could not do this. The reality is this was well planned and it worked. The usurper is back in office.
It is my understanding that James O’Keefe has documented hundreds of incidents of fraud and he is compiling the video. I wonder if there is any way to fix the problem once this has occurred?
I doubt it. The political class shields itself from the law.
Think this is all BS? You are (at least right now) entitled to that opinion but consider this. Obama did not win in ANY state that requires a photo ID to vote.
Is there any wonder why Democrats fight against voter ID laws? They need to cheat.
And even the UN observers commented that they could not believe the US does not require an ID to vote…
Why would it surprise them? They know how corrupt Democrats are.
American Third Position (a link does not indicate endorsement of their policies)
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: cheating, fraud, illegals, lies, Obama, stolen election, usurper, voter machines
IRS Instructs Staff To See No Evil
Aug 9, 2012 Political
The Internal Revenue Service is a huge government agency that enforces untold volumes of tax laws that Congress has passed. It is the enforcement arm of the Mafioso government charged with threatening people who don’t pay up the extortion money and hurting those who refuse to do so. The IRS will be the goon squad in charge of enforcing the Obamacare tax mandate.
One would think that a massive agency with a huge budget would be very concerned with the tax money people pay in and that is returned to them (or redistributed) as part of the tax process.
One would also think that the IRS would be looking out for fraud when it comes to people working the system. It is a certainty that the agency looks for fraud when people, particularly those with high incomes, submit tax returns with what might be questionable entries. How do they know the entries are questionable? They know because people or computers look for indicators of fraud.
A lot of the tax system is based on Social Security Numbers but not everyone who pays taxes or files a tax return has one of those. A taxpayer identification number is assigned to people who are not citizens so they can file taxes and get returns.
The IRS is supposed to look at the applications for TINs and ensure they are legitimate so that people do not get money to which they are not entitled. But the IRS has a different idea of its function as people in charge of the agency instructed staff members to overlook fraud in TIN applications.
The cited article indicates the IRS disbursed $6.2 BILLION in tax refunds to people with TINs. It is possible that all of those were legitimate but if fraud was overlooked, how do we really know if that money should have been disbursed? How do we know that the government (read taxpayers) is not getting screwed out of money to run the country?
The IRS has announced a series of improvements but why is it that federal agencies always lose billions of dollars or are found to be doing a poor job before some improvement is worked on?
Should they not have extreme attention to detail, at least as much as they expect us to have when we fill out our taxes?
We need a simplified tax system with a flat tax and no deductions where one can use a postcard to verify taxes paid and adjust for any small adjustments that might occur. If everyone paid a flat tax on income there would be no need for a huge IRS (if we needed it at all).
Think how much money we could save by scaling down that monstrosity of an agency…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
More Little Timmy Geithners Got Stimulus Money
Jun 27, 2012 Political

The Federal Government runs a lot of programs and it continually looks for more and more to get involved in. While government tells us that it is capable of running things it fails us when it comes to running things well. Every program in the government has waste, fraud, and abuse. The programs get so big and have so many layers of red tape that money is wasted left and right and the government only finds out (if it ever finds out) after millions of dollars have been lost.
The Government Accounting Office released a report that indicated that 1.6 BILLION dollars in Stimulus money went to people who should not have received it. The money was designed to help people who were behind on their mortgages but they had to be current on their taxes. No one bothered to check and 1.6 BILLION dollars of taxpayer money went to people who, like Tim Geithner, cheated on their taxes (whether they committed fraud or just decided not to pay it is still cheating the government out of what is due).
Not only are these people, like the bottom 49% of wage earners, unpatriotic (VP Biden said it was patriotic to pay taxes), they scammed the federal government and the federal government was unable to detect the scam until after BILLIONS had been lost.
Does anyone really think the government will get that money back? It went to people who did not pay taxes in the first place so it is unlikely they would pay anything else they might owe.
Interestingly, those folks were not detected as tax cheats by the government’s money Mafioso, the IRS. In other words, not only did the government NOT detect that the money was going to tax cheats, it did not detect that these folks were tax cheats when taxes were filed.
Once again, government does not run things well.
The Stimulus was a waste of money as any thinking being knew it would be. It is bad enough that the waste of money known as the Stimulus happened in the first place but to have it wasted on people to whom it should not have gone and who are not paying their taxes is ridiculous.
I thought Vice President Joe Biden, Sheriff Joe as it were (not the real Sheriff Joe who actually follows the law) was supposed to be the public’s watchdog. I thought he was supposed to track the money and ensure that it was not wasted.
We need smaller government and we need government to stay out of things it is not designed to “manage”.
Really, does anyone think that a government that can’t find tax evaders and can’t track money that was not supposed to go to such people will be able to ensure there is no waste and fraud in a government run healthcare scheme (Obamacare) that will involve TRILLIONS of dollars?
Hell, Medicare has been around for decades. It has cost many multiples of what was originally estimated (no government estimate is ever right) and it has had BILLIONS in waste over the decades including a recent discovery of fraud worth 4.2 MILLION dollars. It involved penis pumps and seems appropriate considering what happens to taxpayers every time government runs a program.
Remember, the Stimulus (like all Obama spending) is like the Obama Meal. You order and someone behind you has to pay for it…
I recommend that people regularly check in with Citizens Against Government Waste.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: abuse, fraud, irs, lies, medicare, oversight, stimulus, stimulus money, tax cheats, timmy geithner, waste
NAACP Decries Voter ID As Racist
Dec 31, 2011 Political
The debate is raging about voter ID laws. The left continues to claim that they are racist and the intention is to disenfranchise Democrat voters because too many of the Democrat voters don’t have IDs. They ignore the reality that many of these folks need an ID to get government services and that most states requiring IDs will provide them for FREE to those who cannot afford one.
No, this is not good enough for Democrats who conjure up memories of Jim Crow (a Democrat initiative) and scream bloody murder about the poor folks who won’t be able to vote.
Those evil Republicans want to keep people who vote Democrat from voting.
Let’s stop a minute. Are Democrats the only constituency that has people without IDs? Is it commonplace in 2011 (hours from 2012) for that many people to not have an ID? How many people without IDs don’t bother to vote anyway?
The racist folks in Georgia enacted voter ID laws and Democrats saw an INCREASE in the number of people who voted, more so than any other state. Hmm, seems the voter ID requirements did not keep people from voting despite claims by the NAACP that ID laws are designed to suppress the vote.
Still, there are folks on the left who want to scream racism and deny that voter fraud exists. These are the same folks who screamed that voter fraud allowed George Bush to win in Florida in 2000 and in Ohio in 2004. Michael Moore discussed the alleged voter fraud and worked to get people at all the polls in 2004 with video cameras to catch the voter fraud. But, but, but, it does not exist.
I guess there is only voter fraud when a Republican wins. One only needs to look at the elections in Washington State and Minnesota to see how Democrats “find” ballots when their guy loses the first count.
Benjamin Jealous of the NAACP is out stumping for Obama and the Democrats and toeing the party line with the charge of racism. Why, there is little evidence of mass voter fraud. This while the head of the NAACP in Mississippi was sentenced to jail for … wait for it… voter fraud. Ben needs to look within before making stupid statements.
Or was it stupid. He did claim massive voter fraud. Does it matter how massive it is if it turns an election? If only ONE person voted illegally and that allowed a Republican to win would Ben say it was OK?
There are documented cases of voter fraud where people were convicted. Is this list massive? No, but how many more fraudulent votes were cast that no one knows about? How many people voted more than once because they did not have to show an ID? If you know your neighbor is out of town or has died it would be pretty easy to walk into a busy polling place and say you were that person. It has been done and it has been documented. It is not on the scale of massive because we have not caught them all. Too often, these crimes go unnoticed and it is virtually impossible to prove it after the fact. Besides, one court has ruled that the fraud is null and void once someone takes office. Why pursue the illegal votes when it does not matter?
Requiring an ID will take away the votes of dead people and of those who have been voted for by another person. Requiring an ID will take away the possibility of it happening so it will drop the number of fraudulent votes and it will ensure the process is cleaner. Only the person who has the proper ID will cast a vote in that name.
It is pretty simple.
But not simple enough for the race baiters who scream that it hurts people. Maybe more people voted in Georgia because they finally felt their vote would count and that the system had some integrity.
Not good enough for some who think throwing more money at the problem will fix it. This is typical liberal pablum. We have thrown trillions of dollars at poverty and there are as many people (or more) in poverty as when the war on poverty started. The percentage of people in poverty has been about the same since the war on it started and has risen over the last few years. money did not solve that problem.
We throw a lot of money at education. The scores for our children continue to lag behind other nations that spend far less than we do on education. Most of the money does not hit the classroom because it lines the pockets of unions thugs. It goes to teacher’s pensions and to benefits and the children are left behind. Throwing money at this problem has not fixed it.
We have a war on drugs and have spent billions on it. We still have a drug problem in this country and the money has not stopped it.
The money spent on programs never goes to where it is supposed to. We create more bureaucracies and pay more and more people to provide worse and worse results.
Throwing more money at the election process will not fix the problem. People will still be able to vote fraudulently. The motor voter law allows anyone to register to vote when getting a license. Given the number of illegal aliens with a license one can only imagine how many are registered to vote.
The solution is to require IDs and to prosecute any illegal act that escapes the ID requirement. Are there illegal acts that IDs will not prevent? Sure, there are plenty but those are another part of the problem and we need to address them as well.
Polling places should have cameras in place to ensure the poll workers are not tampering with machines. There should be a team of people who verify the machines have no votes cast and each machine is at zero prior to opening the doors. Chicago is well known for its fraud. One of the things they do is vote for all the dead people in town an hour or so before the polls officially open. A former Chicago poll worker told me this in an airport one day. He revealed several things that were done to ensure the “right guy” won.
We can keep this from happening by ensuring the integrity of the system is intact when the polls open. We can also be sure that New Black Panther thugs are not standing out front with sticks intimidating voters.
Pursue these problems even after the election and put the offenders in jail for a long period of time. Then, take away their ability to ever vote again and put them on a registry of convicted voter fraud felons (like the sex offender registry).
Democrats decry voter IDs because they claim those kinds of laws keep Democrats from voting. What they really mean is that they prevent Democrats from voting illegally. They are not worried that people might not vote, they are worried they might lose because the illegal vote was stopped.
Don’t fall for the hype and the hysteria. Require voter IDs.
As a final thought I read where one person (not sure who it was or who they were with) who said that there were no IDs when the Constitution was written and that they can’t be required now. Let’s ignore the reality that we could then not require ID for anything and look at the issue on its face. When the Constitution was written blacks, women and a number of other people could not vote.
Not sure we want to go back there so best not to argue what it was like back then.
There are a number of problems in our voting system that allow fraud. Requiring voter ID will fix one part of the problem. We need to have total reform in order to stop fraud.
If one thinks it is asking to much or putting a hurdle in the way of people to get and use an ID to vote perhaps they should spend some time in the boots of the men and women who die protecting the vote. They don’t think it is too much to ask them to do what they do so it should not be asking too much to ask people to get an ID to vote.
Even if the NAACP thinks otherwise.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: chicago way, dead people, Democrats, fraud, illegal elections, lies, naacp, Obama, voter id
Corzine Did Not Pay The Piper
Dec 16, 2011 Political
Goodfellow Jon Corzine has stolen and wasted the money of a lot of people. Then, after he was no longer Governor of New Jersey, he lost the money of a lot of other people. Corzine’s MF Global went belly up and there is a lot of money that can’t be accounted for. Billions of dollars in people’s money vanished in thin air faster than an Obama grant to a green energy company.
Corzine was grilled on Capitol Hill and some of that grilling came from fellow Democrats. Since it is not unusual for large sums of money to disappear when a Democrat is involved one must assume that the grilling was because it is an election year and Democrats need to play their election year game of pretending to look out for people.
However, it appears as if one Democrat, Senator Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, was relentless for another reason. Corzine did not donate money to her reelection campaign even though she called several times a week asking for donations.
The Democratic senator who savaged Jon Corzine at a high-profile Capitol Hill hearing this week had another reason to go hard on her former colleague — she recently pressed him for campaign contributions but didn’t get any.
“She would literally call once every two or three weeks,” one Corzine intimate said of Sen. Debbie Stabenow (DMich.). New York Post
Now we know why she was so relentless. She did not get her money. The Wiseguy Corzine did not pay tribute to his former colleague so she took him to task.
There is no doubt that Corzine should be in jail with others who have bilked people out of money.
And when he goes there are 535 members of the US Congress who should join him. That number would go way up if we could get those who no longer serve in Congress but are just as guilty of bilking us out of our money.
Perhaps we should set the people in Gitmo free in some country in the Middle East and send all the Congress critters, past and present, there so taxpayers could have a respite from the daily crimes perpetrated on them.
Yeah, that’s the ticket.
And then Stabenow and Corzine would have lots of alone time to discuss things.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: campaign, corzine, election, fraud, gitmo, lies, stabenow