I Thought The Science Of Global Warming Was Settled
Mar 17, 2009 Political
The global warming fanatics and Gorebots all say that man made global warming is an absolute certainty and that the science is settled. Al Gore refuses to debate the issue mostly because he is a charlatan and would get his lunch handed to him in a real debate, so he just says the science is settled. I have always said that I do not believe in man made global warming and that warming and cooling cycles on the Earth have occurred for a very long time, long before man was here, and that they would continue. I also believe that it is related to sunspot activity.
However, I also said that we should certainly do research on the issue. I don’t believe the science is settled but believe we should look into it and see if there is a link to man (one big enough to make a difference). I don’t think we should spend a fortune on something that is unproven.
No matter what I say to the global warmers I hear that the science is settled and that ALL scientists agree. Well, maybe there are a few who don’t but all the cool ones do. Then how do we explain this:
“But if we don’t understand what is natural, I don’t think we can say much about what the humans are doing. So our interest is to understand — first the natural variability of climate — and then take it from there. So we were very excited when we realized a lot of changes in the past century from warmer to cooler and then back to warmer were all natural,” Tsonis said. WISN [emphasis mine]
Now here we have a group of scientists who have conducted experiments and concluded that the changes over the past century were natural. How does that square up with the global warming scammers and their claim that it is all man made and that it is getting worse? How does this square up with the “all scientists agree and the science is settled?”
I guess these guys did not get the memo…
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Tags: al gore, global warming, nature, scam, science
Al Gore; Silly To Keep Debating It
Mar 8, 2009 Political
Al Gore has led the crusade against the catastrophic event known as Man Made Global Warming. He has a PowerPoint slide show and he goes around talking about all the calamities that will occur if we don’t spend untold (but no doubt huge) sums of money correcting the problem. Gore, who uses more energy in a month than most people use in a year, stands to profit greatly from his scheme. The problem is, selling it.
The way Gore sold it was to get a bunch of scientists who agree with him (many of whom receive government money to do the research) together, ignore the large numbers of those who disagree and then claim the science was settled. The “scientist” Al Gore claimed that the science was settled even though there has been no proof (only evidence) provided by the scientific community that he claims is on board.
Gore was at the WSJ’s Eco:nomics conference in California and he was confronted by a skeptical Danish environmentalist named Bjorn Lomborg who challenged Gore to debate the issue. Gore’s response was typical:
“I want to be polite to you,” Mr. Gore responded. But, no. “The scientific community has gone through this chapter and verse. We have long since passed the time when we should pretend this is a ‘on the one hand, on the other hand’ issue,” he said. “It’s not a matter of theory or conjecture, for goodness sake,” he added. WSJ
First of all I reject the claim that the science is settled. Gore however, feels that it is settled and should not be debated because the experts have said it is so.
Now, let’s go back to the 2000 election which should not be too difficult because my friends on the left live there. They cite Florida as an example of how Republicans steal elections (while ignoring places where they are really stolen by Democrats) and they have always referred to Bush as an illegitimate president. There were a number of recounts after the election and every one showed that George Bush won. The vote count and the election ARE settled but that has not stopped the left from continuing to debate it.
Al Gore refers to himself as a person who was once the next president of the United States.
Perhaps it is time for Al and his minions on the left to pay heed to their own advice. Or to put it in Al’s language:
“I want to be polite to you,” sayeth the Big Dog. But, no [we don’t want to debate the 2000 election]. “The media have gone through this chapter and verse and counted and counted. We have long since passed the time when we should pretend this is a ‘on the one hanging chad, on the other hanging chad’ issue,” he sayeth. “It’s not a matter of theory or conjecture, for goodness sake, Al, you lost”
Unlike the 2000 election, global warming is far from settled. However, if liberals are concerned they can participate in my carbon offset plan.
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Tags: 2000 election george bush, debate, global warming, gore
Obama Leadership Equals Crisis Management
Mar 7, 2009 Political
There is no doubt that Barack Obama assembled one of the greatest teams in history to run his campaign. He always had surrogates to go on the attack or to make claims of racism while he appeared to remain above the fray. His fund raising set all kinds of records. He received money from all over the world and some of the donors were American citizens who donated only the legal amount. His team was able to hide the fund raising shenanigans and keep on moving on.
Then the unflappable, charismatic junior Senator from Illinois actually won. That is when he found out that leading a campaign is a lot different than leading the country. Obama is getting more gray hair each day as his “tracking poll” from the stock market keeps making a nosedive. He has already spent more money than the complete cost of the war and has raised the deficit higher than Bush did in eight years. Bush took a small Clinton deficit and nearly doubled it and Obama has nearly tripled it (for those who think Clinton had a surplus, using the same accounting tricks the war on terror has cost NOTHING). Obama said he would abandon the Bush policies and there would not be more of the same. I guess tripling the deficit instead of doubling it counts.
People are getting weary of Obama because he has clearly demonstrated that he cannot lead. He is finding out that it is one thing to run for office and promise the world but that it is quite another to actually have to do something. The leadership of Obama (if we can actually call it that) is crisis management. This has been elaborated upon several times and Obama confirmed it today. The crisis management approach was lain out by Rahm Emanuel who stated:
“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”
This was what Rahm said prior to Obama taking office and in the midst of the economic meltdown that was created by Democratic policies and probably assisted along by Obama supporters when there was a mysterious huge run on the financial market.
What the ballerina is saying is that they know that in normal times there are things that would not pass the sniff test in Congress. There are items that will not pass no matter what and that there are others that might pass but they would be politically unwise. With a crisis they can hype it up for all it is worth and pass things that would otherwise never pass just by screaming crisis and telling people that the world will end if we do not act NOW!
Interestingly, Hillary Clinton said the same thing on her little jaunt to Europe.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told an audience Friday “never waste a good crisis,” and highlighted the opportunity of rebuilding economies in a greener, less energy-intensive way. al-Reuters
Here the focus is on the environment and making things all nice and green. But the principle is the same. Use the crisis to scare up support for expensive repairs for an unproven problem and claim it is necessary in order to provide jobs and save Mother Earth. Incidentally, the Earth has been here for millions of years before man set foot on it and it will be here a long time after we are gone. Global warming will not end our time here.
So we have the ballerina and the Secretary of State discussing using a crisis to screw the country and they are on the same sheet of music because that is what their boss, King Hussein has decided to do.
Well, I don’t think he decided to lead that way. I believe that this is the only thing he knows. He has NEVER been a leader in his adult life. He was a rabble rouser in Chicago and he was present in the Illinois legislature. Then he went to the US Senate where he had an unremarkable stint. He ended up in the White House and he could not lead a group of people out of a burning building.
Let me correct that, he could lead his “followers” anywhere because they will do anything he wants. They are lemmings who will follow him off a cliff.
Today on his weekly radio address The Evil Won stated very clearly that his “leadership” style is crisis management.
“Yes, this is a moment of challenge for our country,” Obama said. “But we’ve experienced great trials before. And with every test, each generation has found the capacity to not only endure, but to prosper – to discover great opportunity in the midst of great crisis.” My Way News
The great opportunity of which he speaks is the opportunity for him and his Democrats to spend like there is no tomorrow.
And with them at the wheel, there might not be.
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Tags: Clinton, crisis, emanuel, global warming, Obama
My Global Warming Carbon Offset Plan
Global warming is an issue that creates mass hysteria among those of the left as they parade around slavishly following Al Gore and his over hyped PowerPoint show of black magic, lies, and distortions. The people who advocate for man to do something, anything, to stop the onslaught of catastrophe that will ensue unless we spend money we do not have on items that have yet to be invented, have yet to be demonstrated as effective and are based on something that is a theory are clueless. They insist that we must act because the science is settled and every scientist in the world worth anything has signed on board the Gore express.
The inconvenient truth is that as many scientists disagree with the idea of man made global warming as agree with it and the science is definitely not settled. Lest we forget, these reputable scientists were warning of an approaching ICE AGE only 35 or so years ago. Never mind that it has been colder lately and that we are not actually warming up (though this is strangely blamed on global warming) and never mind that it all seems to coincide with sunspot activity. The major issue with these folks is that Carbon Dioxide is dangerous. They call it a greenhouse gas and blame it for most of the problems. In the late 60s and early 70s it was CFCs used in aerosol cans as a propellant. That stuff was banned so now those who want to control your lives need a new villain. CO2 is the villain because it can never be eliminated and they won’t have to look for a new one in the future like they did after CFCs were banned.
CO2 is necessary for life to exist. It is the waste gas expired after Oxygen is processed in the body. Amazingly, there is a system on the planet that uses it and makes Oxygen. Plants use CO2 and return O2 for us to breathe and we do the opposite for them. It is amazing the way that this works. It is almost like a higher being designed it all or something…
In any event, the global warming zealots are looking to put into place these cap and trade schemes as well as others to charge us more money and to try to end this scourge of global warming. King Hussein of America is now looking to do it. They are all spending money we don’t have to end something that is not a problem all in the name of control.
The global warming hoax will make a handful of people very rich and will condemn us to poverty for a very long time. It will enslave us to government even more than we are now and when added to the trillion dollar deficits King Hussein is racking up (he has tripled a debt in one month) the recession will be turned into a depression.
But what about your offset plan Big Dog?
CO2 is a necessary gas but liberals want to eliminate it. Some of them have this idea about buying a carbon offset (a fancy way for them to make money for nothing) so my offset program involves all the liberals signing up for my program. Their names will be randomly selected to help allow those guilty of “polluting” with CO2 to alleviate that guilt. Here is how it works:
People who produce CO2 will send me money to purchase carbon offsets. I will randomly select a liberal from the list of those who want to help the environment (and all good libs want that, right). Then, they will be sent to the Final Exit Network where their carbon output will end. This will be a great offset program that allows libs to sacrifice for the cause and allow the rest of us to live how we want without a lot of problems.
But mostly, it will help me get rich through the sale of the offsets.
This is no more ridiculous than any of the other scams out there and mine actually helps decrease the surplus liberal population.
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Tags: al gore, cap and trade, final exit network, global warming, hoax, Obama, offset, scam
Take Google But Leave My Flatscreen Alone
Jan 12, 2009 Political
A physicist has concluded that performing two Google searches produces as much carbon as boiling water for a cup of tea. Since quite a few searches are performed each day and since Google maintains huge centers that process the data, they are a huge producer of carbon.
Some flat screen TVs use more energy than others and are considered huge energy consumers. The UK is going to ban flat screen TVs in order to save the environment.
All the people who saved their money (or went into debt) to purchase flat screens will soon be out of compliance with the law. I would like to believe that if they ban the TVs they would grandfather current owners but when they banned guns all gun owners were required to turn them in. If there was ever a time to leave the UK it is now.
This is coming to America as California is looking into banning the flat screens that consume the most energy. I imagine that airports and other government run entities will not have to change out the numerous flat screens they have. I also bet that Hollywood will still be able to use all the flat screens it wants. No, the poor consumer who works and pays taxes will be forced to give up a TV that he purchased, in part, to enjoy the digital quality that the federal government mandated. They forced stations to change to digital and that forced people to buy a converter box or a new TV and now flat screens will be forbidden.
This is starting in California but it will sweep across the states as the morons in the global warming nuthouse keep forcing lifestyles on people. Pretty soon we will be huddled in tents to live and not allowed to light fires to keep warm.
I don’t know if Google really produces as much carbon as this physicist says and I really don’t care. Google is a private business and as long as it is not breaking the law I don’t care how the owners run their show. I do think it would be funny if they were forced to comply with goofy global warming laws signed into law by a president they went all in on.
In any event, if it comes down to it then they can get rid of Google and leave my flat screen alone. I do not intend to give it up and now I might have to buy a few more in case some global warming idiot takes the cue from California and the UK and tries to impose a lifestyle on me that I do not want.
How long will we allow the government to control what we do?
The UK, a once great place, has been reduced to a politically correct union of countries that are ruled by stupidity. The Muslims are taking over, there are tens of thousands of CCTV cameras, gas is about $8.00 a gallon and now the people won’t be able to enjoy a football (their football) game on a flat screen TV.
Tell me once again how our society has advanced when everything government does is designed to take us back to the dark ages?
Buy guns and ammo before it is too late.
Times UK
The Independent
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Tags: flat screen, global warming, google, political correctness, stupidity, TV, UK