Obama Is A Failure

Barack Obama has a high opinion of himself. So high, in fact, that he boasts he can do other people’s jobs better than they can.a He does not need to attend his intelligence briefings because is so smart he can read the summary. I don’t know if he can do anyone else’s job better than they can but I do know he can’t do his own very well.

Obama has been dismal with our economy and we are absolutely not better of today than we were when he took office.

And the economy is not the major failure. As it turns out, a lot of our embassies are under attack. A US Ambassador has been murdered as have at least three other people. The violence has spread to a number of countries as the Muslim world attacks our embassies and burns our flag. They then replace our flag with the flag for al-Qaeda.

Barack Obama said the world would be a happy place when he was elected. He told us the relations between us and Muslim countries would improve. He foolishly believed that he is so wonderful that they would never do bad things.

He even went so far as to meddle in their affairs and help change their governments. This helped the Muslim Brotherhood take charge and things have gotten much worse. The fact that he has members of the Muslim Brotherhood in our White House is not any better.

Muslims are attacking us. This is an act of war because they are attacking US soil. Obama’s response to the violence was to jet off to Vegas for a fundraiser. While the bodies of our murdered countrymen were being flown home (after being dragged though the streets) Barack Obama was out raising money to get reelected in a town he said people could not just go off to and spend money.

The media wing of the Democrat party has given him a pass and focused on his challenger, Mitt Romney. Evidently, when Romney spoke on the attacks and the US official response of apology it upset the MSM that their messiah was under attack. Maybe they were upset because Romney looked more presidential than the guy who is supposed to be the president.

Barack Obama has been an absolute failure and he will go down as the worst president in history, a distinction Jimmy Carter currently holds. Under Carter, one US Embassy was attacked. Under Obama we have dozens being attacked and this is destabilizing the Middle East.

Is this the October surprise coming early. Is this how Obama thinks he can win? Will WWIII start and will Obama tell us we can’t change leaders during that kind of crisis?

I would not put anything past Obama and his regime. They are a bunch of lowlife Socialists who hate America. They are determined to destroy us from within.

My answer is hell yes, we can change leaders during any kind of crisis. This is how our government is set up and how it works. Reagan took over from Carter during the Iranian hostage crisis and solved the problem. LBJ took over after Kennedy was assassinated and the transition was smooth.

What will not be smooth is the balance of our nation’s history if we reelect Barack Obama. He has failed us. He has apologized around the world and has demonstrated weakness allowing the people who hate us to be emboldened.

Say what you will about George W Bush but no one attacked us or our embassies after 9/11 when it became clear he would hurt anyone who tried. The Muslims did not think America would retaliate with such ferocity after 9/11 and Bush proved them wrong. They knew he meant it when he threatened to retaliate for any attack and they did not attack.

Obama runs around kissing people’s behinds and apologizing for this nation. He is not a leader, he is not the smartest person in the room (in fact he is the dumbest in any room he enters) and he cannot lead.

The nation and the world are in crisis and we need to take a page out of Rahm’s book and not let this crisis go to waste. It should be used to demonstrate how weak Obama is and how poor he is leading us.

It needs to be a rally cry to get rid of him in November.

If I were president we would recall ALL our diplomats and close all our embassies and we would not send money to any of those countries for any reason. We would then plan and execute strikes on those responsible and remove them from the gene pool. We would never send money to those nations again.

I am tired of taxpayer dollars going to nations that only want to hurt us and who are willing accomplices in the murder of our people and destruction of our property.

They declared war and I would give them one that those who survived would never forget.

Kill them all and let Allah sort them out.

Obama is a failure. As a game show used to say, you are the weakest link; goodbye.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Squeals; Upsets Seals

Barack Obama opposed everything George Bush did with regard to the Global War on Terror (and nearly everything else). He opposed all of the things that led to the killing of Osama bin Laden and when Seal Team Six carried out that mission Obama told Americans that he would not show pictures or make a lot out of it because, as he said, we don’t spike the ball.

That did not stop Barack Obama from taking all the credit for the success of the mission. Obama turned the mission over to a Naval Officer, Admiral William McRaven, and it was he who put the plans into place. Then Seal Team Six carried the mission to success. All of this was done with the mechanisims put into place by George Bush. Then Obama took all the credit.

Congrats to him for giving the order to carry out the mission. That is where his credit ends and the credit begins for all thoise who were actually in harm’s way. You see, while Obama might have suffered political damage from a failure, those who carried out the mission would have suffered injury or death had things gone badly. One only needs to remember Jimmy Carter and his disasterous plans in Iran to see what happens when a mission goes bad. Carter lost reelection but is still alive. Those who participated in his ill conceived mission in the desert have been dead for decades.

Now, the Navy Seals are not very happy with Barack Obama. They give him credit for giving the go on the mission but are very unhappy that he is using it as a political tool in his bid for reelection. They do not like being props for Obama’s campaign and they do not like the spotlight on them or their actions. They are upset that Obama is claiming that only he would have given the order and that Mitt Romney (the presumptive Republican nominee) would not have done so.

There is no way to know what Romney would have done but the Seals believe that any president would have given the order.

I have to disagree with that a little. While I have no doubt that Romney possesses leadership abilities and would have given the order, I have to disagree with the idea that any president would have.

Bill Clinton had the opportunity to take out Bin Laden on three occasions and he declined to do so. There is no doubt that Clinton had Osama bin laden in our crosshairs three times and each time he said no. One of his advisors (Sandy Berger) even stole papers from the National Archives to cover up information relating to this. If Bill Clinton had given the order on any of those occasions 9/11 might not have happened.

Ironically, the campaign ad the Seals are upset with features Bill Clinton telling viewers that Obama took the harder and more honorable path when he ordered that bin Laden be killed. This means that Clinton took the easier and less honorable path.

It is also interesting to note that the ad starts with the word Forward which has been a Socialist slogan for a very long time.

It was a great day for America and the world when Obama put into action the plans made possible by George Bush and ended the life of Osama bin Laden. It is not so honorable for the leader of this country to use this for political gain in order to be reelected.

The Navy Seals don’t like it and in the overall scheme of things their opinion matters more than that of Obama.

He gave the order but they risked it all to make it happen.

And it is not just the Seals who think this…

Is the luster wearing off?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Tuscon Was Bush’s Fault Too?

Among all the conservatives that were falsely blamed for the shooting in Tuscon, George Bush was surprisingly absent. Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and any conservative with a platform from which to speak was blamed for the shooting. Before I go on, let’s be clear. The only blame lies with the shooter.

I had expected George Bush to be among the names mentioned as responsible and was finally rewarded by a commenter here who claimed that Bush was as guilty because he ended the assault weapons ban which restricted high capacity magazines like the one the shooter used. The argument is that if the magazine was not available he would have been reduced to a 10 round version rather than a 30 round one. Obviously a 10 round magazine would have allowed at most 10 people to be shot but this ignores two things.

One is that a person who is intent on injuring someone will do so and a skilled shooter can change magazines during a heated situation. This would be slower than using a 30 round magazine but skilled shooters (which this shooter did not appear to be) can do it.

The second and most important issue is that the weapons ban only prevented the manufacture of new high capacity magazines.

The shooter could have bought a used one or a new one that had been manufactured before the law went into effect and he would have had a perfectly legal magazine.

Therefore, the expiration of the AWB had nothing to do with allowing this psycho to obtain a high capacity magazine. He could have gotten one legally regardless.

And since he was not a particularly law abiding citizen he could have gotten one illegally.

The argument that Bush was also responsible is moronic at best and demonstrates a lack of understanding.

The only person responsible for this tragedy is the shooter who was mentally unstable.

Perhaps if the big mouthed sheriff out there had done his job the shooter would have had a mental evaluation. A diagnosis of a mental illness would have prevented him from legally buying the weapon in the first place.

Real Clear Politics

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Waters Blames Problems On Bush

Is there nothing that Democrats will blame on George Bush? Obama inherited a bad economy (after Democrats were in charge of Congress) and it was Bush’s fault. Obama stubs his toe, Bush’s fault. Michelle Obama skips a period, Bush’s fault. Every time one turns around some Democrat (usually the cry baby Obama) is blaming George Bush for one problem or another.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that Maxine Waters is blaming her ethical lapses on, wait for it…. George Bush.

Embattled Rep. Maxine Waters on Friday blamed the Bush administration for her ethics problems — saying she had to intervene with the Treasury Department on behalf of minority-owned banks seeking federal bailout funds — including one tied to her husband — because the Treasury Department wouldn’t schedule its own appointments. FOX News

There is no doubt that this Socialist broke the rules and did things she was not supposed to do. There is no doubt that she did something in her official capacity that benefited her and her husband financially. She probably did nothing different than many other politicians who have been entrenched in Congress for way too long but she got caught. As an aside, she and Charlie Rangel have been brought up on charges and face a public trial and both of them backed Hillary Clinton. I wonder if that played into this…

In any event the manipulation of facts in both cases is stunning. Rangel blames problems on Republicans who are out to get him and refuse to let him make a deal (as if he is discussing with Monty Hall) and he blames some lapses on his memory. He is an 80 year old man who might have forgotten. Here is a clue, then he does not belong in Congress.

As for Waters, she is blaming George Bush as if he called her up and told her to go ahead and help out the bank her husband was invested in. No, the person who actually helped her was Barney Frank who added wording to legislation to help out the bank.

That does not negate the fact that Waters did things she was not supposed to.

She broke the rules and she must pay. She is now forced to eat the very words she used against then Speaker Newt Gingrich and I love watching it happen. I hope she goes down in flames.

And if she does, well then I guess I am OK with Bush getting the credit for that part of it.

Maxine, you Socialist pig, no one twisted your arms and made you do bad things. You did them yourself so woman up and accept responsibility for what you did and quit blaming others.

And then do us all a favor and quit.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Pelosi Is Delusional

Nancy Pelosi is using the favorite tactic of the left, the method of leadership that defines the morons residing in liberal land and that is to blame George Bush. Pelosi has blamed the Gulf oil spill on Bush (I bet he blew up the oil rig like he did the levees in New Orleans) and says it is the people he put in the positions of oversight who botched this.

“Many of the people appointed in the Bush administration are still burrowed in the agencies that are supposed to oversee the [oil] industry,” Pelosi said when asked if Democrats could have prevented or mitigated the crisis by keeping a closer watch on the industry.

Added the Speaker, “the cozy relationships between the Bush administration’s agency leadership and the industry is clear…I’ve heard no complaints from my members about the way the president has handled it,” Pelosi stated. Washington Examiner

The Examiner asked for the names of these people to whom Pelosi refers but no response was received. Don’t hold your breath waiting for Pelosi to provide them.

No matter who put these people in their jobs (and the one Obama put in was fired or resigned) they work for Obama and the oil spill happened on his watch. If there was no oversight then this too happened on his watch.

He has had 18 months to make changes and get things right (if he thought they were wrong) but he has allowed his point person to botch things, skip inspections, and give awards to oil rigs for the safety displayed.

And if Pelosi has had no complaints from her members then she has not been paying attention. There are some House Democrats who are not happy with Obama and the response. If they did not complain to her directly then she should turn on the news.

Rewriting history is a tactic the left loves.

Here is a newsflash. The public is tired of hearing everything blamed on Bush. There comes a time when the people in power have to accept responsibility and that time has long passed. The public knows who is in charge and who is responsible.

Let us band together to fire Nancy Pelosi from her job as Speaker.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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