Global Warming Science That Hides The Truth

Looks like the Global Warming science that is “settled” became a bit unsettled after a large amount of data from climate scientists was either hacked into or released by an insider. The email messages among climate scientists paints a picture of deception and cover-up.

Scientists lamented about data that showed cooling rather than warming, discussed tricks to manipulate data to get the results they wanted, lamented over data that showed a cooling trend, cheered the death of a scientist critical of global warming, and discussed ways of breaking the law to avoid freedom of information requests as well as ways to keep critics from publishing peer reviewed papers.

Not that any of this has been thoroughly investigated by the main stream media.

Does this mean that man made global warming is a hoax? Not in and of itself though it is highly suggestive that the so called settled science is anything but settled.

The so called reputable scientists that global warming supporters point to as the beacons of truth have taken a serious hit because they demonstrated that they are not so reputable after all. Their leaked emails show a group of people who manipulated science to push an agenda rather than people who used science to prove or disprove global warming.

This shows what I have said all along and that is the science is not settled. It can’t be when the data used to settle it is flawed. It also shows that while we need to continue using good science to investigate the climate, we do not need to commit trillions of dollars to something that is quite unsettled.

The global warming crowd tried to squeeze out scientists who did not toe the line for the cause and this has come back to bite them.

The hockey stick graph has been discredited and now the scientists involved in global warming study have been discredited as well.

Al Gore needs a new line because the science is not settled.

If anything, the dishonesty is quite unsettling.

Daily Mail UK
Washington Times
Guardian UK (Lamenting about how this hurts and throwing blame to deniers)
WSJ (very damning article)

Big Dog


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Remember-Al Gore Lies

In his movie, “An Inconvenient Truth”, Al spews so much misinformation about the climate and man’s alleged part in the heating of the planet, that I have never been able to look at him as more than a cheap and talentless comedian, like a poor man’s Steven Wright, without the good delivery on a punchline. There is just so much BS a man can take before he feels compelled to call Al out on it.

First, these people said the Globe was cooling, in the 70s and 80s- we were going to have a new ice age– when all that did was cause people to stock up on firewood, they felt that they had to rethink their method of propaganda, and indeed the message itself- after all, there were no glaciers sliding down to swallow up Minneapolis- St. Paul, or Fargo. Too bad- that sure would have sealed the deal- but no- so they then said it was global warming, which seemed to work, especially after the summer of ’98- where we in Texas suffered through the hottest May on record, and the rest of the summer was fairly warm also.

But then we had the Hurricanes- now, we have always had hurricanes, and as someone who has grown up on the Gulf Coast, I have gone through many- and I know there will always be hurricanes. Cooling, warming, it doesn’t matter- there will always be some. That is a part of the climate on the Gulf Coast- Deal with it.

But after the year of Katrina and Rita, Al and his posse ramped up their Warming rhetoric- then it was the next year, and as luck would have it it was one of the quietest hurricane seasons on record. Al & Co. were floored– the devastation did not occur- even worse, the climate was cooling- bad news when your message is Global Warming, so in a flash, they changed their brand yet again, this time to one that was ambiguous enough to be valid, no matter what the climate did.

And climate does what it wants, indeed it can be argued that Co2, a trace gas, is not responsible for global anything- but a needed and vital part of the cycle of life, as plants use this gas to breathe. We need Co2– if there are any culprits, it is not this gas.

The Washington Post’s own Meteorologist Matt Rogers had this to say about “settled science” and human intervention:
My belief is that they are over-estimating anthropogenic (human) forcing influences and under-estimating natural variability (like the current cold-phase Pacific Decadal Oscillation; To be blunt, the computer models that policy-makers are using to make key decisions failed to collectively inform us of the flat global land-sea temperatures seen in the 2000s. The argument that the air we currently exhale is a bona fide pollutant due to potential impacts on climate change flummoxes me. CO2 is also plant food. As a meteorologist, verification is very important for guiding my work and improving future forecasts. The verification for global warming is struggling. Three of four major datasets that track global estimates show 1998 as the warmest year on record with temperatures flat or falling since then. Even climate change researchers now admit that global temperature has been flat since that peak.  The coincident timing of major solar minimums with cooler global temperatures (such as during the Little Ice Age) suggests that maybe the sun is underestimated as a component for influencing climate.  Indeed, recent research has suggested the solar factor is underestimated. Perhaps one day, we’ll have a different version of James Carville’s famous political quote…something like “It’s the sun, stupid!” Does climate change hysteria represent another bubble waiting to burst? From the perspective of the alarmism and the saturation of the message, the answer could be yes.

Whether the climate is cooling, or warming is an argument one can go round and round about- each side  can present figures and graphs that show what they want- the fact that so many scientists have now questioned the validity of this incomplete study, and alarmist BS, should cause every Senator to say, “Whoa”, when thinking about passing the enormously wasteful and unnecessary Waxman- Markey Bill on” Climate Change”- the costs are huge, and the benefits almost non- existent except as a means of controlling and taxing people. With the progressives, it’s all about the taxes. It’s never about the truth- that really would be inconvenient, wouldn’t it?

Joe Bastardi, a meteorologist at Accuweather, has held views that man might not be the primary causal agent in any climate change-

In addressing the case of Arctic ice, Bastardi displayed a photograph of a U.S. Navy submarine surfaced at the North Pole on March 17, 1954. The vessel is not surrounded by ice but by open water. Bastardi said, “Because earth was warmer before man, it can certainly be warmer with man.”

Bastardi pressed for a more open and honest debate on the climate change theory. He explained that he did not dismiss arguments contrary to his and he in fact welcomed them. He said however, “I don’t want to drive all this off the table. I just don’t want all this nonsense going on that every single weather event is because of global warming. This is preposterous.”

Acknowledging that the views he expressed have become controversial, Bastardi said, “I am not, nor do I seek, to be a spokesman on the AGW [Anthropogenic Global Warming] issue.” Rather he said he simply wanted people to “be informed and not simply throw stones.”

Bastardi joined a growing line of meteorologists and scientists that are questioning the manmade climate change theory. Dr. William Gray, Professor Emeritus of Colorado State University who is best known for his hurricane forecasts, has long railed against the manmade climate change theory and specifically against the outrageous claims of its advocates like James Hansen. John Coleman, one of the founders of the Weather Channel, has long said that he believed global warming was “the greatest scam in history.”

He posts more on his thoughts, but the upshot is that this Waxman- Markey bill should not be passed- not until we have objectively looked at ALL of the evidence, not just the “evidence” presented by those paid to deliver said opinions.

Everyone is familiar with the fact that in a courtroom, each side can and do present their side, with so- called “experts” that produce divergent points of view. So why would our government just listen to one side before crafting a bill that will destroy jobs, and communities, and make us less secure?

Our future deserves a better hearing, a fairer hearing.

Stop this very bad bill now.

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Gorebal Warming

[note]No one knows exactly how much Earth’s climate will warm due to carbon emissions, but a new study this week suggests scientists’ best predictions about global warming might be incorrect.[/note]

Looks like the settled science gets less settled each day. CO2 is used to explain the theory but it is not the only possible explanation and it looks as if CO2 does not have the great affect that the global warming community states. The problem is that they have decided that CO2 is the answer and have stopped looking (that is what it means when the science is settled) so other possibilities are discounted and those espousing them are ridiculed as not the right kind of scientist or a hack. The field of science is only unimportant if the sceientist in question believes in and supports global warming. Then it does not matter because he supports the position. As an aside, the EPA worker who was quited was deemed to be an economist and not a scientist. He actually was a scientist AND and economist. He has degrees in both fields. Ace digs into this in greater detail at the linked article.

I have stated many times that this is something that needs more research before we invest trillions of dollars into fixing what might not be the problem. One day we might find out that there was nothing we could do, or there was not a problem, or that it was natural and cyclic. By that time though, we will have spent huge sums of money and a few folks will have gotten very rich off the entire deal. Al Gore has increased his wealth substanially on his warming crusade and he will increase it more if cap and trade is passed. So will Goldman Sachs and General Electric, companies who are heavily vested in this scam.

The more that research is done (by deniers or those looking for the truth) the less settled things are and that cannot make the warmers happy. The longer it drags out and the more that is discovered, the less opportunity they have to make lots of money. This is why things have to be done NOW. The planet does not have a fever, the warmers have an itch, an itch they want to scratch with lots of our money. But the problems keep arising. According to a Rice University media release (reporting on a study from Natural Geoscience):

“In a nutshell, theoretical models cannot explain what we observe in the geological record,” said oceanographer Gerald Dickens, a co-author of the study and professor of Earth science at Rice University. “There appears to be something fundamentally wrong with the way temperature and carbon are linked in climate models.”

Cap and trade is an albatross that will cost us a fortune and result in lost jobs. Obama and the supporters keep saying it will create jobs but the bill specifically provides money for people who lose their jobs as a result of the legislation which means they know it will cost jobs. This is the wrong way to do things and we will be forced to absorb the crushing blow this would have to the country all in the name of an unsettled science.

It is time to defeat the cap and TAX bill and allow research (unbiased research) to look at the issue without the static and background noise provided by Gore and his band of merry warmers.

Big Dog

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Monday Morning Buffet

Sheep Grow Contrary to Evolutionary Principle, Blame Global Warming

Evolution is another of the “settled” scientific ideas that is still unsettled. A gene in humans that appears to be the combination of two genes from a primate could be evolution or it could mean that a Creator used the same model for different similar animals and changed the code slightly to give the observed differences. When evolution theory does not fit neatly in the science, an excuse is needed.

In Scotland, a breed of sheep is getting smaller. According to CBC News:

Evolutionary theory holds that species get bigger and stronger over time because larger, more dominant animals are more likely to reproduce. But wild sheep on the Scottish island of Hirta have baffled scientists since 2007 when the animals’ average size appeared to be shrinking.

So what could be the problem here? Well of course it is Global Warming. Scientists believe that “climate change” is responsible for this.

So the questions are, if evolution takes place over a period of time how could global warming since 2007 (a mere two years) effect such a rapid change? Also, if evolution involves adaptation of the sepcies and survival of the fittest, would not the sheep adapt to the warming? I guess one could claim that the smaller size is an adaptation but that brings us back to how it occurred so quickly?

About That Free Government Health Care

The Obama Administration is working on government run health care. It would cost a fortune and it would leave people waiting in line for services. There is no such thing as a free lunch, so the saying goes and this is true with government run health care. The government will use taxes and it will have to tax more. Medicare is poorly run despite claims of a 2% overhead. This is a fallacy resulting from creative accounting practices used by the government. You see, many government agencies perform functions for Medicare and the cost of those functions are not reported (how much does it cost for the IRS to collect Medicare from paychecks) but in private industry those costs must be directly borne and reported. Government has never run anything efficiently. Government will ration care to contain costs and if it needs more money it will raise taxes.

The wonderful British and Canadian systems are the subject of a John Stossel report:

In England, health care is “free”—as long as you don’t mind waiting. People wait so long for dentist appointments that some pull their own teeth. At any one time, half a million people are waiting to get into a British hospital. A British paper reports that one hospital tried to save money by not changing bedsheets. Instead of washing sheets, the staff was encouraged to just turn them over.


“People line up for care, some of them die. That’s what happens,” says Canadian doctor David Gratzer, author of The Cure. He liked Canada’s government health care until he started treating patients.

“The more time I spent in the Canadian system, the more I came across people waiting for radiation therapy, waiting for the knee replacement so they could finally walk up to the second floor of their house.” “You want to see your neurologist because of your stress headache? No problem! Just wait six months. You want an MRI? No problem! Free as the air! Just wait six months.”

Polls show most Canadians like their free health care, but most people aren’t sick when the poll-taker calls. Canadian doctors told us the system is cracking. One complained that he can’t get heart-attack victims into the ICU.

Video here

Biden Says Everyone Misread Economy

In an ABC interview, Joe Biden stated that the administration and everyone else misread the economy.

“The truth is, we and everyone else misread the economy,” Biden told me during our exclusive “This Week” interview in Iraq.

Of course Joe had to say that they misread how awful the mess was that Bush left them but quickly acknowledged that the mess was now all theirs.

Yes there was an economic mess when Bush left office. Bush’s abandonment of capitalism and acceptance of huge government bailouts made the problem worse than it would have been. If it had been left alone it might have begun to rebound by the time Obama took office or not long after. But the government meddled and made the problem it created worse. The government created the mess with the Community Reinvestment Act and government continued to push for practices that were disastrous. While many friends of the Democrats got rich, the country was heading south fast.

Contrary to what Joe Says, not everyone misjudged the economy. Some economists saw the downturn coming (Bush and McCain warned, a number of times, about impending doom with Freddie and Fannie). Others advocated doing little in regard to government intervention and that things would rebound, as they had plenty of times before. It is called an economic cycle for a reason.

The Obama Administration could not wait to get in and start spending. They could not let a crisis go to waste so they passed a nearly one trillion dollar stimulus that has done nothing to stimulate. Unemployment will be 10% before the end of Summer.

In the interview Biden admits they were overly optimistic when they predicted that unemployment would not go over (would peak at) 8% with the stimulus (that should settle the critics on this issue, there was no caveat. He spelled it out plainly for the Obamabots).

This was never about helping the economy. This was about spending for Democrat pet projects. This was about forcing more and more government involvement into the free market. This was an excuse to take over businesses and the banking system. This was an excuse to move us closer to Socialism. Obama did not misjudge anything.

He knows exactly what he wants to accomplish.

Big Dog

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Obama; Earth Day For Thee But Not For Me

Barack Obama is admittedly the most tech savvy person ever to occupy the White House. His network of electronic supporters is in the millions and he is so attached to new technology he is getting a special super dooper Blackberry so he can stay connected. His staff includes a bunch of young folks who are wise to the electronic age. He has used web based video to his advantage and yet, he declined to use technology on Earth Day.

Barack Obama went on a little trip to Des Moines in Air Force One to talk about Earth Day and how we all had to conserve. He burned about 9000 gallons of fuel in order to tell us to conserve. This is another do as I say moment for an elected official.

With all the tech wizards he has around him would it have been too difficult for him to give his sermon from the White House and broadcast it via the Internet? He could have saved 9000 gallons of fuel and the resultant carbon footprint by using technology instead of an airplane (and helicopter and limo).

He is cut from the same cloth as Al Gore who tells us to ride bikes and reduce our carbon footprint while he uses more energy in a year than some small countries.

It all amounts to we the people are supposed to cut back and conserve but those who are leading us are free to use as they wish because they are important. Besides, the taxpayer paid for the fuel and the trip so what does it matter to The Won?

I have always been skeptical of Earth Day and the celebrations. The hypocrites who attend the gatherings use fuel to get there, smoke tobacco (and who knows what else) and then leave tons of trash lying around. All the while they tell us to save the planet for our children.

If only they had the same approach with regard to the out of control spending by our government. Man Made Global Warming is unproven and those who, in 1975, said we would be in an ice age by 2000 are telling us we will be melting in a decade. They can’t tell us with certainty what the weather will be this weekend but they can tell us what it will be in 10 years.

The debt we are accumulating, at record paces mind you, will absolutely be passed on to our children and grandchildren and the sad thing is they have no hope of ever being able to pay it all off.

All that fuel and he could have accomplished much more by using the web.

Do as I say and not as I do you peons.

Before the libs start linking to show me how much fuel Bush used on past Earth Days keep in mind the premise. Obama is the most tech savvy leader of this country. And Obama is a worshiper of global warming while Bush was not.

Big Dog

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