Natural Disaster Deaths Increase, Blame Global Warming

Natural disasters killed more than 220,000 people in 2008 making Mother Nature more deadly than the war on terror. The number of natural disasters was lower in 2007 and the “experts” are blaming the disasters on, what else, global warming.

Natural disasters killed over 220,000 people in 2008, making it one of the most devastating years on record and underlining the need for a global climate deal, the world’s number two reinsurer said Monday.


“This continues the long-term trend we have been observing. Climate change has already started and is very probably contributing to increasingly frequent weather extremes and ensuing natural catastrophes,” Munich Re board member Torsten Jeworrek said. Breitbart

There have been natural disasters for centuries but now they are the result of global warming which is the culprit in every calamity that takes place.

The news is not all grim though as some believe that 2008 will be the year that man-made global warming was disproved. The world has been cooling and many scientists are bucking the trend and denying global warming. Polar ice caps have not melted in any huge fashion and the oceans have not risen. One of the ice caps is getting bigger.

As an aside, even if the ice caps melted they would not raise the level of the water because they displace water equal to their volume.

Many scientists point out that sunspot activity influences the temperatures and the sun has not had sunspot activity for weeks. Thus, temperatures are colder.

This has not stopped the global warming zealots who claim that the colder temperatures are a sign of global warming which would mean that when it is warmer the temperatures are leading to global cooling. No sane person would think that and certainly the global warming adherents do not. They blame everything, hot or cold, on global warming.

Al Gore has gotten very rich by perpetrating fraud on the American public and the world.

Fortunately, people are seeing through this myth and are beginning to buck the trend. That is good news because we cannot afford the measures the warming crowd wants to impose especially since they will not help.

But, until they completely shelve the global warming myth it might prove a good excuse for anything that ails you. Sorry your honor, I was driving drunk because of global warming…

Big Dog

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Gov. Schwarzenegger (RINO-CA) on Global Warming Hoax

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (RINO-CA) is criticizing the Bush Administration for failing to recognize global warming and for not acting on it because the Chinese and Indians did not act. Schwarzenegger’s remarks came after the EPA decided not to pursue further action against global warming during the Bush presidency. It would appear as if the Terminator has swallowed the global warming Kool-Aid by the barrel.

Hey Arnold, what science exists that proves global warming is a man made issue? How do you explain the warming and cooling cycles that the Earth has experienced for centuries, long before man was emitting huge amounts of carbon? How do you explain the fact that warming and cooling coincide with sunspot activity and finally, how do we explain the global warming that the planet Mars has experienced since no life has been discovered there and humans certainly do not live there?

What exactly would you and the global warming toadies have us do about a problem that man has very little to do with? There is very little evidence to suggest that mankind is responsible for the warming trend that is taking place just as there was no evidence that mankind was responsible for the cooling trend that took place. The Earth has heated and cooled for centuries and will continue to do so even if all life on it ceased to exist.

Global warming scientists make money from research on that very subject and it is unlikely they will dispute it since the subject gives them a paycheck. Global warming is a huge money making venture for Al Gore and others who sell carbon offsets to idiots who have more money than brains. The government has jumped on the global warming bandwagon to show people how green we can be and many companies are trying to out-green each other. It costs a lot of money and is a wasted effort. Al Gore and all the green celebrities use more electricity and fossil fuels than most people will in a lifetime. They can’t be taking it too seriously because they are laughing all the way to the bank.

Arnold finished by telling the reporter how far ahead of the country California was in the effort to combat global warming:

He also highlighted the strides taken by California to counter global warming.

“I’m very happy that California is in the forefront,” he said. “We are very aggressive. We have made a commitment to roll back our greenhouse gas emissions to the 1990 level … We didn’t wait for Washington. I just felt that the administration and the federal government have been terrific partners in a lot of things for us and we have worked together very well, but environmental issues was not one of them.” Political Radar [ABC]

California has all those movie studios and sets that blow things up and burn things down. They continue to produce TV shows and movies that emit tons of pollutants into the air. Has anyone shut them down yet? California also has a huge problem with wildfires right now. These were caused by lightning and have been burning for weeks. The amount of pollution [or greenhouse gases if you will] released into the atmosphere is more than some small countries will emit in decades. If one were to believe that man causes global warming where do we put the blame for this?

How exactly is California in the forefront when it blows up and burns stuff to make money and every time one turns around the place is on fire?

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a RINO. He is a Republican by registration but he is not conservative by any means. He has bought into the global warming hoax and wants his state as well as the country to spend money on something that is, as yet, unproven and certainly not attributable to man. Of course, Arnold is not alone, just listen to John McCain and some of the others. It is amazing what kinds of scams people will fall for.

Arnold made a lot of films where things blew up or burned and he flies back and forth to work everyday (or did until recently). How exactly does that make him any different than the rest of the “do as I say and not as I do” elitists who run this country?

Big Dog

Better Send Al Gore to Jupiter

The Earth is a planet with a fever Al Gore told us and he and the global warming conspiracy nuts want us to do something while they rake in untold billions of dollars in the process. There is no scientific evidence that mankind is causing the warming, a cyclic occurrence that goes back well before our time on this planet, but that has not stopped the Chicken Little’s from demanding action.

Those of us who deny that mankind is causing the problem point to the cyclic history and the thousands of scientists who are skeptical or outright deny GW and we even pointed to Mars as an example. The Red Planet has warmed up and there are no human beings living there so it is possible (and the evidence supports) that it is a natural phenomenon.

There is news out that climate change (the new buzz word for GW) is causing an outbreak of red spots on the planet Jupiter. The spots are storm activity and are near the equator where it is getting warmer. There are certainly no human being living on Jupiter so it is a foregone conclusion that humans did not cause the warming. Imagine that, another planet experiencing global warming. What do all the planets have in common? They rotate around the Sun, the source of heat in our solar system. Sunspot activity has been up during periods of warmth and down during periods of cooling but that has not deterred Gore and his minions on the GW bandwagon from concluding that GW is because of mankind. It is an easy mistake to make because the increase in fossil fuel use occurred at a time when sunspot activity was at an all time high (all time in the period measured).

We need to put Al Gore on a rocket ship and blast him to Jupiter immediately so he can give some Tylenol to the planet which also seems to have a fever. Fever is a sign of infection so perhaps we caught something from one of the others…

While we are at it, perhaps we could send DiCaprio and the rest of the GW sycophants on the little expedition. That would certainly be NASA money that was well spent…

Big Dog

Others with interesting posts:
Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, 123beta, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Nuke Gingrich, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Wolf Pangloss, Dumb Ox Daily News, , Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Freezing Out Global Warming

There are millions of people on this planet who have bought into the idea that the Earth is warming up and that mankind is responsible for it. Al Gore has become even richer by making error filled movies and preaching about corkscrew shaped light bulbs (which I happen to like) in order to save our planet, a planet he said had a fever. The global warming movement has a lot of scientists who believe that the Earth is warming and they are sure that man is causing it and that we must do something now. They are willing to bet their government grants that global warming is real.

Of course, there are just as many scientists who have doubts about global warming. Of the scientists on both sides of the issue, many are not geophysicists, or climate specialists, however they do have some idea about the scientific process. That process does not include chanting that something is real over and over until people accept it as fact. Science deals with proving or disproving that which is posited. So far, man made global warming remains a theory because it has yet to be proved. There is no doubt that we have measured an increase in temperature but why is there an increase. The Earth has had cycles where it has been cold and then hot and man has had nothing to do with it. Mars is getting warmer and you can bet the farm that no life form is responsible for that.

The global warming zealots like to point to people who actually deal with the climate as the true authorities and they seem to only pass off those who agree with the issue. Those climate experts who disagree are shunned and castigated because of their views.

While Al Gore and his legions of doom are terrorizing the world with their global warming crusades a geophysicist in Australia says that we might want to rethink the whole warming idea. Phil Chapman states that the Earth cooled in 2007 and that the drop in temperature was the greatest putting our temperature back where it was in 1930. Chapman also states that there has been little to no sunspot activity and that this is the reason we have cooling temperatures. Consequently, increased sunspot activity would cause it to get warmer.

Chapman also discusses what would happen if temperatures continued to decrease and his description of 1.5 m thick ice covering continents for 10,000 years eliminating much of the life on Earth is not appealing at all.

The bleak truth is that, under normal conditions, most of North America and Europe are buried under about 1.5km of ice. This bitterly frigid climate is interrupted occasionally by brief warm interglacials, typically lasting less than 10,000 years.

The interglacial we have enjoyed throughout recorded human history, called the Holocene, began 11,000 years ago, so the ice is overdue. We also know that glaciation can occur quickly: the required decline in global temperature is about 12C and it can happen in 20 years.

The next descent into an ice age is inevitable but may not happen for another 1000 years. On the other hand, it must be noted that the cooling in 2007 was even faster than in typical glacial transitions. If it continued for 20 years, the temperature would be 14C cooler in 2027.

By then, most of the advanced nations would have ceased to exist, vanishing under the ice, and the rest of the world would be faced with a catastrophe beyond imagining. The Australian

Chapman admits that he does not know if this is a trend or a transient temperature drop but given the consequences it should be examined. However, just like global warming, while more study is needed, and it would be foolish to act upon unsubstantiated data, as if man could influence the climate anyway.

The climate debate will press on for some time to come with the global warming believers pushing “their” scientists forward and demanding that we follow in lockstep while they ignore the possibility of an ice age or at least global cooling. They will legislate climate friendly laws that force us to comply while bankrupting us. We will be forced to accept man made global warming as fact despite the lack of proof.

Those who want me to accept the doom and gloom of climate change are asking that I accept as fact a weather prediction for well into the future from people who cannot tell me, for a certain, if it will rain this weekend.

However, if I had my choice I would take a warming trend to an ice age, any day…

Big Dog

Prince Charles, A Royal Pain

Prince Charles was speaking at a dinner reception and he described as “sheer madness” those who are skeptical on calls for rapid change on the environment. Charles said that the private sector has a particularly important role to play. His remarks about madness were:

“If I may speak plainly among friends, this is sheer madness. The scientific facts are as plain as they are alarming. Worryingly in the last few months we have learnt[sic] that the North Polar ice cap is melting so fast that some scientists are predicting that in seven years it will completely disappear in summer.” Trinidad News

Charles, like Al Gore, has aligned with scientists who have latched onto the teat of the global warming cash cow while disregarding those scientists who are skeptical about the whole idea. The southern ice cap is getting larger, a fact that is ignored when discussing polar bears clinging to life on run away parcels of ice.

Of course Prince Charles would put the onus on the private sector. He is not part of that sector and does not have much of a real job. His family has castles and mansions all over and they jet around all over the world. I imagine the royal family’s carbon footprint is much larger than just about anyone else’s in the UK and yet it is up to others to correct the situation.

There are scientists on both sides of this equation but those who do not believe in the doomsday predictions are castigated by the global warming crowd. The GW supporters stand to make a great deal of money by selling a hoax to the public at large. The state of Maryland has decided that carbon emissions would be reduced by a whopping 90% by 2050 despite the fact that no technology exists to accomplish this task. The answer provided by those who enacted this lunacy is that there will be appropriate technology by 2050. I will more than likely be dead by then but I dare say they will not accomplish this pipe dream.

However, let us suppose that we could spend an unlimited amount of money on the problem. The benefit would be minimal at best. Even if every country were able to reduce emissions the temperature would rise and drop as it has done for millions of years and long before man set foot upon this planet. Warming and cooling trends are part of the cyclic nature of the weather and nothing man does will change that fact.

The sheer madness is allowing someone like Prince Charles or Al Gore to dictate science and set an agenda that is unachievable and costly.

This is what happens when influential people have nothing better to do.

Big Dog