Gore Ducks Questions And Journalists Freeze At Copenhagen

Al Gore ducked questions about his statement that the Climategate emails were from 10 years ago. His assertion is misleading at best and a lie at worst. In any event, Gore ignores any question that does not fall in line with the mind numbed drones who blindly follow his hoax. Notice in this video how one of his staff tries to grab the microphone and then how the Nazi guard pulls the cord out of it to cut it off.

While all this was going on the journalists who are at Copenhagen waited in line for hours to gain access to the building. The weather there has been freezing cold with lots of snow (no doubt the result of global warming) and the journalists were complaining that it was cold. Some of them are no doubt global warming believers who are pushing the agenda for Gore and his ilk.

I think it is only fitting that these people froze outside while waiting to get into meetings on global warming.

As the NewsBusters article aptly states, they could have used a little global warming…

Big Dog


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