Because the Government Never Abuses Its Power, Right?

Liberals want to end all gun ownership and to confiscate all firearms. They want the only people to have firearms to be those who work for law enforcement or other agencies of the government. They want people to be under their booted feet submitting to what government says. The left though, knows it will be hard to do this particularly all at once. So the liberals have been working on disarming us for nearly 100 years. Progressive policies have eroded the Second Amendment over the decades and it is continually attacked each and every day.

All the things liberals want with regard to gun control already exist and nothing they propose would have prevented any shooting that took place. There is simply nothing anyone can do to prevent a person who is hell bent on evil from committing that evil. Banning any item will not make it go away. Lots of people drank during prohibition (underage people drink every day) and lots of folks die from using Heroin, a drug that is illegal to buy, possess, sell, or use. People will get whatever they want no matter what government does.

This fact does not keep government from trying. Government knows if most of the people, in this case the law abiding, are disarmed they will be easier to control. The law abiding know this as well.

So liberals keep with the drip, drip, drip to continue eroding our protected rights. We are up to the point where they want a gun registry so that every gun owned by every law abiding gun owner (criminals will not register a gun they obtained and carry illegally) is on file with the government. Why does government need this?

The claims are that it will make us safer and they can track guns used in crimes. Gun owners are upset and know this is nothing more than a scheme to obtain a list so government can confiscate those firearms at a later date. Certainly some event will trigger hysteria and politicians will demand the confiscation and the database will be a handy little tool.

Nah, government would never use items it collected in ways it promised not to or in a fashion that was never agreed to. Oh really?

In Maryland hunters sign up for licenses using an email address. The terms state that email address will only be used to notify concerning hunting license issues. The government used those email addresses to send emails to hunters during gun control debates. It matters not what the emails said, they violated the stated purpose for providing the email.

Oh hell Big Dog, that is not so bad. OK, the US Military started collecting a blood sample from all active and reserve members sometime around 1991. All members were REQUIRED BY LAW to submit the sample. I avoided doing so and a health care provider took my blood from a tube submitted for a blood test and applied it to the DNA card. The absolute stated purpose of the DNA submission was so they could identify remains. That is ALL they said it would be used for and that is ALL it should have been used for. It was not. Now DNA collected by the military is used for law enforcement purposes. Never mind that this DNA was not collected as part of a law enforcement issue, it is used as such and is a violation of protected rights.

In Maryland (again with this communist state) the police are using the database of driver’s license photos in facial recognition searches. The purpose of a driver’s license photo is to identify a person as being permitted to drive. No where does providing your photo for a license give them the right to use your picture when searching for wrong doers. The photos in the driver’s license photo database are only for driver’s licenses and were not collected as part of a criminal issue. Why are those photos being used in violation of the rights of the people who were forced (like the DNA issue) to provide the picture? Maryland is not the only state that does this.

How many times do we need to see government abuse its power and authority before we understand that giving government info is a bad thing? There is never any punishment for people who do this and often the government as a whole participates. They justify it by saying it is needed for this or that to keep us safe or catch criminals.

Need more? The government is using Stingray technology to capture your cell phone conversations or location and use them against you. The police use license tag readers to read all tags to determine if you are a wanted person. They don’t delete the information (at least not for a while) giving them information on your location at any given time. They use EZ Pass and toll cameras to track you.

How many abuses by government do we need to see to realize that a firearms database is a bad idea and that NO MATTER what government says it WILL abuse that database to carry out some law enforcement action. They will continue until one day SWAT Teams show up at houses to confiscate firearms.

Sound like paranoia? Then you have not been paying attention…

UPDATE: And just like that this update shows the government is obsessed with biometrics and no, it is not paranoia. How long will it be before you HAVE TO submit these samples (you know like military DNA and license photos)? Government will start withholding certain things like tax refunds until you comply. No due process, no nothing, just wham, bam thank you ma’am…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Useless Government

Yet another example showing how utterly and completely useless government has become. Seriously. Stories like this one just make me support massive, massive reductions in government — especially on the enforcement side.

This is the story about the Piano that was found on a sandbar in the Florida Keys. A student put it there as part of an art project. There’s nothing more to the story. A kid put a piano on some sand for an art project. The piano was eventually claimed by someone else, which is perfectly okay, the one who put it there doesn’t seem to mind. A day after the piano disappeared, another prankster put a table and chairs on the sandbar.

So, what should we “DO” about this? Of course, in a normal, rational world, we would sit back, maybe laugh, maybe critique the art, maybe complain about people with too much time on their hands. You see, no one has been hurt. No one has been threatened. Many people are smiling. So, in a free country, this would be news, and when the pranksters got tired, there would be no more news.

But that’s not the response of the government in America today. No, today’s government sees numerous serious crimes that have occurred. This government wants people fined and jailed for these horrible crimes. We have “environmental officials” making statements, “fearing” that other people might do something evil: place other things on the sand bar. We have “authorities” removing the table and chairs to make sure no one else is “influenced” by these heinous acts. We have the “Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission” threatening people with arrest for going near the sandbar. State wildlife officials have threatened the art student with fines and jailing.

What a damn load of crap. Every single one of these “officials” is a fool. They should all be fired and forced to find something productive to do, instead of giving them the power to jail people. No, it doesn’t make one bit of difference that they’re “just enforcing the law” or “just doing their job.” That’s total crap. They’re petty dictators with way too much power and they’re fools, plain and simple. And yes, I’d certainly tell that to them to their faces.

Man Arrested for Possession of Firecrackers

Well, that could very well be the title of this article. But that wouldn’t be nearly as exciting, nor as inflammatory, so it isn’t. Instead, to help sell news and to attempt to divide people more, the article screams, “Man with Explosives” and “Outside Mosque.” That way it sounds really bad and can be used as evidence of hatred towards a protected, special class of people.

In reality, a man had some M-80s. For those who are too young to remember, these are inch and a half-long firecrackers. When they explode, they make a loud noise and flash. About the only way they can really do any serious damage is if you are holding them when they go off. They are just big firecrackers.

And the guy was arrested with some.

Oh, but wait! The guy has “a long history of anti-government activities,” according to the police. In other words, this guy was an enemy of the government, and government wanted him jailed, so they found a reason to jail him.

It is highly unlikely we will ever know why the man was at the Islamic center, as the press and the government isn’t big on telling the truth. But hey, it is Dearborn, Michigan, so I expect he may be charged with violations of Sharia law before this is all over.