A Preview Of Obamacare

The state of Massachusetts had Obamacare before there was an Obama to worry about. It came under Republican Mitt Romney and it is basically the same thing that the federal government shoved down our throats. It is also a huge failure. Imagine how life will be when all 50 states are full of Obamacare hospitals:

Four Massachusetts community hospitals are investigating how thousands of patient health records, some containing Social Security numbers and sensitive medical diagnoses, ended up in a pile at a public dump.

The unshredded records included pathology reports with patients’ names, addresses, and results of breast, bone, and skin cancer tests, as well as the results of lab work following miscarriages. boston.com

There will be no privacy and there will be little if any competence. Government grows bigger and programs get bigger and as they do the incompetence is more and more evident. There are countless examples from the mismanagement of Stimulus funds to the payment of benefits for dead people and these will only become more frequent and more egregious as government grows bigger and sinks its fangs deeper into the neck of America.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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