Liberals Must Not Have Carbon Footprints
Jul 28, 2015 Political
Liberals are always screaming about global warming and they are sure to tell us that there is a consensus of scientists who say it is a major problem. Of course the planet warms and cools all the time but these folks are talking about man made global warming due to carbon production.
These folks neglect to tell us that many of the scientists on their list of those in agreement are not climate scientists and they also neglect to report that of those climate scientists who do agree many receive taxpayer money to do research on global warming.
Liberals want us to change our lifestyles by driving fuel efficient or electric automobiles, by moving to alternative fuel sources and by changing how we do things so that we do not produce carbon.
Of course while they expect us to radically change our lives for an unproven theory (one designed to extort more money from us) they have no intention of living the way they want us to.
Hillary Clinton gave a speech today outlining her plan to address global warming and after she left she got on a private jet that burns hundreds of gallons of fuel an hour and has a huge carbon footprint.
Clinton wants people to believe she is just like them. She was, after all, broke when they left the White House. She thinks people are idiots (and she is right when it comes to those who support her or liberal policies). She is nothing like the rest of us. While we are working hard to make ends meet she is jetting around on private airplanes that leave tons of carbon in the air. She does this while screaming about global warming caused (in the minds of liberals) by excessive carbon.
The sad part is that Hillary is not alone. Nearly every liberal who screams about global warming jets around in private planes and is transported by limousines that are often left idling so they stay cool or warm.
We can’t have liberals being uncomfortable, now can we?
Hillary says one thing and does another.
It is obvious she was born with a silver foot in her mouth…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: global warming, Hillary, hypocrisy, lies
Global Warming Really Is Man Made
Mar 16, 2015 General
I can see it now. Yes my friends I have seen the light and I am now ready to concede that global warming is a man made thing.
For those of you who thought I had strong convictions that warming comes and goes and that it is the result of our sun’s activity you have nothing to worry about because I still feel that way and the most recent data show this to be correct.
However, I am now a convert in believing that global warming is man made because I recently discovered what it is all about.
You see, when scientists look at the temperatures over a long time they can see a trend and this is how they decide if we are getting cooler, warmer, or staying the same.
Over the past 100 years or so the temperature data has shown that we are not warming or the warming is so small it matters not. BUT, scientists have been going back and “correcting” (read changing) the temperature data to decrease the previous temperatures so that it LOOKS like we have gotten much warmer over all that time.
Mind you, we have not really gotten warmer, they just changed the data so it LOOKS like it.
A man made the changes so in effect, we really do have man made global warming.
Though I would call it man FABRICATED global warming.
This is how Al Gore and the rest of the climate nazis work. They are not getting what they like so they manipulate the data to show the results they want. How else can they scam us out of billions of dollars while they get rich?
If they can’t show results then government won’t fund them and the government can’t fleece us of our hard earned money while it works to enslave us to more and more unnecessary regulation in order to CONTROL our lives.
Al Gore states that the science is settled and that 97% of scientists agree that man made global warming exists. He is lying, of course, because they surveyed all kinds of scientists and only took the ones that agreed with them.
In any event, 100% of them can all agree, as I now do, man made global warming is real because some men are making it all up.
What next? Will they manipulate the job numbers to make us think the economy is in great shape?
Oops, too late….
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: al gore, data, fabrication, global warming, lies, man made, scam
Global Warming
May 6, 2014 Political
The White House today announced a new push to spend all of our money to solve Climate Change! OOOHHHH!!
Liberals are STILL trying to scare the public over ‘Climate Change’ – even after all those emails released in November 2009 from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) UTTERLY PROVED it was nothing but a scam – in fact, MORE emails detailing how they HID DATA were QUIETLY released in 2011 – but the GREASY LIBERAL CONMAN AL GORE STILL FLIES AROUND ON HIS CARBON SPEWING JET TELLING EVERYONE ELSE TO STOP USING FUEL OIL!
Twenty-nine (29) years ago, when the Left Wingnuts first started freaking everyone out over how Global Warming would put NYC and the coasts under water in 20 years, I (who was in College studying the environment AND computers) said “Wait a minute, computers can’t model the Earths atmosphere, it’s too complex – there are literally BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of Data Points – something is wrong with those models” – everyone said I was nuts.
My family still lives in NYC – they ARENT using Scuba Gear even though EVERY computer model said it would be UNDER WATER!!!!
What I’ve come to realize these Global Warming/Climate Change FANATICS have is a PAGAN BELIEF the Earth is Gaia, a goddess that needs to be worshiped and protected – not the Garden The Lord meant it to be.
Tags: al gore, global warming
Obama Warned Of High Temperatures
Jan 7, 2014 Political
In November of 2013 Barack Obama signed an Executive order on Climate change. In that EO Obama said that excessively high temperatures are already harming public health nationwide.
Temperatures have been low for the past decade (or more) and now the nation is plunged into an arctic nightmare with sub zero temperatures and massive snow and ice storms. These things are causing all kinds of havoc across the nation as nearly all states suffer unusually cold temperatures.
Global warming is a hoax perpetrated on us by people using an alleged concern for the environment in order to spend taxpayer money and to get rich in the process. Global Warming nuts always look like fools. Look at how well the recent global warming adventures have played out with regard to the polar ice. The climate do-gooders went to check on the shrinking ice and got stuck in the GROWING ice. Then two ice breakers got stuck trying to rescue the fools.
Think about how much carbon was produced by this misadventure.
B. Hussein Obama, the Imperial Leader, was in toasty Hawaii over the holidays and his carbon footprint was huge. The rest of us were freezing in spite of the excessively high temperatures Obama invented…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: executive order, frigid temps, global warming, lies, Obama
If Al Gore Had His Way We’d Have Fried
Sep 12, 2013 General
For a very long time now Al Gore and the followers of the Church of Global Warming have been telling us that Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the culprit in manmade global warming and that we need to reduce this greenhouse gas or we would all suffer from rising temperatures.
These allegations flew in the face of history which showed cyclic climate activity with periods of cold and periods of heat. The planet was not boiling over tens of thousands of years ago when the CO2 level was many times higher than it is now.
This did not stop the climate alarmists from screaming about the end of the world if we did not spend tons of money to solve the problem (even though we do not have the money and cannot change nature).
The revelations about phony data and data manipulation did not stop the adherents to the Church of Global Warming from continuing their quest to enslave us under the guise of saving the planet.
They pressed on with their plans and they did so while they flew in their jets and rode in their limousines. They have continued to press on even as data show the polar ice caps getting bigger.
But if Al Gore had his way and we had actually been able to lower the CO2 level then we might have all fried from increased planet temperatures. You see, NASA has conducted research and concluded that CO2 (and other greenhouse gasses) in the atmosphere actually blocks up to 95% of the harmful solar rays that would increase the planet’s temperature.
NASA’s Langley Research Center has collated data proving that “greenhouse gases” actually block up to 95 percent of harmful solar rays from reaching our planet, thus reducing the heating impact of the sun. Principia Scientific
The entire global warming/climate change scheme is designed to rid you of your money and your freedom. Al Gore got very rich off this sham as did many other people.
This is not to say we should not be good stewards of our planet. We should clean our mess and find ways to create less pollution BUT we should not do so at the expense of phony science and our freedom.
Al Gore said the science was settled. I think he meant the phony science was settled.
The real scientists have found that CO2 is beneficial to our existence and increased levels keep us from heating up.
Maybe Gore should return his Nobel.
Perhaps he can get a deal on shipping if he sends it back in the same box with Obama’s.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: al gore, global warming, lies, nasa