Obama’s War Posture Is Bush’s Fault
Sep 15, 2014 Political, Terrorism
Barack Obama justified his use of force against ISIS by citing the Authorization for Use of Military Force resolution that was signed by George Bush in 2001. Obama is claiming that he does not need any further authorization to engage ISIS because he is authorized under the AUMF. While some say he is evading Congress (which he most certainly is) he is probably correct about his authority under the AUMF.
[note]Seems that Democrats have no trouble with Obama using the AUMF when they routinely claimed that Bush exceeded his authoruty when he was using it.[/note]
The real issue here is that Obama has been trying to repeal the very statute he is citing as his authorization. Obama claimed the law was dated and could be used as a way to involve America in more wars.
The AUMF is now nearly 12 years old,” he said. “Unless we discipline our thinking, our definitions, our actions, we may be drawn into more wars we don’t need to fight, or continue to grant presidents unbound powers more suited for traditional armed conflicts between nation states. Washington Times
As recently as last week a National Security Council spokesperson stated that the goal was to “refine and ultimately replace” the AUMF so that Obama can “take America off a permanent war footing.”
Isn’t it convenient that Obama is using the very thing he wants to repeal to justify his actions? I think it would be fairly easy to get Congress to authorize the use of force against ISIS given that the group has beheaded two Americans.
Remember though, with Obama it is all about optics and politics. He is not upset that he played golf after discussing a beheading only that he failed to anticipate the optics of doing so.
In the case of the use of force politics is at play. If Obama uses a law signed by Bush he can avoid signing anything that would link him to the war against ISIS. The linked article points this out and goes on to indicate that Obama would prefer to work with Congress but if he went to that body and was rejected it would be “politically damaging.”
Since Obama never takes responsibility for anything (but takes credit whether he deserves it or not) it is no surprise that he would rather use something he can pin on George Bush.
While it will be easy for Obama to avoid blame and to point fingers I think it is just fine. I am thankful that Bush had the foresight to have an AUMF in place.
You see, Obama is a weak person (I can’t say leader because he could not lead a group of people out of a burning building) and without something already in place it is very unlikely he would have been able to muster the courage to get something done in order to strike ISIS.
Obama is probably happy that he does not have to spend a lot of time getting authorization because that would be a real burden.
To his golf outings…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Obama Photoshopped Shooting Picture
Jan 30, 2013 Political
UPDATE: The content of this post has been removed because it was inaccurate and contained a link to a phony site.
While I like to keep things posted I did not want to have the information continue around the web spreading something false.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
A Roundup Of The Insane
Jul 29, 2011 Political
Media to Obama’s rescue
The Media Wing of the Democrat Party is in full fledged help Obama mode. Obama went to the airwaves today and said his last plea for us to contact our officials has provided overwhelming response. He did not indicate what the percentage of people opposing his ideas is, but nonetheless he said it and then said to keep doing it as if he intends to listen to what the people want. He also said for people to Tweet about it. So a New York Times reporter got on Twitter and asked if there was a special hashtag people could use to show their support of Obama and against the Republican plans. The White House readily agreed and did it.
At 10:55 a.m. the Times’s Jennifer Preston suggested that administration flacks should create a hashtag for tweeting Democrats to jointly target Republicans who are now trying to pass their own debt ceiling plan.
At 11.04, the White House’s press shop announced a new hashtag for Democrats to use when targeting GOP members of Congress. The message read: “@NYT_JenPreston People responding to POTUS shld use #compromise. As he said, it is ‘time for #compromise on behalf of the American people’” The Daily Caller
Yep, the media looking out for the folks. Ooops, I mean the Media Wing of the Democrat Party aiding and abetting in the crimes…
Poor Obama is not getting any sleep.
Valerie Jarrett said Obama is not getting any sleep over this whole budget issue. Boo fricking hoo. He is probably not getting sleep because if the mess goes into the weekend it might ruin his golf game.
How about all the people who don’t get sleep because they lie awake at night worrying about getting a job or paying their bills. How about the folks who worry about the massive debt the US continues to accumulate? How about those who worry their children will be slaves to government debt?
I don’t feel sorry for Obama. He asked for the job and this is what goes with it.
If you want to discuss not getting sleep we can take him to Iraq or Afghanistan where he can sleep in the desert worrying about a shell landing on him. Or we can take him on patrol and see if he loses sleep worrying about stepping on an IED.
No sleep indeed, poor baby.
The TEA Party Terrorists?
William Yeomans of Politico has a hit piece out calling the TEA Party folks terrorists who are out to hurt people over this debt limit issue. For a party that does not like the word terrorist or terror they sure use it a lot. The true terrorists in this issue, if we are to accept Yeomans’ definition of terrorist, are those who want to continue to raise our debt limit, who want to impose more taxes, who want to enslave our children to government and who are playing games with our country and its strength. Those people are in Congress and come from both parties. The TEA Party members of Congress are the ones who are looking out for our welfare (as in safety and not handout programs) and who want to get control of government spending. The terrorists are entrenched in the White House and the Congress and they are not the TEA Party folks.
Yeomans is another in a long line of liberal morons who do not understand that we are on an unsustainable path. He is of that ilk that does not care as long as he gets his…
But, but, but, its for the children. How come people like Yeomans will scream it is for the children when they want to pass some BS plan that spends money and increases government control but when our children are (or will be) actually harmed they don’t care?
Obama Stimulus Anemic
We were supposed to get big gains from Obama’s trillion dollar stimulus but it looks like we don’t have the jobs and the economy is in a rut. The GDP growth for the First Quarter was revised down to a mere 0.4% (Fourth Quarter last year was revised down as well) and the GDP growth for the Second Quarter is in at 1.3% (will this be revised down as well) so it is obvious that the stimulus is not, shall I say, stimulating. I know the Obama apologists will say that this was expected and it is a blip and all that but the article clearly indicates that economists had expected higher numbers. Growth for the last few years is being revised down.
Economists had expected the economy would show signs of perking up by now with Japan supply constraints easing and gasoline prices off their high, but data has disappointed. CNBC
I said it before and it bears repeating; spending money to solve a debt problem is like trying to cure alcoholism by drinking more booze. Don’t they understand or are they trying to kill us off?
Obamacare Will Increase Health Care Spending More Than If We Did Nothing
Obama and the Democrats who rammed Obamacare down our throats told us that the program would bend the cost curve down and control the cost of health care in the US. Those evil insurance companies were gouging people and the costs are just too darned high. Da, da ta da, government to the rescue.
Oops, looks like the cost of health care in the US will increase drastically under Obamacare and this is according to reports from within.
And let us not forget that Pelosi told us this monstrosity would create 400,000 jobs. I have not seen them.
These are just a few of the things going around today that should send chills down your spine. The government is out of control and being led by a Socialist who is intent of having centralized government and changing America from the freedom loving country to a slave state where we all work for the feds.
Fundamental transformation anyone?
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: Congress, debt limit, golf, Obama, roundup, sleep, usa
Obama Never Takes A Day Off
Jun 14, 2011 Political
Certainly one can make the argument that the president of the United States is never off. Even while on vacation he gets briefings and is kept abreast of what is going on even if it takes a few days with “unimportant” things like underwear bombers in airplanes. Yes, the president is supposed to be on duty 24 hours a day so it would be technically correct to say he never takes a day off.
That is, of course, unless the president is George Bush. Then liberals have a field day and discuss all his vacation time. When Bush was away on vacation he was not seen by the left as still being on duty.
Michelle Obama was at a fundraiser and was discussing how wonderful her hubby is and what a great job he does. She said he works so hard that he never takes a day off.
“He reads every word, every memo, so he is better prepared than the people briefing him,” she said. “This man doesn’t take a day off.” Politico
I guess the guy does work hard and never takes a day off, except when he spends a few weeks in Hawaii around Christmas each year and except when he plays golf which he has done more than 70 times since he has been in office.
Yep, he never takes a day off but he never seems to be engaged in anything. He has time to go to fundraiser after fundraiser and to make his NCAA Basketball picks while going out for ice cream or fattening hot dogs but he is very busy working so tirelessly that he never takes a day off.
Well, there is the occasional round of basketball with his buddies and the weekends away in Chicago but those do not count.
Maybe Michelle Obama should start keeping tabs on her hubby. Seems that she does not know much about what he does or where he goes, except when she is with him on those “working” vacations.
Is there anything these people will not say to keep power and dupe the people?
Who will you believe, Michelle or your lying eyes?
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Nero Fiddled, Obama Golfs
Jul 12, 2010 Political
I will say one thing for Barack Obama, he is dedicated to his golf game. That is about the only thing he works on with any regularity. The country is in bad shape, the economy is in the dumper, the Gulf oil spill is still spewing gallon upon gallon of oil and Obama plays golf.
Here it is July 12th which is 12 days later than the date we were told that BP would be sucking up 90% of the leaking oil. On June 15th, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that there was a strategy that BP was pursuing “at the behest of the government” and that it would contain 90% of the oil by the end of June.
In other words, the White House told us that it had a plan and that it told BP to carry out this plan and that the plan would result in 90% of the oil being removed and that it would be accomplished by the end of June.
So here we are, half way through July, and the oil is not 90% contained. Obama and his regime are unengaged as Obama plays golf while his VP, Joe BiteMe goes on the Leno show.
People in the Gulf are losing their money, their businesses and their hope as well as the place they live and Obama appears unconcerned and unable to mount any effective response.
This should settle once and for all this Obama notion that government is the answer to everything and that government does it best. Our government has, according to Obama, been engaged since day one and it has failed to have any impact. From not having the proper equipment to refusing assistance that was offered by countries that know what they are doing, this regime has blown it.
Instead of fixing things the regime is interested in lawsuits and legal action.
Arizona asks for the US Army on the border (in the form of the National Guard) and instead it gets an army of lawyers filing suit against Arizona. The Gulf needs its livelihood (oil drilling) to continue but Obama has put a moratorium on drilling and is prepared to ignore a judge’s ruling overturning the moratorium.
Meanwhile, oil rigs are leaving the Gulf and won’t be back any time soon.
Things are going to hell in a hand basket and Obama fiddles on the golf course.
And when he is not doing that he is at fundraisers.
Nero had nothing on this guy…
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Tags: bp, contained oil, fiddle, golf, lies, nero, Obama, robert gibbs