Chris Dumb As A Rock

There is this comedian named Chris Rock. Perhaps you have heard of him. He is a black fellow who rants about white people and some think that is funny. I don’t think he is very funny though some of the things he says are humorous. The bottom line is that 90% of his schtick is a rant about how white people have it great and the poor black guy blah blah.

Only in America, where we have elected the first half black president, could a black comedian who makes millions of dollars cry about how bad the brothers have it. I mean, if it is that bad why doesn’t Rock part with some of his money and help a brother out?

In any event, Dumb as a Rock joined in with a bunch of America haters to ridicule the Fourth of July. There are various tweets about how America sucks and how it is a bad nation and how this and that, you know typical liberal blame America stuff. The kind of stuff you would hear Obama say when he apologizes for this nation.

Many of the tweets were about the nation celebrating independence when blacks were slaves and not independent at the time the Declaration was signed (not all blacks were slaves so some were free but the tweeters failed to make that distinction).

Rock joined the chorus with this tweet:

Happy white peoples independence day the slaves weren’t free but I’m sure they enjoyed fireworks

I am going to help Dumb as a Rock out here. White people were free before Independence Day. White people were free and some blacks were free while others were brought here by other blacks and sold as slaves.

The American Independence had nothing to do with any individual being free, it had to do with our NATION leaving British rule. Yes Chris, the country was unhappy with how King George was doing things so we told him that our country wished to sever our ties and become a separate and distinct nation with our own rule. The whole thing had absolutely nothing to do with one class of people or another being free because white people were already free.

I am sick and tired of people whining about slavery. It was a bad thing and I can’t understand why any person would own another human being but that was the custom of the time and no matter how we feel about it now there is nothing we can do to change the past. Every person who was held as a slave in this country has long ago died and every slave owner has died as well.

There are no more slaves or slave owners except, of course, the minorities owned by the Democrats. Those folks are kept on the liberal plantation and told how to live their lives. But in that case they entered slavery willingly.

This is the year 2012. We have black members of Congress, a black man on the Supreme Court and a half black guy in the White House. There are black entertainers, sports figures and businessmen and they make good money and contribute to society. There are plenty more hard working blue collar black folks who are free to live life as they wish. This is all good and it is high time we stopped with all the howling over slavery. It happened, it ended and it was a long time ago. Let’s move on or as Obama might say, move forward [comrades].

Interestingly enough, the very people who bemoan slavery and white America are the same people who are the most evil racists. Look at how people of all colors on the left treated Herman Cain. Look how they treated Condi Rice and Clarence Thomas.

Celebrate Independence that we got as a nation and celebrate the freedom that comes from those brave white guys who Rock and the other morons so easily dismiss. Or, don’t celebrate if you don’t want to. The evil white guys ensured you were free to do that as well.

I know that the things that happened when we achieved Independence gave us a recognition that we have a right to free speech. Those very white guys Rock hates so much left a gift that he uses to bash the very people who provided it. In other nations Rock would be put to death for his words. Here in America he can say them and some folks can agree with him and others can disagree. I am exercising the same right to tell you what a moron Chris Rock is.

Yes Chris, slavery was a bad thing and it was a horrible way to treat human beings. But look on the bright side Chris. You never had to go through it but because some black folks in Africa captured other black folks and sold them to America your ancestors arrived here and you were created long after slavery ended.

If they had never been brought here you might have been born in Africa.

Then maybe you could have lived in a shack next to Obama’s brother.

The conversation is here at Twitchy

[note]Here is my tweet for Rock:

Hey Chris. I don’t like what you said but will fight to my death defending your right to say it.[/note]

Hell Chris, if you don’t like it here there are plenty of places you can go to. I promise I won’t miss you.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Bloomberg Sours On Sugary Drinks

Looks like Nanny Bloomberg in New York is at it again. The guy just can’t resist butting into people’s lives because for some reason he thinks it is his duty to decide what people need to be healthy. He has already decided that certain things that are bad for folks can’t be used or served in New York restaurants and now he wants to ban drinks with sugar that are larger than 16 ounces.

That’s right, Nanny Bloomberg wants to make it illegal to serve drinks containing sugar that are larger than 16 ounces in most venues in the city.

Bloomberg has not considered that people might just buy two smaller drinks or that they might just start taking sugary drinks to work instead of buying them. His solution though, for any potential loss of sales is to raise the price of the smaller drinks.

Yeah, that typical liberal response to economics is sure to have more folks buying smaller drinks.

People could always take sugar packets with them and buy unsweetened coffee or tea (hot or iced) and add their own sugar. People could take a 32 ounce container and buy two 16 ounce drinks and combine them. People can find all kinds of ways to avoid this stupidity.

That matters not because Bloomberg is convinced this will curb obesity which has evidently not been affected by his ban on trans fats. If this passes (and it will since the people who decide are appointed by him) what will happen when obesity rates do not fall? Will Nanny require everyone to attend morning exercise sessions? Will he ban motor vehicles so people have to walk? One can only guess how oppressive a tyrant will get.

Bloomberg is infringing on the right of the people to engage in commerce as they see fit. He is preventing people from eating and drinking what they want to eat and drink. If they want to eat and drink unhealthy items it is their business and not his.

Bloomberg is not in favor of a free America and the people who put him back in office have only themselves to blame.

I want to know what Nanny Bloomberg will do if people just decide to stop buying drinks in the city. What will he do if people buy packaged drinks at the grocery store and take them with them to work or when they are out and about.

One would think that a place that is losing people to other states because of the anti freedom policies (like what to eat or drink and oppressive taxes) would try not to tick off even more people.

Then again, we are talking about Bloomberg and he is a moron.

In related news the songs Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard and Sugar Sugar by the Archies will no longer be allowed to air in New York and the official song of the once great city will now be No Sugar Tonight by The Guess Who.

I find it ironic that the Statue of LIBERTY is located in New York…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Liberals Are Pro Choice

Except when they are not…

Liberals will fight tooth and nail to support abortion on demand. It, according to their twisted view, is a Constitutionally protected “right.” that must be protected at all costs. It is such a sacrament of the left that it is a major line of questioning when a conservative is nominated to the Supreme Court.

We have heard the arguments. It is a woman’s right to choose. It is her body and it is her decision and no one has a right to interfere with her right to choose. Liberals believe this right exists above the right of the unborn child to live. Yes, liberals even believe this right is more important than the murder of an unborn child who cries in agony as it is aborted.

It is all about the right to choose and liberals believe strongly in that.

Except when they don’t.

Liberals do not believe that people have a right to eat or drink what they want. The FDA went after an Amish farmer who was selling raw milk (unpasteurized) to people. The FDA spent two years investigating the Amish farmer and even set up fake buys in order to catch him. The government is concerned because raw milk can cause disease. This is true but it is also true that it is the right of the people to choose whether or not they want to take that risk. Abortion is allowed even though it almost always results in murder but people cannot choose to drink raw milk that might result in illness.

The FDA and the judge who ruled invoked interstate commerce to enforce the ruling but make no mistake about it, that was just the means to enforce the true issue and that was to deny people the right to drink whatever kind of milk they wanted. The Amish are free to sell the milk to people in Pennsylvania and the FDA can’t stop that but it can use interstate commerce to force people to stop doing something the government thinks is unsafe.

It boils down to the fact that government, particularly liberals (the FDA is inherently liberal), does not like people being free to do things that government finds wrong. Abortion, no problem because liberals bow to the gods of pro choice organizations but freedom to eat or drink what you want, not so much. One only needs to look at Nanny Bloomberg in New York to see that. No salt, no trans fats, no anything that Bloomberg thinks is unhealthy.

And that is not all. Liberals do not believe in our right to choose to keep and bear arms. Of these issues, the right to keep and bear arms is the only one in the US Constitution and liberals ignore it completely. Barack Obama is hell bent on removing our right and stripping the Second Amendment from the Constitution. He and his liberal pals do not believe that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual one even though our Founders explicitly stated that it was and the SCOTUS has ruled that it is (except some Justices on the court. The LIBERAL ones, of course). You have no free choice when it comes to owning and carrying a firearm.

Why is it that liberals think there is no choice in what we can eat or drink and think there is no choice in owing an carrying a firearm but the right to choose an abortion is undeniable?

It is because liberals only believe in things that destroy freedom and destroy life. They are more than happy to sanction murder as an absolute right but are loathe to allow rights that involve freedom.

Liberalism is the ideology of destruction. You might say it is the culture of destruction.

Look for it to get worse as more freedoms are violated and more life destroying “rights” are created out of thin air.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Our Founders Did Not Give Us This Government

First the rogue government passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which includes a provision that allows the government to arrest anyone (including citizens) and detain them indefinitely for any acts the government deems support terrorism. It is well documented that language was introduced that would clearly exclude citizens and that it was voted down.

The language is ambiguous so they will be able to do what they want and will be able to defend their acts using the cover of an illegal law.

But just in case, there is a bill, HR 3166, that would strip US nationals of their citizenship for acts of hostility against the United States. Yes, if the population decides to take the same action against the government that our Founders took then the government would strip those involved of their citizenship. That would certainly make it easier for them to detain us under the NDAA.

Enemy Expatriation Act – Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to include engaging in or purposefully and materially supporting hostilities against the United States to the list of acts for which U.S. nationals would lose their nationality. Defines “hostilities” as any conflict subject to the laws of war. [author note: they can decide what constitutes acts that are subject to the laws of war] Summary

[note]Bill Text[/note]

Perhaps the people in Congress are worried because they have long ago passed the kind of tyranny from which this country fought to escape. They might have an inkling that the country is a powder keg and at anytime the collective last nerve will be plucked.

We conduct our revolutions at the ballot box in this day and age but that does not mean the people do not reserve the right to disband the bonds that tie them to government should that government fail to serve those people.

This bill is designed to allow our government one more tool to usurp the authority granted under the Constitution and to drive another nail in the coffin holding our freedom.

Dissent is patriotic and it is even more patriotic to fight peacefully or otherwise to keep our freedoms and I will be damned if any government official will ever remove my citizenship because I defended the Constitution against any enemy foreign or domestic.

The government is moving toward total control. How long will it be before we are approached with the words, “papers please”?

Oh wait, we already get that when we travel, unless we are illegals and then we are left alone (or given government welfare).

They have us under surveillance, they can detain us indefinitely without due process and now they want to strip our citizenship if we ever defend ourselves against their tyranny.

It would serve them well to remember these timeless words:

“When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” Read the rest of the US Declaration of Independence

Big Dog salute to Addicting Info

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama And Congress Shred The Bill Of Rights

The United States Congress and Barack Obama have codified what the Nazis did in World War II. They have taken the reprehensible act of rounding up free citizens and locking them away without the benefit of a trial and sanctioned it by passing a law that says it is OK.

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for this year took the drastic steps of basically designating the US a battlefield and then allowing people (citizens and non citizens alike) to be taken into custody by the military, detained who knows where and kept as long as the government deems necessary.

Make no mistake, the provisions apply to US citizens the caveat is that the military is not required to take citizens into custody. They have permission to but are not required to. There is no absolutely clear language that forbids US citizens from being apprehended and held without trial and in violation of the rights enumerated in our Constitution. Senator Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat from California, introduced an amendment that would clearly forbid US citizens from being affected by this. It was soundly defeated so you know it applies to citizens.

This was passed by Republicans and Democrats alike and signed into law by Barack Obama. History will show that he was the one who signed a bill into law that shredded the Bill of Rights and turned America into the kind of country that led to the atrocities of Nazi German.

This is no right vs left issue. This issue involves all Americans and the attack on us is coming from both sides of the aisle. Republicans and Democrats worked together to do this to us and it matters little that the man who signed it into law is a Democrat. It would have been just as egregious if it had been done by George Bush (though I can’t help but wonder how many Democrats who remain silent would be screaming bloody murder had it been he) or any other Republican. This is an assault waged by the entire government on the citizens of the country.

The issue has hit a hot button among people from all political beliefs. Salon has an excellent article showing how this applies to US citizens and why it is bad. The ACLU is against this law (though I disagree with their position that it is illegal to hold anyone indefinitely regardless of their legal status) and US Representative Justin Amash has written in length about it. Natural News busts the myth about this not applying to citizens and the points made align with those of the other linked articles.

This Republic is in serious trouble and it is getting worse as those in office continue to clamp down on us and our freedom. We will not take this lying down but how many people will have to whisked away before the general population starts to pay attention? How long do we allow the people in office to have their way with us before we do something about it?

This coming November is a huge election and it is up to us to have a peaceful revolution at the ballot box. VOTE OUT EVERY PERSON WHO VOTED FOR THIS.

And that includes the man who signed it into law. Yes, I know he used a signing statement to express his concerns but signing statements are no more valid when he uses them than when Bush or anyone else used them. They do not bind anyone and have no weight should the issue be challenged. A president can do one of three things when presented with a bill. Using a signing statement is not one of the three. They do not bind future presidents and they do not bind the one who made the original statement. Obama could decide he would rather follow the law as written at any time and his signing statement would mean nothing. Like Executive Orders against abortion…

We have a chance to right the ship by getting rid of all these people and the first step is in the peaceful election process. Should that not work and should they start locking up Americans in violation of the Constitution, well it won’t be a good time in American history. Let’s just leave it at that.

Remember, the argument that if you did not do anything wrong you had nothing to worry about did not fly when the Patriot Act was being debated and it should not fly now.

Keep silent at your own peril but remember, First they came…

See also

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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